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A Third of the Moon and the Stars Struck

Page 34

by Jade Brieanne

  “You won’t be slaughtering them as easily as you think. This,” Ahn pointed to the silver vial,” is another one of their creations. Mafdat is the name. It’s named after the Greek God of justice. When it’s administered to humans, it mutates and shifts the balance in their souls, allowing them to tap into very small reserves of spiritual power. It won’t surmount to the amount of power the Mutare have, but in large groups, it can be deadly. With angels, it’s even worse.”

  “How much worse?”

  “Terribly. It has given them a slight resistance to the one weapon we have to mortally fight other angels with, Qeres.” Ahn pressed a button on his console and the image switched again. “It also shifts their spiritual power, increasing ruah to impressive levels. I would say their power with the aid of mafdet is just shy of…Nonpareil.”

  Aria choked on air.

  Song stood, braced her hands against the table. “Did you say Nonpareil status?”

  “Yes. From what Hugo has observed, although it is safe to say the effects are temporary. Spiritual mass is greedy and it eats up mafdet like corn to pigs. Hugo states he wasn’t able to time it, but they would need several injections to last through a battle.”

  “Where is Hugo, anyways,” Sunny asked. “I would think he would have wanted to be the one to update us on all of his progress.”

  “That leads us to the small bit of good news we have. We tracked down The Eleven’s whereabouts. It isn’t precise. It will take some further triangulation once they are on Earth but Hugo is on standby with his team for commands to deploy.”

  “Deploy them. Immediately,” Kano said. Both leaders had been eerily quiet during this meeting considering her presence. Aria didn’t know if they were observing her or deferring their power to Khavah. Well, she knew Penume was. That was what Penume did. Observe. Kano, on the other hand, straight up didn’t like Aria, so maybe that’s why he did more glaring than speaking. “I know how deadly Cobra can be so they have permission to uphold their ways, but only as a last precaution. Bringing them back here is our ultimate goal.”

  “Without a Tambour reading?” Song leaned back in her chair, smirking. “Nice.”

  “Sunny and Ara,” Khavah said, looking at two of the Luminary Generals. “Take this sample and see if you two can’t put your heads together and figure this out?” They nodded in confirmation. “There will be another meeting to discuss their findings and to construct a war council. Generals, submit your recommendations for lieutenants. Ryuu, convene with Yusuf and begin submitting strategies with the information you have. Flexibility is the word with the information we have as of now.” The rest nodded in confirmation.” Good. Now onto other news.”

  “Uh, can I go now? I’ve heard all the important stuff, right?” Aria whined. “I want to go train. Jin’s muscle mass is okay for a human but a few thousand push up would be very helpful.”

  “Actually, no, petit. You cannot leave.” Khavah paused long enough to look at Kano. “I’ve spoken with both my son and Penume on this matter and they both have come to an agreement.”

  “Is it really an agreement if I don’t have a choice, Mother?” Kano said, his voice dripping with restrained anger.

  “You agree that you don’t have a choice. You didn’t have a choice to take the position you are now so proud of, no matter how you kicked and screamed when it was announced, and you don’t have a choice now that it’s being taken away from you.”

  Aria’s brows furrowed as she looked from mother to son.

  “A rope that is woven of three strands is hard to break. So we’ve decided that since Penume and Kano have not led in times of war, it would be best for them to defer their leadership to someone who has. A three-headed system. In fact, the entire council voted on it while you were away at Aeon Terra.”


  “You haven’t even heard me all the way through, child.”

  “I don’t need to. You know the one cool thing about dying? You don’t have to do shit! You’re literally a blob of nothing and you have absolutely no responsibilities. You get used to it real quick. Now, the deal was I was coming back to fight. Let me do that. Let me train and fight. I’ll even act as a General. But I am not about to sit at a desk and push papers around and command others to fight in my place.”

  “You can do both.”

