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Love's Fury (Immortal Ireland Book 2)

Page 23

by Kristen Cobb

  Conri almost groaned out loud when he saw the smile slowly spread across Ronan’s face.

  “Let someone take the miserable bugger and say good riddance.”

  Conri stood up, pulling his sword from the sheath at his back. “Big words from such a little man.” Although not much taller than Ronan he was learning that where brothers were concerned bragging rights still belonged to him.

  Ronan unsheathed his sword and hopped up from the ground swinging, an enormous grin on his face. The only thing Ronan enjoyed more than teasing his younger brother seemed to be fighting. Ronan’s skills with a sword were beyond any he had ever personally witnessed, although Conri would never admit that out loud.

  Ronan’s first blow came from the side. Conri swung his sword across the front of his body from the opposite side to block it. Ronan quickly came at him from above. Conri stepped out of the way instead of trying to block the blow, something he was attempting to learn from Ronan. His brother tended to use graceful movements and footwork rather than brute strength whenever possible. He had always been more of a brute force kind of warrior. Conri hated to admit it but practicing with Ronan would eventually make him a better fighter. At the moment it only made him appear clumsy.

  Conri swung his sword at the back of Ronan’s legs as he moved down and to the side in an attempt to sidestep the blow. Ronan pivoted his body in a graceful effortless motion, his sword slamming down just in time.

  Now Conri had himself in an awkward position, slightly bent over and out of balance. Damn it all this happened every time he tried to emulate his brother’s style. Ronan of course remained in a perfectly positioned and balanced stance. The truly annoying part being that his brother made it appear effortless.

  Ronan swung his sword in a downward arch, aiming for the juncture of his neck and shoulder, an incredibly vulnerable spot. All he could really do at this point was fall to the ground and attempt to block the blow from below or take it in a less vulnerable spot.

  Falling to the ground on his back Conri raised his sword, attempting to roll out of the way at the same time. He felt his brother pull back just as the sword hit the back of his shoulder. Lying on the ground with his face in the dirt he could not believe his brother bested him again. Ronan was easily the best warrior he had ever encountered.

  Conri rolled over onto his back, grabbing hold of Ronan’s outstretched hand, allowing his brother to help him up.

  “So, are you going to bond with her or is the plan to continue being a miserable pain in the backside?” Ronan sheathed his sword.

  “It is not that simple. Even if I were willing to bond I cannot just bring it up. I need her to tell me what the real problem is because I am not supposed to know. After seeing what she did to Rory this morning I hate to even imagine what she will do to our friend there if she finds out he told me?” Conri slid his sword back into its sheath, glancing down at Will who understandably appeared a bit concerned.

  “Think of something fast brother. I hear you told her to leave after the siege and never bother you again. What if she does as you ask?” The uncharacteristically serious expression on Ronan’s face definitely engendered a sense of urgency.


  His wife sat silently next to Ronan, watching Rory and some of the men bathe in the river. Conri had one more idea. It seemed long past time to reveal his feelings after the kidnapping, explaining his nearly unforgivable treatment of the woman who saved him. If that did not work he would acquiesce and follow the path she’d chosen for the both of them. Having her with him as a bird was better than losing her altogether.

  He prayed, not to Laurence’s God but to Nessa while being stabbed day after day, tortured beyond what any mortal man would live through. When that day finally came and she rescued him he should have been grateful, relieved, even elated.

  Oddly enough his first reaction had been anger, at her. The embarrassment of being found in that condition overwhelming every other emotion, especially when he saw his father and brothers. To be found helpless and near death would have been bad enough but she actually needed to clean his backside in front of them, like an infant. He understood the necessity of the action and should have been grateful for her care.

  Instead he lashed out. Feeling like a complete failure as a man, when he saw his wife touch Ronan’s arm with an obvious familiarity he immediately began hurling insults and accusations. He still felt like less of a man because of what happened. Last night, in bed with his wife, that feeling abated for the first time.

