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Of Mobsters and Men: WILD (Book #2)

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by L. A TehPeaceMaker

  Copyright 2019 L.A TehPeaceMaker

  All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  This book or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy,

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  Chapter 1

  Three years later

  Raelyn’s POV

  I was currently trying to make something new that I thought Stefano and Romano would love. I’ve never tried creamy sausage pasta before but I was confident in my cooking. Also, I wanted to taste for myself and right about now, everything was looking good.

  My senses were taken over by hearing Romano’s loud singing from the living room. I shook my head as I laughed. He was too cute sometimes.

  He was singing an old nursery rhyme I sang to him last night to get him to fall asleep, like it was the newest pop song out this week.

  I stirred the tomato sauce, cream, and Parmesan then seasoned all the ingredients with salt and pepper. I whistled as I lowered everything to a low boil. I had to come back in ten more minutes for the sauce to thicken.

  I heard the patter of Romano’s feet as he ran towards me. I ended up dropping the ladle as he engulfed my legs in a hug and looked up at me with a cheeky grin.

  By the look on his face he saw that I was upset and he quickly frowned, looking at the utensil on the floor with sauce spillage all on the floor.

  “Uh oh. I’m sorry mama.” He said backing away slowly.

  “I told you about doing that when I’m cooking.” I said giving him a look as I squatted down to pick up the ladle and got up to drop it into the sink.

  Romano looked down, his arms behind his back as he swayed side to side.

  “Mhm.” I said not buying his act. I could see the corners of his mouth turn up just like his father’s did.

  Romano ran to the table and took a few napkins and ran back to the spot with the mess and helped me wipe the floor clean. He giggled and hugged me again. It wasn’t a few seconds later that I heard a familiar whistle tune and footsteps that I knew were coming from Stefano. I looked as his form emerged from the corner of the living room.

  I was actually surprised he made it in time for dinner. He was typically half an hour late. Romano quickly let go of my legs and stood up straight as if nothing happened. He raised his chin up at his Father, the bravado in the room now thick.

  I couldn’t help but roll my eyes. Stefano gave Romano a toothy smile as he stepped closer to us. He crouched down to his level and smirked at Romano, Romano returning the facial expression. “Get outta here boy.” Stefano laughed ruffling his hair before Romano walked cooly towards his toys.

  What an act! The boy was running up and down the place just five minutes prior! Stefano looked at me up and down and pulled me closer to his body. He brought his lips down on mine and I accepted his kiss. The kiss was long, telling me I was on his mind for the majority of the day.

  There was something I’ve been wanting to talk with him about but it would have to wait for tonight. He’s just gotten back from his meeting and the last thing I wanted was for him to feel like he couldn’t relax in his own home.

  “What’s wrong, Rae?” He asked after he pulled away from the kiss. I didn’t realize I had became unresponsive. “Nothing at all! I think I just became distracted with something. Anyway, I’m making something new.” I said and gave him my best genuine smile. Stefano grinned. “I was meaning to ask what that new smell was.” He said.

  “Romano’ been giving you trouble?” He asked raising an eyebrow as he moved closer to me. I laughed and shook my head. It seems he didn’t buy the act either. “No, you don’t need to worry.” I told him. He didn’t even know the half of it. I turned the sauce off and wiped my hands with a napkin.

  Dinner passed by mostly of Romano rambling about the characters and the drama in his favorite shows. I knew Stefano wasn’t listening one bit as he nodded his head as if he was. He was more interested in finishing the food in front of him which he came to love as I predicted.

  That night

  Stefano was lying just in his boxers, staring straight up at the ceiling, his arms crossed under his head as I closed the bathroom door behind me. I felt his eyes on me as I walked around the room with my towel secured on me. “You’re still up for that talk?” He asked sitting up, his tone deep as we locked eyes.

  He stretched his arm out and gently took my wrist and brought me down on his lap. He caressed my thighs while looking in my eyes. It was nearly impossible to not bring up that conversation now.

  “I was thinking earlier this morning about that conversation we had about how we were going to raise Romano. I want him to grow up as a normal child. I saw how he behaved with you today when you had just came back from your meeting. I could see him trying to impress you and not in the typical way little boys try to win their father’s approval. It kind of made me…” I couldn’t find the word and I looked down at Stefano’s face to see if he was following.

  His eyebrows were furrowed in concentration. “Yes, I remember. I said the same thing too. It was that day we were in Rome with your parents, Gianna, and her son.” He said making me nod. “I would prefer Romano to not adopt the made man lifestyle but there’s still work to be done. There’s work I might not finish and end up passing to my son.” He said not biting back any words.

  “But…” my thumb stroked across his chest. “This life, Stefano… it’s just not what I want for us. I’m not saying I’m ungrateful but I don’t want that for him. I can’t imagine his childhood being ripped from him. I can’t imagine him killing people.” I told him. That image alone worried me.

  “I said a lot of things Raelyn and I meant what I said at that time. But, there’s still work that needs to be done. You don’t understand.” He said slightly firmly. I nodded my head and got off of him, walking around the bed to my side, picking up the lotion bottle and lathering the cream on my legs and arms.

