Cromwell, Oliver, 82–83, 94, 112
Curtius, Marcus, 309
Dangeau, marquis de, 187, 250, 309, 319–321, 392
Day of the Barricades, 34
Déclaration, 325
Desoeillets, Claude de Vin, 248
Desoeillets, Mlle, 211, 248–249, 268, 269
Devolution War, 205–206, 231–232
Dôle, siege of, 206
Douvrier, Louis, 158
Du Bois, Marie, 75
Dunes, battle of, 83
Dunkirk, siege of, 82–83
Dutch War, 230–246, 271, 312
Edict of Fontainebleau, 310–321
Edict of Nantes, 311–314, 322
Élégie, 180
Elisabeth-Charlotte (Liselotte)
children of, 340, 378, 383–384
death of Louis XIV and, 397
homeland of, 222, 325–326
illness of, 370–375
letters of, 293, 364–365, 383–384
marriage of, 222–223, 286, 290, 323, 349
Monseigneur and, 371–373
Enghein, duc d’, 19, 22
Errard, Charles, 160
Estrades, comte d’, 141, 163
Estrées, Gabrielle d’, 16
Eugène, Prince, 80, 361–362, 382
Evelyn, John, 51
Fables, 207
Fagon, Guy-Crescent, 333, 339, 370–371, 379, 383, 392–393, 398
Fariaux, Jacques de, 240
Félix, Monsieur, 319–320
Fénelon, Abbé, 334–337, 390
Ferdinand, Joseph, 354
Ferdinand III, Emperor, 84
Fiacre, Father, 9
Five Propositions, 122
Flex, comtesse de, 172
Fontainebleau, 25–28, 44–45, 85–100, 113–128, 310–321
Fontanges, Mlle de, 257–261, 265, 268–269, 282
Foucquet, Nicolas
Anne of Austria and, 126–128, 130–132
arrest of, 125, 128, 132–138, 160
Colbert and, 124–125
imprisonment of, 190–191
Mazarin and, 105–106, 126, 181–183
as minister of state, 105–110, 124–128
poem about, 180
sentencing of, 188–190
son of, 336
spying on, 124–125, 134–135
trial of, 181–185, 188–189
at Vaux-le-Vicomte, 129–137
Four Articles, 285, 323
France, Christine de, 88–92, 165, 255, 375
François, duc de Beaufort, 16
François I, 25, 200, 210, 304
Françoise-Marie, 330, 340, 350
Franco-Spanish War, 7
Fronde, 31–57, 60–61, 68, 74–75, 103–108, 115, 123–124, 161, 183, 190–199, 213, 300, 311, 321, 329, 340, 387. See also Civil wars
Fürstenberg, Wilhelm Egon von, 324
Galet, Philippe, 265–266
Gaston, duc d’Orléans, 2, 7–10, 16–21, 86, 95–96, 113, 118, 274, 358
Gaviria, Don Christobal de, 145
Gazette, 9, 43, 46, 173
Georges Dandin, or the Astonished Husband, 208
Gesvres, marquis de, 351
Girardon, François, 309
Gobelin, Abbé, 278, 281–283, 294, 315
Gobelin, Marie-Madeleine de, 262
Gobelin family, 141, 159, 262
Gondrin, Louis-Henri de Pardaillan de, 202
Gondrin, Roger de Pardaillon de, 269
Gonzague de Clèves, Anne de, 222
Gourville, Monsieur, 133, 231
Gramont, Catherine de, 224
Gramont, maréchal de, 36, 96, 152, 187–188, 224, 299
Grand Design, 161, 272
Grémonville, ambassador de, 205–206
Groot, Peter de, 233, 236–237
Guibourg, Abbé Étienne, 267–268
Guiche, comte de, 144–146, 152, 235
Guise, duc de, 77–79, 129
Guitaut, Captain, viii–ix, 37
Guyon, Mme de, 334–337
Hardouin-Mansart, Jules, 216, 307, 347, 348
Haro, Don Luis de, 92, 94, 97–98
Hautefort, Marie de, 6–7
Henri II, 16, 252, 301, 304, 385
Henri III, 301
Henri IV, 16–17, 28, 88, 130, 161, 241, 272–273, 311
Henriette, duchesse d’Orléans
children of, 254–255
death of, 218–220, 262, 323
illness of, 218–219
marriage of, 112–120, 144–149, 152–156, 162–164, 172–175, 215–220
pregnancy of, 215
Henriette, Queen, 5–6
Hercule amoureux, 202
Heudicourt, Bonne d’, 279
Hincmar, Archbishop, 61
Hobbes, Thomas, 51
Huguenotism, 310–315
Huxelles, Mme d’, 126, 127
