Book Read Free

Relatively Famous

Page 12

by Jessica Park

  Dani liked Evan immediately. Considering that he was a prestigious producer, she’d imagined he would be like those horrible people she’d met at the premiere of The Clone Faction. Instead, he had a very casual and sincere way about him. He had on loose-fitting jeans, a Gap shirt, and bare feet. Dani liked the way his eyes wrinkled at the corners when he smiled, and she was happy to see that he didn’t dye his handsome salt-and-pepper hair.

  “Kayla, your sister would like to consult with you about her party. Something to do with the guest list. I’ve given up trying to keep track of what that girl wants,” he said, shaking his head.

  “Don’t make me talk to Ava,” Kayla begged. “She’s even scarier than usual these days.”

  “Just keep your head down, agree to her demands, and you’ll survive. If you’re not back in ten minutes, I’ll come make sure you’re still breathing.” Evan held up his wrist and pretended to set a stopwatch. “Go! Ten minutes and counting!”

  “Back in a few, Dani.” Kayla glowered.

  “I hope you’ve been having fun out here this summer?” Evan asked.

  Dani nodded. Evan was easy to talk to, and she soon found herself telling him what it was like to spend the summer with her father and how everything was so different from back home.

  “Life here can be a blessing or a curse.”

  “It helps having Kayla. She’s been such a good friend to me from the moment I met her. Do you and my dad know each other well?”

  “Not really. We run into each other now and then.”

  “I didn’t know what to expect when he asked me to visit him, but he’s been really great to me.”

  Evan’s pocket beeped, and he retrieved a slim cell phone from his jeans. “Excuse me, let me see who this is.” He grimaced as he read a text message. “We’re in pre-production for Truth or Fiction,” he explained, “and we don’t even have the lead yet. Don’t ever become a producer, Dani,” Evan warned her lightheartedly.

  Truth or Fiction? Wasn’t that the movie Mark was hoping to audition for? And they didn’t have a star yet? “Um, Evan, this might be sort of inappropriate, but…” Dani fumbled. There was nothing to do but just ask. “Do you think maybe my dad could audition for you? For the lead? I know he’d be interested.”

  “I hadn’t thought of him,” Evan said, clearly trying to be polite. “I’m not sure that he is quite what I had in mind—”

  “I know that most of the movies he’s been in are…well, let’s just say they aren’t remarkable.” Dani looked at Evan. “Okay, they’re bad. But just because the movies are seriously noxious doesn’t mean he is.”

  Evan rubbed the light stubble on his cheek. “I don’t want to hurt your feelings by saying this, but it would be a huge risk to even think about putting someone like Mark Ocean in this role.” He looked apologetically at Dani.

  Dani gave him her most sincere look. “Maybe he just needs a chance. Couldn’t he at least try out for the part?”

  “You’re persistent, I see, huh?” Evan chuckled.

  Kayla flew into the room. “I’m back. So why are you two so serious?”

  “Nothing.” Dani waved her hand dismissively. “Nothing important.”

  “Actually,” Evan said slowly, “I was just about to tell Dani that I’d like her father to audition for Truth or Fiction.”

  Chapter 33

  Dani was awake early, and she couldn’t wait to tell Mark about her conversation with Evan. She headed down the spacious hallway to her father’s room and hesitated before she knocked, fearing that Olivia might have chosen to stay the night for the first time. She pressed her ear to the door. The only sound was her father’s rattling snore. Dani cracked the door open and peeked in. Whew. No naked bodies sprawled across the bed. Just her father, his head buried under a pillow, sound asleep.

  It was almost noon. Dani frowned. Well, she certainly had a good reason to wake the sleeping prince. She bounced across the room and threw herself on the bed, jumping up and down like a little kid. “Wake up! Wake up!”

  Mark groaned and rolled over, keeping the pillow over his face. “Are you for real? It’s the crack of dawn.”

  “Trust me. You’re going to want to wake up for this one. And if you don’t, I’m going into your closet and rearrange all your clothes.”

  That did it. Mark pulled the pillow off of his face and looked sleepily at Dani. “You will do no such thing.”

