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Soul of a Demon (The Dark Souls Book 3)

Page 5

by Jamie Begley

“That’s different.” The dartboard was normal sized with a large eye on the front, the pupil was the bull’s eye.

  Hades gave her a dart. “Want to try your luck?”

  “I’ve never played darts before.”

  “Talat won’t mind.”


  “I like to name my toys.”

  “Oh.” Zerina threw the dart, hitting the top of the board. “It’s fun.”

  “Yes, it is. We’ll have a game after you practice more.”

  Zerina explored the room, examining some of the games she had never seen before. A billiards table was one she was familiar with.

  She had moved to another seating area where an old wooden tube sat on a small table. She picked it up, shaking it. She was about to take the top off when Hades stopped her.

  “That’s knucklebones.”

  She set the wooden tube back down on the table. “I’ll give that one a pass.”

  “I thought you would. If you’re ready?”

  Before she could follow him out the door, she heard voices pleading for help. When she turned to see where the sound came from, Hades appeared by her side, giving a look of dissatisfaction around the room. The voices stopped. “Anything wrong?”

  “I thought … No, it’s fine. I thought I heard someone. It must have been the bones.” Zerina shuddered, not wanting to know whose bones were in the wooden tube.

  Hades wasn’t the only one who played the game. She had watched it played many times through the centuries. Usually, the bones were from a sheep or goat’s ankle, and a pair of dice. She didn’t want to think Hades had used the bones of one of his prisoner’s, but she wouldn’t put it past him.

  Moving out of the room, they turned a corner where an incredibly large, gruesome monster appeared. As they approached, she unconsciously reached for Hades’ arm.

  He patted her hand, leading her closer to the giant.

  “Show yourself, Tartarus,” Hades ordered.

  The monster transformed into a tall, handsome man who gave her a mocking glance as he opened a large door.

  “Zerina, this is Tartarus.”

  “You are as beautiful as your mother.”

  “You’ve met my mother?”

  “A time or two,” he acknowledged with a grin.

  “Has she seen you in this form?”

  Her mother had given a graphic description of him, but she had never mentioned that he was so attractive. His curly brown hair went to his shoulders, and his massive chest and arms rivaled the Olympian gods’. If she hadn’t been greeted by his monstrous form first, Tartarus’ striking good looks would have attracted her.

  “No one has seen Tartarus in human form outside the Underworld. I don’t need more women willingly committing crimes to come down here and meet him. I have enough problems with the women that meet Grimm.”

  Zerina gave a brief look around the room. This one had the least amount of furniture than any other so far, only containing an imposing desk and a large black leather chair. Portraits lined the walls, all more beautiful than the one next to it.

  “You can usually find me here if you want to talk to me.” Taking her arm, Hades escorted her back out into the hallway.

  Zerina gave Tartarus a sidelong look as they moved away.

  When they turned another corner, leaving the man behind, Hades released her arm. “You found him attractive, didn’t you?”

  “Who wouldn’t? It would be hard not to admire him for his looks. You have portraits lining every wall in your castle; why should you be angry that I stared at a man whom any painter would love to paint?”

  “Staring at a picture of Tartarus wouldn’t give me pleasure.”

  “Well, it gave me a great deal of pleasure when he transformed out of a monster,” Zerina quipped, uncaring that she was making him angry.

  Stepping away from his side, she put more space between them. She would never willingly be attracted to Hades. She didn’t care how handsome he was, or the sexual heat he omitted. The dark soul might not be visible to the naked eye, but it was in his actions. She was never going to forgive him for the time she had spent in the pit.

  “I do not want your forgiveness.”

  Before she could move, she found herself pushed against the wall next to her, the portrait above shaking at the force. He crushed her breasts with his chest, while a lean thigh parted her legs, finding her center that was growing damp at his nearness. Zerina found herself straddling that leg.

  “Let me go.”

