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Stolen: The Billionaire Deception

Page 12

by Holly Rayner

  He was right. It did piss me off. I was bothered by two things: One was that Erin discussed me with this guy and two that he was a hundred percent right. She deserved better. It’s what I had come here to talk to her about, but hearing this guy say it re-iterated what a cowardly ass I had been. “I know she does,” I said at last. “That’s why I’m here. I hope that she’ll forgive me.”

  “I can’t speak for her, but I don’t doubt that she will. Just remember though, she’s an independent, smart, strong, beautiful woman. The only reason she is with you is because she chooses to be. She doesn’t need or want your money or your family name. If you don’t treat her right, she will eventually stop forgiving you and you will lose the absolute most amazing gift that you ever had in your life.”

  I started to say something else, but the front door of the apartment opened. We both turned and watched Erin come in. She had her pretty hair tied back low on her neck and she was wearing a tank top and shorts. Her long, smooth legs and chest were glistening with the sweat from her morning run. She looked surprised to see me and then I saw her exchange a look with Grant. He looked amused and she looked annoyed.

  “Hi Seth. What’s going on?”


  “Seth and I were just having coffee… getting to know each other. If you two are finished with me though, I think I’ll hop in the shower.” Erin cocked an eyebrow at him and he grinned at her again. He jumped up and held his hand out towards me. I shook it and before he dropped my hand he looked me in the eye with no smirk or traces of amusement and said, “I hope you won’t forget what we talked about.”

  I just gave him a nod. Erin watched him leave and she came over and took the seat opposite me where he had been sitting. “What was that about?” she asked. “Was Grant playing nice?”

  “He was doing what I should have done last night… standing up for you.” I saw a subtle shift in her eyes. I’m not sure what it meant exactly, but I went on, “My father is not a nice person… obviously. He’s normally not quite so blatant with his insults with someone he doesn’t know, so that confused me but his rudeness didn’t surprise me. I have a very complicated relationship with him. No one intimidates me except him. I can run a multi-national company and talk to anyone in any position anywhere in the world without a quiver of anxiety but that man walks in a room and I’m instantly a sniveling twelve year old boy all over again.”

  Erin was just looking at me, listening quietly. Her face was impassive. I had no idea if she was going to be willing to forgive me, or if she was going to kick me out. Either way, I went on.

  “All of that is not meant to be an excuse for my own behavior. It’s just my way of hopefully giving you enough of the facts so that you might understand. When he insulted you last night I should have done something. I should have said something. I wanted to. I was furious at him. But the coward in me let you handle it yourself. I told myself you were doing a great job and didn’t need me. You were doing a great job. You always handle yourself with class and it’s obvious that no one walks all over you. But that in no way excuses me for not stepping in and saying something myself. I’m sorry Erin. I’m so sorry. I don’t know if you can find it in your heart to forgive me, but if you can, I promise you that it will never happen again.”

  “So, your father treats everyone that way, it wasn’t just me?”

  “He treats almost everyone poorly. My mother buffered him a lot when she was here. Once she passed away, his horrible, awful, rude side seemed to completely take over. I can’t apologize enough for him, but I know that doesn’t mean anything. But, if you give me a chance I will show you how much respect I have for you and that I am nothing like my father.”

  Erin was quiet. She seemed to be thinking it all over. I was a nervous wreck. I guess it was how I knew that she was truly special. No woman had ever made me worry over whether she wanted to be with me or not. In the past, my arrogance had convinced me that if she didn’t, it was her loss.

  After what seemed to me like an eternity she said, “I have a lot of respect for myself and for the things I’ve accomplished in my life at such a young age. I won’t let anyone take that away from me. You seem to have a lot of respect for yourself as well. The way you carry yourself and the way you conduct business… it’s all part of what attracted me to you. I was more shocked than anything last night, because I didn’t even recognize the man you were in front of him. I can forgive you for that because I wasn’t there when you were growing up and I don’t know what experiences you’ve had with him. But Seth, if it happens again… if you let anyone disparage me or you that way again without standing up to them, I’m afraid I won’t be able to continue forgiving you.”

  I felt a wave of relief the size of a tsunami wash over me. That’s all I needed, another chance. I wasn’t going to screw up again… at least I won’t make the same mistake.

  “Thank you,” I said.

  She smiled and then said, “Now, tell me what my hung over miscreant of a roommate said. I might have some apologizing to do myself.”

  I laughed, and then suddenly not knowing what came over me I blurted out, “I love you.”

  She looked shocked and I was afraid I had screwed up again, already. Then she got up and moved over next to me on the couch and she said, “I love you too.” As we kissed, I knew in my heart that life was never going to be the same. I wouldn’t find out for a few weeks just how different it would be.





