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Of Mobsters and Men: WILD (Book #2)

Page 13

by L. A TehPeaceMaker

  My eyes shifted back to Tinuccio’s watchful glare.

  “And what if I have?” He asked narrowing his eyes.

  I smirked and leaned forward, happy he fell into my trap. “So you assassinate me, what happens next? My people will come for you. Can you guess what happens after that?”

  “Your people might end up successfully killing me. But, my men won’t just sit there with their legs crossed either.” Tinuccio responded.

  “It would be a vicious cycle of revenge and death. Back and forth, men will be dying like flies. All for what?” I asked him.

  Tinuccio squinted his eyes at me and smoked his cigar. He then chuckled, pulling the cigar away from his lips. “Even men like you have morals, but when they go to war, they kill each other in the most horrific fashions.” He said.

  I pulled away from him and furrowed my eyebrows together, becoming more serious. “I came here today to negotiate peace, not cause bloodshed. Isn’t peace what we all want?”

  If Tinuccio was smart, he’d realize I was letting go of his crimes and trespasses against The Pride. I could retaliate, but retaliation yields more retaliation. I just wanted peace and focus on one issue at a time. There’s so much to be done.

  I felt all the eyes of made men staring at me. Forgiveness in the business. It was almost unheard of. God forgives, but us, no, we avenge.

  The corner of his mouth lifted and he chuckled again. “Your father would’ve never done this.”

  “I’m my father’s son, but I’m not my father.” I replied.

  He reached out his hand for me to shake. Roberto and Thomas eyed each other hard as I took Tinuccio’s hand and firmly shook it.

  “Very well. However, part of the reason I wanted you here is because I have special new for you, regarding your investigation.” Tinuccio said, relaxing in his chair.


  I sat in the corner of the room as Ricardo and Enrico continued their tracking of Louise’s location. My eyes stared into space as Tinuccio’s words remained in print in my head. My hands itched to crush something. I wanted to bite my nails as I was deep in thought, but I had to remain calm if I were to analyze the situation with the information he gave me.

  “Shit, the tracker just came back on.” Ricardo said in disbelief.

  “We’ll follow the tracker even if it is a trap.” I spoke aloud, getting everyone’s attention. I hadn’t said anything since I walked back into headquarters and my energy was quickly picked up.

  “How do we know Louise isn’t dead?” Angelo asked all of a sudden. The other men scoffed.

  “Have some faith.” I said back. Everyone’s eyes stilled on me. Thomas gave me a look as well, knowing what I know.

  I've had time to analyze the situation and knew it best to deliver my knowledge to the team now.

  I stood up from my chair and looked downward as I began pacing the room. “The enemies that we’ve been fighting are Vincent Vandal and The Brotherhood.”

  Everyone’s face contorted into confusion and thought. “Vincent Vandal, I’ve heard of that name.” Ricardo said, knitting his eyebrows together. Enrico’s eyes stilled on mine. He then began typing on the keyboard. “Don’t even bother, Enrico. You’re correct.” I reassure him.

  Enrico was one of the men I had on my search parties to look for Raelyn and Vandal while they were on the run. Enrico was with me when we’d gotten to Raelyn and Vandal, and was the one that took Raelyn away from the scene before I dealt with the bastard.

  “I don’t understand.” He replied.

  “Vincent Vandal was the boy that ran away with my soon to be bride, years ago. I could have killed him at the time of capture, but I didn’t.” I explained to them all.

  As hard as that was for me to say, I had to put my pride behind me. “I gave that job to my now deceased cousin, Adriano. Adriano was responsible for Vincent and confirmed to me that he’d gotten the job done and took care of Vincent’s body, leaving no trace of him whatsoever.”

  I stopped my pacing and stood in place. “However, Adriano had lied to me, and fell short of his responsibilities purposely. The only reason I can come up with is he purposely allowed Vandal to live and had Adriano been alive today, he and Vandal would’ve taken me down.” I added.

  “Adriano had left behind all the resources to Vincent, that were needed to destroy me. That is why the enemy has seemed to be closer than we thought.” I said as well, raising my finger. Everyone nodded. “As an honorable mention, The Brooklyn band is also against us and has been working directly with Vincent, too.”

