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Love's Fury (Immortal Ireland Book 2)

Page 11

by Kristen Cobb

  Nessa refused to waste another moment on the hateful woman. She did however fully intend to take Alana’s head with her. No one would ever use Conri in such a manner again. Before this was over all of Ireland would fear her wrath.

  Kaelan, Ronan, and Eanna remained in a semi-circle outside the door, waiting for their opponents to emerge. Kaelan sliced off the head of the first man to run through the door before his opponent could even swing his sword, allowing the body to fall right in front of the doorway.

  Two men slipped out the door while Kaelan was in the process of chopping off the first man’s head. The next man that came out tripped over the fallen body of his comrade. Kaelan chopped his head off with a graceful, effortless slash of steel. Another doomed captor ran out the doorway, forced to step over the bodies. Kaelan lopped his head off as he attempted to jump over the two dead bodies blocking the exit.

  From the way Kaelan was staring into the house she knew there were still more men inside. Ronan and Eanna were busy fighting the two who evaded Kaelan. Their father had already killed three men.

  Ronan fell to his knees, plunging his sword up into the man’s private area. While Ronan’s opponent looked down in shock Kaelan came from behind lopping his head off. In one continuous move Conri’s father pivoted, swinging his sword at Eanna’s opponent. Eanna crouched and rolled over backwards as Kaelan sliced through the man’s neck, severed head falling to the ground. Blood sprayed from the neck as the headless body stood erect for a moment before collapsing in a lifeless heap upon the hard packed earth.

  Another man tried to escape out the door of the house. He appeared more terrified than combative. Kaelan leapt in the air toward the doorway, slicing the man’s head clean off as he came down. That made four bodies on the pile directly in front of the door.

  Kaelan jumped over the bodies into the house, a move so effortless and graceful it appeared as if he were floating. She heard a man scream then watched as a head flew out the doorway without a body attached. There were no more sounds after that but Kaelan did not immediately emerge. After watching Conri’s father fight she had no worries about his ability to dispatch anyone left alive inside the dwelling. Witnessing Kaelan in combat was truly a sight to behold. Another head flew out of the cottage.

  Nessa waited until Kaelan emerged. Ronan, Eanna, and Kaelan all scanned the inside of the ring fort to make certain no one else appeared to be skulking about. When Kaelan nodded and headed towards her she knew it was truly over. Shoving the sword back into the sheath at her back she nearly cried in relief.

  Nessa reached up, gently laying a hand on the side of Conri’s face. “It is over my love. I am here.” Quickly stepping around the tree behind him she attempted to untie the knots. Her hands were shaking, making the task more difficult, reluctant to use her powers for fear of harming him.

  Ronan appeared beside her laying a hand on her arm. Tears began falling silently down her face. Nessa stepped aside, allowing Ronan to work the knots around Conri’s hands free. That done he began undoing the rope around Conri’s chest. Eanna worked on the rope that wound around Conri’s thighs. Kaelan stood in front of his wounded son, catching him the instant all the ropes were undone. Lifting Conri’s naked and severely battered body up over his shoulder Kaelan headed toward the house, using his powers for added strength made it seem like he were carrying nothing more than a light sac.

  Ronan and Eanna quickly dragged the bodies away from the door so they could enter. For added assurance they flung the heads far from the house. These men would not be healing from their wounds.

  The only light streaming into the house came from the open door. Although relatively large for a cottage, like most, it was only one room. Glancing around there did not seem to be any candles or windows that could be opened. She could not properly treat Conri’s wounds with so little light.

  There were three large beds and two trestle tables with benches. Each of the tables had four shorter benches rather than two very long ones. One of the tables was covered with dirty plates and platters of leftover food. Two dead headless bodies lay on the dirt floor inside the abode not far from tables.

  The second table was relatively cleared of debris. Raising her hand Nessa swiped it through the air, quickly clearing the few cups and scraps of food off the table using her powers. Walking over to one of the beds she grabbed two blankets.