  My back was towards him even though I knew that was one of the things he hated being done to him. He tugged my arm back, making the towel drop and pool around me.

  “Rae, don’t give me that.”

  “No, I don’t understand remember?” I asked him. I fought myself from crying. I didn’t like the fact it seemed what I wanted didn’t matter. I didn’t like the fact I was being treated like I didn’t know anything.

  “I don’t understand you women. Rae, what’s wrong? Just talk to me.”

  “It doesn’t matter. Nothing I say ever matters.” I slipped on my lace, teal lingerie and slipped on my robe. After the first tear, I just gave up and let all of them freely fall. “I hurt you, didn’t I?” Stefano asked me, taking my hand and spinning me so I could face him. He didn’t really react to my wet face, instead he just looked me squarely in the eyes.

  “I don’t know, maybe I am overreacting.” I said. I couldn’t think of how Stefano hurt me. He’s never hurt me since we’ve been married. “Not if you’re crying. You can talk to me. You know I don’t like it when you make it seem you can’t talk to me.” He said. I knew he wouldn’t let me go until I started talking.

  He pulled me to the bed on top of him. “I want to feel like my voice matters. I don’t want to be those mob wives who live in the shadow of their husband. The wives th
at don’t even have a say on how to raise their children. I feel like that’s happening to me.” I finally said.

  He rubbed my back. “I understand and I don’t want you to feel that way. What you say matters to me. Just give me time to work things out, please.” He begged. Just like magic it seemed, his voice and his touch calmed me down. I realized I just had to be patient with him to figure everything out. We didn’t plan to have a child until a few years later and when Romano came into the world, Stefano was still in the midst of handling business.

  Still, Romano is our blessing and neither Stefano nor I would have things any other way.

  The next day

  Gigi and I were out eating lunch at a restaurant close to where we grew up. We’ve only ever been here one other time and that was because we wanted to try something “fancy.”

  “Oh, Marcelo is just fine. I’m glad his cold cleared up because now he can play with his cousin again and get outta my hair.” Gigi said making me cover my mouth and laugh. “So am I. I’m happy he’s feeling better now. Romano is out right now with Stefano doing who knows what.” I shook my head.

  “You seem kind of tense Rae, what’s up?” She asked me. I should’ve expected Gigi to catch up with my mood considering she’s known me forever. “I’m alright now, it’s just I had a total meltdown in front of Stefano and we had this argument and…I don’t know. Everything is resolved but I just feel weird about it.”

  “Let it go Rae, I bet you he has.”

  I chuckled. “You’re right.” Stefano has enough things to worry about than a resolved argument.

  Alessio was eating at the table behind us and I turned to let him know I was going to use the restroom so he could just keep eating and not have to tail me.

  “Be right back” I whispered to Gigi as I got up and smoothed down my dress. I don’t know why but I always struggle looking for bathrooms in restaurants. As I turned the corner, I bumped into a body. I stepped back to regain my balance. I looked up at the tall young man with dark hair and before I could apologize, he beat me to it. “I’m so sorry, I wasn’t watching where I was going.” He chuckled. “No worries.” I waved my hand and smiled.

  I saw a grin tug at the corner of his lips as he looked past me. I turned to see Alessio standing behind me, making me almost jump. When did he get here and why did he follow me?

  “Oh I’m sorry sir, No need to worry about me. It was an accident.” He said. Alessio said nothing as the man and him competed in a staring contest as he moved past us.

  Well, that was weird.

  I turned around and looked up at Alessio. “Why did you follow me? I told you I was just going to the ladies room?”

  “As soon as you got up to leave, he did as well and took a different route to the restrooms.” He said. My heart jerked in fear and my eyes slightly widened. Alessio caught on to me feeling scared because he leaned on the wall opposite of the women’s bathroom. “You can go ahead.”

  That night

  “You successfully put Romano to sleep?” I asked Stefano as he walked into our bedroom. His eyes were glued to my form as I shrugged off my short silk robe. He smirked as he approached me and rested his hands on the foot of the bed as he leaned in to plant a kiss on my lips. He hooked his thumb into the hem of my lace panties.

  “I don’t think you’ll really need this tonight. You’ve already enticed me...” He said and I winced as he grazed a piece of skin on my neck with his teeth. He brought my legs up around his waist and picked me up, spinning me around before carrying me and planting my body against the wall.


  My skin dug into his shoulders as he entered his member into me. I rested my head into the crook of his neck and my breathing became ragged as he guided my hips up and down the length of him. Stefano almost always took his time during sex. The only time he was ever rough was when he was stressed. Even then, he handled me gently.

  He told me he wanted sex to be meaningful between us and each time, it was. I always felt like I was in a different world when I was with him. We then moved to the bed and Stefano’s hands were rested on my waist. My hands were planted on his chest as I moved up and down on him. His eyes were closed and his lips parted as I pleased him.

  I could tell he was biting back a curse as I gyrated my hips. He pinched my butt, signaling he was about to release. My head fell back as I started riding him faster. I leaned down and kissed him, my hair falling down and cascading down my shoulders. Stefano’s hand held the side of my face while the other guided my hips against him.

