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Rachel's Coming Home

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by Gillian Villiers


  Gillian Villiers

  With her parents too unwell to run their boarding kennels, twenty-five-year-old Rachel Collington decides to resign her teaching job and come home to help out. After all, how hard can moving back be? She suffers a rude awakening when she finds the kennels’ reputation in tatters, her teenage brother going off the rails, and arrogant TV personality Philip Milligan seemingly out to cause trouble for everyone. With life determined to throw obstacles in her path, the last thing she expects is romance, but help often comes from the unlikeliest of places …


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Women’s Contemporary Fiction

  Chapter One

  Everyone seemed to think Rachel Collington was the sort of person who couldn’t cope when things got difficult. Maybe it was because she was slight with a pale complexion and soft blonde hair. But they were wrong. Rachel knew she could cope with anything, if she had to. The only problem was persuading other people, and, in particular, her mother, of this.

  ‘Of course I’m going to come home. I’m going to come and look after you both. How could you think otherwise?’ Rachel spoke firmly into the telephone receiver, willing her mother to be convinced. She hated arguing with her mother.

  ‘But Rachel darling, you have such a good job. You can’t give that up. Your father and I are so pleased at how you’ve settled in Liverpool, even if it is a little further away than we would have liked.’

  ‘The job has been fine, Mum. But now I’m coming home.’ Rachel smiled to herself as she said the words. She had been mulling over this idea for a while. Events had just speeded up her decision.

  ‘Really, it’s not necessary. Your father and I have decided. We’ll just have to put off any clients booked for the next month and then we’ll see how things go. We don’t like to do it, of course, especially at the moment.’ Her mother’s voice wavered, then she collected herself and said firmly, ‘I’m hopeful people will understand.’

  ‘You can’t cancel bookings,’ said Rachel quickly. ‘People will already have arranged their holidays, happy in the knowledge that you and Dad will be looking after their darling dogs. It would be awful to cancel at this late stage.’

  ‘I know that, dear.’ Rachel’s mother sighed. She sounded tired. Rachel wished she could go home right now, but there were still two days until the end of term.

  When her father had taken early retirement five years ago, her parents had opened Collington Boarding Kennels in the Southern Uplands of Scotland. It had been a dream come true. Unfortunately, her mother had been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis two years later and was finding the work increasingly difficult. Her father falling on a newly-sluiced kennel floor and breaking his ankle had been the incident which precipitated Rachel’s decision.

  ‘Don’t cancel any bookings yet,’ said Rachel firmly. ‘I’ll be home on Saturday. And Anthony’s there, isn’t he? You said you weren’t very busy this week, surely he can help out.’ She tried to sound more certain than she felt. Anthony, her younger brother, was on a gap year. This was supposed to involve a mixture of working and travelling but as far as Rachel could tell there hadn’t been much of either so far.

  ‘He has been very good about driving me to and from the hospital,’ said her mother cautiously. Rachel could imagine why. Anthony’s main love in life, apart from his bed, was cars.

  ‘That’s good,’ she said. ‘Get him to walk the dogs for you. Mum, please don’t try to do it yourself. Just think what would happen if you were to have a fall as well.’

  ‘I’m being very careful,’ said her mother so hastily that Rachel knew she was doing too much. ‘My knees have been much better recently. It’s wonderful what these new drugs can do.’

  Rachel was delighted that her mother was being prescribed the new, more expensive drugs for her arthritis, and that they were being so successful. She just worried this would make her mother push herself too hard. She wondered if she should try and speak to Anthony, to make sure he was pulling his weight. Then she decided she would be better off waiting until the weekend when they could speak face to face.

  ‘It’s wonderful you’re feeling better, but I really don’t think you should do too much. Please Mum? You need to save your strength for looking after Dad when he gets home.’

