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The Woman in Black

Page 6

by E. C. Bentley



  "Calvin C. Bunner, at your service," amended the newcomer, with a touchof punctilio, as he removed an unlighted cigar from his mouth. He wasused to finding Englishmen slow and ceremonious with strangers, andTrent's quick remark plainly disconcerted him a little. "You are Mr.Trent, I expect," he went on. "Mrs. Manderson was telling me a whileago. Captain, good-morning." Mr. Murch acknowledged the greeting with anod. "I was coming up to my room, and I heard a strange voice in here,so I thought I would take a look in." Mr. Bunner laughed easily. "Youthought I might have been eavesdropping, perhaps," he said. "No, sir; Iheard a word or two about a pistol--this one, I guess--and that's all."

  Mr. Bunner was a thin, rather short young man with a shaven, pale, bony,almost girlish face and large, dark, intelligent eyes. His waving darkhair was parted in the middle. His lips, usually occupied with a cigar,in its absence were always half open with a curious expression as ofpermanent eagerness. By smoking or chewing a cigar this expression wasbanished, and Mr. Bunner then looked the consummately cool and sagaciousYankee that he was.

  Born in Connecticut, he had gone into a broker's office on leavingcollege, and had attracted the notice of Manderson, whose business withhis firm he had often handled. The Colossus had watched him for sometime, and at length offered him the post of private secretary. Mr.Bunner was a pattern business man, trustworthy, long-headed, methodicaland accurate. Manderson could have found many men with those virtues:but he engaged Mr. Bunner because he was also swift and secret, and hadbesides a singular natural instinct in regard to the movements of thestock market.

  Trent and the American measured one another coolly with their eyes. Bothappeared satisfied with what they saw. "I was having it explained tome," said Trent pleasantly, "that my discovery of a pistol that mighthave shot Manderson does not amount to very much. I am told it is afavorite weapon among your people, and has become quite popular overhere."

  Mr. Bunner stretched out a bony hand and took the pistol from its case."Yes, sir," he said, handling it with an air of familiarity, "thecaptain is right. This is what we call out home a Little Arthur, and Idare say there are duplicates of it in a hundred thousand hip-pocketsthis minute. I consider it too light in the hand myself," Mr. Bunnerwent on, mechanically feeling under the tail of his jacket, andproducing an ugly-looking weapon. "Feel of that, now, Mr. Trent--it'sloaded, by the way. Now this Little Arthur--Marlowe bought it justbefore we came over this year, to please the old man. Manderson said itwas ridiculous for a man to be without a pistol in the twentiethcentury. So he went out and bought what they offered him, I guess--neverconsulted me. Not but what it's a good gun," Mr. Bunner conceded,squinting along the sights. "Marlowe was poor with it at first, but I'vecoached him some in the last month or so, and he's practised until he ispretty good. But he never could get the habit of carrying it around.Why, it's as natural to me as wearing my pants. I have carried one forsome years now, because there was always likely to be somebody layingfor Manderson. And now," Mr. Bunner concluded sadly, "they got him whenI wasn't around. Well, gentlemen, you must excuse me. I am going in toBishopsbridge. There is a lot to do these days, and I have to send off abunch of cables big enough to choke a cow."

  "I must be off, too," said Trent. "I have an appointment at the ThreeTuns inn."

  "Let me give you a lift in the automobile," said Mr. Bunner cordially."I go right by that joint. Say, Cap, are you coming my way, too? No?Then come along, Mr. Trent, and help me get out the car. The chauffeuris out of action, and we have to do 'most everything ourselves exceptclean the dirt off her."

  Still tirelessly talking in his measured drawl, Mr. Bunner led Trentdownstairs and through the house to the garage at the back. It stood ata little distance from the house, and made a cool retreat from the blazeof the mid-day sun.

  Mr. Bunner seemed to be in no hurry to get out the car. He offered Trenta cigar, which was accepted, and for the first time lit his own. Then heseated himself on the foot-board of the car, his thin hands claspedbetween his knees, and looked keenly at the other.

  "See here, Mr. Trent," he said after a few moments. "There are somethings I can tell you that may be useful to you. I know your record. Youare a smart man, and I like dealing with smart men. I don't know if Ihave that detective sized up right, but he strikes me as a mutt. I wouldanswer any questions he had the gumption to ask me--I have done so, infact--but I don't feel encouraged to give him any notions of minewithout his asking. See?"

  Trent nodded. "That is a feeling many people have in the presence of ourpolice," he said. "It's the official manner, I suppose. But let me tellyou Murch is anything but what you think. He is one of the shrewdestofficers in Europe. He is not very quick with his mind, but he is verysure. And his experience is immense. My forte is imagination, but Iassure you in police work experience outweighs it by a great deal."