  The nightmares did not help, nor were they under his control. Attempting to put the incident behind him was proving to be impossible. It existed as an inextricable part of him now whether he liked it or not. Somewhere deep down inside he truly believed Nessa deserved better, a man not so broken by life’s trials. He constantly seemed to push her away because of his own insecurities.

  The current plan to break his wife’s will relied on Nessa’s love for him, flaws and all. Conri smiled as he remembered what Ronan told him. She realized he was a bit broken and flawed but loved him anyway.

  No one sat anywhere near Nessa and Ronan. Everyone gave his wife a wide berth out of sheer terror. Walking over to them Conri set a hand on Ronan’s shoulder. “I need a word with my wife, privately.”

  Ronan nodded and stood to leave.

  “There is nothing left to say.” Nessa barely glanced in his direction before turning away to stare out at the river.

  Ronan mouthed the words good luck then walked away.

  Conri sat down next to Nessa on the grass, disregarding her statement. “There are a few things I need to say before we part ways forever. Is that truly so much to ask?”

  She finally looked at him, shaking her head.

  Now it was his turn to stare out at the river. Talking about his feelings did not come naturally. Under any other circumstances he would never reveal the raging insecurity plaguing him, even to her. “I am sorry for the way I treated you. Accusing you of dallying with Ronan bordered on cruelty. My only excuse is that anger and embarrassment clouded my judgment. I saw you touch Ronan with such affection and lashed out. He stood next to you looking handsome and strong, helping rescue your weakling husband.” Conri stopped for a moment, knowing her eyes were focused on him, seriously uncomfortable admitting all of this to her. “My mind was not right after so many days of torture.” His jaw clenched as he tried to clear the memory of being tied to the tree while they stabbed him and laughed. “In truth I am still not right. I see men coming at me with daggers where there are none. I have nightmares, reliving my time with Declan’s men, but then you know that. I understand why you turned away from me. I am not much of a man or a warrior. What woman would want someone like me? You deserve better than a warrior who is so weak as to be taken captive. How could you ever get past seeing me like that, near death, covered in my own excrement, filthy and helpless. No woman would see me as a man after that. I do not blame you for leaving me. There is no reason to lie about being with Rory any longer. I know why you have gone to such lengths to distance yourself from me. You are embarrassed to be my wife. I will never bother you again.” He made a move to stand up.

  Nessa quickly grabbed his arm. “Is that what you think?”

  “There is no other explanation for your actions. I assume you have been following me around as a hawk because you feel guilty. There is no reason to. Any woman in your position would feel the same.” Conri practically held his breath waiting to hear what she would say. Would she allow him to walk away believing everything he just said was true or feel compelled to set him straight. He certainly hoped for the latter but so far Nessa placed his safety above all other concerns.

  “Nothing could be further from the truth. The fact that you survived proves how strong you are. I have never been embarrassed to be your wife. You are…”

  “An embarrassment and not good enough to serve you let alone share your bed.” There were moments when he truly did feel that way. He honestly did not deserve her
love and devotion.

  “No! Never say that. Do not even think that.” Nessa sat up on her knees to face him. “You are brave and strong, kind and honest. You are everything I could ever want in a man and more.”

  “If that were true we would be together. You would not be going to such lengths to get rid of me.” This was the moment when his wife had a choice to make. If Nessa refused to reveal the truth at this point she likely never would.

  He could see the inner struggle reflected in her eyes. Waiting patiently he tried not to rush her or push any further. He had done everything possible to force the truth out of her. The next move belonged to his wife. A title she would hold for the rest of his life regardless of the outcome.

  When she continued to sit there without saying a word he leaned over and kissed her forehead. “Goodbye Ness.”

  She pulled down hard on his arm when he attempted to stand up. “Wait.”

  “For what? You said it yourself. There is nothing left to say.” The sadness in his eyes was not feigned at this point.

  “I am trying to protect you. I will always love you. Everything I have done is to keep you safe.”

  His heart nearly stopped beating as she said the words. “Protect me from what?” Now he needed to do a bit of lying himself, regrettable but necessary. If Nessa suspected he already knew they would have one angry ancient on their hands.