  To her relief, her mother could see the sense of this, and they talked for a little longer about likely discharge dates and how good the doctors were being. Eventually, Rachel brought the conversation to an end. She loved chatting to her mother and knew she needed her more than ever now. Unfortunately, there were other things she had to do. ‘Remember,’ she said, ‘I’ll be up as early as I can on Saturday. Definitely before lunch. Don’t turn anyone away. Have you any bookings that start before then?’

  ‘Just one, arriving on Saturday morning. A Mr Milligan. He’s a new client and he sounded very picky. I don’t know about this, Rachel. It might be better just to let him down now. He has two collies and there is no way I’ll be able to manage those.’

  ‘Then make sure Anthony is with you until I arrive. Tell him you’ll pay him, I’m sure that will help.’

  ‘Yes, dear,’ said her mother, sounding doubtful. ‘It will be nice to see you …’

  ‘It’ll be lovely. And it won’t just be a visit this time. I’m coming home for good. Now, I must go. Remember to look after yourself and give my love to Dad.’

  Rachel replaced the receiver and as she did so the smile faded from her face. She was more worried about her father than she cared to admit. On top of that, she now had to compose a resignation letter to hand in the next morning, and she knew Mrs Dobson, her headmistress, wouldn’t be pleased to receive it. She would try to persuade Rachel to stay and Rachel would feel she was letting her down, knowing how much she had learnt from Mrs Dobson. This was what had delayed her decision to resign until now. But she had to be firm. Her family needed her.

  Philip Milligan was beginning to think it had been a mistake, returning to Scotland. Everything was so slow here, as though they had barely made it into the twentieth century, never mind the twenty-first. True, that was one of the reasons he had chosen the remote Tweed valley, but now he was having second thoughts.

  At first he had been pleased that no-one seemed to recognise him. After being mobbed, well, occasionally tailed, in London, it was good to have some peace. Now, however, he was starting to think it would be rather nice if people did know who he was, and gave him the respect and the service he deserved.

  He was waiting in a queue at the newsagent’s. He had been here ten minutes already and there was only one person in front of him. This one person seemed to know the proprietor well, along with almost everyone in the town, and felt the need to check up on the well-being of each and every one of them.

  He cleared his throat. ‘Excuse me. Perhaps I could just pay for these …?’ He indicated the newspaper and journal he held and handed over the correct money.

  The solid matron who was serving behind the counter now turned her attention to him. ‘Sorry to keep you waiting,’ she said, not sounding sorry enough. Then she looked more closely at him. ‘Why, aren’t you that man off the telly? That history programme? If you just give me a minute I’ll remember your name.’
She turned to the woman in front of him. ‘Do you no recognise him? I’m sure it’s him.’

  Philip was flattered and put out in equal measure. It was good to know someone in these backwoods watched his programmes. But now it would be all over town and he would be pestered to talk to goodness knows how many Women’s Rurals and Rotary Clubs and feted as the local celebrity. He really didn’t have time for that.

  ‘Aye, I mind you,’ said the other woman, sounding disapproving rather than impressed. ‘You’re the one with the long hair. Did your mother no’ tell you that a man looks more like a man with a decent short back and sides?’

  The observation was so absurd that Philip gave a snort of laughter. These definitely weren’t the sort of comments he was used to. He liked the feeling of the dark locks on his shoulders. And hadn’t the gossip column of one of the dailies referred to his ‘Byronic good looks’ not so very long ago? He wondered again what kind of place he had come to.

  As he left the shop, he realised they hadn’t even remembered what he was called. So much for being a household name. He shook his head ruefully. The dogs pushed their soft faces into his legs, showing they at least appreciated him. He untied them from the handily placed railing outside the shop – there were some things about country living that he found useful – and set off back up the hill for home.

  Maggie Collington smoothed out the duvet and looked around the little room with pleasure. Rachel had already left home by the time they moved to this house, but the end bedroom was always thought of as ‘her’ room. Now she would be staying for a good long time. Maggie loved the idea of having her whole family around her. She hoped they discharged poor John from hospital soon.

