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Of Mobsters and Men: WILD (Book #2)

Page 11

by L. A TehPeaceMaker

  “We’ll see about that.” The bastard laughed.

  “You may be smarter than you were before, but you’re still no match for me, Vandal. Remember that.” I said firmly.

  “Look who’s being cocky now. I’ll pull the rug from under you before you even start.” He said lastly and hung up the phone.

  Chapter 14

  Raelyn’s POV

  That afternoon

  I turned a page in my magazine at the same time glancing at Gigi with a raised eyebrow. She then leaned into Caterina’s ear to whisper something, causing her to giggle. “You’re so nosy, Gigi.” Caterina muttered.

  Her eyes glanced to below my neck and I instantly caught on. “Gigi, you’re unbelievable.” I laughed, pretending to smack my magazine down on the table. Gigi threw her head back and pointed at me. “That hickey is enormous! Honestly Raelyn, what did he do to you?” She asked, continuing to mock me.

  Caterina’s cheeks began to turn red. It could be from hearing about her cousin being sexual, or the possibility she could be embarrassed for me.

  “Shut it, Gigi.” I playfully rolled my eyes. At this point I couldn’t help but to bite my lip thinking about the ways Stefano pleasured me.

  “You two had that nasty, hot-”

  “I said, shut it!” I said, not being able to control my fits of laughter.

  “Mmmm, lucky you.” Gigi winked at me.

  I shook my head at her. Catching a glimpse of Caterina, I raised both of my eyebrows. Was something wrong? Gigi followed my gaze and she slightly widened her eyes in alarm. “Uh-oh!Caterina's virgin ears!”

  She shook her head and looked at me. At that point, I knew what was going on in her head. Her last relationship was with Alphonso, years ago. Although he did very horrible things to her and she’d been sent free, I knew he left a wound in her heart unable to heal. Caterina never told me, but there was always something in the back of my mind that told me Alphonso used to rape her.

  Perhaps that look was in her eyes because she never enjoyed sex with the man she loved.

  “Don’t feel bad, you’re beautiful and many men would be lucky to have you. You just need to get out there. Your time will come.” Gigi said hugging Caterina. Gigi didn’t know what was really going on but Caterina smiled at the fact she tried to make her feel better regardless.

  “The only problem is, I’m attracted to made men.” Caterina chuckled, going along with where Gigi was going. Gigi waved her hand and rolled her eyes. “Been there, done that.”

  Caterina rested her head on Gigi’s shoulder and sighed. I felt great pity for her, knowing what she’s been through. Her loneliness must be unbearable.

  “I’ve had a taste of what life outside of this society is like and I’m just not used to it. I’m used to the protection of made men, their mysterious and powerful persona, their strength and love…” she trailed.

  In this exact moment, it felt like Caterina and I were exact opposites. While she couldn’t fit in to normal society, I couldn’t fit into this mob lifestyle either. My husband though does have all the qualities she said she admired, and I admire them too.

  I nodded my head in understanding. “I get it, but on the bright side if you get a man that’s not in the mob, you don’t have to worry too much about him.” I told her. Perhaps I was just saying to her how I always felt. The love I have for my husband is so great and it always gave me a headache when thinking of the danger he’s always facing.

  “I guess you’re right. I knew that they wouldn’t judge me either.” Caterina continued. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

  “Judge you for what?” Gigi asked. “For not having my honor. But, I’m still stuck on made men.” Caterina explained. She then looked downward.

  “When I was engaged, My fiancé would rape me. It’s in our world that the girl stay pure before she’s wedded and, now that I’m damaged goods, I’d be shunned if a made man found out I wasn’t a virgin.” Caterina explained.

  I closed my eyes as the silence casted down on us.

  “You’re not damaged goods! You’re a beautiful, kind-hearted woman that deserves the world!” Gigi snapped. I opened my eyes and agreed with Gigi.

  I knew Caterina wanted to start dating again and I thought it would be good for her if she tried something new.

  “There are some very loving men in the mob that could look past you not being a virgin. But you should really give men outside our community a chance.” I added to what she said.

