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A Spy and His SEAL

Page 15

by Kaydee Robins

  I ripped off my shirt and shredded it. I used it to wrap his hands up until we could get better. He didn't say anything as we sat there. “They're all dead, baby,” I said and lifted his chin gently. “Talk to me.”

  “Let me hold you,” he whispered.

  “Give me a sec to find a phone,” I said. I found Eclipse's phone and then pulled Liam into my lap. I put the phone on speaker and dialed my handler.

  I wrapped my arms tight around Liam and kissed his forehead. My handler answered on the second ring. “Hello?”

  “It's Danny, I'm in Paris, and I need a doctor and a safe house.”

  “What the fuck are you doing in Paris?” Anna said through the phone.

  “I'll call and debrief you later, get me a safe house and a doctor there stat.” The tone in my voice left no room for argument. Needless to say I was pissed.

  Anna went quiet for a few minutes and then gave me a safe house address. She told me she would work on someone to help with the medical treatment. I didn't want to think about what that would be. Whatever it was I knew there would be supplies at the safe house and I could help with the skills I had.

  Chapter 22


  M y ass hurt like a bitch, my fingers twitched, well at least I thought they were twitching since they were gone. My hand hurt like someone punched a hole in it, well because I did have a hole in it. I could literally see through my hand, and my knee, god my knee. I had been forced to stand on it for I don't know how long after Eclipse shot it point blank. It hurt like a fucking bitch.

  I hadn't said anything the whole time Eclipse took me apart because I didn't want him going after Danny. I couldn't stand the thought of Danny losing a finger or worse getting sodomized like I did. That hurt the worst. Was I ever going to want to have anal again. Right now I would say no.

  When Danny handed me the gun and left to take out the rest of the guys I was afraid he was going to be killed so I forced myself to watch the door with a steady hand. All I wanted to do was pass the fuck out. As soon as I heard Danny call back I dropped the gun he put in my hand and let out the breath that I had been holding the entire time he was gone.

  I was a SEAL god damn it. How did I end up like this? Theoretically I knew that I wasn't invincible but it still stung knowing that Eclipse got the jump on us.

  I curled up in Danny's lap as soon as he pulled me into it. I was so fucking tired, Danny had said everyone was dead so I leaned my head against his chest and rested. I heard him arguing with someone about getting a doctor.

  The next thing I knew Danny was caressing my face. “Come on baby, you can sleep when I get you into the car. How's your knee?”

  “Hurts like a bitch, I don't think I can walk on it,” I said mumbling into his chest. I didn't want to move at all.

  “Okay,” Danny said rubbing his hand along my spine. It helped relax me but it was hard to relax with the pain. “You want to sit back in the chair or the floor while I go get the car?”

  “I'm going with you.”

  Danny pulled back and looked at my face. “Baby, the car is on the other side of the other warehouse. Everyone is dead, I'll go get the car and then help you into it.”

  I grumbled. I did not want him to leave again, but I knew I was in no shape to walk, let alone walk that far. I nodded since it hurt to talk. The asshole had punched my face a couple of times, hard.

  “Help me back into the chair, ya?”

  With a bit of effort I collapsed into the chair in a puddle of sweat. God it was hot in here.

  Danny kissed me on the forehead and told me he would be right back. I took the time to look around the room. It really was nondescript there was nothing that would scream bad guy hideaway. But I did see a rolly chair in the corner of the room. Great I could use that to get out of here.

  I felt myself nodding off while I waited for Danny to return. It seemed like forever but he finally came back into the room.

  “You ready?” he asked.

  “Get the office chair it will be easier to roll me out there instead of trying to walk.”

  Danny spun around and found the chair. It was a bit higher than the chair I was sitting in so it took some effort to move over to it. Soon Danny was rolling me towards the exit. I felt like a kid in a grocery cart. Danny had pulled the car right up to the door. There was a lip in the door jamb so I would have to walk or hobble the rest of the way.

  With Danny's help I finally made it to the car and promptly passed the fuck out. I didn't even hear Danny get in the car or driving through the city.

  I vaguely remember Danny nudging me and getting me out of the car. The hobble into the house was a bitch but thankfully there were no stairs at the house.

  I remember Danny wrapping my finger stubs in gauze after the painful cleaning of them. He told me that he cleaned my fingers and stuck them in the freezer as soon as we got there but he thinks it might have been too long for them to be saved.

  He gave me some whiskey. I hated whiskey with a passion but right now it was my best friend because I knew what was coming. I placed a gauze pad over the bullet hole in my hand said that a doctor would need to look at that.

  We waited 30 minutes while Danny gave me more and more whiskey but a doctor never showed. Danny called his handler again. Anna said that we were on our own, oh great. Our flight home was in the morning so this was going to be wonderful.

  Anna already told Danny that his boss was pissed. Yeah no shit. This wasn't supposed to happen.

  “I need to get the bullet out babe and it's probably going to mess up your knee even more.”

  “I know,” I said. I was pretty sure my military career as I knew it was over.

