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Simon & Rose

Page 9

by V. A. Dold

  And the table crashed to the ground when he hooked his good leg around a brace, doing his best not to land on his back. At least he wasn’t on the ground sprawled out, looking like a fool in front of Sharon.

  “Holy hell. How did you do that?”

  Her hand went to her heart, and her eyes grew wide. “Goodness. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.” She nibbled her lower lip and shuffled foot to foot. “I guess this is a good time to explain shifter gifts. As I demonstrated, extreme speed is one of them,” she said sheepishly.

  “Are you kidding me?” he sputtered, righting the table. He reached for his coffee cup, but it was shattered.

  “No. And to tell you the truth, I was actually going a little slow. I can move so fast you wouldn’t be able to see me at all.”

  Mark stared at her for a long minute. He rubbed the back of his neck massaging away the tension. This was shaping up to be a very long day. “Darlin’, do you have any whiskey?”

  “I think so. Why?”

  “I’m going to need to add a splash to my coffee for this conversation.”

  Sharon walked to the parlor, purposely moving at normal human speed. She waited until she was out of view to giggle. If she wasn’t careful, she would traumatize him beyond repair. She grabbed the cut crystal decanter of whiskey she kept on her bar top, and tapped her lower lip. Mark’s education in all things shifter could take a while. She better bring more coffee.

  In the kitchen, she poured the remaining coffee into a carafe and grabbed new cups. She considered the items before her. There was no way to carry the whiskey, coffee, cups and sugar bowl all at once. She snapped her fingers. Leslie kept serving trays someplace. In the sixth cupboard, she found the stash of trays. Bingo! Very pleased with herself, she arranged everything carefully. The last thing she needed was the decanter or carafe tipping off the tray.

  She set the whiskey before him and waited for him to add his so called splash. Then she topped off his cup with hot coffee before taking her seat. He took a test sip and then a healthy gulp. Wow, he wasn’t kidding when he said he needed some whiskey.


  “Much.” He set his cup on the table and took a deep breath. “Okay, I’m ready. Hit me with all the shocking things you can do.”

  “If you’re sure. I can wait until you’ve had a cup or two.”

  “Oh yeah, I’m sure. Go ahead and rip that Band-Aid off as you said.”

  She eyed him and smiled. He did indeed look ready. “Let me see. There are several powers or gifts that all shifters have. You’ve seen me shift so you know shifters can do that, and once you do the ritual, you’ll be able to shift as well. One you haven’t seen is dressing and undressing with a thought. Using that gift in conjunction with a shift is what allows us to avoid the need to get naked before we shift or end up naked when we shift back. A shifter imagines the clothes either on or off depending on their intention. The one rule is you have to own the clothing you are putting on.”

  “Okay, so that’s why you were able to change when you had clothes on. Stefan did that to, but he changed from a wolf to a man. Thank God for small favors. I don’t need to see him naked.”

  Sharon bit her lip to hold in her laughter. “Poor baby. I’m sure you would have survived the ordeal.”

  “Maybe, but I’d rather not take the chance.” He sipped his hot toddy then asked. “Is that all the gifts?”

  “Not quite. A shifter also heals ten times faster than a human. I think that’ll come in handy when you go through the conversion.”

  “Hmm. I wish I had that gift when I was injured in the first place.”

  “You know about telepathy and sending spoken messages. Hand in hand with that, we can send the sensation of touch and emotions, as well.”


  Instead of answering she caressed his cheek without moving.

  “Holy cow!” He rubbed his cheek grinning. “Was that you?”

  “Sure was.” She winked. “Why don’t you try it? Imagine touching me.”

  She watched him concentrate and after a bit of effort she felt his thumb sweep across her lower lip. She smiled and reached for his hand. “That was really good. The next time just let it happen. It’ll come easier with practice.”

  “If I do this, it sounds like I would have a lot to learn. But so far everything you’ve said sounds pretty cool.”

  “Something else you’ll like is heightened senses. You’ll have the hearing, sight, and smell of a wolf. Even in human form your senses will be much better than they are now.”

