Mercury, 37
Meteor (film), 117
Meteor Apocalypse (film), 118
Meteor Crater, 35, 37, 39, 107–109, 131, 138
Meteor Crater Story, The (Smith), 108–109
Meteorites! (film), 118
meteor showers, 124–25
Michel, Helen V., 49
Michigan, explosion over, 70
Miller, William, 125
Minor Planet Center, 145
Mir (Russian space station), 159
Missions Authorization and Oversight Group, 180–81
MIT, 156
Mitigation of Hazardous Comets and Asteroids (Yeomans et al.), 65
Mitigation Panel, National Research Council, 146
Molchanov, Sergei, 198
Moon, 37
base, 169, 221–23, 226
capture hypothesis, 44, 45–46
helium-3, 234
origin of, 42–43, 67–68
Soviet probes, 223
theories of its power, 220–21
treaty, 230, 236–37
Moonfall (film), 120
Morrison, David, 51–52, 57, 64, 74, 76, 80, 137, 142, 201, 210, 215
Mount Palomar Observatory, 40–42
Moyer, Michael, 91
Murray, Bruce C., 141, 161, 233
Musk, Elon, 188, 237
Mutual Assured Destruction, 206
NASA, 75, 76, 83, 85–87, 88, 103, 112, 127, 128, 140, 157, 164, 167–68, 171, 172, 177, 188, 192, 193, 205–206, 207, 226, 235, 236
Advisory Council Ad-Hoc Task Force on Planetary Defense, 208
recommendations, 209–10
Asteroid Grand Challenge, 207–208
congressional mandate on asteroid detection, 182
lack of a monumentally important mission, 149, 170
private development, 236
Science Definition Team NEO recommendations, 216
suggested monumentally important mission, 149–73
National Academy of Sciences, 56, 86
National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA), 153, 157
National Geographic Video, 71
National Research Council (NRC), 56, 86, 88, 89, 146, 148
planetary-defense conferences, 57, 141, 201, 202, 206
Survey and Detection Panel, 86, 146, 173
National Space Society, 236
Natural History (Pliny), 61
Near-Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR) Shoemaker mission, 57, 72–73, 74, 196
near-Earth asteroids (NEAs), 22
Near-Earth Asteroid Tracking Program (NEAT), 186
Near-Earth Object Coordination Centre (of the ESA), 194
Near-Earth Object Dynamic Site (NEODyS), 193–94
Near-Earth Object Program Office, 128
Near-Earth Objects: Finding Them before They Find Us (Yeomans), 65, 129
Near-Earth Objects: The United Nations International Conference (Remo), 129
near-Earth-objects conference. See International Conference on Near-Earth Objects
NEOShield, 172, 173, 211, 212
Nettles, Bonnie, 66
Newitz, Annalee, 172, 237–38
Newsweek, 134
Newton, Isaac, 24, 63, 167
New York Times, 42, 105, 134, 158, 165, 167
Nici, Lt. Col. Rosario, 131
Niebuhr, Reinhold, on the Apollo program, 166
Nikolayeva, Valentina, 18
Nikulin, Maksim Y., 122
Niven, Larry, 95, 98, 100
Nixon, Richard M., 168
Nordling, Germany, 39–40
Noviya Izvestia (newspaper), 23
Nuth, Joseph A., III, 147
Nye, Bill, 141
Obama, Barak, and the space agenda, 207
asteroid-capture mission, 207–208
Odyssey, 92, 119
O’Neill, Gerard K., 227–30
Oort Cloud, 80, 132
Open Skies program, 157
Operation Overcast, 149
Operation Paperclip, 149
Orpheus asteroid, 136
Ostro, Steven J., 21–22, 64, 80, 201
O'Sullivan, Michael, 114–15
Palazzo, Rep. Steven, 207
Palomar Observatory, 186
Panel on Asteroid Threat Mitigation, 146
Pan-STARRS, 141, 188–89
Pasachoff, Jay M., 74
Pavlovsky, Gleb, 26
Peekskill explosion, 71
Penfield, Glen, 47, 98
People's Liberation Army satellite blinding incident, 197
Perminov, Anatoly, 58
Perozzi, Ettore, 194
Pike, John, 214
Pilcher, Carl, 81–82
Pioneer exploration program, 127, 170