  "Outweighs nothing!" replied Mr. Bunner crisply. "This is no ordinarycase, Mr. Trent. I will tell you one reason why. I believe the old manknew there was something coming to him. Another thing. I believe it wassomething he thought he couldn't dodge."

  Trent pulled a crate opposite to Mr. Bunner's place on the foot-boardand seated himself. "This sounds like business," he said. "Tell me yourideas."

  "I say what I do because of the change in the old man's manner this lastfew weeks. I dare say you have heard, Mr. Trent, that he was a man whoalways kept himself well in hand. That was so. I have always consideredhim the coolest and hardest head in business. That man's calm was justdeadly--I never saw anything to beat it. And I knew Manderson as nobodyelse did. I was with him in the work he really lived for. I guess I knewhim a heap better than his wife did, poor woman. I knew him better thanMarlowe could--he never saw Manderson in his office when there was a bigthing on. I knew him better than any of his friends."

  "Had he any friends?" interjected Trent.

  Mr. Bunner glanced at him sharply. "Somebody has been putting you next,I see that," he remarked. "No: properly speaking, I should say not. Hehad many acquaintances among the big men, people he saw 'most every day;they would even go yachting or hunting together. But I don't believethere ever was a man that Manderson opened a corner of his heart to. Butwhat I was going to say was this: some months ago the old man began toget like I never knew him before--gloomy and sullen, just as if he waseverlastingly brooding over something bad, something that he couldn'tfix. This went on without any break; it was the same down town as it wasup home, he acted just as if there was something lying heavy on hismind. But it wasn't until a few weeks back that his self-restraint beganto go; and let me tell you this, Mr. Trent"--the American laid his bonyclaw on the other's knee--"I'm the only man that knows it. With everyoneelse he would be just morose and dull; but when he was alone with me inhis office, or anywhere where we would be working together, if the leastlittle thing went wrong, by George! he would fly off the handle to beatthe Dutch. In this library here I have seen him open a letter withsomething that didn't just suit him in it, and he would rip around andcarry on like an Indian, saying he wished he had the man that wrote ithere, he wouldn't do a thing to him, and so on, till it was justpitiful. I never saw such a change. And here's another thing. For a weekbefore he died Manderson neglected his work, for the first time in myexperience. He wouldn't answer a letter or a cable, though things lookedlike going all to pieces over there. I supposed that this anxiety ofhis, whatever it was, had got onto his nerves till they were worn out.Once I advised him to see a doctor, and he told me to go to hell. Butnobody saw this side of him but me. If he was having one of these ragesin the library here, for example, and Mrs. Manderson would come into theroom, he would be all calm and cold again in an instant."

  "And you put this down to some secret anxiety, a fear that somebody haddesigns on his life?" asked Trent.

  The American nodded.

  "I suppose," Trent resumed, "you had considered the idea of there beingsomething wrong with his mind--a break-down from overstrain, say. Thatis the
first thought that your account suggests to me. Besides, it iswhat is always happening to your big business men in America, isn't it?That is the impression one gets from the newspapers."

  "Don't let them slip you any of that bunk," said Mr. Bunner earnestly."It's only the ones who have got rich too quick, and can't make good,who go crazy. Think of all our really big men--the men anywhere nearManderson's size: did you ever hear of any one of them losing hissenses? They don't do it--believe _me_. I know they say every man hashis loco point," Mr. Bunner added reflectively, "but that doesn't meangenuine, sure-enough craziness; it just means some personal eccentricityin a man ... like hating cats ... or my own weakness of not being ableto touch any kind of fish-food."

  "Well, what was Manderson's?"

  "He was full of them--the old man. There was his objection to all theunnecessary fuss and luxury that wealthy people don't kick at much, as ageneral rule. He didn't have any use for expensive trifles andornaments. He wouldn't have anybody do little things for him; he hatedto have servants tag around after him unless he wanted them. Andalthough Manderson was as careful about his clothes as any man I everknew, and his shoes--well, sir, the amount of money he spent on shoeswas sinful--in spite of that, I tell you, he never had a valet. He neverliked to have anybody touch him. All his life nobody ever shaved him."

  "I've heard something of that," Trent remarked. "Why was it, do youthink?"