  “Dang. No wonder Simon was so good at his job.”

  “Well, yes. He used those gifts, but I’m sure he depended on his personal gift to find the enemy for you.”

  “Personal gift?”

  “Each shifter is born with one additional gift. The ability manifests during childhood. A mate usually has a gift as well that is enhanced with their conversion. Simon’s able to sense emotions and thus able to locate people based on the strength of emotions they’re emitting. His gift would have been the most useful.” She paused and tilted her head as she considered him. “What’s your gift, Mark?”

  He shook his head. “I don’t have a gift. There isn’t anything special about me.”

  Sharon tilted her head back and barked an unladylike laugh. “Oh, I beg to differ. There’s plenty special about you. That’s beside the point. You may hide your gift from people or ignore it, but you definitely have one. What can you do that no one else can?”

  Mark refilled his cup and she noticed this time it was a fifty-fifty mix. She was causing him more aggravation than she felt comfortable with.

  “I’m sorry, Mark. You don’t have to talk about it. I won’t push you.”

  He scuffed his foot on the patio bricks considering his options. He must have been radiating agitation. Rizzo sat up and shoved her head onto his lap. Unconsciously, he scratched her ears, absorbing her calming influence.

  “I don’t know what it’s called. Hell, I don’t know if it even has a name. But if I have a piece of paper and pencil in my hand and let my mind wonder, when I come back to the present there are words on the page. And the really spooky part is, whatever I’ve written always happens within a few days or weeks. I learned to never sit with paper and pencil. I can’t deal with knowing things, but unable to do anything about it.”

  Sharon solemnly nodded. “Automatic writing. That’s what it’s called. You get messages unconsciously and you write them out. You have a very special gift, Mark.”

  “Yeah, well, I don’t want it,” he groused.

  “My gift is similar to Cade Le Beau’s, but not as strong. I call it cryptography. I can look at a bunch of numbers or any information really, and a pattern will emerge. That’s how I amassed my wealth. I can see patterns in the stock market and capitalize on it.”

  “I would love to have that gift. Want to trade?” he scoffed.

  “Let me guess. The messages you’ve received weren’t good news.”

  “That’s putting it mildly.”

  “I would bet a lot of money, once you go through the ritual, you’ll have pin point control.”

  That got his attention. “What do you mean, control?”

  “You should be able to direct the writing by asking a question and getting the answer.”

  He held his cup halfway to his mouth “You really think so?”

  She reached across the table to clasp his hand. “Yes.”

  “Huh, that wouldn’t be so bad.”

  “So, the point is, once you do the ritual with me, you’ll have all of these gifts as well.”

  “That’s a lot to take in at once. It all sounds great, but it’s a lot to process.”

  She looked at him and gave him a sweet smile. “I’m sure it is. Do you have any questions?”

  He studied her for a long moment. “I’m trying to wrap my head around turning into a wolf. It didn’t look like it hurt. What does it feel like?”

n pursed her lips, tilted her head. “You know, I’ve never really thought about the way it feels. It happens so fast, you don’t really feel anything.”

  He mulled that over in his mind. “How do you do it?”

  “It’s easy, and yet takes a bit of practice to be good at. That’s if you want to have clothes on when you’re done. You simply imagine yourself as a wolf and picture it clearly in your mind, and allow it to happen.”

  Mark tipped his head and thought about that. “Stefan was white and you’re a dark brown. What color do you think my wolf would be?”

  Sharon reached across the tiny table and ran her fingers through his hair. A smile pulled at her lips and he heard the low rumbling sound again. “Based on the color of your hair, I think you’ll be dark in color, a shade of brown or black. With your eyes, you’ll be stunning.”

  He studied her for a long moment. “What’s that sound?”

  She smiled fully, almost blinding him. Then her eyes dipped to focus very briefly on his mouth. Her glance hit him all the way to his toes, like one of her searing kisses. “That’s my wolf’s happy sound. She likes you. A lot. I do too.”