planetary defense
estimated cost, 131–32
origin of term, 129
white paper on, 129–31
planetary-defense conferences, 57, 201–202, 206–207
recommendations, 202–205
Planetary Defense Foundation, 142
Planetary Society, 76, 87–88, 141–42
Pliny the Elder, 61–62
Pluto, 46
Popova, Anna V., 19
Popovkin, Vladimir, 198–99
Pournelle, Jerry, 95, 98, 100
Powers, Francis Gary, 14
Pravda (newspaper), 23
Preliminary Design of an Experimental World-Circling Spaceship (report), 153
Preparing for Planetary Defense (report), 83
Puchkov, Vladimir, 198
Rampino, Michael R., 80
RAND Corp., 153
Ranger space project, 171
Reagan, Ronald, 168
reconnaissance satellites, 186
Red Army, 149
Redstone Arsenal, 150
Rendezvous with Rama (Clarke), 54, 98, 102, 105, 182
Report of the NEO Survey Working Group (report), 54
Rickman, Hans, 65
Ride, Sally, 160
Rogozin, Dmitri, 23, 145
Rogue Asteroids and Doomsday Comets (Steel), 76
Roskosmos (Russian space agency), 14, 58, 198, 199
Roswell Report, The (McAndrew), 119
R-7 rocket, 157, 158, 161
Russian Academy of Sciences, 199
Russian jokes, 154
Russian scientists, 155
Russian-US NEO cooperation, proposed, 145–46
Sagan, Carl, 65, 141, 217
Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de, 33, 136
Sandia National Laboratories, 147
Scatter, Adapt, and Remember (Newitz), 172, 238
Schachter, Oscar, 152
Schiller Institute conference, 145
Schmitt, Harrison H., 233, 234–35
Schroon Lake, NY, explosion, 134
Schweickart, Russell L. “Rusty,” 56, 136, 173, 187, 201, 208
Science, 50, 182
Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI), 102
SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence), 102
Secure World Foundation, 135, 143–44
See, Thomas Jefferson Jackson, 43–47
Sentinel deep-space telescope, 136–37, 186–88, 213, 216
Shapiro, Robert, 34, 218
Shepard, Alan, 160
Shibanov, Ilya, 16
Shoemaker, Carolyn, 39, 40–41
Shoemaker, Eugene M., 20, 35–41, 48, 64, 71, 76, 144, 177, 215, 233
Shoemaker-Levy 9 comet, 40–42, 72, 84
Shubin, Oleg, 199
Shustov, Boris, 145
Sky at Night (BBC series), 139
Sky Is Not the Limit, The (Tyson), 53, 242
Skylab, 127
Sky Walking: An Astronaut's Memoir (Jones), 224
Slovic, Paul, 216
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, 141
Smyth, Charles Piazzi, 125
Sokolov, Alexei, 160
Solzhenitsyn, Alexandr, 154
Sorensen, Theodore C., 162
Southwest Research Institute, 55
Soviet space triumphs and JFK, 162
Space Command, US Air Force, 59, 78, 131, 176
Space Exploration Technologies Corp. (SpaceX), 188, 237
Japan Spaceguard Association, 83, 195–96
origin of name, 54
Spaceguard Foundation, 57–58, 83, 105, 139
Spaceguard Report, 182
Spaceguard Survey, 54–55, 77–78, 81, 82–86, 105, 111, 129, 138, 142, 177, 205, 210, 216
Spaceguard UK, 139
International Spaceguard Information Centre, 139
Space Mission Planning Advisory Group (SMPAG), 134, 181
space shuttle, 188
Space Situational Awareness Program (of the ESA), 195
Space Surveillance Network, 176
Spacewatch, 185
SpaceWorks Engineering, 135
SpaceWorks Enterprises, 88
Sputnik, 155–57, 159–60, 232
Stalin, Joseph, 149, 154
Star of Bethlehem fresco (Giotto), 125
Starry Night painting (Van Gogh), 125
Steel, Duncan, 66, 76
Strategic Defense Initiative (a.k.a. Star Wars), 103, 173, 179, 211, 213
Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics (of the US Congress), 81
Sudbury crater, 68
Sun Tzu, 61
Surayev, Maksim, 14