Innocent X, Pope, 122
Innocent XI, Pope, 284–285, 304–305, 314, 323–325
Innocent XII, Pope, 337
James, Duke of York, 56, 60, 71, 329
James Francis Edward, Prince of England, 324, 360, 367
James II, King of England, 324, 328–332, 342–343, 360, 367
Jansen, Cornelius, 121–123
Jansenism, 108, 121–123, 157, 202, 211–212, 314
Joseph, Emperor, 381
Journal, 17
Jus Devolutionis, 199
La Baum Le Blanc, Jean-François de, 162
La Baume Le Blanc, Louise-Françoise de, 117
La Bruyère, Jean de, 72
La Capelle, siege of, 79
La Chaise, Père de, 258, 260, 294, 316, 319, 337, 364
La Fare, marquis de, 245
La Fayette, Louise de, 11, 133
La Ferté-Senneterre, maréchal de, 163
La Filastre, Françoise, 265
La Fontaine, Jean de, 100, 130, 180, 207
La Hire, Gabriel, 272
La Hogue, battle of, 331
La Maisonfort, Mme de, 334
La Meilleraye, maréchal de, 50, 80, 182
La Miséricorde, Louise de, 365. See also Louise de La Valliere
La Motte, Jeanne Bouvier de, 334
La Motte-Argencourt, Mme de, 82
La Motte-Houdancourt, Anne-Lucie de, 152–154, 172
La Porte, Pierre de, 45, 54–55
La Princess d’Elide, 168
La Reynie, Gabriel-Nicolas de, 263–266, 269, 271
La Rochefoucauld, François de, 274
La Rochelle, siege of, 274, 311
La Rue, Père de, 374
La Tour, Père de, 362
La Vallière, Louise de, 117–120, 127–128, 143–179, 187–189, 195–210, 221–224, 241–247, 265–267, 286, 330, 339, 365
La Voisin, 262–268
Lacombe, Père, 334
Laigues, marquis de, 127
Lamoignon, Guillaume de, 127, 170, 183, 185
L’Amour Malade, 80
Landrecies, siege of, 382
Langlée, Monsieur de, 249
Lansac, Madame de, 12–13, 18–20
Lauzun, comte de, 222–226, 329–330
Law of Devolution, 199
Le Brun, Charles, 130, 133, 159–161, 272, 307, 398
Le Custode du Lit de la Reine, 39
Le Docteur Amoureux, 87
Le Malade Imaginaire, 238
Le Nôtre, André, 160, 216, 308
Le Roi gouverne par lui-même, 307
Le Tellier, Charles Maurice, archbishop of Reims 285, 323, 329, 371, 394–398
Le Tellier, Michel, 104–106, 111, 124, 134–136, 175–176, 181–189, 232–233
Le Vau, Louis, 160, 216, 272
League of Augsburg, 322–337
Lens, battle of, 33, 41
Leopold, Emperor, 34, 84, 198, 205–206, 237, 240–241, 304–306, 323, 346, 354–361
Lercaro, Francesco Mario, 308
Les Fâcheux, 131–132, 134, 169
Les Noces de Pelée et de Thétis, 60
Les Plaisirs de l’Ile Enchanté, 167–169, 192
Les Précieuses Ridicules, 101–102
Lesage, 264–265
Lettres Provinciales, 122
Liancourt, duc de, 122
L’Impromptu de Versailles, 164
Lionne, Hughes de, 105–106, 138
Lit de justice, 18–19, 27, 52–53, 57, 74, 122, 130, 390
Locatelli, Sebastiano, 186
Lockhart, Sir William, 83
Longueville, duc de, 45–46
Longueville, duchesse de, 18, 21, 41–42, 123, 129
Loret, Jean, 143
Lorraine, duc de, 305
Lottery, 169
Louis IX, 11
Louis XIII
death of, 14, 387
early years of, vii–ix, 1–13, 16–18, 21
illness of, 13
marriage of, 1–13
properties of, 159
regency powers of, 387
sons of, ix, 10–13
will of, 387
Louis XIV
accession to throne, 15–20, 61–69
anointment of, 58, 60–68, 75
ballets and, 48, 58–60, 70–71, 80, 109, 119–120, 131–134, 149, 167–169, 202, 208
birth of, ix, 10–11
childhood of, 10–54
children of, 143, 149, 154, 164–165, 185–186, 210–211, 242, 280–281, 288, 329–330, 339–345, 384–387, 395–397
christening of, 13–14
confirmation of, 43–44
consecration of, 60–64, 66–68, 75
coronation of, 61–69, 112