  “Declan will not be the last to try and use you against me. I refuse to stand by and simply wait for it to happen again. You were nearly killed because of me. I am trying to make things right.”

  “By breaking my heart and publicly humiliating me?” To save him from one kind of pain she inflicted another. Finally he could speak his mind concerning her actions. While he understood her motives a good deal of anger simmered deep down inside. It felt good to voice his frustration and wounded pride.

  “I should probably apologize for that but I am not going to. It is the only way to keep you safe. If I can convince everyone I no longer love you then there is no reason for anyone to ever consider using you against me. Removing myself from your life is the only way to make this right. What happened to you is my fault.” Completely unrepentant she also spoke in the present tense as if her plan remained in place.

  “Then why become the hawk and follow me around, remaining in my life?” He needed to hear her say she could not live without him.

  “To watch over you. There is still a possibility that someone will try to use you. I have done everything I can to put the fear of my wrath into both the mortals and the shifters but there is no guarantee. I cannot leave you unprotected.” Nessa looked away, a sure sign his wife was being less than honest.

  Conri grabbed her chin, turning her face back toward him. “Is that the only reason?”

  He could see her resolve beginning to crumble. His wife shook her head but did not answer the question. Rather than say a word he simply looked into her eyes, hoping it would be enough to break down the rest of the wall she so meticulously erected between them.

  “I need to be near you. I love you. Please do not ask me to go away.” Emerald green eyes revealed the truth with a longing that tugged at his heart.

  Pulling her up onto his lap, intending to kiss her senseless, Conri wrapped his arms around her, surprised when she tried to push him away. “You just admitted that you love me and cannot bear to be away from me. What is the problem now?” Keeping the frustration out of his voice proved to be impossible.

  “Nothing has changed. I cannot have people knowing that I love you. Please let me go.” She said it so politely.

  “No. I will not let you go and we are not pretending you love Rory.” With the truth out in the open he refused to back down.

  Nessa stopped battling against his embrace but he knew the fight was far from over. That stubborn expression he both loved and hated replaced all of the tender emotions on her face. “This is not a negotiation. Do not make me regret telling you the truth.”

  His mouth nearly hung open in shock. “Regret telling me the truth? What you should regret is lying to your husband for months, professing to be in love with his best friend, making everyone believe you spent each night pleasuring said friend, publicly humiliating the man you claim to love.” Just barely holding his temper in check he tried not to yell and cause another very public confrontation.

  “I never wanted to hurt you. That broke my heart. Doing it right after your kidnapping was cruel but what other choice did I have?” The anger seemed to drain form her eyes as she gently laid a hand against his chest. “What they did to you.” Staring at his body he knew Nessa was seeing him nearly dead and tied to a tree at the ring fort.

  “Was not your fault.” When his wife shook her head in disagreement he lifted her chin, forcing her to look at him. When her eyes finally met his he said the words again. “You are not at fault for what happened to me.”

  Rory sauntered out of the river naked along with a few of his personal guards.

  “Attack! Attack! My king they are coming!” Cluny ran toward Rory, eyes wide with terror.

  Nessa sprang from his lap, speeding toward Rory in an instant, running faster than any human he had ever seen. Jumping up he sped after his wife but could not come close to matching her speed.

  He watched Rory bend over to pick up his clothing. Suddenly he realized what Nessa planned to do.

  “No!” He tried to run faster, to get to her, but she had already reached Rory. In helpless horror he watched the arrow plunge through the upper portion of his wife’s abdomen.

  By the time he reached her she was staring down at the arrow in shock. He scooped her up into his arms as she fell to her knees and started to run. Thankfully the arrow shot straight through her, the pointed tip sticking out the front of her body. The other end of the arrow protruded from her back. If the metal tip had lodged inside of her there would be no way to remove it aside form forcibly ripping out the arrow along with anything in its path.

  Rory ran right beside him. “Retreat! Retreat!”

