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Death of Darkness

Page 38

by Dianne Duvall

  She set the tray on the ottoman.

  “Leah?” Seth called softly from the living room.

  “In here.”

  He strode through the bedroom doorway.

  She straightened. “Hi, handsome.”

  His lips curled up in a smile. “Hi, beautiful.”

  “Is Tessa all settled?”

  He nodded. The door behind him swung shut as he shrugged out of his coat.

  Telekinesis was so cool. Leah wished she could do things like that.

  Moving to stand before him, she took his coat and hung it up, then drew him into a hug. “Sorry you had a rough night,” she said gently.

  He nodded, resting his cheek on her head.

  She drew her hands up and down his back in soothing strokes. “Was it Tessa and the other new immortals? Or did something else happen?”

  A long sigh escaped him, ruffling her hair. “We came damned close to losing Cliff tonight.”

  “The vampire you’re trying so hard to save?”


  He had told her about Cliff after Aidan and Bastien had left earlier to take the vampire hunting.

  “I told Bastien I would end Cliff’s life for him when it becomes too unbearable for Cliff to continue. I don’t want Bastien to have to do it.”

  She hugged him tighter. “Oh, honey. I’m sorry.” He took so much upon himself to try to spare others. When she would’ve loosened her hold to look up at him, he tightened his arms around her.

  “Let me hold you a little longer,” he whispered.

  Nodding, she relaxed against him.

  Several minutes passed while they just held each other.

  “You make everything better, Leah,” he murmured.

  Warmth burrowed through her chest, straight to her heart. “You do, too.”

  His stomach growled.

  Leah grinned. “You really did work up an appetite today, didn’t you?”

  Seth laughed and, at last, loosened his hold enough to step back. “Apparently so.”

  Some of the shadows, she was pleased to see, had left his deep brown eyes. Perhaps she could eradicate the rest, at least for a time.

  Casting him a flirtatious look, she motioned to the tray of food on the ottoman. “What do you say we satisfy that hunger”—she touched his chest, drew her fingers down over his muscled abs in a caress that made him catch his breath, then tucked them in the waistband of his cargo pants—“before we satisfy another hunger?”

  His eyes brightened with golden light. “What did you have in mind?” His voice, already deepening with desire, sent a sensual shiver through her.

  “You, naked in that enormous bathtub, with me riding you until you shout my name.”

  A growl rumbled forth from him. “Fuck the food,” he declared and lunged toward her.

  Laughing, Leah planted both hands on his chest to keep him at arms’ length. “Nope. You’ll have to wait for it. You need to eat.” She winked. “Trust me. You’re going to need the energy.”

  Looping an arm around her waist, he pulled her against him and dipped his head. His lips claimed hers in a scorching kiss she felt all the way to her core. His tongue slipped inside to stroke her own. Fire raced through her, stealing her breath. Burying her hands in his hair, she urged him closer, moaning when he slipped a thigh between hers.

  Seth drew one hand down to cup her ass and lifted her so she could wrap her legs around him and grind against the hard length behind his fly. “Still want that sandwich?” he asked, nipping the sensitive skin beneath her ear with his teeth.

  Leah fisted his hair and drew his head back so she could stare into his luminous eyes. “Fuck the food,” she uttered hoarsely.

  Laughing, he strode toward the bathroom.

  The doorbell rang.

  Seth jerked awake, then sighed. Damn it. He really hated for reality to intrude. For a few precious hours, Leah had made him forget everything except the pleasure and happiness she brought him.

  “You don’t think that’s the whole crew out there again, do you?” Leah muttered drowsily as she tugged his arm tighter around her. The two of them lay on their sides with Seth spooned up behind her.

  “Maybe.” The damned ground still shook and thunderstorms continued to saturate the earth every time they made love.

  “Well, I don’t know what they have to complain about,” she grumbled. “I told them to put their rain boots on.”

  Grinning, he leaned up on one elbow and pressed a kiss to her shoulder. His body responded to the press of hers and already wanted more. “Perhaps it’s Sheldon, here to offer us more sandwiches.”