  Seth and I spent a lot of time together at my apartment after the day he came to see me to apologize. I had sadly put away the photographs of my parents and the mementos from my father’s business, promising them that soon it would all be out in the open and I could once again be the woman they intended me to be: Adele Morgan, CEO of Morgan Corp. I think in spite of the fact that Seth was James Hunter’s son they would have really liked him. I know that they would be happy for me. I was happier than I had been in years. The only nagging little issue that still pulled at the back of my mind was how Seth would react when he found out the truth. It was inevitable if I planned to have a life with him… and I did.

  “Hey gorgeous.” I was working on a proposal on my computer when Seth stuck his head in the door. It had been three weeks since James Hunter’s ball and our relationship was stronger than ever.

  “Hi boss! How’s the day going?”

  He came in and closed the door. I could see by the look on his face that he had something he wanted to discuss with me. I knew before he opened his mouth that it had something to do with James. “My father just called,” he said.

  “Oh,” I’d been doing my best every time he mentioned James to subtly remind him that he was everything his father wasn’t. I was hoping it would give him the confidence he needed to stand up to him when he needed to.

  He smiled and mimicking me he said, “Oh.”

  I laughed, “I was just waiting for the details,” I said.

  “Which are usually not good,” he grinned. “This case is as iffy as most… he wants us to come to dinner tomorrow night at the estate.”


  “Yes, us. He specifically asked me to bring you.”

  “Wow. So is this good or bad news?”

  “I’m hoping that this is him trying to be a decent human being. Maybe he’s finally feeling bad about his behavior. Maybe he wants to apologize to you.”

  I laughed again. “Sorry, I’m sorry. I just have a hard time imagining that. But anything is possible.” He had looked so hopeful for a few seconds and I realized I’d taken that from him. “I’m really sorry, babe. You’re probably right.”

  He reached over and took my hand and squeezed it. “You have every right to be skeptical. If you don’t want to go, I completely understand.”

  “No!” I wanted to go. I wanted to go for Seth’s sake and I also wanted another crack at the papers in that study. “I do want to go. Everyone deserves a second chance,
right? I wouldn’t be a very nice person myself if I didn’t give him at least that.”

  He squeezed my hand again and smiled. “Thank you,” he said. “This is his last chance. I’ve already asked him to be polite to you. I will do more than ask if he’s rude to you again.”

  “I know you will,” I told him with a smile. He had come a long way where James was concerned. Harlan even told me that as CEO he’d over-ridden a couple of James’s ideas lately. That was huge for Seth.


  The following day I did some more shopping and finally settled on a beige dress that ended just above my knees. The neckline was rounded and appropriate for a family dinner yet it was elegant and made me feel pretty. Seth solidified that thought with a low whistle when I opened the door. “Wow. Let’s skip dinner and stay here. You look… wow, I don’t even have words.”

  I laughed, “Thank you. Sometimes no words are better than words could ever be. You look pretty wordless yourself.” He was wearing a black suit with a red paisley tie. He was beautiful, as usual.

  “Are you ready? Or… did you like my idea about just staying here?”

  I picked up my jacket and my purse and said, “I loved your idea, but it would be rude of us to cancel so late.”

  With a chuckle he said, “By all means then, let’s go. We wouldn’t want to be rude to someone who is always so sensitive to our feelings.” I let that one fall in the air as we headed down to the limousine.

  Once again as we pulled up to the front of the estate I was both enthralled and sickened by it. I was also anxious. No matter how hard I tried, the idea of being in the same room with James made me a nervous wreck. We were shown into the big, formal dining room by the housekeeper. The table was huge with seating for at least twenty. Seth pulled out a chair for me at one end and took the seat on the other side of the table. That meant the spot between us at the head of the table was left open for his majesty the thief. I wasn’t looking forward to being in such close quarters with him. I took a deep breath and smiled at Seth. I guess at least I knew I had company in my misery. When James walked into the room I saw Seth’s posture stiffen and then he took a deep breath of his own before standing.

  “Hello, father.”

  “Seth.” They shook hands. It was an oddly formal greeting I thought for a father and son who saw each other so often.

  “You remember Erin?” Seth asked.

  James looked at me. I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to stand in his highness’s presence or not, so I stayed seated. “Mr. Hunter. Thank you for having me.”

  He fixed his stare on me for what seemed like an inordinate amount of time before saying, “Miss Summers.” Then Seth waited for his father to take his seat before sitting down. I found myself hoping that we weren’t just going to have a repeat performance of the other night.

  James tapped his spoon on the side of his glass and a young woman appeared in the same uniform the housekeeper had worn. She brought a bottle of wine and showed it to James before he gave her the go-ahead to pour. Then he said, “We’re ready to begin.” The young woman curtsied and left the room. I had been around wealthy people my entire life, but I’d never seen anything like this. This guy was a piece of work. “So Seth, tell me again how you found Miss… Summers, is it?” He knew it was, he’d just said it three minutes earlier.

