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Common Ground

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by J. Anthony Lukas


  Emily Achtenberg, Deborah Anker, John Barclay, Ruth Batson, Ira Berlin, Eileen Bisson, Phyllis Blakely, Bea Boves, Bill Brackman, Rev. James Breeden, Dave Brown, Marilyn Brown, Charles A. Broxton, Rev. William M. Bussy, Walter Byars, Edmund Byne, Rev. Gilbert Caldwell, Brian Callery, William Canty, Bishop Edward G. Carroll, Porter Carswell, Michael Chesson, Albert Chipman, Eddie Collins, Melody Cook, Mrs. C. L. Cousins, Joel Crenshaw, Mrs. Edith Cromwell, Ed Crotty, Lee Daniels, Lois Dauway, Mike Davis, Alva Debnam, Otis Debnam, Otis Debnam, Jr., John Demeter, Roger Dewey, Janetta Dexter, Ray Diggs, James Dolan, Michael Donahue, David Donald, David Dretler, Kevin Earls, Stan Edelman, Robert F. Engs, Sandige Evans, Ada Focer, Laura Foner, Gerald Fraser, Evelyn Ward Gay, Lizzie Graham, Kathy Grant, Rev. Joseph Greer, Phil Gresham, Deidre Griswold, R. U. Harden, Scott Harney, Rev. Charles Harper, Rev. Mike Haynes, Charles Hill, Dr. A. M. Hillhouse, Michael Hirsch, Mary Holman, Brady Hughes, Charlayne Hunter, Sarah Jackson, Dr. J. Warren Jacobs, Hugh M. Jenkins, Clarence “Jeep” Jones, John J. Jones, Maria Jones, Wendy Kaplan, Edwin J. Kennealey, Charlene Kinch, Maria Kinch, Edythe Lewis, Frank Lewis, Ed Logue, Mrs. Archie Lowe, Arthur Lycett, Reginald Mack, Janice MacPherson, Peter Mancusi, Margaret Johnson Mansfield, Calley Mathis, H. R. Mathis, Carl McCall, Sandy McCleary, Wayne McEwing, Jean McGuire, Elizabeth McNeil, Fritz Melval, Bill Morrison, Walter Morrison, Emery Mosher, Leticia Mosher, Steve Moss, David Mugar, Rev. Bill Mullin, Philippa Myers, Arthur Neily, Ingram Neily, Carl Nickerson, Frank J. Olbrys, Mrs. W. P. Oliver, Gordon Oppenheim, Lois Osborne, Ashley Padgett, Peter Parham, Mrs. Andrew Pennington, Elizabeth Pleck, Frank Power, Seymour Rainey, Jack Regan, Dan Richardson, David and Ellen Rome, Elliot Rothman, Robert Royster, Wiley Ruggles, Byron Rushing, Kenneth Salk, Harriet Schwartz, Hasan Sharif (a.k.a. Arnold Walker), Robert Siflinger, John Sills, Nathan Spivey, Dighton Spooner, Alice R. Stewart, Rev. Charles Stith, Mattie Stone, Ben Story, Lois Story, David Stratman, Joe Strickland, Gerald Sullivan, Paul Tafe, Jean Tibbs, Chuck Turner, Cassandra Twymon, Frederick Twymon, Haywood Twymon, Rachel Twymon, Rachel Twymon (daughter), Wayne Twymon, Daisy Voigt, Mrs. Marguerite Wagner, Rev. Walter Waldron, Audrey Walker, George Walker, Helen Walker, James Walker, John Walker, Richard Walker, Tommy Walker, Mrs. John Ward, Mamie Lee Washington, Magnolia Williams, Robin Winks, Richard Wolfe.