  The moment Ronan and Eanna entered the house Nessa pointed toward the now cleared table. “Could you two bring that outside for me?”

  Rather than answer Conri’s brothers lifted the large wooden trestle table, carrying it outside. They set it down away from the pile of bodies and severed heads.

  “Could you bring out two of the benches?” She would rather not leave Conri’s side, even to retrieve the benches.

  Ronan and Eanna disappeared inside the dark house, emerging with the benches. Once the benches were settled on each side of the table Nessa set one of the blankets down on a bench, the other blanket she laid out over the top of the table.

  Kaelan gently laid Conri on his back, cradling his head like one would an infant.

  Ronan stood beside her, looking down at the nearly dead brother he had yet to meet. “Tell me what else you need.”

  “Water. We passed a stream on the way here. There must be buckets around here somewhere to collect and transport water.” Herbs to make a poultice for Conri’s wounds would be nice but there was no time for that, nor would Ronan know how to find what she needed. Nessa considered asking Kaelan to go searching but decided against it. She needed him here in case more of Declan’s men surprised them. With Kaelan present they were safe, allowing her to focus on healing Conri’s body.

  “Consider it done. We will go get the supplies as well.” Ronan looked to Eanna for confirmation rather than simply ordering him about.

  Eanna nodded. Both brothers glanced at Conri lying motionless on the table before walking away toward the stone archway leading out of the fort.

  Nessa looked down at her husband and the tears began to flow again. Wiping at her eyes she mentally castigated herself. This was no time to fall apart. Conri needed her. She thought about what Kaelan taught her, embrace the power rather than fighting it.

  The first thing to deal with were the infected wounds. His entire body seemed to be covered in dirt and dried blood. The infection needed to be drawn out of the wounds. Many of the wounds appeared to be festering, although some seemed to be healing normally. She would have to draw out the infection with her powers. Using a poultice could take days and might not even work on the wounds that were absolutely putrid with infection. The problem being she had no idea if it were even possible to use her powers in such a manner. Again Kaelan’s words urged her on. Embrace the power.

  The first thing she decided to do was talk to her husband. She had to believe he could hear her.

  Sitting down on the wooden bench near Conri’s head Nessa gently brushed back the filthy brown hair from his forehead. “I am so sorry my love. I will do everything in my power to make certain this never happens again. Many of your wounds are infected. I need to use my powers to clean them out. It might hurt. If it does I apologize in advance for causing you any more pain but it must be done. It is poison and will eventually kill you if allowed to fester. Your father is here. He killed them all. I have never seen anything like it. You have two brothers, Eanna and Ronan. They are here as well. Eanna is very serious and Ronan is almost as handsome as you are, and even more arrogant if you can imagine such a thing. Everything is going to be just fine. The pain is almost over.” Forced to stop talking by the tears welling in her eyes she said the only other thing that truly mattered. “I love you.” Tears began dripping onto his forehead, clearing a path through the dirt on his face, which made her cry even more.

  Kaelan moved the bench aside so he could stand across from her. “We need to clean those wounds. Is this blanket for rags?”

  Nessa nodded, grateful to have Kaelan here. He knew exactly what needed to be done w
ithout being told.

  “I can get started on that.” Kaelan pulled out his dagger, cutting a large slash in the blanket. Stuffing the dagger back in its sheath on his belt he ripped the blanket down the middle with his hands.

  “As soon as Ronan and Eanna return I can clean him off. I will need to use my powers to clear the wounds of poison since I do not have time to traipse around the countryside collecting herbs. Those wounds need to be healed now or they are going to kill him. This is not something I have ever tried.” Looking down at Conri’s body she felt a bit overwhelmed by the number of wounds.

  “I can help with that too. If we work together it will not take as long. It is very much like moving something with the energy. You are simply moving something out of his body.” Kaelan quickly ripped the entire blanket into rags.

  “Your father is one of the ancients by the way. Fair warning, your brother Ronan can change form. I know that is going to bother you so I feel it might be best to tell you now.” Nessa watched Conri for any sign of movement but his body remained completely and utterly still. “Can he hear me?” She assumed Kaelan had been mortally wounded at least once.

