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Fade to Black

Page 44

by Unknown

  Rich had been taught that answering a question with a question was rude, but… “What about the baby?”

  “They’re a package deal; Kate and the baby.”

  He had to bite back the big ol’ ‘duh!’ that was on the tip of his tongue, opting instead for… “Yes, they are.”

  “Can you love him?”

  “Yes.” This line of questioning was quickly frying his last nerve.

  Her face softened and she leaned back in her chair, lifting her knees to tuck her feet under her. “It’s important that you understand what kind of man his father was.”

  The grinding of teeth echoed through Rich’s head. I already know what kind of man I am!

  She continued talking as though she hadn’t noticed his reaction. Maybe she just chalked his stiffened body up to her mention of Jesse. “Jesse was liked by everybody. He was so good to Kate, and was always honorable. Knowing that a little piece of him will live on is a wonderful thing.” Her eyes filled with tears and she paused when her voice cracked, only to continue about how wonderful Jesse had been.

  No wonder he died, Rich thought bitterly, he was a freakin’ saint!

  It was difficult not to let his eyes glass over when Anna’s voice took on the Charlie Brown ‘whah, whah, whah’ tone. But he forced himself to listen to her drone on about Jesse’s sainthood, determined to be able to teach the little boy who would be his son about the father who couldn’t be there for him. If Jesse was the father.

  “Anna,” he interrupted, holding up a hand, “I don’t care who the biological father of that little boy is, I love him. And I want nothing more than to be his dad.”

  Her smile grew with each word he spoke until every last tooth was exposed. “Ken and I want that very much. You’re a good man, Rich.” Her mouth opened and she used a hand to stifle a yawn.

  “Why don’t you take the bed?” Rich offered.

  “Oh, no, I couldn’t.”

  “Yes, you can. If my mom gets word that I made you sleep on the couch…. Do you have any idea how much hell I’d catch?” He motioned toward the bedroom. “Take the bed.”

  Rich had little doubt that Anna could out argue him. She was Kate’s mother after all. He held her gaze, refusing to even blink—since she’d probably take that as a sign of weakness. They sat that way while the seconds ticked by. Finally she blinked and dropped her eyes for just a moment. Rich fought the urge to gloat at the victory. He bit the inside of his cheek and waited for her to concede.

  She smiled and nodded. “I’d hate to get you in trouble with your mother.” She stood and started toward the new bed that was meant to be his. “Thank you for everything you’ve done for our daughter, Rich. We appreciate it.”

  “My pleasure,” he muttered. Rich waited until he heard the door close softly before laying down on the couch. He tugged the blanket off the back, covered as much of himself as the small throw could handle and prayed for sleep.

  Kate watched in horror as Shea broke the window and elegantly crawled into the room. Tucked under her arm was a tiny blue blanket. “I’m going to take everything from you Kate, everything you took from me—and more.”

  Kate clutched at her stomach. “You can’t have him.” She sounded surprisingly calm to her own frantic ears.

  “And which him are you talking about?” Shea tossed her head back in an eerie laugh. She exposed a knife and unfolded the blanket with a snap. “It doesn’t matter. I plan on only taking one with me—alive.”

  Kate’s body jerked into the sitting position, sweat beaded on her forehead and a drop began its descent between her heavy breasts. Breath rushed from her lungs and refused to reenter her body. Her eyes did a quick inventory of the room, gratefully realizing that the window was still intact and that she was alone.

  She concentrated on her heartbeat, nibbling on her lip. Her hands moved over her stomach, rubbing soothing circles, which did nothing to actually soothe her fears. There was only one thing that could do that, and he was sleeping in the other room. All it would take was a panicked shriek to bring him running, but there was someone else who would also arrive in the doorway.

  The only choice she had was to go to Rich.

  The door opened with a soft click and Kate held her breath, listening for any indication that someone else heard the sound. When there was only silence, she padded on bare feet into Rich’s room.