  My mind went back to the first time Stefano and I had a sexual encounter. I had admitted to him that he wasn’t my first sexual experience and I was terrified of what he’d might do. I was very surprised of Stefano’s reaction or inaction about what I’d told him.

  Before I knew Stefano, I thought all made men were heartless.

  “This life is all I know. I don’t know how I’d fit into the normal world.” Caterina frowned again at the thought. I gave her a reassuring smile. “You’re doing a good job so far traveling and what-not. You’re breaking barriers and getting to know all kinds of people. Don’t worry too much.” I tried encouraging her.

  “Listen Caterina, I might not be the best person to get relationship advice from, but this might help you.” Gigi started with a chuckle. Caterina nodded her head and I raised both my eyebrows. Gigi looked downwards and ran her fingers through her hair. “Well, my mother once told me that you have to marry a man who loves you more than you love him.”

  “It’s true. Relationships last more when he’s more dedicated to keep you two together.” Caterina said, agreeing.

  “Also…” Gigi started. “She told me, when you hold a man’s hand and he makes your heart beat faster and he makes you feel giddy and excited, walk away from him. She said he’s not the man for you. If you hold a man’s hand and he makes you feel protected, feel warm, safe and secure, hold on to him.”

  Caterina was shocked at what Gigi was saying to her. Caterina put a finger to her cheek. “Oh...well I guess that makes sense.”

  Yes, it did make sense. Now that I’m older, I can definitely say that the thing I want to feel most from a man is safety and protection. Stefano wanted to make sure I was just that, all the time. With my ex Vincent, I felt more excited and giddy more than anything else. I wish I could say I felt safe, but so many factors came in between us.

  Just then, Romano and Marcelo came running towards us in the living room. The thumping of their feet sounded as they neared. “Slow down before your hurt yourselves!” Gigi said, sternly. “Mama!” Romano giggled, running into my arms. I smiled looking down at my son. “What’s wrong? Why are you two running like that?”

  Romano smiles up at me, mischief in his eyes. “Nothing.” He said snuggling up into me. I let out a hearty laugh, combing my fingers through his curls. I kissed his head and felt warmness in my heart when Romano grabbed my hand and laced his fingers with mine.


  About an hour later, I kissed Gigi and Caterina goodbye. They came earlier to keep me company and make future plans. I thought that was sweet and it’s been awhile since we were together like this. Romano had quickly ran into his room right after, which I found odd. I went into the kitchen to pour myself some water and quickly felt the bottom of my slippers feeling grainy.

  “What?” I asked myself, looking down at the floor and under my slippers. There was dirt on the floor followed by tiny footsteps and pieces of a broken vase. I knew something wasn’t right when I walked in here. There were stroke lines on the kitchen floor, insinuating an attempt to clean up the mess.

  Romano and Marcelo had obviously broken a flower vase and tried to get rid of the mess. I assume that’s why they were all lovey-dovey with Gigi and I earlier. “Romano!” I yelled looking into the contents of the trash can seeing large pieces of the blue vase and flowers in there.

  Charging up the stairs, I heard the telephone begin to ring. I quickly ran up the stairs to pick it up. I heard Alessio on the other side of the hallway chatting it up with his wife and d
idn’t want to bother him.

  “Hello? This is-”

  “Rae, how are you?” The masculine voice on the other line asked me. I knitted my eyebrows, knowing the voice sounded faintly similar.

  “Mrs. Vanzetti. Who is this?”

  A low chuckle erupted from the caller’s throat. “I expected more from ya, Rae. You even got that asshole’s last name?”

  I felt as if all the wind was knocked out of me.

  “Vincent.” I let out in a whisper.

  “You sound so surprised, Rae. It almost hurts my heart.” He said teasingly.

  I felt my knees growing weak and my back hit the wall as I started sliding down slowly. My hand clutched my chest and my eyelids were closed tightly. My heart thumped against my chest violently and tears started to brim my eyes, it became hard to breathe.

  “I missed you too.” He said soothingly.