  “I don’t want to do both! When I was made the Lioness, I accepted settling down because I had a son to raise. I had a future to protect and a legacy to uplift. That was then. My son is dead somewhere in Later Ụwa’s jungles and my mate is trapped in Antris with no idea I’m alive so settling down isn’t such a noble idea anymore.”

  “Sounds like a smokescreen to me,” Kano said lowly. “Don’t turn it down because you pity me.”

  Aria glared at Kano, almost disgusted that he could act so petulant, especially in front of everyone he commanded! “Get your shit together, Kano and for the love of The Creator, stop pouting! This isn’t pity. I don’t want the damn job! You don’t offer someone you’re more qualified than pity. You offer them a chance to keep the job they want.”

  “So you’re well aware that you are the most qualified yet you turn down leadership?” Song snorted. “Well, why don’t we all just quit since this, all of this, is about what we want and not what Caeli needs. I might as well go back to New York. Team Fox, the ones who bent over backward and almost died bringing you back? They are down there, too, denied the chance to come home to make sure we got you back in one piece. Hell, everyone here should just go home! A lot of people here have experienced their fair share of grief trying to get you back.”

  “I didn’t ask you to.”

  “But it was done. Now, you don’t owe any of us anything but the Aria I know loved Caeli more than she loved her own realm. The Aria I know would do whatever it took to see it survive. Including pushing papers around.”

  “She’s right, Aria,” Yusuf joined in. He looked up at her and she tried to ignore how soft his voice was or the pleading look in his eyes. “Ever since the troops and cadets heard that you were back they all immediately asked if you were going to lead us. Not that my brother hasn’t been an excellent leader but this would be temporary. Kano and Penume would still be there with you, we just need your face and your wisdom and your prowess. Just like before, you’ve unified us.”

  Silence followed Yusuf’s words. Everyone in the room stared at her and Aria stared back at them. Once again, Song was right. This wasn’t about what she wanted. None of it was.

  Aria groaned loudly before banging her head on the table once. “You’re really lucky I like you, kid,” Aria said as she stared at the ground. She stayed there for a few moments before bringing her head up sharply, her hair flying up and over her shoulders. “Not until the feast. But...I’ll do it.”


  Astral Barracks

  Elysian, Caelian Territory

  Elle sat at the door of her dormitory room and stared at her boots. Instead of peeling them off, she leaned back in the open doorway until her back touched the wooden planks before hoisting herself back up. She still needed to shower and eat and if she got comfortable she would literally fall asleep right where she was. Today had been a long day.

  Across from her room was the suite of the Astral Bodyguards. Sighing, she stood up and meandered over to their door and stared in, always knowing that she would never get the chance to claim one of the rooms. She would always be this close, at the threshold. Always a neophyte.

  “I must be more tired than I thought,” she murmured before walking in. She found a couch in the common area and plopped down on it without

  announcing herself. They’d known her long enough and knew her ways. It didn’t bother them anymore.

  She held a foot up. “Why are these boots so damn heavy?” To showcase this, she brought them down on top of the coffee table, groaning.

  “The boots are heavy because you like your toes. Can’t have them being lobbed off because you want to prance around barefo
ot,” Bolden said, emerging from behind an open refrigerator, a glass bottle of water in her hands.

  “That was one time!” Elle shot back

  “Twice. You tried to guard a nobleman barefoot because, as you stated, ‘Look at all this grass!’” Dre said. He came into the living room and took a seat beside Elle. He glanced at her boots before shoving them off the coffee table.

  “She breaks rules, this isn’t not unknown,” Nikki remarked from inside of her room, her voice tinged with disapproval. “How they allowed her to guard The Lioness is beyond me.”

  “Only because you think you’d do a better job,” Bolden pointed out.

  “I would and you know I would!”

  “Except El sweeps the floor with you every sparring session so outside of your pleasantly stoic perpetual mean mug, I’m not sure what you mean. She is also the best HALO pilot in the entire program,” Liam hummed from the doorway of his master bedroom. Nikki pinned him with a glare before turning her back to him.