  “You think I’m cruel? I can show you cruelty beyond your imagination. You are a spoiled little bitch who continues to think that what you want matters. It doesn’t. Only my wishes matter down here. Do you understand me? I won’t continue to tolerate your disrespect. Do I make myself clear?”

  “Perfectly.” She tried to turn her face away, unable to bear looking into his eyes. She wanted to grind herself down on the knee that was creating an even hotter fire than she had lived through in the pit.

  Hades pushed his knee higher. “I am not cruel, despite your belief. Do you think Zeus or Poseidon would tolerate your impertinence if you talked to them in the same tone?”

  She trembled when Hades turned her face toward him with his firm hand. “No,” she gasped. His lips were a hairsbreadth away from hers. “Don’t kiss me,” she thought repeatedly.

  Hades gave her a sinister smile. “I wasn’t going to. I only kiss women I am attracted to.” He released her, smoothing the sleeves of his suit down. “Shall we continue your tour?”

  She wanted to tell him no, but she had no chance of escaping if she didn’t learn the outlay of the castle.

  “You have no escape, anyway.”

  “Will you stop reading my thoughts? Please,” she added on an afterthought when he looked at her.

  “As you wish.” Hades waved a hand. “Your thoughts are now your own.”

  “You can’t hear my thought now?” she asked suspiciously.

  “No. They bored me, anyway. All you want is to stab me in my heart and escape. It’s nothing I haven’t heard before. I thought you would be more amusing. I’m beginning to realize I was mistaken.” Hades’ attitude had changed after they had left his office.

  His demeanor cold, he opened the rooms she would be allowed inside, but no longer gave her an opportunity to explore inside before closing the door again.

  Turning one corner, she noticed the black marble floor slanting downward, leading toward a large wooden door that creaked when he opened it. The black marble turned into dirt.

  “Stay on this path if you venture off, Tartarus or Grimm will escort you back to your room. There is only one chamber you will be allowed inside.”

  As they walked along the path, she could feel them descending, passing doors intermittently. They drew closer together the deeper they went. The path ended in a large chamber where an old man was digging with his bare hands at a stone wall.

  Zerina put a hand to her mouth at the bloodied sight of his hands.

  “Ignore Maxi. He used to brag that, if he went to hell, he would dig his way out. He hasn’t been successful, but he keeps trying.”

  When the old man turned, Zerina’s sympathy deserted her, recognizing the tyrant. Hades was giving him a better chance than Robespierre had given those he had ordered to be guillotined.

  In the chamber, three pathways branched out. Hades continued walking along the middle one.

  They hadn’t gone very far when it ended in another underground chamber. The stone cliffs lifted so high she could see the sun.

  She took a step forward, feeling the rocks under her feet then feeling water lapping at her feet.

  “You can swim here, and no one will disturb you.”

  Zerina curled her toes ecstatically at the warm feel of the water. “I’m never going to go back to my room. It’s beautiful.”

  “Thank you. I’m glad something in my castle pleases you.”

  His harsh voice had her looking over her shoulder at him. Hades was sta
nding with his hands in his pockets as if he was waiting impatiently to leave.

  She sat down on a boulder, bunching her gown up to dip her feet into the water. “I am sorry I’ve been a shrew. I miss my family. Jinx told me that Broni and Cara are both married now. I missed their weddings. I’ve never been away from home before, unless I was watching a soul be born, or a brief visit to earth. I even miss my bed.”

  “You miss your bed?”

  Zerina nodded unhappily. “It’s amazing what you miss that you never gave a thought to before.” She raised her face upward to feel the sunlight on her.

  “When I was given this domain, I missed home also. I adjusted. Now I wouldn’t go back if I could.”

  “You wouldn’t?” She didn’t believe him. Who would willingly give up the universe to be stuck in the Underworld?

  “No, I wouldn’t. I don’t miss court, nor Mother’s interference.”

  “You have to be bored down here. Do you ever go outside?”


  Her thoughts started turning, hoping he had told her the truth about not reading her mind. “Can I go when you do?”