  Ann and Peter Anderson, Sam Barnes, Ann Blackham, James Blaine, Frank and Joan Boucher, Rev. Robert Boyle, Bruce Brand, Carol Bratley, Jim Breay, John Brennan, Eileen Brigandi, Rev. Lawrence Buckley, Ruth Butler, John Caddigan, Chris Callahan, Jock Callan, Katherine Carroll, P. J. Carroll, Daniel J. Casey, Rick Cash, Ann Castro, Brendan Mac Giolla Choille, Jim “Shorty” Connolly, Jim and Gloria Conway, David Craig, Roberta Delaney, Robert Dinsmore, Jerry Doherty, Lynn Doherty, Michael Donovan, Peg Donovan, Edward and Mary Evers, Pamela Fairbanks, Kathleen Field, Richard Fisher, Billy Garvin, William “Mother” Galvin, John Gardiner, Kay Gibbs, Hunna Gillen, Mary Gillen, Maurice Gillen, Barbara Gillette, Steven Grace, John Grady, Pat Greatorex, John Green, Rev. Thomas Hamill, Joan Hansen, Cindy Hayes, Robert Jarvis, Tom Johnson, Rev. William Joy, Dennis Kearney, John V. Kelleher, Frank and Barbara Kelly, Jim Kerrigan, Mary Killoran, Bryan Kirk, James Kirk, John Kirk, Joe Kirk, Robert and Chris Kirk, Anton Lahnston, Ted Landsmark, Peter Lynch, Capt. William MacDonald, Alf MacLochlainn, Louis Maples, Larry and Maryann Mathews, Oren McCleary, Gordon and Helen McClung, Peter McClure, Alice McGoff, Billy McGoff, Bobby McGoff, Danny McGoff, Kevin McGoff, Lisa McGoff, Robin McGoff, Tommy McGoff, Charles McGonagle, Pat and Barbara McGonagle, Thomas C. McNally, Peter Meade, Rev. John Mulgrew, Mike Mullan, Robert Murphy, Ann Neary, Bob O’Brien, Donalda O’Brien, Leon O’Brion, John O’Connor, Rev. John O’Leary, Mon O’Shea, David Overly, Joe Owens, Mary Parker, Frankie Perreault, Peg Pigott, Ernest and Ethel Pothier, Enrique Rivas, Janeth Rivas, Patti Rooney, Tom Rose, Alice Rosikas, Noel Ross, Michael Ruddy, Pat Russell, Rev. Ernest Serino, Elizabeth Shannon, James Shannon, Brian Sheehan, Jack Sheehan, Mike Sheeran, Gene Simpson, Lewis H. Spence, Eliot Stanley, W Scott Stanley, Joe Vilimas, Martin Walsh, Rev. Jack Ward, Diane White, Virginia Winters, Carolyn Wrenn, Nina Wright.