  She sighed. She was growing anxious about Anthony. He should have been back from Glasgow by now, but he had a habit of running late, so she determined not to worry too much. Rachel said it wasn’t good for her and Maggie was sure she was right.

  Maggie realised she had taken a little too long preparing the room. She still had the dogs to feed, something that Anthony would have done if he was home. John didn’t like her to carry the heavy buckets but she could manage perfectly well, as long as she took her time. She took a deep breath and carefully descended the stairs, then ventured out into the back yard. The sun was shining and the spring birds singing. Her wrists only twinged a very little when she tipped the buckets.

  She paused to watch the tractor in the field to her left. That must be Freddy Smith, ploughing the field in preparation for reseeding. He was certainly a hardworking man. A shame he wasn’t a little more sociable, but as John said, it took all sorts. Maggie paused to watch the seagulls wheel and dive in the wake of the tractor and then scolded herself for wasting yet more time.

  She really wished she wasn’t so slow. If she didn’t hurry, the morning chores wouldn’t be finished by the time Rachel arrived and she was determined her daughter wouldn’t spend her first day at home working. She was such a good girl, but she did have this tendency to take over. Maggie liked to think she could manage perfectly well herself, if she stuck at it.

  She flushed when she remembered what she had heard the day before in Boroughbie, that the dogs were neglected when John Collington wasn’t there. It wasn’t true. What a thing to say! Mrs Smart at the butchers had mentioned it to her, saying she thought Maggie should know what people were saying. Maggie gave a little shudder. It definitely wasn’t true, but it puzzled her who should be saying these things.

  Not that life was easy with John in hospital. She suddenly remembered that Mr Milligan was bringing his dogs round today. She hadn’t made sure that kennel was properly aired. With only a very small groan, she took up her stick once again and set off to do so.

  Rachel’s spirits rose as she turned her little car off the motorway at Moffat and headed up into the hills beyond the town. She had loved this area from the days when family holidays had been spent here, and more so since her parents had moved to the area permanently. The soft blush of the sun on the rolling green and brown hills and the sparkle of the many streams were such a contrast to her life in Liverpool. Not that there was anything wrong with Liverpool, but she had realised she really wasn’t a city person.

  It felt good to have finally made the break. Mrs Dobson had been as disappointed by her resignation as Rachel had feared, but her pleas had not changed Rachel’s mind. She loved primary school teaching and maybe she would go back to it one day, but it wouldn’t be in Liverpool. She was going to make a new life for herself in this wonderful place. Her first task, though, was to help her parents over their current difficulties.

  As she drew up before the long, low, white cottage she saw she was not the only arrival. A shiny 4x4 was parked on the gravel drive and a tall man was standing at the front door, apparently waiting for it to be opened.

  He looked as though he might have been waiting for a while and Rachel jumped hastily from her car. ‘Can I help you?’ she said, hurrying forward. ‘Rachel Collington,’ she said, proffering her hand.

  ‘Are you part of this establishment?’ said the man, frowning and giving her hand a cursory shake. ‘I’ve been waiting here a good five minutes. I was told I could arrive any time this morning. It’s really not very convenient to have to hang around like this.’

  ‘I’m sorry,’ said Rachel. ‘I’m sure my mother is about. It’s most unlike her not to answer the door at once. But as I’m here now, perhaps I can help?’

  She squinted up at the man. He was very large and vaguely familiar.

  ‘Perhaps you can.’ He was still frowning, seeming unsure as to whether to continue with his complaint. Then the whining of dogs in the back of his smart car decided him. He strode over and opened the door to let them out. ‘I’ve booked Bill and Ben into the kennels here.’ He stooped to place a hand on the head of each dog and his expression softened, making him suddenly rather attractive.

  Rachel smiled and bent to greet the dogs herself. The two collies were beauties, with thick, glossy coats and bright eyes. Maybe, now she was here, she would be able to have a dog of her own. What a wonderful thought.

