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Death of Darkness

Page 3

by Dianne Duvall

  “Hi, Seth,” a female voice called as he passed David’s study.

  He stopped. A smile dawned as he backtracked and peered through the doorway.

  His adopted daughter Ami sat on the floor, playing with her daughter Adira. Her husband Marcus, a British immortal who was over eight hundred years old, sat cross-legged beside her. An impressive structure comprised of stacked wooden blocks of various shapes and sizes rose between the three of them.

  Adira turned toward the doorway, a block clutched in one plump hand. Her adorable little face lit up. “Baba!” Jumping up, the toddler raced forward.

  His heart lightening, Seth bent and scooped her into his arms. “Hello, sweetheart. How’s my girl tonight?”

  Instead of responding verbally, she sent him a slew of mental images of the things she’d done that day.

  “Been having fun, have you?”

  She nodded with a big grin, setting her bright orange curls to bouncing.

  The front door opened.

  Seth glanced over as David entered and closed the door behind him.

  David nodded to him. “Ami said she wants to see me. Did she summon you as well?” His deep voice carried a hint of an Egyptian accent.

  “No. I just stopped in for a shower.”

  Adira bounced in his arms and held her free hand out to David. “Abaye! Abaye!”

  David smiled. “Hello, poppet. Did you miss me?”

  “Yes,” she declared as if months, not hours, had passed since she’d last seen him.

  Stopping beside Seth, David clasped her hand and brought it to his lips for a kiss. “You’ve had a busy day, I see.”

  She nodded.

  Seth gave David a quick once-over. His clothing—nearly identical to Seth’s—bore no rips or wet splotches. His dark-as-midnight skin appeared unscathed. And his pencil-thin dreadlocks were still neatly tied back at the base of his neck, falling in a thick mass to his hips.

  Good. Whatever had called him away must have left him unharmed.

  “Hi, David,” Ami called. “Would you two join us for a minute?”

  “Of course,” David agreed.

  Seth followed him into the study, only then noticing Zach sprawled on one of the sofas. “What are you doing here?”

  As ancient as Seth, Zach jerked a thumb over one shoulder. “I go where she goes.”

  Lisette’s head suddenly popped up from behind the sofa. “Found it,” she called with a smile as she held up a cylindrical block. “Hi, Seth.”

  He nodded. “Lisette.”

  The pretty French immortal rounded the sofa and dropped the block on the floor beside the others. When Ami rose and approached Seth, Lisette moved to stand behind her. Both appeared to have something on their minds.

  Seth arched a brow. “What’s up?”

  Ami caught and held his gaze. “You need a break.”

  Lisette nodded. “And we’re here to ensure you take one.”

  Seth frowned. “No, I don’t. I’m fine.”

  “Bullshit,” Zach commented. “You’re exhausted.”

  Marcus scowled at the elder. “Damn it, Zach, watch your language.”

  Ami sighed. “Marcus, honey…”

  “What?” He winced. “Oh. Right. Sorry, sweetling. Don’t say damn it, Adira.”

  “Okay, Daddy,” Adira promised with a sweet smile as she reached over and toyed with one of David’s dreadlocks.

  David’s lips twitched.

  Ami returned her attention to Seth. “You need rest.”

  “I don’t have time,” he told her honestly.

  “Well, if you won’t rest, you’ll at least take a break from the constant problem solving and life saving,” Ami declared, her chin thrusting forward. “Zach has agreed to field your calls for a couple of hours.”

  Seth looked at Zach.

  Zach shrugged. “Lisette can talk me into doing just about anything.”

  Lisette winked. “You bet I can.”

  Seth returned his focus to Ami. “And what will I be doing while Zach is alternately annoying and terrorizing any Immortal Guardian who calls me for help?”

  “Adira needs some new clothes. Most of hers are stained from playing in Sarah’s garden.”

  He stared at her. “So… you want me to relax by going shopping?”

  Zach tried and failed to stifle a laugh.

  Seth cut him a glare.

  “Yes,” Ami responded.