  Her eyes flew open. Reaching back, she patted his bare hip. “Go get the door, honey.”

  Laughing, Seth rolled out of bed and tugged on a pair of pants. He waited until Leah drew the covers up over her lovely body, then padded over to the door and opened it.

  David stood outside. “It isn’t storming outside, so I trust I’m not interrupting anything,” he said, a twinkle of amusement lighting his dark eyes.

  Seth smiled. “Correct. We were just resting. What’s up?”

  “Would you and Leah mind meeting me in the study? There’s something I’d like to discuss with you.”

  Seth opened the door wider. “Would you like to talk in here?”

  David shook his head. “The study will do.” Turning, he strode away.

  Curiosity rising, Seth closed the door.

  “Just for future reference,” Leah said as she sat up, “I know I’m not shy, but I would rather not carry on conversations with your friends and family while I’m naked in bed.”

  He winced. “Sorry about that. Force of habit. Usually when someone summons me or wishes to speak with me, time is a factor.”

  Throwing back the covers, she rose. “That sucks. Don’t you get any downtime at all?”

  As usual, his body instantly reacted to the sight of her naked curves, hardening even more. She was so damned beautiful. “What?”

  “Don’t you get any downtime at all?”

  How quickly did David need to speak with them? It hadn’t seemed urgent. He would’ve spoken to them here in the bedroom if that were the case. So maybe they had time to—

  Leah’s laughter disrupted his thoughts.

  Arching his eyebrows in question, Seth watched her approach. “What?”

  Smiling, she rose onto her toes and looped her arms around his neck. “You are too adorable.”

  Now Seth laughed. “I haven’t been described thusly since I was a babe in swaddling clothes.”

  Still smiling, she rubbed her nose against his and pressed a kiss to his lips. “I love to see you laugh.”

  He hugged her closer. “And I love to laugh with you.” He pressed his hips against hers, letting her feel how much he wanted her. “I love to do other things with you as well.”

  “But David is waiting.”

  Nodding, he reluctantly stepped back. “So he is.”

  “What do you think this is about?”

  “I don’t know. But I doubt he would’ve disturbed us if it weren’t important.”

  “That’s pretty much what I was thinking.” She crossed to the bag of clothes Cynthia had delivered.

  Seth tore his gaze away from watching her dress so he could rein in his desire. Now that he had healed her scars, she didn’t attempt to shield her nudity at all. And he adored her body. Slender. Lightly muscled. With curves he had spent hours exploring.

  He glanced at the clock. Shit. He really had spent hours exploring those curves. It was damned near time for the sun to set. Grabbing a black T-shirt from the closet, he drew it down over his head. Once he added socks and shoved his feet into his boots, he drew a brush through his long hair and pulled it back at the nape of his neck with a leather tie. He no longer considered cutting his hair. He enjoyed too much the feel of Leah brushing it in quiet moments.

  Behind him, she sighed. “You have the hottest ass.”

  Grinning, he swung around to face her an
d discovered she was indeed staring at his ass. “Like it, do you?”

  “A lot,” she said. Instead of her own clothing, she wore black cargo pants similar to his and a black long-sleeved shirt that hugged her breasts and narrow waist.

  Shaking his head, he closed the distance between them. “Don’t tempt me, minx.”

  She grinned unrepentantly. “Think it would shock your fellow immortals if I made a habit of grabbing your ass in their presence?”

  Again he laughed. “Everything you do where I’m concerned shocks my fellow immortals. Did Cynthia not pack any clothing you liked?”

  She glanced down. “Actually she did. I just thought I would blend in a little better if I dressed like the rest of you.”

  “You don’t have to do that,” he told her softly.

  Smiling up at him, she leaned in and claimed another hug. “Maybe I just like to watch that spark of desire light up your eyes the way it’s doing now.”

  He shook his head. “It isn’t the clothing I desire, Leah. It’s you.”

  She kissed his chin. “Let’s go see what David wants.” Stepping back, she took his hand and led him to the door.