  The alcohol did nothing and I mean NOTHING to ease the pain of someone digging a bullet out of my knee. I've had bullets dug out before but this was fuck. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Danny finally stitched up the hole after he got the bullet out and gave me some more whiskey.

  “I'm going to run to the store and get a knee brace, okay?” I nodded I knew I would probably be passed out by the time he got back. He handed me a gun anyways.


  T he next morning Danny made me breakfast and got my knee into the brace he bought. He also grabbed so crutches so I could get around. It still hurt like a bitch and I wasn't sure how I was going to use the crutches with my hands but with his help we made it work.

  Damn I felt like an invalid.

  The rest of the morning and the plane ride went without incident but apparently someone had called my CO because he was waiting for me at the airport. He was not happy to see me either.

  “What the fuck, O'Neal?”

  “Eclipse is dead.”

  “You disobeyed a direct order.”

  “No, you said we weren't going after Eclipse until ordered. I went after him on my own time without the team. Now either get out of my way or take me to the base hospital.” The minute it was out I knew I overstepped but I didn't care I was in the worst kind of pain.

  “Liam, you are better than this. What the fuck were you thinking?”

  “With all due respect sir,” Danny said interrupting Gunnar's speech. “Can we maybe do this back on the base after Liam gets to the hospital? His fucking knee is shattered. He shouldn't be on it at all.”

  Holy shit, if steam actually came out of people's ears Danny would totally look like one of those train whistles. He was glaring at Gunnar. Shit. That took guts, Gunnar was a hard ass and Danny had never met him before.

  Gunnar looked Danny over who was carrying both his bag and mine, I guess he went back to the hotel to get our stuff at some point yesterday. “Who the fuck are you?”

  “Danny, Liam's boyfriend.”

  “Oh so you're the asshole who kept giving us bad intel.”

  I saw Danny squeezed his hands together before he turned to me. “Come on Liam, let's get you to the hospital.”

  Apparently, he was just going to ignore Gunnar instead of arguing with him which was probably good. No one e
ver argued with Gunnar.

  “Sir,” I said and started to follow Danny.

  Gunnar got the hint and turned towards the exit he quickly overtook me and Danny, “this way.”

  Gunnar had a base vehicle and was parked right outside the ride back to the base hospital was quiet. I could feel waves of anger coming off of Gunnar I had a feeling that I was going to get my ass chewed big time.

  Danny helped me out of the jeep and into the hospital where there was a nurse already waiting. They put me in a wheelchair, thank fuck. My hands were killing me.

  “Um only one person can come back with you,” she said when both Danny and Gunnar tried to follow us back.

  “I'm his CO. I need to find out what happened.”

  “You can fucking debrief him after he's been seen. I am NOT sitting out here.” Damn I've never seen Danny like this it was fucking hot.

  The nurse looked at me. “Gunnar please, I'm not going anywhere, and I can talk to you afterward.” He started to object, but I held up my mangled hand. “If it was your wife would you want to leave her side?”

  The fight in Gunnar left his features, “no.”

  “I'll call you when I'm settled in a room, okay?”

  “Alright, but don't think you’re not going to get disciplined.”

  I smiled, actually smiled.

  The nurse lead us back to a room to exam us. Danny handed her the ice chest and said, “His fingers are there.”

  She looked horrified, so I held up my bandaged hands. She placed the cooler on the counter and quickly left the room. Both of us ended up laughing.

  A male nurse came in and helped me into the bed and started an IV with pain meds, thank god.

  We spent the next couple of hours seeing doctors and taking x-rays. My knee was completely fucked the doctors said I would need months and months of therapy. The doctors prepared me for emergency surgery. Danny didn't leave my side the entire time.



  8 month later...

  L iam was discharged after the doctors determined that he probably would never regain full functionality of his knee. They ended up having to replace his knee cap. He had a major limp and couldn't walk more than a few hours a day with a cane and I could tell it was eating him up inside. But he has been progressing slowly.

  They were able to reattach all 4 of Liam's fingers but the nerves were completely damaged in both pinkies and partially damaged in his ring finger leaving those fingers pretty much useless.

  The Navy wanted to dishonorably discharge him because he technically disobeyed a direct order, but my boss stepped in thank god and said that we were on an official CIA mission and because we didn't know where the mole was coming from we didn't tell Liam's CO. It was a crock of bullshit but my boss was happy to do it since we kill Eclipse.

  My boss offered Liam a job after he completed therapy, which would be at least another few months. He even offered to put us together, however, neither one of us were sure what we wanted to do after Liam's recovery.

  I personally took an extended leave of absence so I could take care of Liam as well as makeup for the last 8 years of missed opportunities.

  It was unfortunate that I had to kill him before we found out why the Eclipse wanted Grigoriy but no one blamed me for it since Liam's life was in the balance at the time. However, they immediately notified the US Marshals that there may be a threat on Grigoriy's life so they could better protect him.