  “Why don’t you and Marcus take her?” As much as he’d love to spend some downtime with Adira, he needed to keep looking for Gershom and the gifted ones he’d transformed.

  Ami’s gaze slid away as she looked to one side, then the other. Up at the ceiling. Down at the floor. “Because I need to… stay here and… train the Seconds while Darnell redirects your calls. And Marcus wants to… hunt tonight.”

  Amusement rose. Ami was a terrible liar.

  Lisette leaned to one side behind her and caught Seth’s eye. Don’t, she ordered telepathically as she narrowed her eyes.

  Don’t what?

  Don’t ask Ami why she and Marcus aren’t taking her themselves. They need some alone time, and she’s too embarrassed to tell you.

  Seth glanced over the women’s heads at Marcus, whose gaze was firmly fixed on Ami’s ass. His face reflected blatant longing.

  Do you know how long it’s been since the two of them have made love? Lisette asked, drawing his gaze once more.

  No. And didn’t care to. Ami really was like a daughter to him, so he was content to remain oblivious to certain aspects of her marriage.

  You know Adira hasn’t wanted to let her mommy out of her sight since Gershom hurt her.

  Seth ground his teeth. The bastard had slit Ami’s throat while Ami held Adira in her arms.

  Most days she still sleeps between them in their bed when they retire, Lisette continued. So take Adira shopping and let them have a couple of hours together. Spend some time with your granddaughter and do something frivolous. You really could use a break from your duties. I know you better than you think.

  Thanks to Zach.

  Seth eyed the women thoughtfully. They might have actually given him an opportunity to personally appease his curiosity regarding the mysterious Leah Somerson. He glanced at David. Did you catch all that?


  Do you want to come?

  His eyebrows rose. Really? Don’t you want me to help Zach field your calls?

  No. I’ve something else in mind.

  All right.

  Seth smiled at Ami. “Okay. We’ll take her shopping.”

  Her face lit with a grin. “Thank you.” Ami was only five feet tall, so when she rose onto her toes, Seth still had to lean down so she could kiss his cheek. “You’re the best.” She handed him a slip of paper. “Here’s the address of Little Gifts, our favorite store. You three have fun.”

  Seth nodded. He would inform David of their other agenda on the way there and finally determine why he couldn’t stop thinking about Leah.

  Chapter Two

  Leah lifted one of the large boxes that had been delivered earlier onto the table in the back room and grabbed her box cutter.

  A bell sounded out front.

  “Holy hell,” Brittney murmured behind her. “I think I’m in love.”

  Leah smiled. “You know that’s like the third or fourth time you’ve said that today, right?”

  “I know,” the twenty-five-year-old said, “but this time I may actually mean it.”

  Leah shook her head as she applied the utility knife to the box before her.

  “Wow. You gotta come look at this guy. Seriously. He is freaking hot.”

  The bell above the door at the front of the shop dinged again.

  “Okay, now I’m a two-timing bitch,” Brittney declared, “because another guy just walked in and I’m totally in love with him, too.”

  Leah laughed. “You need to get laid.”

  “I do. I really do. It’s been forever.”

  She shook
her head. “I’m almost afraid to ask. How long is forever to you?”

  Brittney cast her a sheepish smile. “Three months.”

  Leah sighed. “Damn, you make me feel old.”

  The younger woman grinned and returned her attention to the monitor. “Seriously, you’ve got to come over here and take a look at these guys. They are unbelievably hot.”

  Sighing, Leah crossed to stand beside Brittney. “Wow,” she parroted as she stared at the screen. “They really are gorgeous.”

  One of the men bore beautiful skin as dark as night and had to be at least six and a half feet tall. Long, thin dreadlocks were drawn back at the nape of his neck and fell to his hips. His features were as flawless as his skin, his build that of a professional athlete. Broad shoulders. Slender hips. A thickly muscled chest. She’d guess his arms and legs were equally muscled, but they were mostly concealed by a long black coat.

  His companion stepped up beside him… and Leah’s breath caught.