  ‘My mother said she was expecting you,’ said Rachel, glad that she knew this much. ‘Why don’t you come through and I can show you the set up? Bring any blankets or toys you want to leave with the dogs, it helps if they have something familiar.’

  Rachel turned the handle of the front door and was glad to find it open. She was more than a little worried at the non-appearance of her mother.

  She led the stranger along the short, stone-flagged passageway into the kitchen at the back of the house. From here you could see the courtyard around which the new kennels had been built. To her relief, she spotted her mother coming slowly out of the end building, carrying a bucket in one hand whilst the other held her walking stick.

  Forgetting the stranger for a moment she opened the back door and stepped out. ‘Mum, what are you doing? You know you shouldn’t be carrying anything heavy …’

  ‘It’s all right, dear,’ said her mother, but her voice was breathless. ‘It’s not heavy.’ She put down the bucket which was, in fact, empty. Rachel guessed that it had been rather heavier before her mother began the round of feeding.

  She sighed. ‘Where’s Anthony?’

  Her mother frowned meaningfully at her and then turned to smile at the newcomer. ‘Mr Milligan? How nice to meet you. Have you just arrived? How fortunate that Rachel was here to let you in.’

  ‘Indeed,’ said the man. Rachel was relieved that he didn’t launch into a tirade about having been kept standing on the front doorstep. She waited whilst he introduced the two dogs to her mother, who in turn explained how the kennels were run. Her mother still looked a little pale and when she offered to show Mr Milligan around Rachel suggested she took her mother’s place. ‘Why don’t you put the kettle on and sort out the paperwork?’ she said brightly. ‘I’ll enjoy showing Mr Milligan around and seeing what little visitors we have in at the moment.’

  The man followed her across th
e yard, the dogs prancing at his heels. New dogs were always excited by the smells and noise of the kennels and she was secretly impressed that they stayed so close to their master. She found the man rather arrogant but he clearly had a knack with dogs.

  As she commenced the brief tour of the kennels, Rachel began to relax. It was a lovely place, still spotless despite her parents’ problems, beautifully laid out in a modern design, with every dog having its own small enclosure and a private run. Animals that came from the same family were given a slightly larger ‘apartment’ and Rachel immediately spotted which one was meant for Bill and Ben and indicated this to their owner. She hoped he was impressed.

  ‘I’m sure they’ll be very happy here,’ she said encouragingly. ‘We make sure they get plenty of exercise and are well fed and cared for. In accordance with the owner’s instructions, of course.’ She patted the head of a little West Highland terrier as she passed. ‘Hello Jinty, how are you, sweetheart? We find the dogs are very happy with us and their owners often bring them back again and again.’

  ‘Not quite Holiday Inn standards,’ said the man. Rachel wasn’t sure if he was being complimentary so she merely smiled. She wished she could remember why the man seemed so familiar. He was good-looking in a rugged kind of way and he certainly had the self-assurance that made her think he was someone. Hopefully her mother would be able to explain.

  ‘I’ll take you back to the house now,’ she said. ‘Do you want to keep the dogs with you? They’re brothers, aren’t they? Such lovely animals. They’re very welcome in the house. We have different dogs in at different times, so it’s quite a home from home for them.’ This was one thing her parents had insisted on when they started the kennels and Rachel knew it was popular with the owners. The man merely nodded and put a hand down to touch each dog again. He hadn’t praised the facilities and she felt slighted on her parents’ behalf. People were normally quite effusive, as they should be.

  The man took his leave soon after, declining the offer of tea. ‘I’m in rather a hurry,’ he said, glancing at Rachel, but fortunately not mentioning his wait at the door. She felt annoyed with him, but when she saw him kneel to hug each dog in turn she decided to put his abruptness down to parting with the beautiful collies, who he clearly loved. His affection for the dogs was the only good thing about him, but she didn’t say that to her mother.


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