  Stefano groaned into my ear and gave my behind a squeeze as he came. His release triggered mine and I collapsed on top of him.

  We went to the bathroom and cleaned ourselves before returning to bed. Stefano held me, his hands roaming my body.

  “I keep hearing complaints from the restaurant.” He said, his voice raspy and tired.

  “Oh, what about?” I asked, my eyes fluttering open.

  “They miss you. I keep getting asked when you’ll be back.” He chuckled.

  I smiled. “Hm, I don’t have much to do tomorrow, I’ll come in. I’ll bring Romano too. It’s been awhile since they’ve seen him..” I said back. “You know he looks more like you every day.” I added.

  “I see it.” He chuckled again.

  “I missed you.” I said letting him know I thought of him the whole day.

  “It was a long day, I’m sorry.” Stefano said and kissed my shoulder.

  Chapter 2

  The next afternoon, I was at the restaurant working as manager again. I’ve been working here on and off since I had Romano. Speaking of him, he was currently gripping my dress and hiding behind me as the customers tried to greet him.

  I bent down to Romano’s level. “Mama…” he pouted. I could tell he didn’t like being in a place so crowded with faces he didn’t recognize. “Uncle Alessio is sitting there, go sit with him. I’ll bring you some food to eat.” I said pointing to the direction in the back where Alessio was scrolling through his phone.

  Alessio and his wife had a baby girl last month and if I knew anything, he was probably looking at pictures of his daughter at this moment. He had a family of his own so he knew how it was. I hoped he didn’t mind Romano chatting it up. Romano made me walk him towards Alessio and after, I knew I would be able to function and work quickly.

  Turning to go to my office, I saw a familiar stature and face sitting at a table near the entrance. The scruffy black hair and black biker jacket screamed that this was the same man from yesterday. I bumped into him before at the place Gigi and I went for lunch. He took out a notepad from his bag and began to write or draw, I couldn’t tell.

  “Small world.” I said.

  Going up and down the restaurant, I received many compliments from frequent customers of the past. They told me how beautiful I am, how delicate I appeared, and how Stefano made a good choice in picking me as a wife.

  It all felt fake to me and I remembered why I’d been away from the business for so long.


  That evening, Gigi and Marcelo came over. I forgot that Gigi and I talked about Romano and Marcelo’s sleepover today. Currently, Romano and Marcelo were fighting over an action figure and Gigi was trying to settle the dispute, making me laugh. Stefano entered the kitchen and I watched as he kept his eyes glued on little Marcelo. I’ve always noticed the way he eyed that boy.

  “You always look at Marcello with that gaze...all you see is Adriano and how he betrayed you.” I said thinking I read his mind. Stefano gave me a side glance. “Yes, you’re correct. He’s a spitting image. I almost want Romano to be careful when he’s around him.” He said making me laugh. “He’s just a kid.” I defended him.

  I watched Stefano pour a glass of wine for himself. “I feel for him that he doesn’t have a father. Just like his grandfather did for me, I’ll be the one to take him under my wing.” Stefano said all of a sudden.

  I walked behind him slid my hand down his back.

p; “That’s sweet.” I placed a soft kiss on his jaw.

  I’ve always known Stefano to be a caring and attentive man and those are a few of the qualities I admired about him.

  Stefano’s phone buzzed and he sat the glass down as he looked at his phone screen. He gave me a look before telling me he needed to take the call.

  Stefano’s POV

  “Enrico what is it? Can’t you just send me the report?” I asked him, slightly annoyed. He knew during evenings not to call me about work. I prioritized spending time with my family after being away the whole day.

  “As we speak I’m sending you the report. We have a problem and I had to ring you.” He explained himself. “Go on.” I leaned against the wall to anticipate any angle of news.

  “Our head leader, Ricco Rossi, has been murdered.”

  “Shit…” I pinched the bridge of my nose and closed my eyes. “What’s his condition?” I asked. “His neck was slit through and it seemed he choked on his blood of course. He also has severe stab wounds and get this, there’s the letter, W, engraved into his side with what had to be a knife.” Enrico reported.

  I furrowed my eyebrows and crossed my arm. “There’s a letter W….” I said. Perhaps it’s the murderer’s first initial. “The real question is, was this an attack and by whom?” Enrico asked.

  “It’s too early to tell. We’ll have a meeting with some soldiers and all the officials in the morning. Inform them.” I said and ended the call.

  Entering the kitchen, I didn’t see Raelyn, Gigi, or the kids so I followed the sound of commotion up the stairs. I heard voices coming from Romano’s room and I opened the door, seeing Gigi and Raelyn standing to the side as they watched their sons jump up and down while watching a superhero movie.

  I nodded to Gigi and leaned down to kiss Rae. “I’m going to bed.” I told her. “I’ll be there in a minute.” She let me know.

  “Uncle ‘fano!”


  Before I could turn to leave, the two little boys ran to me and engulfed me in hugs. “Mama Mia.” I whispered before grinning and crouching to their heights.


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