  Liam had moved in with me at my house in Neal and I returned to running the coffee shop every day. When Liam wasn't in therapy he was either at home and in one of the booths at the coffee shop working on his degree in criminal justice. Although he didn't know what he wanted to do after he was back in action he did know he wanted to be in law enforcement?

  I rolled over this morning and snuggled into Liam it was my favorite thing to do in the mornings, his citrusy scent filled my nostrils, I couldn't get enough. I would never get enough of my man. I still felt guilty from my actions after that fateful day at prom, but Liam insisted I not blame myself and that we were together and stronger than ever.

  I interlock my fingers with Liam's that were resting on his stomach and hugged him tighter.

  “Good morning baby,” he said. He brought our hands up to his mouth and kissed the back of mine. He did it every morning, it was one of the sweetest things in the world.

  “Mornin'” I whispered and kissed the back of his neck. My morning wood was jabbing him in the ass and he pushed back into it making me groan. This was our daily routine. We went to bed every night after an exhausting round or two of me fucking or riding him.

  Liam moaned and continued to rock back onto my dick as I kissed my way down his neck and back. “Baby, that feels so good.”

  “Yeah,” kiss, “you,” kiss, “want,” kiss, “more?” Kiss, kiss, kiss.

  “You know I do,” he replied and thrust back against me hard proving his point.

  I rolled him onto his back and trailed kisses down his neck to his perky nipples, dragging one into my mouth. I swirled my tongue around it making it harder. Liam groaned and thrust his hips up, making our naked cocks rub together. “Mmm,” I said.

  I kissed my way down his happy trail until my nose was in his perfectly trimmed, curly pubic hair. I breathed in his all male scent. He was like his own brand of pheromones and I couldn't get enough of his smell. Sliding my tongue around the base of his dick to the underside, I slowly licked a path from root to tip. I swirled around the plump head before flicking my tongue over his leaking slit.

  His precum burst into my mouth, “god I love how you taste,” I moaned. I licked, sucked and swallowed him down whole until he was bucking and whispering nonsense.

  “Danny! God Danny, if you don't stop I'm going to come.”

  I hummed around his dick and increase my suction, I relaxed my throat and took him all the way to the base which was no easy feat since he was huge.

  Liam got the hint and started thrusting up into my mouth as I kept up the pressure and suction. I started massaging his balls with one hand. My other slid up his crack to his entrance. As soon as I pushed past his resistance and was knuckle deep inside of him, his cum exploded into my mouth.

  I drank every last bit of his orgasm that seemed to go on and on until it started spilling out of my mouth and running down his cock. I released his softening cock with a pop he was done.

  Climbing over him he was happy and boneless. I reached for the lube and popped it open. I squeezed some out onto my fingers. After I closed the lube I took his mouth in mine. I couldn't get enough of his kisses.

  I rubbed my finger around his hole making him moan. When his hole was nice and relaxed I pushed inside of him, never taking my mouth off of his. I could feel his dick hardening again as I pushed my angry hard dick against him.

  We both moaned as I grinded against him. Once he was pushing back on my finger I added a second and then a third. My dick wasn't thick like his but I still liked to make sure he was completely ready for me. I didn't like him hurting at all.

  “So fucking good,” he uttered. “Fuck me baby.”

  I acquiesced to his request. I pulled my fingers out and lubed up my cock. I slipped inside of him with virtually no resistance. “So fucking tight baby,” I said leaning down and kissing him.

  Liam pulled his legs back allowing me to go deeper and I bottomed out. I waited a minute for his body to adjust to the intrusion then I started hammering into him.

  His cock was rock hard again and leaking with his precum. “Fuck yeah baby. Harder,” Liam moaned between thrusts.

  I lifted his legs over my shoulders and adjusted my angle just right. I knew it was perfect when he screamed my name the next time I slammed home. My thrusts got faster and more erratic the closer and closer I got to the precipice of my orgasm. “Stroke yourself baby, I'm going to come and I want you to come with me.”

  In his lustful haze he reached down and started jacking himself off, I held on until h
is cum exploded onto our chests and then I let go. I leaned down and kissed him as I thrust a few more times in the aftershocks on my own orgasm.

  “Perfect,” I mumbled against his lips.

  I collapsed on top of him, and he stroked my hair as we laid there in silence.

  After a few minutes we got up and took a shower together where Liam fucked me against the wall. Even with his bad knee he could hold me up and I knew he always would.

  The End

  Other books by Kaydee Robins

  Eclipse Series

  A Spy and his SEAL

  A Cop and his Hacker (coming Nov 2019)

  About the Author

  K aydee is a loving wife and mother of three. She grew up in California and stayed there until she and her husband moved to the east coast. Kaydee now lives in South Carolina with her family. She works as a system administrator during the day and spends her free time reading romance novels of sorts. A gamer at heart, she loves playing RPGs such as Dungeons and Dragons both the paper editions as well as video games. If she isn’t working, writing, reading, or playing video games, you can probably catch her watching TV, usually a drama.

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