  Leaving their bedroom—and that’s how Seth thought of it now, their bedroom—they strode down the hallway to David’s study. The house was mostly quiet. Since the sun had not yet sunk below the horizon, all the immortals who lived there likely still slumbered below. Faint tapping sounds carried to Seth’s ears as Seconds diligently carried out their duties, handling business for their immortals that must be taken care of during daylight hours.

  When he entered David’s study, Seth was surprised to find Marcus, Stanislav, and Susan there. He had thought David sought a private conversation.

  Susan smiled.

  Marcus and Stanislav nodded a greeting, their faces somber.

  What was this about?

  “Leah,” Seth said, still holding her hand, “I know you’ve met every immortal stationed in the area but thought I would mention this is Stanislav, in case you didn’t remember his name.”

  Her face lit up. “The immortal you thought was dead?”


  “Oh my goodness! That’s right! Susan found him in her basement.” Releasing Seth’s hand, she moved forward and hugged Stanislav. “I’m so glad you’re safe.”

  Surprise lighting his features, Stanislav smiled and hugged her back. “Thank you.”

  When Leah released him, she gave Susan a hug as well. “I’m sorry, Susan. I can’t remember—are you a gifted one or an immortal?”

  “A gifted one,” Susan said with a glance up at the man beside her. “Stanislav has agreed to transform me and make me immortal, but we’re going to wait until after this thing with Gershom is resolved.”


  Susan grinned. “Thank you.”

  Seth caught Susan’s eye and gently reminded her, “Don’t read Leah’s thoughts.”

  Susan sent him a worried look. “I promise I won’t intentionally read them, but when I sleep—”

  “You lose control over your gift and sometimes inadvertently infiltrate the dreams of those who are near you.” he finished for her.


  “If you wander into Leah’s dreams, just exit as soon as you become aware of it. As long as I’m touching her when she sleeps, I don’t think that will happen. But if I’m called away…”

  “I will. And I won’t tell anyone what I see if that happens.”

  “Thank you.” Seth looked at David, who leaned back against his desk, watching them patiently. “What is this about?”

  Zach strolled into the room holding Lisette’s hand. “Are we ready?”

  “Not yet,” David said. “Bastien, Melanie, please join us.”

  Seth was surprised those two weren’t at network headquarters. They spent most days there to watch over Cliff and give Melanie more time to work.

  The couple strolled in, holding hands like Zach and Lisette.

  Straightening, David closed the door with a thought, then addressed Seth. “There is something we wish to show you.” He looked at the newcomers. “You, too, Sebastien.”

  So Bastien didn’t know what this was about either? Everyone else seemed to.

  “Over here, please.” David led them to the large window behind his desk. The curtains were tied back, allowing bright ambient light to enter.

  Seth followed the others, bringing up the rear.

  Bastien and Melanie peered through the window. Zach stopped beside them, still holding Lisette’s hand. David motioned for Stanislav and Susan to stand next to him, leaving a free space for Seth and Leah in the middle.

  As Seth joined them, David rested a hand on Stanislav’s shoulder.

  Stanislav and Susan both smiled as they looked through the window.

  Seth peered through the glass, curious to see what was—

  His heart stopped. Dread, guilt, and grief suffused him when he spotted Yuri lounging on the wide wooden swing that dangled from a tree in the backyard.

  When Seth would’ve backed away, David clamped his free hand on his shoulder, holding Seth in place. “Let Leah see him,” he commanded.

  Seth shook his head, a lump rising in his throat.

  “See who?” Bastien asked, his brow furrowing as he stared at the swing he thought empty.

  Lisette suddenly sucked in a breath. “Yuri,” she breathed. Tears rose in her eyes as she stared through the glass at the ghost of her former sports buddy.

  Zach rested a hand on Bastien’s shoulder, allowing him and Melanie to see Yuri, too.

  Both gasped when they spotted their dead friend.

  “Seth?” Leah murmured, staring up at him with concern.

  But he couldn’t find his voice.

  “Show her,” David repeated.

  Seth’s arm and hand tingled as he shared his ability to see spirits with her through their touch.