  Elle liked Liam. Everybody liked Liam, even when he wasn’t all that likable. For some, it was his looks–tall, dark, and handsome–or his skill–which was enormous–or his rank–leader of the Astral Guard program. For Elle, it was because it was hard to figure him out. On some days he was quiet and reserved, as if he took his position as Lead Astral Guard as serious as death. On most days, however, he was spirited and lively and gregarious. His temperament was a counterbalance to Ahn’s calculated insanity. Ahn was lucky to have Liam and Liam was lucky to have Ahn.

  “Hey, El. So…tell us,” Bolden whispered as she edged closer to the neophyte. She squeezed in between her and Dre. Dre shoved her impossible to tame wild auburn hair out of the way while Bolden stared at her with a mischievous grin. “What’s it like guarding THE Aria Jinni?”

  Elle scratched the back of her neck. “She’s…okay?”

  “Just okay?” Bolden burst out. “This is your hero! Your idol back from the dead. In the flesh! And she’s just okay?”

  “That’s not–”

  “Heard she let you fight some Terran rat the other day,” Dre said, flipping on the television. “Oh, look, more news about Aria.”

  “How did you–”

  “Deeka’s sister’s boyfriend’s son works at Reem’s therapist’s office. He was ranting and raving about all kinds of things and that caught his attention. And something about a demon computer program?”

  Elle groaned. “When I say Aria Jinni is “okay”, I mean this. When any of us become heroes or immortalized or…what’s that part of your speech again, Liam?”

  “To become a legend is to become as immortal as Caeli itself.”

  “Right. That,” she said, snapping her fingers. “If we ever get that chance, just know that they only paint one half of the picture and it’s small and it’s weak. Legends, the story themselves, are flat and dull. The real person is multidimensional and effervescent.”

  “O…kay?” Bolden said, frowning, confused.

  “She’s wonderful. She’s everything I’ve ever heard about her. She’s also cranky and the sarcasm is almost unbearable and sometimes she is lazy and her farts stink.” Elle peeled her boots off, tied them together and strung them across her shoulder. Flexing her feet, she stood from the couch and headed towards the door that would lead to the terrace. “And yes, I fought a very noble, although very mean, citizen of Aeon Terra. She whooped my ass.”

  “Sounds like El is going to need therapy, too,” Bolden murmured as Elle closed the door behind her.

  The terrace was empty but considering how tense today had been for everyone, it was no wonder the dorms were quiet. Their floor was the designated floor for Astral Guards and neophytes but the other two floors weren’t. They were for Centennials guards, who, instead of guarding a member of The Above, formed smaller security teams or had the responsibility of guarding important guest.

  It would continue to be this tense for a long time and even more hectic and deadlier when the War started.

  For her, the War was a Gordian knot. She wanted Caeli to win, she wanted her way of life to continue, and she wanted her friends to live, for no one to die. She desired peace. She also needed her mother. And to get her mother, Caeli would have to lose in some form or the other. And this was her crucible. A test she did not know how to pass intact.

  “This Ose knew they would find you here.”

  The sudden appearance of the voice scared Elle and her reaction was swift, her bō slipped out and pointed at their throat.

  “You would hurt this Ose?” they said, their voice garbled and unidentifiable as ever. “This one would never hurt you.”

  Elle blinked and calmed her breathing. “You scared me,” Elle grumbled.

  “Ah. This one apologizes.”

  Elle rubbed the bridge of her nose. “Yeah. Yeah.” She didn’t have time for them tonight. She had too much on her mind. She was exhausted. “Look, I’m kind of tired and today has been a whirlwind and I want to go to sleep. Plus, after you showing up at the docks, I don’t want to be seen with you around other people. Can this wait?”

  “This Ose has a message for you, one of dire importance. It cannot wait.”

  Elle sighed and put her bō back in place. “Yes?”

  “There is a plan, a dark and sinister plan afoot. They are sending Cobra to Earth!”