  Dani could barely contain herself. “How would you, Mark Ocean, like to audition for the starring role in the one and only Evan Dodd’s Truth or Fiction?”

  Aha! Now he was most definitely awake.

  “What did you just say?” he whispered.

  “You heard me. You’ve got the audition. Isn’t this beyond cool?” After all the things Mark had done for her—well, bought for her might be more accurate, but whatever—now she had done something for him.

  Mark propped himself up on his elbows. “Are you joking? Did he call?”

  “Not exactly.” Dani described her conversation with Evan, leaving out the more unflattering details.

  Mark rose slowly out of the bed, wearing pajamas only, and paced back and forth.

  Why wasn’t he saying anything? Dani watched and waited.

  Without warning, Mark threw his arms around her and hugged her awkwardly. “You did it! I mean, I can’t believe you did this for me! We have to celebrate!” He seemed to be talking to himself.

  “Dinner out?” Dani guessed.

  “Better,” Mark said triumphantly. “We are going camping!”

  “We are?” Olivia must have mentioned to Mark that Dani loved camping. “Where?”

  Mark yelled, “Christopher! Christopher!”

  Mark’s assistant—calm, collected, and impeccably dressed as always—materialized in the doorway, phone in hand. “Yes, Mark?” He brushed an imagined stray hair back into place.

  “We’re going to Colorado for a few nights. Would you set up the travel and start packing? I want the first flight out tomorrow.” He turned back to Dani. “You are going to love it there, kid.”

  “Colorado?” Dani asked, stunned.

  Camping for Dani normally meant throwing belongings into a car and driving into the woods, but it would be fun no matter where they went because they were going some place together.

  Chapter 34

  Dani and Mark settled into the sky-club lounge to wait for their flight. They were finally going to have some real time together. It was fine to take their new relationship slowly, but she loved that her father wanted to take her on a camping trip—just the two of them.

  Dani put on her headphones and listened to music. She glanced at the clock and was happy to see that their flight left in only thirty minutes. She tapped her feet in anticipation and wondered what the camping area would be like. She had only packed one bag. It was a relief not to bring her new collection of makeup, beauty products, hair appliances, and designer clothes. As much as Dani loved her glamorous new look, it was exhausting. Despite Christopher’s best efforts, the paparazzi had mercilessly pursued them to the airport, but now she was safely hiding out in the lounge with Mark and wouldn’t have to bother about her appearance for three whole days!

  Dani looked up and was shocked to see Mark hugging Olivia, who waved to her excitedly. Dani waved back meekly and cranked up her music. What was she doing here? Dani could feel her eyes start to sting with tears.

  Olivia plopped down next to her. She stared blankly as Olivia tried to talk to her through the headphones that were blasting music. Mark appeared, and Dani finally took off the headphones. “Is something wrong, Dani?” he asked.

  “No. I’m fine. Just nervous about flying, I guess.”

  “You’ll be fine. Besides, it’s against the law to throw up in first class,” he teased.

  Dani stood up. “I’m going to the bathroom.”

  “Are you all right? Do you want me to come with you?” Olivia asked.

  Dani ignored her and walked away. She found an empty dep
arture gate and sat down. She called Kayla.

  “Aren’t you supposed to be bundled up in a sleeping bag or checking for poison ivy right about now?” Kayla asked.

  “We’re leaving in a few minutes.”

  “What’s going on?”

  “Olivia is here,” Dani said, and she burst into tears.

  “Yeah, so? What’s the problem.”

  “I didn’t know she was coming. I thought this was supposed to be time alone for me and Mark.”

  “He didn’t tell you that he was bringing Olivia?”

  “No. He spends so much time with her already, and I thought it was my turn. Now it kind of feels like he’s afraid to be alone with me.”

  “That’s ridiculous. You father isn’t afraid of you. It’s better this way, believe me. The last thing I’d want to do is spend an entire weekend roasting marshmallows and bonding with my father. You’re lucky that Olivia is there.”

  “I don’t feel lucky,” said Dani.