  He was an inch or so taller than the first man with skin that held a nice tan. He, too, boasted broad shoulders and a muscular build. His black hair was tied back much like the other man’s and fell past his waist. And his features were striking, particularly when he smiled down at the toddler he held in his arms.

  Damn it. Why are the good guys always taken?

  She blinked, surprised when the thought flitted through her mind. She wasn’t looking for a man. Why should it matter if he was taken?

  “Look at that beautiful bone structure,” Brittney murmured. “I bet he’s from Africa. The other guy kinda reminds me of the Italian exchange student I dated last year, but older. That’s it. I’m going out there.”

  Leah reached out and caught her arm when Brittney started forward. “No, you’re not.”

  “Oh, come on. Both those guys look totally doable, and I haven’t had sex in ages. I call dibs on the African guy.”

  “Would you keep your damn voice down?” Leah hissed. “Sheesh.”

  “Okay, okay. If you want the African guy, I’ll take the other one.”

  “He’s holding a baby!”

  “I don’t care. I need sex, and I’m guessing those guys can really deliver.”

  “Well, too bad. I’m finally operating in the black. And the last thing I need is for you to go out there and spark a sexual harassment lawsuit. Stay here and finish unpacking the merchandise.”

  “Spoilsport,” Brittney grumbled.

  Ignoring her, Leah handed her the utility knife and strolled out into the store.

  Both men looked up as she entered.

  “Hi,” she greeted them brightly. “How are you tonight?”

  Both returned her smile.

  “We’re well, thank you,” the taller one replied in what she thought might be a British accent. “And you?”

  She shrugged. “Can’t complain. Is it still raining?”

  “Just a drizzle,” his dark companion offered.

  “I’m Leah.” She held her hand out to the black man, whose features and accent made her wonder if Brittney might be right and he was indeed from Africa. “Welcome to my establishment.”

  “Thank you. It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m David.” Instead of shaking her hand, he bowed over it and brought it to his lips for a kiss.

  “Oh.” Leah suddenly felt as flustered as a teenaged wallflower who had just been approached by the coolest boy in school.

  The other man shifted the slumbering baby in his arms and did the same, clasping her hand in his much larger one and bringing it to his lips for a kiss. “I’m Seth. It’s nice to meet you, Leah.”

  Her heartbeat picked up. “It’s nice to meet you, too,” she managed to squeeze out. Why was she so flustered? As soon as he released her hand, she pressed it to one of her hot cheeks. “I’m blushing, aren’t I?”

  His smile broadened. “Yes.”

  “Charmingly,” David added.

  The heat in her face intensified. “Don’t say that! You’ll only make it worse.”

  They laughed.

  “That’s the first time a man has ever kissed my hand,” she confided.

  “Shameful,” David declared.

  “A travesty,” Seth agreed with a grin.

  Leah laughed, really liking these guys. “Why don’t I take your coats and hang them up for you? I keep it pretty warm in here for the little ones who run around in diapers and bare feet.”

  They exchanged a glance, then shrugged.

  Leah moved to stand behind David, admiring his dreadlocks as he shrugged out of his coat. “I know you probably hear this a lot,” she murmured, reaching up to grip his collar and tug the coat down his thickly muscled arms, “but you have beautiful hair.” And how cool was it to have to reach up to help him? Leah was five foot ten, so there weren’t many men she had to look up to like this.

  “Thank you.”

  She stepped away long enough to hang his coat on the coatrack near the register. “Do women drive you crazy, asking if they can touch it all the time?”

  As she returned, David reached out and took the toddler from his friend. His brown eyes twinkled with amusement. “No. Most women find me a bit… intimidating.”

  She winked. “Shameful. But it’s their loss.”

  Both men chuckled.

  The toddler stirred and buried her face in David’s neck.

  Leah turned to Seth and motioned for him to give her his back.

  Again he exchanged a glance with David.

  What was he thinking?

  Seth started to peel off his coat.