  His smile widened as he considered how very, VERY much he liked her. “I’m not sure about your wolf, I don’t really know her yet, but I definitely like her human.”

  “Are you admitting to having feelings for me, Mark?”

  “Yes, ma’am. I think I am.”

  “You sound a little unsure. Let me ask you this, did you miss me when you went to Simon’s?”

  He gave her a wicked, teasing grin. “Maybe.”

  “After last night, I don’t have to ask you if I turn you on.”

  Mark chuckled and winked. “No, ma’am. My attraction to you was more than evident.”

  “All right, before I continue telling you about shifters, I want you to imagine how you would feel if you never saw me again.”

  He sat up straight and almost shot from his chair. “What! What do you mean, never see you again?”

  Sharon gripped his arm. “Settle down, cher. I’m not going anywhere. I’m making a point.”

  “What the hell kind of point requires taking ten years off my life?”

  “Before I suggest we visit Emma about a painkiller for the conversion, I wanted you to realize your true feelings for me. We’re not going to complete the ritual until you admit you’re in love with me. I won’t pressure you, or dangle carrots before you to get what I want. Accepting me will change your life too dramatically.”

  Mark sat back again, searching her eyes as he sorted through his feelings. Finally he raised his chin and held her gaze. “Do YOU love me?”

  Without hesitation she smiled and said. “More than life itself.”

  “Good, because I love you so much it hurts. Which is kind of freaking me out. You said something about the intense emotions being a mate thing, right?”

  “Yes, I did. Loving your mate isn’t something you could have avoided. It’s very normal to fall head over heels in love and then take the time to get to know your mate later. I know, it’s very backwards compared to what you are used to, but that’s the way shifters work.”

  “That’s reassuring, because the way I’m feeling about you after only twenty-four hours is scaring the daylights out of me.”

  “It’s my pleasure to take care of my mate. Easing your fears is part of that. Speaking of which, would you like to take a few days to get to know me better, or would you rather talk to Simon’s mother about the conversion?”

  He focused on her eyes so he could detect any untruth she may speak, then he leaned forward. “You’re absolutely sure that what we’re feeling for each other isn’t just a bad case of lust? You’re positive you won’t decide you hate me and move on?”

  “I assure you, what we’re feeling is the purest love imaginable. A very deep, soul mate love, which will never fade.”

  Mark studied her a minute longer, then stood and held out his hand. “In that case, I’m ready to talk to Mrs. Le Beau about a painkiller.”


  Emma murmured a blessing and a spell as she ground a mixture of herbs. She added the muddled herbs to essential oils. When finished, she would have an arthritis ointment unmatched by anything available through human pharmaceuticals. She hadn’t made a batch of that particular ointment in years. But as word spread that she rejoined the healing community, more orders for the ointment poured in every day.

  Washing her hands at the large soapstone sink Isaac surprised her with on her birthday, she watched Sharon and Mark drive up. A smile twitched her lips. She’d known all along they were mates, not that she’d admit to it. This is going to be fun.

  She quickly dried her hands and hustled to the door to greet them. “Sharon! Mark! What a pleasure.”

  “Hello, Emma. How are you today?” Sharon asked as she came up the walk.

  “I’m fabulous. Mixing remedies always gives me a charge of energy.” Smiling, she looked at Mark. “Hello, Mark. How are you today?”

  “I’m well, thank you for asking. Is it all right for Rizzo to be in the house? If it’s an issue, I’ll have her wait on the steps. “

  “Of course, she’s welcome.” Emma stepped aside for them to enter. Then she led them to the kitchen table. “I was just putting on the coffee and making tea. Would either of you care to join me?”

  It warmed Emma’s heart to see Sharon’s expression turn slightly dreamy when she gazed at her mate. If she knew she looked dopey in love she’d be embarrassed. She couldn’t wait to tell her.

  “A cup of tea would be wonderful,” Sharon said without taking her eyes off Mark.