  “Yeah, I know,” Elle said, annoyed. “I was there in the meeting. I heard everything.”

  “It isn’t a simple surveillance mission as they told you.”

  Elle frowned. “I’m sure you’re mistaken, Ose.” She turned to head back to her room. “There is nothing sinister afoot. You’ll find out more information and it’ll put your worries to rest. I’m going to sleep.”

  “It’s an assassination attempt, Elle!”

  That stopped Elle from taking another step. “What?”

  “They don’t just want to stop your mother’s people from coming here. They want to stop them from existing!”

  “No,” Elle breathed, staggering back from Ose. “I was there. I heard the directive. Kano said to bring them back!–”

  “Oh, my sweet child. You are too young to understand. Caeli isn’t the bastion of goodness they claim to be! Sometimes they lie. They lie,” Ose hissed. “Everyone lies.”

  “I don’t believe you. Aria said that she would help me get my mother back! She wouldn’t allow this!”

  Ose stepped closer and began circling Elle. The smell of burnt ashes or wax drifted towards her, and an epiphany slammed into her. “Aria may be the only person who could help you but…” they paused and looked off towards the Elysian cityscape. “Aria listens to Ahn. She always listens to Ahn and Ahn wants your mother dead. You must get rid of Ahn.”

  Elle recoiled. “He’s like family to me!”

  “Yet, he is not your mother. If you are willing, this Ose will find you a way. If you are not willing, you must stay out of mine.”

  “What are you planning on doing?” Elle asked.

  “Nothing,” Ose explained. “It’s what Ahn plans on doing. And it’s how Ahn will pay.”



  Elysian, Caelian Territory

  “Congratulations, Ahn. Just days ago you were locked under Timnath-Heres, a traitor to Caeli and now look at you. You’ve redeemed yourself and garnered full support from The Fallen. Even Bon Baji seems to trust you again. Miraculous.”

  Ahn he knew who was standing at his table the moment she spoke, and he groaned in disgust. Without acknowledging her, he closed his book, stood and placed it on the cart to be re-shelved. The cart scanned the barcode on the book and zoomed off towards the back of the library. Ahn walked off in the opposite direction.

  He heard the sharp click of her heels following him across the parquet flooring, the sound drawing the eyes of other patrons. A few gasped when they saw her because it wasn’t every day that you saw an angel as powerful

  as she was waltzing through Tomes, the largest public library in Elysia
n, chasing after the Leader of The Above.

  Well, Ahn was assuming she was chasing him. Click, click, click. No, he was pretty sure of it.

  He walked through the exit, passing under the marble archways and began heading down the steps when her hand wrapped around his wrist. He jerked away on impulse.

  “Shit,” he said, his hand dropping to his side. He didn’t want her to know she still affected him in any kind of way except for cool, thinly veiled hate. “What do you want Anais?”

  “To congratulate you,” she said as if he were stupid. “Which should have been obvious because it was the first word out of my mouth.”

  Ahn frowned. “For what?”

  Her hands landed on her hips. “You never listened to me before, and I don’t know why I thought it would be different now. I was congratulating you on how you turned things around. You seem…concerned with the fate of Caeli.”

  “And you never believed me when I would tell you that. I am always in the service of Caeli even if my methods seem unsavory. I care.” His voice was rough and he cleared his throat because the way he said it sounded like…

  Anais didn’t seem to have picked up on it. Another issue of hers. “Excellent use of Cobra might I add. Hugo doesn’t listen to many commands, but he listens to yours.”

  “That’s because I don’t command. I ask,” Ahn informed with his head held high. People were starting to stare and Anais seemed to revel in the fact that people were watching them but that had always been the biggest difference between them. Anais desired power simply to be powerful while Ahn desired power to help others. Anais fed off attention, the attention she thought she deserved. Ahn was clandestine and secretive. They had always been so different, so incompatible but the passion and affection between the two of them had been atomic.


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