  "Well," Mr. Bunner answered slowly, "it was the Manderson habit of mind,I guess; a sort of temper of general suspicion and jealousy. They sayhis father and grandfather were just the same.... Like a dog with abone, you know, acting as if all the rest of creation was laying for achance to steal it. He didn't really _think_ the barber would start into saw his head off; he just felt there was a possibility that he_might_, and he was taking no risks. Then again in business he wasalways convinced that somebody else was after his bone--which was trueenough a good deal of the time; but not all the time. The consequence ofthat was that the old man was the most cautious and secret worker in theworld of finance; and that had a lot to do with his success, too.... Butthat doesn't amount to being a lunatic, Mr. Trent; not by a long way.You ask me if Manderson was losing his mind before he died. I say Ibelieve he was just worn out with worrying over something, and waslosing his nerve."

  Trent smoked thoughtfully. He wondered how much Mr. Bunner knew of thedomestic difficulty in his chief's household, and decided to put out afeeler. "I understood that he had trouble with his wife."

  "Sure," replied Mr. Bunner. "But do you suppose a thing like that wasgoing to upset Sig Manderson that way? No, sir! He was a sight too big aman to be all broken up by any worry of that kind."

  Trent looked half-incredulously into the eyes of the young man. Butbehind all their shrewdness and intensity he saw a massive innocence.Mr. Bunner really believed a serious breach between husband and wife tobe a minor source of trouble for a big man.

  "What _was_ the trouble between them?" Trent inquired.

  "You can search me," Mr. Bunner replied briefly. He puffed at his cigar."Marlowe and I have often talked about it, and we could never make out asolution. I had a notion at first," said Mr. Bunner in a lower voice,leaning forward, "that the old man was disappointed and vexed because hehad expected a child; but Marlowe told me that the disappointment onthat score was the other way around, likely as not. His idea was allright, I guess; he gathered it from something said by Mrs. Manderson'sFrench maid."

  Trent looked up at him quickly. "Celestine!" he said; and his thoughtwas: "So that was what she was getting at!"

  Mr. Bunner misunderstood his glance. "Don't you think I'm giving a manaway, Mr. Trent," he said. "Marlowe isn't that kind. Celestine just tooka fancy to him because he talks French like a native, and she wouldalways be holding him up for a gossip. French servants are quite unlikeEnglish that way. And servant or no servant," added Mr. Bunner withemphasis, "I don't see how a woman could mention such a subject to aman. But the French beat me." He shook his head slowly.

  "But to come back to what you were telling me just now," Trent said."You believe that Manderson was going in terror of his life for sometime. Who should threaten it? I am quite in the dark."

  "Terror--I don't know," replied Mr. Bunner meditatively. "Anxiety, ifyou like ... or suspense--that's rather my idea of it. The old man washard to terrify, anyway; and more than that, he wasn't taking anyprecautions--he was actually avoiding them. It looked more like he wasasking for a quick finish--supposing there's any truth in my idea. Why,he would sit in that library window, nights, looking out into the dark,with his white shirt just a target for anybody's gun. As for who shouldthreaten his life--well, sir," said Mr. Bunner with a faint smile, "it'scertain you have not lived in the States. To take the Pennsylvania coalhold-up alone, there were thirty thousand men, with women and childrento keep, who would have jumped at the chance of drilling a hole throughthe man who fixed it so that they must starve or give in to his terms.Thirty thousand of the toughest aliens in the country, Mr. Trent.There's a type of desperado you find in that kind of push who has beenknown to lay for a man for years, and kill him when he had forgottenwhat he did. They have been known to dynamite a man in Idaho who haddone them dirt in New Jersey ten years before. Do you suppose theAtlantic is going to stop them?... It takes some sand, I tell you, to bea big business man in our country. No, sir: the old man knew--had alwaysknown--that there was a whole crowd of dangerous men scattered up anddown the States who had it in for him. My belief is that he had somehowgot to know that some of them were definitely after him at last. Whatlicks me altogether is why he should have just laid himself open to themthe way he did--why he never tried to dodge, but walked right down intothe garden yesterday morning to be shot at."

  Mr. Bunner ceased to speak, and for a little while both men sat withwrinkled brows, faint blue vapors rising from their cigars. Then Trentrose. "Your theory is quite fresh to me," he said. "It's perfectlyrational, and it's only a question of whether it fits all the facts. Imustn't give away what I'm doing for my newspaper, Mr. Bunner, but Iwill say this: I have already satisfied myself that this was apremeditated crime, and an extraordinarily cunning one at that. I'mdeeply obliged to you. We must talk it over again." He looked at hiswatch. "I have been expected for some time by my friend. Shall we make amove?"

  "Two o'clock," said Mr. Bunner, consulting his own as he got up from thefoot-board. "Ten A. M. in little old New York. You don't know WallStreet, Mr. Trent. Let's you and I hope we never see anything nearerhell than what's loose in the Street this minute."


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