  William Alonso, Alan Altshuler, Michael Ansara, Robert Sam Anson, John Borden Armstrong, Ken Auletta, Richard Ballou, Martha Bayles, Samuel Beer, Derrick Bell, Gary Bellow, Michael Beschloss, Steve Bing, John Bok, Earl Bolt, Clark Booth, Charles Bourke, Jim Brann, Owen Brock, Frank Broderick, Barry Brooks, Emmet H. Buell, Jr., Bernice Buresh, Constance Burns, Maria Burwell, Al Carderelli, Thomas J. Carens, Eve Carey, Kenneth Carey, George Carroll, James Carroll, Turner Catledge, Ephron Catlin, Robert Caulfield, Hale Champion, Paul Chapman, Susan Cheever, Karen Clark, Marie Clark, Muriel Cohen, Shelly Cohen, Steve Cohen, Jack Cole, Jean Cole, Robert Colles, Bud Collins, George Collins, John Collins, Rev. Peter Conley, James Michael Connolly, Janet Connors, Elizabeth Cooke, Tom Corrigan, John and Helen Cort, Robert Cover, Harvey Cox, Peter Cowen, Rayleen Craig, Herbert Crimlisk, Timothy Crouse, John T. Day, Reuben Dawkins, John Deedy, Margaret del Guidice, Robert Dentler, Alan Dershowitz, Edwin Diamond, Larry DiCara, Diane Divoky, Karen Dobkin, Francis J. Doherty, Jr., Parker Donham, Jim Doyle, Richard Dray, Rev. John Driscoll, John P. Driscoll, Ron Edmunds, Ann Eldridge, Gordon Emerson, Steven Erlanger, Dexter Eure, Marion Fahey, David Farrell, Steve Farrell, Joseph Featherstone, Joseph Feeney, Bob Fichter, Carmen Fields, Owen Fiss, John Flaherty, Lisa Flanagan, J. Harold Flannery, Thomas Fleming, William Foley, Eric Foner, Mo Ford, Ian Forman, Ron Formisano, Don Forst, Badi Foster, James L. Franklin, Hirsh Freed, Bernard Frieden, Richard Gaines, John Kenneth Galbraith, John Galvin, Peter Gammons, Curtis Gans, Alex Ganz, Joseph Garrity, John Garrity, W. Arthur Garrity, Arthur Gartland, George Gendron, Tom Gerber, K. Dun Gifford, Nathan Glazer, Herb Gleason, Charles Glenn, Rolf Goetze, Stan Goldsboro, Frank Goodman, Joyce Grant, James Green, David Greenway, Gary Griffith, Charles Grigsby, Rev. Michael Groden, Paul Grogan, Herbert Gutman, Milton Gwirtzman, Dennis Hale, Robert W. Hallgring, Herbert Hambleton, Frank Harris, Joseph C. Harsch, Ken Hartnett, Kenneth Haskins, Bob Hayden, Robert Healy, Rev. Brian Hehir, William Henry, Burton Hersh, Seymour Hersh, Louise Day Hicks, George V. Higgins, Fred Holborn, Rob Hollister, Harold Howe, Sam and Nancy Huntington, Howard Husock, Lester and Helen Hyman, Harold Isaacs, Ira Jackson, Michael Janeway, Christopher Jencks, Donald Jensen, Nicholas Johnson, Arthur Jones, Austin Jones, Frank N. Jones, Robert Jordan, Ward Just, Katherine Kane, Jon Katz, Godfrey Kauffmann, Herb Kenney, Larry Kessler, Langley Keyes, John Kifner, Martin Kilson, Ed King, David L. Kirp, Donald Klein, Joe Klein, Michael Knight, Ken Kobre, Msgr. Francis Lally, Al Larkin, Austin H. Lawrence, William Leary, Brian LeClaire, Charles Leftwich, Tim Leland, Robert Lenzner, Terry Lenzner, John Leubsdorf, Bob Levey, Ann Lewis, John V. Lindsay, Martin Linsky, John Livingston, William Looney, Eugene Lothery, Peter Lucas, Alan Lupo, Christopher Lydon, Sandra Lynch, Paula Lyons, Elaine Maddox, Richard Maguire, John Maher, Pauline Maier, Phyllis Malamud, J. Joseph Maloney, Michael Mandelbaum, Robert Manning, Burke Marshall, Kim Marshall, Ed Martin, Gordon Martin, John Marttila, Anna Mays, Richard P. McBrien, Nina McCain, Edward McCormack, John McCormack, Wendell McDonald, Vic McElheny, George McGrath, Kate McMahon, Jack McManus, Charles McMillan, Timothy Meagher, Humberto Cardinal Medeiros, Manuel Medeiros, Natalie Medeiros, Herman Mello, Jim Menno, Ian Menzies, Phil Meyer, Frank Michelman, Bill Miller, Rabbi Judea Miller, Nancy Mitchell, Marilyn Monteiro, Frank Morgan, Tim Murphy, Msgr. Edward G. Murray, James M. Nabrit III, Marie Augusta Neal, Gloria Negri, David Nelson, Mary Perot Nichols, Martin Nolan, Eric Nordlinger, Dave O’Brian, David O’Brian, Jr., John O’Bryant, Vince O’Donnell, Tom Oliphant, Gary Orren, Paul Parks, Herbert Parmet, Orlando Patterson, Thomas Pettigrew, Robert Phelps, Gerry Pleshaw, Tully Plesser, J. Stanley Pottinger, John Powers, Lloyd Prentice, Bob Pressman, James Purdy, Lee Rainwater, Diane Ravitch, Perri Reeder, George Regan, Robin Reisig, Arnie Reisman, Elliot Richardson, David Riesman, Caryl Rivers, Eleanor Roberts, John Robinson, Rev. Edward Rodman, David Rogers, Steve Rosenfeld, Robert Ro
senthal, Roy Rosenzweig, Michael Ross, Richard Rowland, Michael Ryan, Rev. Paul Rynne, Bob Sales, Janet Savage, Kirk Scharfenberg, Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., George Schlichte, Rhoda Schneider, Stanley K. Schultz, Robert Schwartz, Janet Scott, Marvin Scott, Rev. Isaiah Sears, Terry Philip Segal, Terry Seligmann, Mark Seltzer, William Shannon, Margaret Garrity Shea, Rev. Shawn Sheehan, Tom Sheehan, Virginia Sheehy, Mark Siegel, Harvey Silverglate, Joseph Slavet, Mary Ellen Smith, Mel Smith, Paul Smith, Crocker Snow, Paul Solmon, Barbara Solomon, Margaret Spengler, John Spiegel, Micho Spring, David Stanger, Rich Stearns, David Steinberg, Elizabeth Stevens, George Stoney, Leonard P. Strickman, Edward Sullivan, Rev. Eugene Sullivan, Carol Surkin, Laurence Susskind, Charles Taylor, Davis Taylor, John Taylor, Stephan Thernstrom, Mary Thornton, John W. Tierney, Frank Tivnan, Cyrus Vance, Eric van Loon, Jack Walsh, Robert Walsh, Sam Bass Warner, Isabel Gates Webster, John Weis, Sara Wermiel, Steven Wermiel, Charles Whipple, Kevin White, Terrence White, Enoch Whitehouse, Curtis Wilkie, Roger Wilkins, Charles Willie, John Wilpers, Thomas Winship, Ed Winter, Jane Wishner, Jerry Wishnow, Jules Witcover, William Wolbach, Robert Wood, Virgil Wood, Anne Wyman, Jerry Wynegar, Paul Ylvisaker.