  Just as she had with David, Leah reached up and helped him remove it. Her fingers brushed the back of his neck as she reached for the collar to give it a tug, leaving a slight tingling in their wake.

  When he turned around to face her, Seth found her staring at his ponytail. “Wow. Your hair is beautiful, too.”

  Surprised, he smiled. “Thank you.” When was the last time a woman had paid him a compliment? Not the blatantly sexual I-want-to-do-you kind, but a simple, genuine one?

  He couldn’t remember.

  Leah sent them both a wry smile. “I suddenly feel the need to run out and buy better shampoo and conditioner… along with a slew of curling irons.”

  “I assure you there’s no need,” he told her. “You have lovely hair.” She really did. Thick and straight, it shone beneath the overhead lights as it fell down her back almost to her waist.

  “You’re just trying to get me to blush again,” she quipped, turning away.

  Seth chuckled again and met David’s gaze as she left them to hang up his coat. She’s not at all intimidated by us, is she? he commented telepathically.

  Not a bit, David agreed. It’s a refreshing change.

  It really was. Even people who didn’t know they were immortal seemed to sense their power and more often than not gave them a wide berth.

  Are you reading her thoughts? Seth asked him. He had described his dream to David on the way over, mentioning his and Chris’s concerns.

  Yes. I haven’t found anything suspicious. No signs of mind control by Gershom or such.

  That was a relief. The dream must have been what he had hoped—just Adira’s infiltrating his own.

  “So what can I help you with tonight?” Leah asked as she returned. “Or would you prefer that I leave you alone to browse? I won’t be offended if you don’t want company.”

  Seth retrieved the list Ami had pressed into his hand before they’d left. It was a pretty lengthy one. “I think we’ll just browse if you’ll point us in the direction of toddler clothing.”

  “Sure. It’s right over there by the dressing rooms. Girls on the right. Boys on the left. Gender neutral in the middle.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Let me know if you need anything.” She crossed to a clothing rack on wheels located near the back of the shop. Drawing it forward, she stopped, removed some pants from it, and inserted them into one of the floor racks, then moved on to do the same at the n
ext one.

  Seth’s gaze lingered on her for a moment. She was tall—a little less than a foot shorter than his six-foot-eight-inch frame—and slender, with full breasts and hips that formed an appealing hourglass shape. She had a natural beauty that was unclouded by makeup. And he again felt that odd sense of familiarity, as if he’d seen her before. Not in his dream. Somewhere else. But he still could unearth no memory of her.

  Tearing his eyes away so she wouldn’t catch him staring, he meandered through the clothing racks with David until they reached the designated area. A sea of pink, purple, and white fabric decorated one side. Blue, gray, and black dominated the other. Green and yellow grew in the middle.

  So many racks surrounded them. And he knew nothing about buying clothing for toddlers.

  “What are we looking for?” David asked.

  Seth consulted the list in his hand. “The first item is…” He frowned. “Does this say skirts or shorts?” He held out the paper.

  David frowned down at it. “It looks like it says skorts.”

  “What the hell is a skort?”

  Feminine laughter sounded behind them. Low and warm, it made him smile before he even looked over and found Leah regarding them with good-natured amusement. “A skort is a skirt with shorts attached.” Setting the pants she held aside, she joined them and motioned to a rack a few yards away. “See?” Choosing a purple skirt with pink and white polka dots, she held it up, then lifted the hem to show them the shorts sewn beneath. “This way the girls can wear skirts to the playground without flashing their panties or diapers when they’re on the slide. That sort of thing.”

  Seth took the proffered garment. “That’s actually quite clever.”

  David agreed, and Leah returned to her sorting.

  Seth and David picked out several skorts in the size Ami had designated and moved on to the pants. Then the dresses. Seth retrieved a basket from the front of the store and deposited his load in it.

  Leah continued to distribute articles of clothing to this rack or that. Though she said nothing more, leaving them to their murmuring and perusing, he was very aware of her movements. Every glance she sent their way. Every twitch of her lips when they said something that amused her.

  “What’s next?” David asked.


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