Survey and Detection Panel (of the NRC), 86, 146, 173
Surveyor space program, 171
Taylor, Theodore, 227
Teller, Edward, 178, 227
Tereshkova, Valentina, 160, 199
Time (magazine), 134
Titov, Gherman, 160
Tomorrowland (Disneyland park), 150
Tonry, John, 190
Torino Impact Hazard Scale, 53, 238
Toynbee, Arnold J., 165–66
Tsiolkovsky, Konstantin E., 219
Tunguska impact, 21, 50–51, 69, 71, 87, 98, 102, 145, 187, 197
Tyson, Neil deGrasse, 22, 46, 53, 107–108
UFOs, 24, 67, 119
United Nations (UN), 31, 79, 132, 135, 145, 172, 180
International Conference on Near-Earth Objects, April 1995, 79–80
Missions Authorization and Oversight Group, 180
University of Arizona, 76, 81, 186
University of Chicago, 44
University of Hawaii, 189
Urey, Harold C., 45–46
US Air Force, 83
US Naval Observatory, 44
US Space Command. See Space Command, US Air Force
U-2 spy flights, 14
Van Doren, Mark, 166
Vanguard Program, 156
Vernadsky Institute, 76
Verne, Jules, 219, 220
Viking mission, 170
von Braun, Wernher, 128, 149–51, 158
Voo Doo (magazine), 156
Vostok spacecraft, 157, 160
Voyager exploration program, 127, 170
Voyager 2’s Grand Tour, 65
Voyager 2 spacecraft, 65, 74
Vredefort crater, 68
V-2 missile, 149
War of the Worlds, The (Wells), 183
Washington Post, 156
Wasser, Alan, 235
Webb, William Larkin, 45
Welles, Orson, and Martian-invasion radio broadcast, 184
Wells, H. G., 135, 183
Wessen, Randii, 237
When Worlds Collide (film), 42, 109
Whipple, Fred L., 58, 152
White, Edward H., 168
White Sands Missile Range, 140
Whitman, Walt, 125
Wickramasinghe, Nalin C., 24, 34
Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE), 74, 191
Wilcox, Brian, 208
Wilford, John Noble, 165, 169
Willamette meteorite, 68
Willis, Bruce, 65, 113–15
Wilson, E. O., 170
Wolfe, Gary K., 105
Wolfe Creek Crater, 131
Wood, Lowell, 178, 213
Worden, Gen. Simon P., 59, 78, 201, 216
Wylie, Philip Gordon, 109
X-15 rocket, 154, 171
X-1 rocket, 171
Yamamoto, Judith T., 96
Yeager, Chuck, 171
Yemanzhelinsk, Russia, 28
Yeomans, Donald K., 25, 64, 65, 76, 80, 208
Young, John W., 225
Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, 37, 47–50
Yurevich, Mikhail, 19, 23, 26
Zanoguera, Antonio Camargo, 47, 98
Zarezina, Sasha, 27
William E. Burrows, professor emeritus of journalism and mass communication at New York University, is the author of twelve books and numerous articles in the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, Foreign Affairs, and other publications. His previous books include The Survival Imperative: Using Space to Protect Earth; By Any Means Necessary: America's Secret Air War in the Cold War; The Infinite Journey: Eyewitness Accounts of NASA and the Age of Space; This New Ocean: The Story of the First Space Age; Mission to Deep Space: Voyagers’ Journey of Discovery; Exploring Space: Voyages in the Solar System and Beyond; and Deep Black: Space Espionage and National Security. He is the coauthor (with Robert Windrem) of Critical Mass: The Dangerous Race for Superweapons in a Fragmenting World. Burrows was the only nonscientist on the National Research Council's Near-Earth Object Survey and Detection Panel. In recognition of his distinguished career and expertise, NASA has named a Main Belt asteroid after him, and he is a recipient of the American Astronautical Society John F. Kennedy Astronautics Award, among other honors.
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