death of, 397–399
death of brother, 352
death of mother, 194–195
death of wife, 290, 295
Dutch War and, 230–246, 271, 312
early years of, 10–87
education of, 24–25, 31–32
father of, ix, 10–13, 387
first marriage of, 98–100, 112–121, 146–156, 174–179, 193–204, 278–290
first summer of reign, 114–128
at Fontainebleau, 25–28, 44–45, 85–100, 113–128
illnesses of, 29, 83–84, 88, 156, 161, 318–321, 333–334, 376–379, 391–392
later years of, 368–399
plays and, 85–88, 102, 131–134, 167–172, 208
quarrel with brother, 349–351
quarrel with mother, 174–177
religion and, 25, 42–44, 108, 121–123, 147–148, 157, 202, 211–212, 310–315
second marriage of, 295–297, 315–321, 330–333, 341–352, 361–380, 384–399
as Sun King, 139, 149–150, 158, 199, 272, 287, 300, 306–307, 331
tutor of, 24–25, 31–32, 310, 340
at Vaux-le-Vicomte, 100, 129–138, 160, 169, 184
wedding of, 98–100
will of, 386–387
Louis-Auguste, duc du Maine, 242, 279–281, 288, 329–330, 339, 344–345, 378, 384–387, 395
Louis-César, comte de Vexin, 242, 279, 280
Louis-Dieudonné, ix, 14–16, 39. See also Louis XIV
Louise-Françoise, 210–211, 242, 339
Louvois, marquis de, 165, 206, 214, 226–228, 232–237, 293–294, 306, 312, 319–320, 328, 332
Ludres, Marie-Élisabeth de, 251–253
Ludwig, Karl, 222–223
Lully, Jean-Baptiste, 120, 168–169, 208, 304, 309
Luxembourg, duc de, 238, 241
Luxembourg, maréchal de, 246, 331–332
Luxembourg, siege of, 304–305
Maastricht, siege of, 240
Maine, duc du, 242, 280–281, 288, 329–330, 339, 344–345, 378, 384–387, 395
Maintenon, Françoise de, 273–284, 290–297, 315–321, 330–333, 341–342, 361–380, 384–399
Maintenon, Mme de, 270–285
Mancini, Hortense, 80, 81
Mancini, Laure, 41
Mancini, Marie, 80–82, 86–96, 112, 115
Mancini, Olympe, 73, 79–82, 85–86, 89–90, 361
Mancini, Paul, 56
Mancini, Victoire, 73
Manière de montrer les jardins de Versailles, 338
Marcin, Ferdinand, 361–362
Margarita Teresa, princess of Spain, 198, 354
Marguerite of Savoy, 88–92, 165
Marguerite-Louise, 95
Maria Teresa, Infanta of Spain, 88–92, 95–99, 115. See also Marie-Thérèse, Queen of France
Mariana of Spain, 199
Marie Antonia, 354
Marie-Adélaïde, 340–342, 352, 373–379
Marie-Anne Christine Victoire, 255
Marie-Anne de Blois, 185–186, 196–197, 243, 259, 339
Marie-Christine, 203
Marie-Élisabeth, 251–253
Marie-Louise, Queen of Spain, 254–255, 326–328, 350, 353
Marie-Thérèse, Queen of France
children of, 143, 154, 185–186, 340, 368–373
death of, 290, 295
dowry of, 95, 198, 353
illness of, 161, 185–187, 290
marriage of, 98–100, 112–121, 146–156, 174–179, 193–204, 278–290
pregnancy of, 129, 133, 141–142, 154, 179, 185
wedding of, 98–100
Mariette, François, 264–265
Marillac, René de, 313
Marthe-Marguerite, 279
Mary of Modena, Queen, 324, 330, 342–343
Matel, Jeanne de, 9
Matignon, maréchal de, 387–388
Maximilian-Henry, archbishop of Cologne, 324
Maxims of the Saints, 336
Maxims of the Saints on the Inner Life, 337
Mazarin, Cardinal Jules
Anne of Austria and, 14, 17, 71–84, 88–112
at anointment of Louis XIV, 58
death of, 103–104, 290
as diplomat, 20–27, 112, 196–198, 214
Foucquet and, 105–106, 126, 181–183, 188
Fronde and, 31–57
illness of, 100, 103–104
resignation of, 228
Richelieu and, 20, 23
successor of, 126–128
as tutor, 24–25, 31–32, 310, 340
at wedding of Louis XIV, 98–99
Mazarinades, 36, 39