  Emma turned to Mark and waited as he held Sharon’s chair. He glanced up as he took the chair next to Sharon and signaled Rizzo to lie next to him. “Thank you, Mrs. Le Beau, but I’m afraid I’ve had enough coffee. If I may ask, do you have bottled water?”

  “Of course, cher. Would you like a bowl for Rizzo?”

  “Thank you for thinking of her, but no. She had a drink of water before we left Sharon’s.”

  Emma joined them at the table with the refreshments and waited. They were here for something. It was only a matter of time before they got around to telling her what it was.

  “Thank you, Emma. As you know, I adore the blended teas you make.”

  “You’re welcome. If you would like to take some home I made a large batch of my calming blend yesterday.”

  Sharon shook her head and chuckled. “How do you always know when I’ll be stopping by?”

  Emma leaned toward her and stage whispered, “I’m the queen. I have my ways.”

  Emma watched Mark watching them. The poor man was clearly confused. “Mark, I assume Sharon has explained shifters to you by now.”

  Rizzo raised her head from her paws as he sat up straighter and cleared his throat. “Yes, ma’am, for the most part.”

  “Good. That’s good.”

  Before she could say more a knock came on the door. Simon held it open for Rose, and called, “Momma! Are you home?”

  “In the Kitchen, cher.”

  “Good morning again, Mark,” Simon said, slapping Mark cordially on the back.

  Rizzo thumped her tail on the floor and Mark chuckled softly. “Good morning, Simon.”

  Emma’s excitement was bubbling from her pores. She could feel the tension rising in the room and the zesty smell of eagerness swirled in the air. Something big was about to happen.

  “Since I knew you all were coming by, I invited Simon and Rose to come over as well. Now that everyone is here, spit it out. What can I do for you?”

  She watched Sharon and Mark stare into each other’s eyes. Finally he gave her a small nod. Sharon smiled at him sweetly and grasped his hand, then turned to Emma. “As you know, Mark lost his leg above the knee.”

  Emma nodded. “I know, and it has grieved me to no end that I can’t help him.”

  “He lost his leg recently, which means when I claim him he’ll regress several years to before he wa
s injured. I’m concerned about the pain he’ll endure during the conversion, and something occurred to me.”

  Emma leaned forward, intrigued. “You always were the clever one in our little group of friends. What do you have up your sleeve this time?”

  “I’m aware painkillers won’t work on a shifter because our metabolism and healing powers burn them off too quickly. But when Mark goes through the regression, he’ll still be human won’t he? Until he completes the conversion, his healing powers and such shouldn’t be a problem, right?”

  Simon sat back in his chair glancing from Rose to his mother and back. “Is that true, Mama? Could I have given Rose a painkiller?”

  “I’m not sure. No one has ever tried before. Mainly because there hasn’t been a mate claimed who was as injured as Mark. There just wasn’t a need.”

  Sharon looked at her, hope shining in her eyes. “I had a thought.”

  “All right, hit me with it,” Emma said excitedly. She liked where Sharon’s mind was going.

  “What if I had a hypo prepared with a really strong painkiller? I could inject Mark with it the instant the ritual is completed. Do you think it would last long enough to get him through his leg reforming?”

  Emma narrowed her eyes as she thought that through. “It might. Technically, the ritual will have given him a wolf soul and shifter powers by the time the conversion begins. It might work, and then again it might burn off before the conversion is completed.”

  Sharon tightened her grip on Mark’s hand. “Don’t you think it’s worth a try?”

  Emma nodded as she continued to work on a solution. “You have a good idea. But I’m not sure a painkiller will be enough. When doctors do surgery the patient is put under. You’re on the right track, but I think we need to knock him out completely.”

  Sharon glanced from Mark to Emma. “I hadn’t considered that.”

  Simon sat forward frowning. “How is Sharon going to knock him out when they’re both naked and in bed? She’s going to need something at the ready that will work on his hard head. I have a baseball bat, if she would like to use it.”

  Rose swatted Simon’s left arm at the same moment Emma swatted his right.


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