  The “camping area” was a five-bedroom, four-bathroom private ski lodge with hardwood floors and thick beams. There was in-floor heating. God forbid anyone might need a pair of socks! The kitchen had two dishwashers, two ovens, and two subzero refrigerator-freezers. There was a theater room with satellite TV and surround sound. The dining room could seat sixteen and was warmed by one of several massive stone fireplaces. Dani’s bedroom had a king-sized bed with a puffy down comforter and a built-in big-screen plasma TV. Christopher must have called ahead for a complete wardrobe to be delivered, because the closet and drawers had been filled with clothes for her.

  Outside, Dani saw spectacular mountain views, a large fish pond with a waterfall, a Jacuzzi, and a meditation platform. Dani could smell fresh focaccia being baked in the kitchen. Even if Olivia hadn’t tagged along, she and Mark still wouldn’t have been alone. A private chef was cooking dinner while a housekeeper turned down their beds.

  “Can you believe this joint?” Olivia snorted.

  “What do you mean? You don’t like it?” Dani asked.

  “Of course I like it. But, come on. It’s a bit excessive.” Olivia pushed her unruly curls behind her ear. “Although I have to admit that it’s very relaxing here.” She set her book down and pulled an Indian-patterned blanket over her legs. She tapped the cushion next to her. “You want to sit?”

  Dani curled up on the end of the plush couch.

  Olivia leaned over. “Do you know that this area is called Bachelor Gulch?” She covered her mouth to prevent her laughter from echoing throughout the house. “Can you think of anything more appropriate for your father?”

  “It is not. Is it?” Dani asked dubiously.

  “Didn’t you see the signs as we drove in here? Anyhow, tell me what’s going on with you.” Olivia smiled. “You and Jason are joined at the hip, huh? Or maybe I should say joined at the lips?”

  “Olivia!” Dani blushed. “He’s pretty spectacular.”

  “What’s he like? What do you talk about?”

  “Oh, um, I don’t know…” Dani trailed off. She and Jason didn’t spend much time conversing. The truth was, outside of his kissing skills, she didn’t really know much about Jason. But she had to give Olivia something. “His father is a baseball player, and so his parents travel a lot. He spends a lot of time on his own. His dad must be getting toward the end of his playing career, though, so maybe they’ll be around more for him.”

  “Unfortunately, I think that is the case for a lot of children with highly successful parents. They’re raised by nannies because the parents won’t take time away from work and travel and shopping to be bothered with them. I thought Mark would be the same type, you know? But he’s not like that.”

  “What do you think he’s like?”

  “You know. You live with him. Don’t the two of you talk?”

  Dani shrugged. “Not really. I mean, he’s been wonderful, but we don’t sit down and analyze each other. When we go out to dinner, we mostly talk about the places he’s traveled, his work, restaurants. That sort of thing. I’m not sure he knows what to do with me,” Dani said with embarrassment. “Or that I know what to do with him.”

  “It’s not your job to know what to do,” said Olivia. “He’s the grown-up. But he is a man, so that gives him a significant disadvantage in the communication department. He should be asking you about yourself, about school, your friends. He should know what’s going on with Jason.”

  Dani spoke slowly. “I’m not sure he’s interested in hearing all that.”

  “Well, he should be interested. He does need pushing, though. Your father is a much more complicated person than you might think. There is a good man underneath all that fame. If you reach out to him, I think he’ll reach out to you.”

  “Yes, but I don’t even know where to start. I don’t think he even knows when my birthday is!”

  “Oh, God, did he miss it? Was it this summer?”

  “No, it’s September ninth. I’ll be sixteen.”

  “Sixteen, huh? It’s a great age. Will you have a birthday party?”

  “My mom and Alan always do something fun for me. Alan is a chef, so he’ll make me whatever I want for dinner, and then we’ll go bowling or something goofy like that. I’ll probably have a sleepover with my best friend, Sam, and a bunch of girls from school. We’ll stay up late and talk about boys and eat junk food all night.” As great as the sleepover at Kayla’s had been, Dani longed for a relaxed, easier time with her friends from home—they wouldn’t peek at her toenails to see if she’d kept up with her pedicures, check her hair for split ends, or notice which designer made her pajamas.