  “But that’s impossible!” Angelo said with wariness. He stood straight, pushing himself off the wall.

  “We’re helping them find their missing soldier.” Ricardo added.

  “Is Marco Segreto really missing?” I asked them all, earning shocked expressions.

  “In the meeting today with Waldo Tinuccio, I discussed peace and in exchange, he gave me valuable information that will turn our investigation around.” I explained to them.

  I put my hands in my pockets and eyes everyone in the room. “Marco Segreto was never missing from The Brooklyn Band in the first place. That was just a fallacy to get us to take suspicion off The Band and focus on The Brotherhood and Segreto alone. With this tactic, there would be no possible ties back to The Band.”

  Angelo clenched his jaw and ran his fingers through his hair. “They had to make it seem like Segreto was doing his own work when really, the one working the strings was the Band!”

  “That means if we’re looking for answers, the answers are in New York.” Enrico said.

  “How can we trust Tinuccio? I mean, how can we really take his word for it?” Ricardo questioned. He was right to be cautious.

  “I made an offer he’d be a fool to refuse.” I replied. That offer, was peace.

  “We’re not going to make it obvious that we have now obtained such information. Right now, let’s focus on Accardi. Accardi purposely allowed himself to get captured so he could lead us to the enemy’s hideout. He knew Vandal more than any Pride member, so he took it upon himself to be the sacrificial pawn. The least we can do is have hope.” I said lastly.


  That night

  I walked into the bedroom and saw Raelyn huff as she looked into the mirror. She tapped the end of her wide-tooth comb on the dresser and tilted her head to the side. I smiled as I made myself towards her and I saw my reflection in the mirror.

  Raelyn’s eyes traveled up and she laughed as she saw me stick my tongue out and make a funny face. “You’re silly.” She said shaking her head. I placed my hands on her head and and slid them down, combing my fingers through her curls. She’d just finish moisturizing and detangling her hair, I could tell. Her hair was shiny and smelled a mixture of coconuts and strawberries.

  “You looked frustrated, what’s wrong?” I asked, taking the comb from her and drawing a part in the side of her head. I wasn’t the best at braiding hair, but I’ve watched Raelyn do her hair enough times to know better.

  I noticed earlier at dinner as well that Raelyn was looking like she was deep in thought about something. She was bothered and I knew her enough to tell.

  She played with her food and at the end, couldn’t finish. Instead of saving her food for later like she always did when she didn’t eat it all, she scraped everything in the trash.

  She even forgot that she took Romano a bath until Romano whined and asked why he had to take another one.

  “I’m fine, just tired. I don’t even have the energy to do my hair for the night.” She laughed it off and fluttered her eyes closed. “I’ll finish the rest for you.” I said playing with the unbraided curls of her hair. Whatever it was that was bothering her, she wasn’t ready to tell me and that was okay.

  “You look tired, too.” Raelyn said looking at my face.

  “It’s alright.”

  “Romano’s birthday is coming up. ‘Any ideas on gifts?” She asked me with a sexy grin.

  I chuckled at Raelyn
. She knew I was a terrible gift giver. Last year I gave Romano a bag of candy for his birthday. I also remembered for Raelyn’s eighteenth birthday, I got her lingerie.

  It was a gift out of spite and it was more for me than it was for her.

  “I’m horrible at these things.” I told her.

  “I can’t even blame you. We’ll be throwing him a birthday party though, right?” She asked me.

  “Yes, close family and friends is fine.” I replied.

  While eating dinner with my son, I was driven up the wall with his rambling of Star Wars and other superheroes he was fond of. “He’d appreciate anything. If you really wanna’ make him go crazy, something that has to do with Star Wars is a good idea.” I laughed, shaking my head.

  “Hmmm, not bad. Thank you, baby.” Raelyn said looking at her hair in the mirror. There was a clear distinction between the braids that my wife did, and the ones that I completed. Hers were neat and slim-sized, mine were large and chunky.

  “You don’t have to pretend.” I said playfully rolling my eyes. Raelyn shot up from her chair, laughing as she wrapped her arms around my neck. “Oh shut up, I’m thankful.” She said, muttering the last part as she kissed me.