  Thanks to the moonlight seeping in through the blinds, Kate could easily make out Rich sleeping on his side. Which was weird, he usually slept on his back or his stomach. He looked a little small, but she climbed under the covers, snuggling up to the warm body.

  “I really need you to hold me,” she whispered.

  “Sure thing,” answered the feminine voice.

  Kate screamed…and so did her mother.

  Waking up to the horrified scream of Kate had Rich freaking out, but to have Anna’s added to the choir sent his heart racing at supersonic speeds. His sluggish, still asleep feet painfully tingled as he stumbled down the hall.

  He rushed into Anna’s room and flipped the light on. Shit! That wasn’t the brightest idea. He clamped a hand over his eyes. “Kate, Anna, are you okay?” Frantic blinks, through parted fingers, eased the bright light.

  The two women were in the bed facing each other. Anna had a smug, knowledge-filled smirk, and Kate wore a bright crimson blush that made her all the more adorable.

  “Kate?” Rich’s brows pulled together. “What are you doing in here?”

  “What am I…?” She huffed and plopped her hands on her hips. Her ferocious glare moved from Anna to Rich. “Why aren’t you in here?”

  Anna giggled softly, but bit down on her lip to stop it when Kate glared at her again. “Rich is a true gentleman,” Anna began, “and he all but forced me to sleep in his bed. Which brings us back to the question of why are you in here?”

  Kate rolled her eyes and with an exaggerated annoyance she got out of the bed and stomped past Rich, who still stood dumbfounded in the doorway.

  Anna cleared her throat. “Go to her. She needs you.”

  She needs me. She had actually come into his room, his bed, looking for him.

  “Why are you still standing there, Romeo? Get out of here and turn the light off on your way out.”

  Rich did as Anna had ordered, closing the door as an added bonus. He walked through the open door of Kate’s room, also closing that door. She was lying on her side in a heap on the bed, her knees pulled as closely to her body as her stomach would allow.

  “Honey, are you okay?”

  Her face stayed hidden, but her body expanded with a deep breath. “I have never been more humiliated in my life.”

  He smiled, amused by her overreaction. “Oh, it’s not that bad.”

  “You weren’t there!” she wailed as she flipped onto her back and yanked a pillow over her face.

  “Well, what did you say to her?” He tried to hide the humor—and elation—he felt. “How suggestive were you?” His brows rose. “You didn’t feel up your mom, did you?”

  She rolled to face him, clearly unamused. “Can you be more smug?”

  “Shut up and slide over.”

  For a split second he expected her to kick him out on his sorry butt, especially when she got off the bed and crawled under the covers, lying down on the pillow. “Are you getting in?” she asked in a huff.

  He looked at the beauty in front of him and was suddenly overcome with emotion. This woman was truly the only one who could complete him—make him whole.

  She cracked a lid. “Please?” Rich crawled in next to her and she cuddled right into his arms. “Thank you.”

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Having their parents visit had been nice—and excruciating. Kate loved having her house back. Just her and Rich—and the baby. Everything was falling into place. Her health was good, the baby’s heart strong, as verified by Dr. Tipton only an hour ago.

  Rich wanted to go to the appointment with her and looked really hurt when she’d re
fused. It was bad enough that she was second guessing her decision to keep him at a distance. Then to make it even harder, the wonderful man just kept being…wonderful. He was kind and patient—and loving.

  She didn’t deserve him.

  Her thoughts drifted for a moment to Jesse. His reaction to the situation would have been so very different. There was no way he would have considered loving her with even the remote possibility that another man’s baby grew in her womb. Hell, all it would have taken was to tell him she’d had sex with Rich for him to hit the road—after he raged and most likely put his fist through a wall.

  Jesse was one man who wasn’t capable of loving another man’s child.

  Rich though… Was he?

  Kate pulled into the garage and let the door close before unlocking her door and opening it. Her swollen feet and ankles looked hideous. The ankle bone had all but been absorbed by the water-logged skin. Not to mention the ache that went along with it.

  The house was quiet—and messy—as she entered the kitchen. By the look of things Rich had made dinner. She inhaled, sucking in the strong scent of lemon and other delicious aromas she couldn’t name.