  “Yes, my son can hear you.”

  “There is something else I need to tell you. I did not bond with Declan. I hope you can forgive me but it did not seem like a very good idea. I was afraid he would kill you once he had what he wanted rather than telling me where you were.” Nessa laid her hand over Conri’s. “I am sorry it took me so long to find you.” She gently kissed his forehead, allowing her lips to linger on his skin. He felt far too warm for someone living outside. Even during the day the air remained cool at this time of year. Conri had a fever due to the infected wounds. “I would rather not wait for the water. We need to begin clearing these wounds of infection. His body is burning from the inside out with fever.”

  Kaelan held out a pile of rags to her, setting the rest down on the bench beside him. “Send the power into the wound then pull it right back toward you, that should draw out the poison. Work on one wound at a time until all you pull out is blood. Wipe the area thoroughly to remove all of the poison before you heal the wound. Although preferable water is not absolutely necessary.”

  Nessa’s eyes locked with Kaelan’s across the table. There was still a chance Conri would die. Kaelan’s calm and confident gaze settled her frayed nerves. Taking a deep breath Nessa nodded and stood up. Moving the bench back a bit she carefully arranged her rags.

  Kaelan’s eyes began to glow as his hand hovered over an angry looking stab wound on Conri’s right shoulder. A few glittering strands of energy traveled from Kaelan’s palm into Conri’s motionless body, focused to a tiny point of entry through the infected wound. Yellow poison slowly began oozing from the area as Kaelan pulled the power back out. When only thick red blood flowed from the wound Kaelan wiped the area with one of his rags. Setting the rag on the table next to Conri his hand hovered over the wound again. A silver wave gently flew through the air toward her husband’s raw bloody wound. Nessa watched as healthy skin grew over the area without so much as a scar.

  A light breeze blew, rustling the leaves of the mighty oak behind them. The very tree Conri had been tied to. The trees whispered nothing of their future, no visions or premonitions of any kind. The one time she wanted information they went completely mute. She could not see Conri’s future, not even a glimpse.

  Refusing to take that as a bad sign she chose a wound on Conri’s arm then held a hand over it, sending powerful strands of energy into Conri’s body through the wounded area then pulling it back out, the same way she would wrap it around an object she wanted to move. Concentrating the energy into such a small area took far more concentration. A thick yellowish-green fluid began to seep from the wound as she drew the energy back out of his body through the same area. Continuing that process until all that oozed was blood she wiped the wound then healed it shut.

  Together they worked their way down the front of Conri’s upper body. The back of her husband’s body did not sustain nearly as much trauma. She’d been able to glance at it while Ronan carried him. By the time the front of Conri’s upper body was nearly healed Ronan and Eanna returned carrying their bags as well as two buckets of water.

  She wanted to wash Conri but it seemed best to just continue healing the wounds for now. There were only a few assorted wounds on his legs left then she could move on to the back of his body.

  “I can finish from here. Go have something to eat with Ronan and Eanna” Nessa glanced across the fort. Conri’s brothers were seated on the bottom tier of the fort with one set of the food packs. The set of bags they left with her also contained clothing for Conri.

  Kaelan’s eyes locked with hers for a moment before he nodded and walked away, a silent thank you for taking care of his son.

  Nessa reached across Conri’s body and bent his right leg. As soon as she did the edge of an angry wound hidden by his genitals appeared. Gently pulling aside his sleeping shaft and the sacs beneath she heard herself gasp aloud at the gruesome sight, unable to contain the shock. Her hands actually shook.

  Conri had been stabbed repeatedly around his genitals. A series of seriously infected wounds, some areas still raw and bloody as if they were recent, covered the entire area including the bottom of the sacs beneath his shaft. She looked over at Alana’s body lying near the tree, furious all over again. Kaelan must have gone back and chopped Alana’s head off just in case she was an immortal. Her head lie in the dirt not far from her lifeless body.