  Her eyes widened when Yuri seemed to suddenly appear on the swing. “Who is that?”

  “The brother I lost,” he finally managed to say, his voice hoarse. “The one who was slain in battle two and a half years ago.”

  No blood marred Yuri’s form. He didn’t forever sport the wounds that had killed him as ghosts often did in movies. He looked as though he had just woken up and was getting in some downtime before night fell. His dark hair was short and neatly combed. His body was encased in his usual hunting togs, his skin as healthy as it had been before he’d died. A faint smile even toyed with the edges of his lips as he stared across the lawn.

  Seth shot Stanislav a look, but found neither grief nor condemnation on the Russian immortal’s face. He also didn’t seem at all surprised to see Yuri’s spirit. Seth looked at David. “Why are you doing this?” David knew how deeply Seth mourned the fallen immortal.

  “Because there is more,” David answered simply.

  Seth returned his attention to the scene outside the window just as a woman strolled into view. She was pretty, with long brown hair and alabaster skin. But she wore a dress much like those women in England had worn over two centuries ago.

  Seth frowned as recognized her.

  Bastien’s knees suddenly buckled.

  “Honey?” Melanie cried in alarm, grabbing him with her free hand and holding him up. “What is it?”

  He staggered forward a step. Tears welled in his eyes. “Cat,” he breathed.

  Melanie’s gaze darted to the woman. “Your sister?”

  He nodded.

  Smiling, Catherine joined Yuri.

  Seth stared, astonishment temporarily banishing guilt and self-recrimination as Yuri pulled her down beside him on the swing and ducked his head, capturing her lips in a long, loving kiss. The two murmured words Seth couldn’t hear over the pounding of his heart. Catherine said something that made Yuri toss his head back and laugh. Wrapping her in a tender embrace, he set the swing into motion as sunset bathed them in roseate light.

  They looked… happy.

  They l
ooked as if they were in love.

  “Cat,” Bastien whispered again. Tears spilled over his lashes and coursed down his cheeks. He glanced at David. “What is this? Why is she here?”

  David’s expression filled with compassion. “She has rarely left your side since her death, Bastien.”

  “What?” Bastien’s gaze returned to the sister he’d lost so long ago. “No.” He shook his head, horror dawning on his features. “No. Please, tell me that isn’t true. Please. I thought she was gone. I thought she crossed over or whatever the hell you call it after Blaise killed her. The only thing that has gotten me through the past two centuries was the belief—the hope—that wherever she was, she was happy!” His voice rose alongside his agitation.

  David motioned to the window. “She is happy, Bastien. She loves Yuri.” His eyes met Seth’s. “And he loves her. It’s something they wanted you both to know.” He glanced down at Susan. “Tap the glass, please, Susan.”

  She reached out and rapped her knuckles against the window.

  Yuri and Cat looked over at them. Upon seeing their captive audience, the couple straightened, then rose.

  Seth looked over and found Stanislav watching him. “You don’t seem surprised to see them.”

  He smiled. “Yuri and Cat had been visiting me in dreams ever since I returned.”

  Susan nodded. “He’s been urging us to find a way to get you to talk to him, so we asked David for help.”

  Outside, Yuri and Cat linked hands and walked toward them.

  David motioned to the other side of his desk. “Let us step back, shall we?” Releasing Seth, he kept a hand on Stanislav’s shoulder and guided everyone to the other side of his study.

  Moments later, Yuri and Cat passed through the window and joined them.

  Cat’s eyes glimmered with moisture as she met and held her brother’s gaze. “Bastien.”

  Bastien lunged toward her, his arms outstretched, but stopped short as soon as he broke Zach’s hold. “Damn it, where’d she go?”

  Zach stepped forward and grabbed his shoulder again so Bastien could see her once more.

  Cat hurried to close the distance between them, dragging a smiling Yuri along with her. “Bastien.” Stopping a breath away, she raised a hand and rested it on his stubbled cheek.

  A sob escaped his lips before he could suppress it. His eyes glowed vibrant amber as more tears slipped over his lashes. “I can’t feel you,” he whispered hoarsely.


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