  I saw Seth’s Adam’s apple flex as he swallowed hard before saying, “She applied for the CMBO position. Harlan and I interviewed her….”

  “No,” James stopped him. “I suppose I should ask her this, I wanted to know how she knew about the position being open.”

  “I heard through a headhunter that I was familiar with,” I told him.

  He raised an eyebrow and said, “Really? You hadn’t been watching the website, waiting for an opening to come up?”

  “Father, what are you getting at?” Seth asked.

  “Nothing at all, son. I’m getting to know your… lady friend. Isn’t that what you wanted?” James’s words were innocent enough but something about his facial expression told me that his intentions were not.

  Seth didn’t say anything, but as he took a sip of his wine he looked at me over the top of his glass. I could see in his eyes that he thought the same. Luckily, the staff brought in our soup and we ate quietly for a bit with nothing but the sounds of the spoons echoing off of the high ceilings and painted stone walls. When James finished his, he tapped his glass again and the young woman came running. I was appalled by the rude way he treated his staff. He never looked directly at them when he issued orders and never once said thank you. After she left with our soup bowls he said, “Tell me… Erin… where did you grow up.”

  “Mostly upstate, sir. I spent my teenage years in the Bronx.” It was the truth and not a truth I really wanted to discuss with James… but it was what I told Seth. I hadn’t wanted to tell too many lies.

  He raised a gray eyebrow and said, “The Bronx? That’s a rough neighborhood. I suppose that’s the roughness I sense around your edges.”


  “What?” James said, giving Seth a similar look to the one he used on his staff. “I’m making conversation.”

  “It’s fine,” I said. “I am a little rough around the edges. Some of the things life threw at me were tough. I had to be tougher to overcome them.”

  “So where are your parents?”

  “They’re dead sir.”

  “Too bad. Where did you go to school?”

  The staff came in then with the entrée. When they were gone I said, “I went to MIT.”

  “Erin graduated in the top four of her class,” Seth said.

  “Impressive,” he said. “I suppose it’s good that you were at least qualified for the job. I’m sure my son handed it to you because of your other considerable assets.”

  “Father! Stop it! Erin is completely qualified for the job she does and that is why I hired her.”

  “And how long from hiring did she get you into her bed?” Seth stood up. I suddenly didn’t want him to fight with his father over me. It wasn’t worth it. I could see the vein pulsing in his neck as his father looked over at him and said, “Oh please Seth, sit down. Are you going to pretend that she’s not spreading her legs for you?”

  “That’s enough!” Seth said through clenched teeth.

  I stood up then too and said, “It’s okay, Seth… really.”

  “No it isn’t. Apologize to her!”

  James looked amused as he stood up to meet his son’s gaze. “I didn’t say anything I need to apologize for. You are sleeping with her, are you not?”

  “That’s not your business. You’re being so hateful and rude for no reason!”

  “You think it’s for no reason? I think it’s because I’m looking out for my family.” He turned towards me and said, “My Company and my legacy,” as if taunting me. I had planned on looking for the papers after we had dessert, excusing myself and using the restroom… now I just wanted out.

  “Maybe we should go, Seth,” I said.

  James smiled at me. It was a creepy, plastic smile. He looked at his son and said, “She’s using you and you’re a fool if you think otherwise.”

  “That’s it. Yes Erin, let’s go. My father has lost his mind.”

  Seth came around and took my arm and we were almost out the door before James said, “You may as well tell him, Adele, or I will.” At the sound of my real name, my stomach twisted into a knot. The jig was up.

  Seth stopped and looked down at me. I could feel the tears trying to force their way into my eyes. I was pushing them back when he looked back at his father and said, “Adele? You really have lost your mind. Her name is Erin.”

  “Her name is Adele Morgan. She is the daughter of the man who formerly owned the company you now sit as CEO of. She is using you, Seth. She thinks that she was wronged and she is trying to ruin your family. You’re playing into her hands for the occasional piece of…”

  “Stop it! Stop it!” Seth’s muscles tensed up an
d he was screaming at his father now. His face was red and his fists were clutched at his sides. One more word from James was likely to net him a sock in the face by his own son. I had to do something.


  “He’s not going to get away with it this time, Erin. He’s not only being rude, he’s straight up telling lies about you.”

  I took a step away, unsure of how he would react as I said, “He’s not lying. Adele Morgan is my real name. But I’m not using you. I took this job to get into the company that should have been mine. I was looking for something to prove your father stole it from me; which he did. I didn’t mean to fall in love with you, but I did.”


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