  “You think one of your relatives or Mother will rescue you if I do?” Hades threw a loose stone into the water. “They won’t. What the devil takes, he keeps.”

  She lowered her face, her shoulders dropping. “The sunlight isn’t real, is it?”

  “No. If you thought to climb the stone walls, let me dissuade you. You will only cause yourself needless pain. I won’t stop you if you want to give it a try, though.”

  She remained unmoving, the brief enjoyment of sitting under golden rays gone.

  “No? Then if you’re ready, I will return you to your room.”

  Instantly, she found herself back in her room.

  Realizing she was alone, she sank down on the side of her bed. She smothered down the feeling of loneliness. No matter how luxurious, the room wasn’t her home, and that was where she wanted to be, with her family.

  Sliding to the floor beside her bed, she prayed. It was her last fragile hope. If it didn’t work, centuries of being consigned to this room lay before her.

  She burrowed her face into her coverlet, weeping, feeling as lost and vulnerable as she had the night Grimm had found her.

  Emotionally exhausted, she fell asleep, still sitting on the floor, unaware of the man who had appeared by her side to lift her onto the bed. Waving a hand, he covered her with a warm blanket.

  “Sleep, Zerina. May you find solace in your dreams. Mother cannot answer your prayers. Only I can.”

  Chapter 6

  Hades left Zerina’s room, locking the door behind him. When he turned the key, those who inhabited his castle were free to roam and show their free forms.

  Murmurs and sexual pleas could be heard again from the corridor that contained Zerina. However, Hades paid no heed to their calls for attention.

  A wraith coming up the stairs to change his bed linens flew by him, not wanting his ire directed toward him. Downstairs, Grimm was lying on the large white couch with two nymphs cuddled to his side. Seeing Hades, Grimm straightened, sending away the two females.

  “Go to my room and wait for me there.”

  Hades saw the two nymphs disappear at his furious glare.

  “I told you I did not want any visitors until Dionysus was found.”

  “I didn’t think you meant Aurae or Erytheia.”

  “I meant everyone. No one can be trusted. Rhys warned Mother that Dionysus was searching for Zerina. The asshole has nearly destroyed mankind trying to find her.”

  “Broni’s mate may be wrong. Why would Dionysus show himself and place him and Zeus in jeopardy from Mother’s wrath?”

  Hades went to the fireplace, the flames inside lovingly reaching out to touch the hem of his pants. “Mother believes that Zeus is behind Dionysus’ treachery to take control from her.”

  “You don’t believe it?”

  “No. Zeus has no reason to. He knows he would start a war with the other gods who would defend Mother. Why start a war? He’s Mother’s heir. I think Dionysus is searching for Zerina for another reason. The attack on the Moirai that brought Cara, Broni, and Zerina to earth was deliberately planned just to get Zerina. I think that’s why Zeus is hiding to keep his gift of foresight from Dionysus—to keep him from finding the soul he’s searching for. With Zeus inaccessible to him, the only one who knows whose soul he is searching for is Zerina.”

  Grimm raised a brow. “You have any idea who it is?”

  “None.” Hades stared broodingly into the flames.

  “Why not just tell Zerina you’re keeping her here to keep her safe? Or tell Mother where Zerina is?”

  “Because Mother is right about one thing. Dionysus is a follower, not a leader.”

  “Who do you think is behind him?”

  “I have no fucking clue. Many want Mother’s power. But the person he is searching for is human. However, no human has the ability to destroy her. The only thing we can do is wait. When Dionysus gets tired of searching earth for Zerina, he will come here to search for her, and I’ll be waiting.”

  “I wish you success getting Morgana to talk.”

  “The spell she placed on herself is working for now. Sooner or later, she’ll break. They always do.” Hades grimly reached down to one of the flames, letting it lick his fingers, before turning back to Grimm. “Jinx is prowling around, looking for the entrance. I think we should invite her inside.”

  Grimm gave a saccharine smile. “Which room do you want me to give her?”

  “Take your pick; it doesn’t matter to me.”