  Adding to the mess between Conri’s thighs was a rash from dried feces left on his body. He’d obviously been fed enough that his body continued to produce waste. Emaciated beyond what she expected his face appeared almost hallowed out. Apparently they had not fed her husband any more than what was absolutely necessary to keep him alive.

  Now she had a decision to make, clean the area with water first or pull out the poison and heal the wound. Her powers could not clean the excrement from the area and healing a wound with feces in it seemed less than desirable.

  She rolled him over to lie on his stomach. Thankfully the table was just barely wide enough to accommodate the task without needing assistance. Dipping one of the rags into a bucket of water she rung out the excess. Conri would likely be mortified but she had no other choice. For the first time today she felt grateful his body was still shut down. That is how Kaelan described it to her. Conri could hear them, remained aware of everything, but could not open his eyes or speak. His brain shut down all nonessential functions to conserve energy for healing.

  Wiping the wet rag from front to back she made certain to use an extreme amount of care when touching the area below his genitals. After repeating that process a few times she scrubbed his backside thoroughly clean. Setting that rag and bucket of water aside as unusable she rolled Conri over again onto his back.

  Spreading his legs apart she lifted the sacs below his shaft gently as possible with her left hand, careful not to touch the wounds underneath. Focusing on one side of the large u-shaped cluster of wounds she forced a gentle flow of shimmering energy into the area then pulled it back out. As soon as yellow puss began oozing from the wound Conri sat up screaming, eyes opened wide.

  It nearly stopped her heart from shock. Dropping his sacs and lowering her hand she laid a hand on either side of his face. “Ri, it is Nessa. Look at me.” Ri was a shortened version of his name she’d taken to using, one only she called him.

  Conri’s eyes were wild with terror as they darted around, surveying his surroundings. Kaelan, Eanna, and Ronan were running across the fort at full speed.

  By the time his father and brothers reached them Conri had calmed quite a bit, looking directly into her eyes now, still breathing deeply but aware of her presence.

  “I am here. You are safe. They are all dead. Your father killed them. Did you hear me when I told you about your father?” Nessa waited for some kind of a response before continuing and throwing any more information at him.

  When Conri nodded ever so slightly she pressed on. “Some of your wounds are festering. I need to draw out the poison or it will kill you. Just a bit more pain and this nightmare will be over, I swear.”

  Conri nodded as his eyes darted nervously toward the three warriors now standing next to them. No words were needed, his eyes said it all. There was a panicked edge to his gaze that she had never seen before. He did not know these men nor did he want them here for this.

  Nessa cast a firm gaze toward the three men she had come to adore over the past week. “Leave us please. The wounds I am working on will be particularly painful.”

  “We can hold him down so that…”

  Conri slapped Ronan’s hand away. “I can handle it.”

  Ronan glanced down at his brother, clearly offended.

  Nessa gently laid a hand on Ronan’s arm. “He does not know who you are. Please, we will be fine.”

  Ronan looked into her eyes but did not immediately move.

  “I know who he is. I heard every word you said. This must be Ronan. The brother you said was almost as handsome as me.” An angry sarcastic edge to Conri’s statement made it sound like an insult.

  Ronan took it in stride grinning, eyes still locked on hers. “Almost.” He laid a hand on his chest. “I am truly offended.”

  “I can see my wife has been busy during my absence collecting more admirers.” No one could possibly miss the contemptuous tone fairly dripping from Conri’s voice.

  They all stared at him in varying degrees of disbelief. How could he say such a thing? Did he truly believe she would be carrying on with other men while he was being tortured? The look of shock on Ronan’s face quickly turned to anger.

  Before Ronan could say a word Nessa moved to stand in front of him, blocking his view of Conri. “He has been through a lot. Leave it be. Let me tend him alone.”

  “I do not need you to tend me.”

  Nessa turned around, unleashing her own anger. “Do not be a fool. Without my help you will die. If you do not want your family’s assistance so be it but you will have mine. Lie down!” Her husband could be as angry as he wanted but she refused to let him die.


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