  “Vincent, you can’t-” I strained to say. My throat became tight.

  “Did you like the flowers?” He then asked me.

  “ should have-have never called.” I shook my head, the tears beginning to slip faster.

  “Why’s that?” He asked, suspicious.

  “Stefano will try to find you and kill you. He would do it for real this time.” I started. Vincent was quiet on the line. “You should live. Forget about me. For your life, please. Just forget about me. Please live.” I tried to convince him to stop what he’s doing.

  “You don’t sound happy to hear from me.” He said flatly.

  I slowly stood back up, regaining my balance.

  “I’m very happy and relieved to know you’re alive, but you’ve made a mistake contacting me.”

  “No, everything’s falling into place.” He snapped. Why? Why did he have to call me? Tears blurred my vision and my heart couldn’t help but to soak in the joy of hearing Vincent’s voice once more. All the buried emotions, the fact I wasn’t given enough time to grieve, the tragedy of it all has resurfaced.

  “Vincent I’ve moved on. You should too. It’s almost been 5 years.” I felt as if I was losing my voice.

  “I can’t move on just yet.” He said.

  “What do you mean?”

  Vincent didn’t answer me. Instead, he began chuckling. “Never mind that. You want me to live, right? Don’t tell Mr.Vanzetti about this special conversation. I’ll leave you alone now.”

  I put the phone back in its rightful place after he ended the call.

  Walking away with my heart in my hands, I still felt the aftershock of what just happened. I realized I couldn’t tell anyone about this conversation. “Mrs.Vanzetti?” I heard a feminine voice ask. I jumped and turned my head to see Marissa, the middle-aged maid standing there with a concerned look on her face.

  “Is everything alright?” She asked me. If I turned to face her, she’d see that I’ve been crying. I didn’t want a chance for her to be alarmed or alarm others. “Oh no,” I waved dismissively. “I’m alright, I just got a call from someone I haven’t heard from in awhile. No worries.” I said, throwing in a fake chuckle.

  “Alright then. Is there anything I can assist you with?”

  “No, thank you.” I said and she walked away.

  I quickly made it into my bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed, letting all my emotions run wild. I kept hearing his voice in my head.

  You even got that assholes last name now?

  His words repeated in my head, driving me crazy.

  Knowing Vincent was alive was like a double edged sword. I felt relief that Stefano spared him, but him being alive was now tormenting me.

  I wrote in my journal as quick yet neatly as I could. I couldn’t tell anyone about what had just happened and this was the only way I could resume my day normally. I knew what would happen if I told Alessio or my husband. Vincent would surely die. Then, I know I wouldn’t be able to sleep again.

  The door creaked and I turned my head to see Romano’s head sticking from in between the wall and the door. He had a pout on his lips as he looked at me. “Mommy, are you mad at me?”

  I placed my bookmark on where I left off and sat straight. “No, I’m not, Romano. Come here.” I said opening my arms as he cracked a smile and ran to the bed. He plopped down next to me and I wrapped him in my embrace. “I understand it was just an accident. When Marcelo comes over you two have to be careful of how you play. I’m not gonna’ tell your father about this.” I said and placed a kiss on his forehead.

  Romano snuggled in deeper. I caressed his back and let out a sigh. “Okay...I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay, baby.”

  “I’m not a baby.” He whined and pulled away. I laughed and pulled him in once more.

  “You are my baby.” I said softly, kissing all over his face.

  “Agh!” He said, playfully trying to get out of my grasp.

  Chapter 15

  Stefano’s POV

  “It’s Louise! The tracking device that was on him was taken off but it’s been put back on!” Ricardo said, grabbing the attention of everyone in the room. I got off the wall and walked towards where Enrico and Ricardo were sitting. We’ve been watching the status of Louise’s tracker all day.

  Thomas and Angelo also followed suit. We’ve been waiting for a sign to lead us to Accardi and it seems we’ve finally gotten one.

  Enrico typed the address of where the tracker was and zoomed in on the land. “This is yet again, another set up. This address is one mile away from the warehouse we first encountered our enemies yesterday.” He explained, irritation in his tone.