  I caressed her sides and squeezed her rear as we made out. She pulled away and began cleaning the area where she was doing her hair. I walked to the dresser and picked up two of her head-scarves that were laying there. “Are you going to wear this one, or this one for me tonight?” I said raising the yellow and blue scarves for her to see.

  Raelyn covered her mouth as she laughed. “Which one would you like me to wear?” She asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

  “Yellow looks sexy on you, but so does blue. I’m not sure.”

  Chapter 17

  Raelyn’s POV

  I wiped my face with the warm wet towel and then threw it in the bin. Stefano came up behind me and gripped my waist, pulling me into him. He looked at me through the mirror and kissed my cheek, sending me waves of his affection. Before I could turn to kiss him back, he gripped my waist tighter and pretended to bang me. I gripped the edge of the sink laughing and chuckling erupted from Stefano’s throat.

  He wrapped his arms around me and turned our bodies so we could walk out our bathroom. “I can’t believe he’s five already.” He whispered, letting me go.

  I turned to face him and I stood on my toes to rest my forehead against his. “He’s growing, Stefano.” I said and took his large hands into mine. “He’s growing so fast, it scares me.” I added, wearing a little smile as Stefano looked at my face. “It’s life.” He said and chuckled too.

  “Let’s see what the troublemaker is up to.” I said slapping his chest and grabbing his hand to lead us two out our room. “What did you get him?” His deep voice vibrates against my ears.

  “I got him a Star Wars LED lamp, a tent that him and Marcelo can play in, and a children’s book.” I replied back, putting my hands on my waist to mock him. Stefano chuckled lowly and poked my forehead. “Hmm, you’re spoiling him.” He said pretending to be unapproving.

  “Oh, save it. What did you get him, Mr. I’m-bad-at these-things?” I said pressing my finger against his chest.

  “Fatherly love.” He said, raising a challenging eyebrow. I just about had it with him and ended up erupting in laughter. “Oh, Stefano.”

  When we entered Romano’s room, Stefano gently sat down close to our son’s body and I stood, my arms folded as I watched them. Romano was still deeply asleep. His tousled, dark brown curls were being combed through by his father’s fingers. His adorable, button nose crinkled when Stefano poked it, making me cover my mouth as I laughed.

  Stefano remained focus on Romano’s sleeping state. His eyes were softened and his guard was down, taking in this divine moment.

  “I’ve just realized that I’ve never taken the time to admire my son like this.” Stefano spoke softly to me. I smiled in return, the scene in front of me making my heart warm. He returned his gaze back to our son, looking at him lovingly.

  “This is my son.” He said, again.

  My eyes slightly widened at his statement. Those were the same words he said when he held Romano in his arms for the first time. I’d just given birth and it was the first time I’d seen my husband shaken with anxiety.

  “I’m ready to start singing if you are!” I whispered to Stefano, getting all giddy with excitement to surprise our baby boy. Stefano threw his head back and smiled. “Please, don’t make me.”

  “You’re singing, whether you like it or not!” I whispered again, gently grabbing his arm to lift him off Romano’s bed. “Mama Mia…” he muttered, rolling his eyes playfully. I made a count down with my fingers and squeezed Stefano’s hand.

  “Tanti auguri a te, tanti auguri a Romano! tanti auguri a te!” Stefano and I sang as I jumped up and down. Stefano laughed hard, trying to hold me down as Romano jumped out of his bed, frightened.

  Romano blinked his eyes and when he say Stefano and I, he giggled and ran towards us. “My birthday! It’s my birthday!” He chanted, taking my hand and jumping up and down. Stefano chuckled and squatted down to Romano’s level. “It’s a special day for a special someone. How old are you now? You better get this right.” Stefano said the last part sternly, making me stifle a laugh.

  Romano spread his fingers and pushed his hand forward. “Five!” Stefano picked him up and spun him in the air. “That’s right.” He said. It was a sight. Seeing the two loves of my life like this brought on to me a feeling I couldn’t explain.