  “Rich?” she called.

  A loud crash and juicy curse answered from down the hall.

  Her feet quickly carried her to where she knew Rich would be. The stench of paint fluttered up around her, assaulting her olfactory system. All of the doors were wide open, except one. Rich was in the nursery with the door closed. A lump clogged Kate’s throat as she was once again reminded of his thoughtfulness.

  Kate turned the handle and eased the door open slowly. Two things rushed at her, nearly knocking her over, paint fumes and heat. The window was wide open and sitting in the middle of the room was Rich. Blue paint smudges marred the perfection of his glistening bare chest. Both thighs of his light blue jeans had traces of a new hue, and even his brown hair was frosted with blue tints.

  The walls now wore a coat of fresh paint, the most beautiful color that was nearly the same shade as Rich’s eyes.

  Scattered all over the floor were pieces of what would someday be a crib. Its box was leaned against the wall as if he were using it for assistance, like you would the lid of a jigsaw puzzle.

  “Damn it,” he muttered, a screw held between his teeth.

  “Do you need some help?” she asked quietly.

  He looked up to her, his frustration melting into surprise. Long fingers plucked the screw from his lips. “I didn’t hear you come home. How did everything go? You okay? The baby?”

  She nodded and leaned against the door jamb, her arms crossed over her stomach. “Everything’s good. We’re both healthy.” Her eyes scanned the room with exaggeration. “Looks like you’ve been busy.”

  His eyes surveyed the disaster area then he smiled sheepishly and ran a hand through his hair. “Yeah…I was hoping to have it finished when you came home, but I’m…having a little trouble with the crib.” He glared at the offensive pieces.

  Kate laughed. “I can see that. Are you pulling the macho, I’m-a-guy-so-I-don’t-need-instructions thing?” She waved a hand from the pieces to the box.

  “I couldn’t read them.” He picked up a few more screws and tried to shove them into holes much too short. He shot a frustrated look over at the box and Kate couldn’t contain her amusement. A laugh burst from her and she clamped a hand over her mouth when he glared at her. “You think you can do better?” he spat.

  “I think you’re making it harder than it needs to be. If you’d just use the directions…

  “The directions, Kate—” He threw the unfolded, poster-sized directions at her which fluttered unoffensively at her feet. “—are in Chinese!” His exasperation only caused her to laugh harder. “Can you read Chinese, Kate? So much for your internet deal.” A controlled throw deposited the screwdriver on the floor. “I need a shower then I’ll finish dinner,” he said, standing.

  “You cooked?” Rich was full of surprises today.

  “I can follow directions when they’re in English!” Although her mood was light, his was still tense.


  “What?” he snapped.

  She walked over to him and wrapped her arms around him. He didn’t return the embrace, just stood stone stiff against her. She pressed a kiss to his lips. “I love the paint. It’s perfect. Thank you.”

  He sighed and his arms slowly slid around her. “I’m glad you like it.” He turned her in a slow circle, keeping her tight against his chest, so she could admire each inch of the room. “I like this shade a lot.”

  “Me, too.” She cradled his face between her hands and looked deeply into his eyes. “It’s a very comforting shade.”

  His eyes twinkled as he smiled. She was suddenly overwhelmed by the need to feel his lips against hers. Their gaze was locked until at the last second when her eyes closed. His lips were soft, yet firm, and so deliciously warm, causing her blood to turn to lava.

  He broke the contact after only a few brief seconds and gave her a quick chaste kiss, then rested his forehead against hers. Even that contact felt wonderfully familiar. Their eyes were again locked, and she felt him peering to her soul.

  She loved this man with every ounce of who she was.

  Her heart, her soul, screamed for her to throw caution to the wind and give into everything she’d been denying. Don’t think, just feel.

  But feeling led to heartache, and one day, when Rich walked away, if she let herself give in now, she would be devastated, irrevocably broken.

  Her eyes closed and she concentrated on Rich; the scent of his natural cologne, his strong heartbeat, the steady pace of his breathing…the unmistakable growl of his stomach.