  Several books and unpublished dissertations have been especially useful to me in preparing this work. They are: Jan Hart Cohen, “To See Christ in Our Brothers: The Role of the Texas Roman Catholic Church in the Rio Grande Valley Farm Workers’ Movement” (Master’s Thesis, University of Texas at Austin, December 1974); Donald Norman Jensen, “School Desegregation in Boston: The Courts and Public Policy” (Ph.D. Thesis, Harvard University, June 1979); Gordon E. Kershaw, The Kennebec Proprietors (Somersworth: New Hampshire Publishing Co., 1975); Langley C. Keyes, The Rehabilitation Planning Game: A Study in Neighborhood Diversity (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, 1969); Jonathan Kozol, Death at an Early Age (Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1967); Alan Lupo, Liberty’s Chosen Home: The Politics of Violence in Boston (Little, Brown & Co., Boston, 1977); James Vincent Menno, “The Urban Priest and the Ministry of Justice: A Study of Clergy Response to Desegregation in Boston” (undergraduate paper at Boston College); Douglas O’Connor, “Remembering Roxbury,” Boston Magazine (April, 1977); Kenneth P. O’Donnell and David Powers, with Joe McCarthy, Johnny, We Hardly Knew Ye: Memories of John Fitzgerald Kennedy (Little, Brown & Co., Boston, 1972); Herbert S. Parmet, Jack: The Struggle of John E Kennedy (The Dial Press, New York, 1980); Elizabeth Hafkin Pleck, Black Migration and Poverty: Boston 1865–1900 (New York: Academic Press, 1979); Peter Milo Shane, “The Origins of Educational Control: Class, Ethnicity and School Reform in Boston, 1875–1920” (Honors Thesis, Harvard College, March 1974).


  J. ANTHONY LUKAS was born in New York City and graduated from Harvard College. After four years on the Baltimore Sun, he joined The New York Times, serving as a correspondent at the United Nations, in Washington, in Africa, India, Korea, Japan, and Australia, as Roving National Correspondent, and as a staff writer for The New York Times Magazine. In 1972, he left the paper to free-lance and to write books. Mr. Lukas has received the Pulitzer Prize twice: for Special Local Reporting in 1968 and for Common Ground in 1986. He has also won the American Book Award, the National Book Critics Circle Award, the Robert F. Kennedy Book Award, the George Polk Memorial Award, the Mike Berger Award and the Page One Award. He has been a Nieman, Kennedy, and Guggenheim Fellow and has taught at Harvard, Yale, and Boston University. His previous books include The Barnyard Epithet and Other Obscenities: Notes on the Chicago Conspiracy Trial; Don’t Shoot—We Are Your Children!; and Nightmare: the Underside of the Nixon Years.




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