Médicis, Marie de, 2–3, 27, 274
Ménage, Gilles, 102
Menneville, Catherine de, 127, 152
Mercure Français, 9
Mercure Galant, 362
Mesmes, Henri II de, 385–386
Molé, Mathieu, 12
Molière, 71, 87, 101–102, 131, 134, 164, 168–173, 179, 208, 238–239
Molina, Doña, 147, 153, 175–176
Monaco, princess de, 224
Mons, siege of, 246, 330–331
Monseigneur, 340, 368–373
Montalais, Mlle de, 144, 145, 146
Montausier, duc de, 226, 326
Montausier, duchesse de, 143, 174, 179, 194, 203–204, 209
Montchevreuil, marquise de, 294, 330
Montecuccoli, Raimondo, 241
Montespan, Athénaïs de, 71, 201–210, 216, 241–259, 265–268, 278–281, 329–339, 344, 347, 362–363, 384
Montespan, marquis de, 201–202, 208–210
Montespan, Mme de, 71, 201–203, 208–210
Montmédy, siege of, 81
Montpensier, Mlle de, 25, 81, 147, 369
Montvoisin, Catherine, 262–268
Montvoisin, Marguerite, 266–268
Moret, Antoine de, 241
Mortemart, Françoise de Rochechoart de, 201–202
Mortemart, Mlle de, 60
Motteville, Mme de, 11, 37, 40–41, 47, 70–72, 79–87, 93, 97, 108, 115–117, 143–147, 165–167, 174–179, 193–194, 368
Musketeers, 16, 102, 130, 135–137, 229
Muze historique, 143
Namur, sieg
e of, 331
Nantes, Mlle de, 339
Navailles, duchesse de, 98, 147, 152–153, 172–174, 177
Navarre, Henri de, 273
Nesmond, François-Theodore de, 183
Neufville, Nicolas de, 24
Neuillant, Angélique de, 275
Neuillant, Mme de, 275–277
Nine Years’ War, 329
Noailles, Cardinal de, 390
Noailles, comte de, 63
Noailles, duc de, 378
Noel, Père de, 374
Nordlingen, battle of, 27
Olier, Jean-Jacques, 9
On Frequent Communion, 121
Orbay, François d’, 272
Orlando furioso, 167–169
Orléans, Philippe d’, 383, 395
Ormesson, Olivier Lefèvre d’, 17, 185, 188–189
Orsoi, siege of, 234
Ozon, Monsieur, 358
Pardaillan de Gondrin, Louis-Henri de, 202
Pardaillon de Gondrin, Roger de, 269
Paris, siege of, 39, 54–55
Pascal, Blaise, 122
Passage of the Rhine, The, 307
Patin, Guy, 68, 84
Paulin, Père Charles, 42–43
Pax Clementia, 212
Peace of Ryswick, 346
Peace talks, 205–206, 245, 382
Pellison, Paul, 131
Péréfixe, Hardouin de, 24, 75, 170, 211
Peronne, Dame, 10
Perrault, Charles, 179, 272
Philip IV, King of Spain, 8, 10, 53, 88, 91, 95–98, 142, 192, 198
Philippe, duc d’Anjou (later, duc d’Orléans) 22, 66
ballets and, 71
birth of, 13
children of, 254–255, 340, 378, 383–384
as commander, 234
death of, 352
death of mother, 194–195
death of wife, 218–220
Dutch War and, 234, 245
early years of, 17, 24–27, 35–37, 43–51, 66–67, 79
first marriage of, 112–120, 144–149, 152–156, 162–164, 172–175, 215–220
illness of, 350–352
plays and, 85–88, 102
quarrel with Louis XIV, 349–351
second marriage of, 222–223, 286, 290, 323, 349
Philippe V, King of Spain, formerly duc d’Anjou, 355–367, 378, 382–383. See also Anjou, duc d’
Philippsburg, siege of, 325, 328
Picard, Jean, 272
Piennes, Mlle de, 260–261
Piennes de Brouilly, Olympe de, 260, 261
Pimentel, Don Antonia, 91–92
Pleasures of the Enchanted Isle, 167–169, 192
Plessis-Bellière, Mme du, 132, 135
Plutarch, 51
Poisonings, 219, 261–269, 273, 327–328, 332, 377–378, 384
Polignac, Abbé de, 348
Pons, Mlle de, 117
Pontchartrain, Chancellor, 355, 371–372, 387, 389, 391
Poquelin, Jean-Baptiste, 87
Prière, abbé de, 174
Projet de Saint-Mandé, 181, 188
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