  Stefano and Romano were now helping with putting up decorations for Romano’s birthday party. It wasn’t even my birthday but I was more excited than Romano. I glanced to the side and grinned seeing Stefano pick up Romano and place him carefully on a stool to hang lights.

  I’d do anything for it to be like this always.

  But then again, I may be being selfish. I know Stefano is a busy man and the work he’s doing right now has got him occupied to no end. If it weren’t his son’s birthday, he’d be at headquarters right now. I wanted him to complete his job but at the same time, I need him here.

  I need him here with Romano and I.

  “Stop looking down. You won’t fall, i'll be here to catch you if anything happens.” Stefano said sternly to Romano. Stefano’s eyebrows were furrowed. Romano’s eyebrows raised in glee of hearing his father’s reassuring words.

  Sometimes I don’t know what I’d do without Stefano when it came to raising Romano. I brought into this world a child without any intentions on having children young. I also had no idea how to even feed or raise one. I was still maturing, myself. Stefano didn’t really have the best relationship with his father and he was also quite busy with his work.

  When Romano was born, there was a side to Stefano he showed that I’d never seen before. Stefano’s always been caring and attentive, but it intensified even more with a baby in the picture. He became more stern and acted his role as a father perfectly. When it even came to punishing our son, it was mostly Stefano who took care of that. I was way too soft on Romano and ended up spoiling him.

  With Romano also potentially carrying on the Vanzetti legacy in the future, Stefano wanted to raise him to be the leader his line of work required.

  After dressing the table, Romano came up behind me and hugged my waist. “I want cake.”

  “Your grandma is making your cake night now and she’s bringing it tonight for the party.” I replied, looking down at him.

  “Awww, that’s a long time.” He whined and hugged me tighter.

  In the distance, I heard Stefano speaking on the phone. “Merda.” He cursed. I rolled my eyes at him. Stefano knew how I felt about him speaking like that when Romano was around.

  “Oooh. Papa said a bad word.” Romano said pulling my shirt and covering his mouth with his other hand. My phone began to ring and I looked down at it on the table to see Gigi calling. I picked it up with a smile. “Good afternoon Raelyn! How is everyone?” She beamed.

  “Our little boy is excited as ever and Stefano is, well, Stefano.” I said and we laughed at the end. I looked down at Romano and played with his hair as he drew circles on my leg. I realized how attentive he was. He’s probably seen Stefano drawing circles on my legs whenever we’d have family movie nights. The way he’d copy his father was interesting sometimes.

  “It’s Aunty Gigi.” I whispered to him and he nodded his head.

  “Well give the phone to Romano. I want to wish him happy birthday!” She said. I smiled and gave the phone to Romano.

  Instantly, He started giggling. “Thank you... Yes, i’m very happy…! Okay. Hey Marcelo! what’s up?” I assumed after Gigi’s wishes, she gave her phone to her son.

  Seeing Stefano rake his fingers through his hair and mutter to himself, I walked over to him to see if everything was alright. “Hey,” I said placing my head on his chest and fixing a strand of his hair that was out of place. Stefano looked down at me with knitted eyebrows. “I have to go check something out, I’ll try to be back in time for Romano’s party.” He said bluntly.

  I tried not to frown as I folded my arms. “Oh, well, I understand. Good luck telling Romano that, though.” I said. Stefano sighed. “Besides, I do need to get him a gift while I’m out as well.” He added.

  “Yeah, my cake is gonna be the biggest!” Romano said, bragging over the phone. I saw a grin tug on Stefano’s lips. When Romano saw us approaching, he cheesed. “I gotta go now, Marcelo.” Romano said and handed my phone back to me. Stefano squatted down to Romano’s level and began talking to him.

  “We can’t wait to see you, Marcelo. Bye, now.” I said and ended the call.

  I looked at Romano’s saddened face, followed by a hopeful one as Stefano kissed his forehead. “Okay…” Romano said, scratching his head. Stefano got up and turned to go upstairs to get dressed.

  I smiled and took Romano’s hand. “Don’t be sad, daddy wants to stay here with you but he just has a few things he has to do. He’ll be back before you know it.” I said. A smile grew on his lips. “Okay.”



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