  A black stallion appeared without a rider as he ran through the chaos of men fleeing. The horse stopped in front of him. Ronan. He knew his brother could change form. It was the only explanation.

  Conri stopped running and looked at Rory. “I need you to pull the arrow out.”

  “If we do that it will…”

  “Do it!” He had no time to explain. He could not carry Nessa on the horse with the placement of the arrow. Nor could he actually treat her when they stopped. She would have to bleed until she healed no matter when they removed the arrow from her body.

  Rory quickly snapped off the head, throwing it to the ground. Nessa screamed as Rory pulled the rest of the arrow out through her back.

  Rory helped Nessa stand as he mounted the black stallion. Reaching down for Nessa one of the men rushing by stopped to help Rory lift her up into his waiting arms.

  “No, the other way, in front of me.” Conri instructed them to turn her so she would be facing him. That way when her body completely shut down she would fall against him rather than off the horse.

  Nessa reached out for him as they lifted her by the waist, blood already soaking the front of her blue tunic, jaw clenched tight to avoid screaming from the pain.

  “Lean against me.” Conri knew her body would shut down soon. Holding onto Ronan’s mane and keeping Nessa in front of him once that happened would not be easy.

  Wrapping her arms around his chest Nessa laid her head against his shoulder.

  Securing his left arm around her waist Conri grabbed Ronan’s mane with his right. Ronan set off at a furious pace, keenly aware of the danger as another arrow flew past them.

  Rory would have to fend for himself. His wife just risked her life to save him. That would have to be enough. Nessa’s safety mattered more than anyone or anything else. He could feel her warm blood soaking his shirt and the top of his pants. If he agreed to bond with her back when she first asked he could heal her now, as she had done for him. He al
ways seemed to fail her.

  SITTING on the ground leaning back against an oak tree Conri held his wife securely between his legs, her back resting against his front. They stopped in a small copse of trees set between two farms. Some of Rory’s men managed to follow them here in the chaos of retreat. Most of his army likely dispersed, already headed back to wherever they called home. The men under his command comprised only a small portion of the high-king’s army. The lesser kings beneath Rory that supported him in this siege would not be happy their high-king deserted a battle again, a disturbing pattern.

  In Ireland a king was little more than a military leader. He had no say in the laws of the land. As high-king Rory’s main function was to wage war when necessary. Rory seemed afraid to enter into anything that resembled a major battle. He would threaten and bluster, even raise enormous armies and march against his enemies but never actually fight. That alone made him unfit to be high-king. A painful realization for Conri to accept. At one time Rory seemed fearless.

  An acorn fell from the tree, nearly hitting Nessa’s head. Small branches and bits of bark littered the ground around them. Oak trees tended to be a bit messy but their broad leaves and long full branches provided the best protection in case of rain. A slight breeze blew, rustling the leaves in a gentle cacophony of sound, reminding him of Nessa’s claim that the trees spoke to her.

  Her body shut down partway through their escape and remained in that immobile state. Conri had his arms wrapped around her from behind, making certain she knew nothing would harm her during this most vulnerable time.

  “Did I ever tell you about the battle I wound up beneath a pile of dead bodies? No, I do not think I did.” Although she could not speak, open her eyes, or move he knew Nessa could hear him. He could still remember hearing her talk to him on the day she rescued him. “I somehow became trapped in the very center of a complete melee. There were people everywhere making it almost impossible to tell the enemy from your own men. We both know how difficult it can be even under the best of circumstances given the way kings compile their armies. I became encircled by a swarm of enemy fighters. I went down fairly quickly and they left me for dead. When the battle finally ended someone began piling up dead bodies in an attempt to find survivors. Apparently my wounds were so severe no one bothered to check and see if I was still breathing. Their mistake probably saved my life. We were in enemy territory making it highly unlikely they were on my side. There I was, still alive, unable to speak or move, stuck beneath a pile of dead bodies.” He shuddered just thinking about it, even after all these years. “That was another one of those experiences I would rather not repeat.”


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