  “Your concubines are already unhappy that you haven’t visited them since Zerina has been in residence. When they see another one, I’ll be the one having to listen to their bitching.”

  “Then it’s easy to solve. Who bitched the most when I returned Athena to court?”

  Without hesitation, Grimm answered, “Teicu.”

  “Problem solved. Return her to court, or ask if she wants to remain as one of your concubines.”

  Grimm’s surprise turned to lust. Jerking to his feet, he bowed. “I’ll ask her now.”

  “Show her the room you want to give her before she makes up her mind. Then see to Jinx when you get her situated.”

  Grimm disappeared in the blink of an eye. Hades was sure he was eager to fuck the minor goddesses. Therefore, Jinx would be sitting outside his doorstep for another day.

  Deciding to take care of business before Zerina woke, he waved his hand, making the front room transform into a dark cavern. Torches were hung from the stone walls, giving light to the sexual atmosphere. Loud music played for the drudges that Mother had consigned to his home. Demons of all sizes and colors, and monsters that were so ugly they gave men nightmares lay around on couches. Prisoners he had chosen to serve for the crimes they had committed on earth waited on them, providing anything they desired. Whether it was liquor or sex, they were unable to refuse.

  Hades made his way through the crowded chamber, going to the wall where a large man was chained. A woman who had the head and arms of a spider was playing with Hades’ prisoner.

  “When are you going to let us have him?” Arachne whined.

  Hades turned toward the prisoner. “What about it, Tank? Tired of hanging around?”

  “Fuck you!”

  The biker had committed many crimes on earth, torturing and raping many without regard to those he hurt. By the time Hades was finished with him, he was going to care. He would see to it.

  “He doesn’t seem to like me.” Arachne used her claw to grab the struggling man’s balls.

  “He’ll come to love you, just like the other servers.” Hades waved his hand, removing the manacles that bound Tank to the wall.

  When he would have struck out, Hades gave a mirthless smile, waving his hand to freeze him in place.

  “If you’ll excuse us, Arachne. Tank will see to your needs when he finishes a small chore. You probably ha
ve to get in line. You’re not the only one wanting to get their han—claws on him.”

  With a wave of his hand, Tank was left with no choice but to follow him.

  “You have nothing to fear. What she claws off will grow back. It’ll be painful, but it will grow back.” Hades stopped before a stage that everyone in the chamber could see. “You used to love to make the weak dance for you. I don’t believe any part of that dark soul of yours regrets the actions that you felt entitled to do. Their pain and humiliation will be felt by you until you no longer remember anything but the monsters and demons that will become your living nightmare.”

  “I’m not going to do shit for you or them!”

  “You think you have a choice?” Hades touched Tank’s forehead, planting the seed to obey deep within the man’s brain. “Go dance.”

  Hades didn’t have to wave his hand to gain Tank’s acquiesce, though his eyes showed he was struggling internally not to obey. The man followed his command, climbing the stone steps then turning around to face the myriad of grotesque faces that cheered him on. His feet shuffled to the beat of the music, sensually dancing as he had made the human women move before he had died.

  Hades went to the bar, taking a stool, deciding to wait and watch the human. Many were waiting eagerly for the music to stop, wanting to be the first to initiate Tank to his duties.

  Tank stared at each face, believing he was surrounded by monsters and demons. In reality, he would never see the true monster was himself. None inside the chamber would hurt and demean the helpless as he had done.

  “You look tired tonight, Hades. Mind some company?” Jinx plopped down on the stool next to him.

  “I see you found your way inside.” Hades motioned for Stheno to bring a jug of wine.

  Medusa’s older sister expertly carried the jug of wine as the thin, red snakes hissed and glared at him. She sat the jug down as two goblets appeared in front of them.

  “Not without some help from you, I’m sure,” Jinx quipped wryly, pouring wine for her and him.

  “I expected you to be with Zerina.”

  “She’s still sleeping.” Jinx looked around the chamber with interest. “Is that centaur trying to dry hump my leg?”


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