  She started to giggle and a low, deep chuckle rumbled next to her ear. “Sounds to me like you’re hungry,” she noted, her hands rubbed the bare skin of his toned abdomen.

  “For more than just food,” he answered suggestively, his hands rested on her bottom. “Damn pelvic rest.” She didn’t answer but had often had the same thought. “Give me ten minutes and I’ll shower, then you can help me finish dinner.” He kissed her quickly before escorting her out of the room. “Kate, I don’t want you to go back in there for a few days because of the paint fumes.”

  Kate wanted to laugh, wanted to explain that lead paint hadn’t been used since the 1970’s, but placed his hands on her belly and smiled. “I won’t set foot in there until you say it’s okay. Okay?”

  “Thank you.” He closed the door and left her standing alone in the hallway.

  When the shower water turned on, Kate tried not to think of Rich, completely naked, with water and soap suds caressing every inch of his glorious skin on the other side of the door. Knowing him the way she did, she would wager her last dime that the door wasn’t locked—and that he wouldn’t turn her away.

  Her body heated with that knowledge—that very dangerous knowledge. She had to keep herself occupied until Rich was dressed. Television. Yes, that would be a great distraction.

  Kate curled up on the couch, using the remote to flip from one uninteresting show to the next. Her eyes were on the flashing pictures on the screen, but her mind was concentrating on only one thing. One hot, delectable, make your toes curl with a kiss thing.

  Rich tried not to think of the sweet moments he’d just shared with Kate. He’d been frustrated and intoxicated by her all in the space of a few minutes. She’d loved what he’d done so far with the nursery, and that warmed his heart. Made him want to pound his fists on his chest like Tarzan. He was male, taking care of his female and their child.

  A growl rumbled in his chest, and he had to laugh at the overwhelming surge of testosterone driven absurdity.

  Rich loved how natural things were between Kate and him. When she let them. It had been good to get his parents approval, but getting the thumbs-up from Anna had been more satisfying.

  He rinsed the soap out of his hair and stood under the luke warm spray for another few seconds before shutting the water
off, ripping the shower curtain open. The towel was soft as it absorbed the water from his skin.

  His legs stepped into a pair of boxers then a clean pair of jeans. With a quick swipe of the brush over his hair, he tried to calm the insanity before he tugged a t-shirt over his head and ruined the attempt.

  He was both excited and nervous as he jerked open the bathroom door. Kate had a tendency for changing her mood so fast it put Shea to shame. Rich knew it had to do with her hormones, and hoped she would still be the sweet, teasing Kate he’d left a few minutes ago.

  He rounded the corner to find her perched on the couch, remote in hand, concentrating a little too hard on the TV. Rich could hear the announcers and said, “I didn’t know you were a fan of bull-riding.”

  Her eyes flashed to him and the TV flipped off. “Oh…there’s um…nothing on,” she stammered through a blush.

  He smiled and eventually so did she. “Do you want to hang out here or…”

  “I’ll help with dinner. I really need something to get my mind off things.”

  “What kind of things?” he asked with a suggestive undertone.

  She raised her brows and blushed a deeper red, and Rich knew that it had to do with at least one of the things that had also been on his mind. His lips lifted as did his brows. She rolled her eyes. “Let’s eat,” she snorted and headed off in the direction of the kitchen.

  He laughed as her hair swished along her back with the shaking of her head.

  Once in the kitchen, Rich put Kate to work with a couple chicken breasts and the George Foreman grill while he followed the recipe he’d printed off the internet. Delicious scents wafted through the kitchen and his taste buds ached to sample just a morsel of what they would soon receive. But Rich abstained. He wanted Kate to taste it first. Watching her eyes close in bliss at the taste of the food he’d so lovingly prepared with his own hands would be reward enough.

  “You almost done?” she asked as the chicken met the plate. “Should I slice these up or what do you want…”

  “Slice them, please.” He added a few more shakes of the seasoning he hadn’t heard of before today.


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