  “Oh, that sounds fun!” Olivia was genuinely enthusiastic. “I loved sleepovers when I was a kid. So you won’t be whisked off for a posh vacation in the mountains then?” she asked sarcastically, gesturing grandly to the luxurious living room.

  “Yeah, right. No, I’ll be at home. This house is fantastic and all, but I totally thought we were going camping. With actual tents and sleeping bags.”

  “Can you picture your father in a tent?” Olivia laughed. “I wonder if Brunello Cucinelli makes camping equipment? Oh, I shouldn’t make fun of Mark. He’s just forgotten how normal people live.”

  “Olivia, you told my father that I go camping with Mom and Alan, didn’t you? That’s where he got the idea?”

  Olivia nodded. “Yes, I did. He wanted to do something that you would enjoy.”

  “Of course I enjoy it. It’s just different from what I’m used to. Alan always makes a huge bonfire and cooks a pot of chili in a cast-iron pot. Mom and I make s’mores, and he plays the guitar. Not very well, but he plays anyhow. And Alan always does this stupid thing where he pretends to be a bear. Mom and I get into our sleeping bags, and Alan stomps around outside, growling and roaring that he’s hungry. One time he even cut out a bear shape from paper, glued it onto a Popsicle stick, and used it as a shadow puppet on the tent.”

  Olivia reached out and rubbed Dani’s arm. “You miss them, huh? Your mother and Alan?”

  “Yeah, I guess I do.”

  “You should call them more often. And your friend Sam.”

  “I know. It’s just that I haven’t spoken to Alan since I left Michigan. We sort of had a huge fight right before I got on the plane.”

  “From what you’ve told me about Alan, he doesn’t sound like someone who would hold a grudge. Are you?”

  “Maybe I am,” Dani admitted.

  Chapter 35

  Mark put all his weight onto the metal stake and pushed it into the ground. He was going to put up this miserable tent if it killed him. He’d heard Dani and Olivia’s entire conversation. He’d made one phone call to Christopher, and within a few hours an SUV had pulled up at the house to deliver an obscene assortment of camping equipment. The delivery person had offered to set up the tent for Mark, but he’d refused. He grabbed another stake and pushed it through a metal loop before driving it into place.

  Thank God that
Olivia was here, otherwise he wouldn’t have known Dani hated this trip. Okay, maybe she didn’t hate it, but obviously he had disappointed her. And he really did want to do something nice for her. If she wanted to sleep in a tent and smell like bug spray, then he was going to pitch a tent. Albeit a rather lopsided tent.

  Mark stared at the directions again. He’d done something horribly wrong. Christopher had ordered the largest tent available, which made it even harder to pitch.

  He marched into a wooded area in search of rocks to make a fire pit—even thought there were four fireplaces in the house. He slapped his arm, killing a mosquito. He didn’t like bugs. He found a few rocks and started back to the house. Mark stopped and stared. The oversized tent looked ridiculous pitched next to the big house. Mark sighed and continued gathering rocks and setting them in a circle. Now he just needed wood. He was going to make the biggest, baddest fire Dani had ever seen.

  He had to give Olivia credit because she hadn’t asked to sleep in the tent with them. He couldn’t believe he’d continued to see Olivia. She wasn’t his type at all. But he was starting to like rock climbing, and Mark had to admit that she looked good in her spandex shorts.

  Not that it mattered, he told himself. Mark was creating a low-key, regular-guy image. And it was working. Pictures of the couple were still making their rounds in the media. Olivia turned away every time a photographer approached them, but she was learning to put up with it, and the media seemed pleased with them. In fact, most of the blurbs by the photos were comments wondering if the notorious bachelor was looking to settle down. Hah! Like that would ever happen. Olivia hadn’t even spent the night with him. Again, not that it mattered. It wasn’t as though he was lusting after her constantly. Sure, she was a pretty good kisser, and the truth was, he wanted to kiss her and hold her more than he liked to admit.

  Mark tossed a bundle of kindling into the fire pit. Now he just had to blow up the air mattresses and find sticks for roasting the marshmallows. He hadn’t done that since he was a kid.


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