  “We even saw them take Accardi and drive away as we shot at them. How could the tracker still be in that warehouse?” Angelo asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

  “That means It’s not on Louise. He was instructed to not take it off.” Enrico added.

  “Yeah, well, he was also instructed to not get captured.” Ricardo snapped.

  Everyone that was sent on yesterday’s mission didn’t intend on getting captured. It was only me that knew Louise was captured on purpose.

  “We’re going to follow that device anyway. ‘Could lead us to Accardi and the enemy somehow.” I ordered.

  Louise, your plan better damn sure follow through.


  Later that afternoon

  Thomas shut the car door as he hopped into the driver’s seat. I closed the passenger car door which contained Franklin behind it. I went into the backseat of the car along with Angelo. He sat behind Franklin and cocked his gun, placing it on the side of Franklin's face.

  I nodded to Thomas through the rearview mirror and he began to drive. Franklin didn’t know it, or maybe he did, but he was now in his last hours of life. I extracted all the information I needed from him and now it was time to get rid of him. I wouldn’t make the same mistake of allowing a betrayer to live while I’m still breathing.

  As the vehicle collected more mileage and the road became narrow, I scrolled through my phone. My thumb stilled on a picture of my wife, son, and I. Raelyn was holding a younger Romano in her arms as she looked up and kissed my jaw. I took this picture and it was one of my favorites.

  My eyebrows furrowed at the fact that Franklin was colluding with someone who wanted nothing more than to destroy me and my family. Thomas pulled up to a small house and parked in the driveway.

  “Why-why are we here?” Franklin asked, looking at his private home in confusion. It was a small cream house that was mixed with wood and brick. A long brick chimney extended from the ground to above the house and bushes and trees equipped with an abundance of leaves decorated the perimeters of the house.

  “He’s a prominent figure so we’re going to make his death seem like he got into an accident of some sort.” I whispered into Thomas’s ear. “Just hurry up and enter the passcode, old man.” Angelo said, patting Franklin on his shoulder. He even added a squeeze, taunting him some more.

  The front door opened and we stepped into the house. Thomas went back to the car to get the necessary o
bjects to complete our mission. Angelo sat Franklin down in a dining room chair and that’s when the grey-haired man began to beg for mercy.

  “Please, Vanzetti. Have mercy. Please don’t leave my wife a widow.” He begged. His eyes were as big as golf balls and beads of sweat framed his face. His hands shook with terror and his face was a shade of red.

  I used my index finger to raise his chin so our eye contact was tighter. I looked down at him with s blank expression. “I gave you trust and you abused it. Then, what did you do? You became teammates with a man that wanted me dead. If I’m dead, what does that make my wife?” I asked him, slowly.

  I let go of his chin and his face dropped. “I don’t feel anything towards you, but I certainly don’t look down on you with sympathy or mercy either.”

  Just then, Thomas entered the house with a couple gallons of gasoline and a box of matches.

  “No, no, no.” Franklin rolled his head from left to right.

  I nodded for Thomas to come closer with the gallon in his hand. I stepped back and watched as Thomas poured gasoline on his lap and under his chair. Angelo grabbed the other gallon and poured it all over the floor. The ropes tied to Franklin loosened and he didn’t even try to run. He’d given up hope for my mercy and accepted his fate.

  “No matter your power or status, you do not truly know what kind of man you were until the very end.” I said receiving the box of matches from Thomas. I opened the box of matches as I eyed Franklin who’s head was bowed down in despair.

  “Let’s burn this bitch up already.” Angelo said, fire itself in his eyes.

  I lit up the stick and flicked it at what used to be the great Senator Franklin.


  I walked into the room where Enrico and Ricardo were still tracking the movement of Accardi. “Any updates?” I asked Enrico, hoping I’d get some useful information.

  “Like you requested, I dispatched about four lower level soldiers to this exact location just to check it out. Just when they were getting closer to the enemy, the signal was lost. The tracker was switched off.” He responded, tightening his jaw.


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