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Of Mobsters and Men: WILD (Book #2)

Page 15

by L. A TehPeaceMaker

  “Maybe they wanted us to know it was her that was attacked.” Thomas spoke up, which surprised us all. He’s a quiet one and has been since being recruited and going on missions with us. He kept to himself and was dedicated to this line of work, which I liked about him.

  “But we would have known just by looking into the license plate and knowing the model of her car.” I cut in, gaining their attention. “The simplest explanation is the best one. She was tailed, attacked, and kidnapped. Based on all attacks we’ve had recently, nothing surprises me. This time Vandal has went for Moreno to bate us. This was the most obvious crime he could commit to let us know he isn’t playing around.” I told them.

  Quietness befell us. I began to think of what I should tell my nephew. He’s probably expecting his mother to pick him up today and would become suspicious if his mother doesn’t stop by at all.

  Mmm. I’ll have to take care of that later.

  Multiple sounds of light feet slapping the floor could be heard. “Quiet down!” I heard Rae yell.

  The door slowly opened and all our heads turned to the door where we saw the smiling and troublesome faces of Romano and Marcelo. “I told you my daddy was in here.” Romano said, sticking his tongue out at his cousin.

  I clenched my jaw and furrowed my eyebrows, giving each boy a cold glare, making them frown immediately. “This isn’t the time. We’re working.” I said slowly.

  Romano understood me well, but Marcelo was as stubborn and defiant as his mother. As he lifted his chin up in protest, Romano pulled his arm. “Come on.” He said, pulling him out the room.

  The door shut and Angelo exhaled deeply through his nose.

  “It’s a diversion!” He exclaimed. “Its just to get us distracted. When we realize the ones pulling the strings the whole time are the New York bastards, this happens! Those yanks…” he adds, balling his fists.

  “I hate to say it, but you might be correct.” Thomas agreed, again.

  Enrico continued flipping pages. “The police reports say it was a relatively dry temperature and no drugs or alcohol were found in the vehicle. There are also tire marks on the road.”

  “Why would there be such tire marks unless she’s trying to maneuver and such? that road is also narrow. The car door was opened when police arrived. She was dragged as we stated earlier.” He added again.

  “Those yanks would go so far to screw us over for what?” Ricardo asked, slamming his fist on the table.

  I exhaled deeply. “According to Tinuccio, The Brooklyn Band are trying to cause distrust between the head families in Massachusetts so they could take over. Tinuccio was previously part of this plan and intended on gaining the upper hand in our state, but I convinced him otherwise.” I explained to them.

  The sound of loud crying was heard behind the door. “Please, please, I beg you. I need to see him.” A feminine voice was prominent.

  I stood up from my chair and made my way towards the door, opening it to see Sofia Moreno standing in front of her. She was in a desperate state. Her bun had random fly-awaysand was lopsided, her eyes were red and watery, her hands shaking as she held them to her lips.

  Rae stood behind Mrs. Moreno, her eyes watery as well as she sympathized with her best friend’s mother.

  “Mrs. Moreno…” I trailed, furrowing my eyebrows as I looked at her. She stepped closer to me and began sobbing. She slowly got down on her knees and took my hand, squeezing it gently in hers. “Please. Please, bring my daughter back to me. Please bring my Gianna back.” She begged, her shoulders rising and falling as she weeped.

  My hand became wet with her tears and she kissed my hand hand.

  I nodded my head. I also took note on how Gianna’s mother was the only member of her family to reach out to me in this time. I hadn’t heard a thing from Giovanni and he works under me. Gianna was disowned from her family years ago after losing her honor and becoming pregnant out of wedlock to my cousin who is now deceased. Gianna only had the support of her Mother and best friend. She also has a child that loves her unconditionally and that is why I had to do my best to bring her back.

  Raelyn’s POV

  That afternoon

  After Gigi’s mother cried like that, I had to get out of the house. If I’d just roamed about in the house, ultimately I’d have nothing to do and would just sulk and cry. Romano and Marcelo were absolutely oblivious to the situation and I couldn’t risk breaking down in front of them.

  Before going to work, Alessio came with me and we dropped the children at my parents’ house. If I wasn’t at home, they’d be a huge distraction to Stefano and his work. He’d be able to work efficiently and find Gigi faster without anyone to bother him.

  With Gigi’s disappearance, I’ve begun to suspect my ex, more and more. If my instincts were true, Vincent wants to get closer to me. What better way to lure me out than capturing my childhood friend? Maybe I was just overthinking...or maybe I was in denial.

  Engrossed in my work, there was a knock on the door. “Come in.” I said. As Alessio’s face appeared, I remembered to slide my diary to the right. I didn’t want him to think I was an emotional mess while I was working.

  “Are you alright? You haven’t stepped out of your office in hours.” Alessio said to me, examining my face and observing the room.

  I smiled reassuringly. “I’m hanging in there, Alessio. Thank you, though.” He nodded his head and closed the door.

  Immediately after he left, I opened my diary and spilled out my suspicions and thoughts. I’d have anxiety the rest of the day if I didn’t get my feelings out. Work wasn’t turning out to be the best distraction either.

  I wasn’t a made man.

  The work telephone rung and I picked it up. “This is the manager's office…”

  I heard a low chuckle from the other end followed by a sigh. “Now Rae, your husband is rounding up soldiers to track Gigi. The gag is, you’re the only one capable of finding your best friend.”

  “Vincent.” I whispered, my eyes watering and my hand trembling.

  “Hm?” I felt my throat getting tighter as I registered his words.

  “You chose Gigi on purpose! What did she ever do to you?” I asked, demanding an answer for his actions.

  “I always found her annoying. No, I’m just kidding. I needed to pull your strings and this was the best way…” he answered nonchalantly. My eyes widened in disbelief that it was Vincent I was talking to.

  “She has a son. Vincent, please you don’t have-”

  “If you’re interested Raelyn, come to this address: 251, Washington street, plainville.” He said, cutting me off.

  Quickly, I wrote the address in my diary. It was useful information I could give to Stefano.

  “I’m warning you, Rae. I’ll be able to notice any suspicious activity. That being said, don’t tell anyone what we’ve discussed, or you’ll never see your best friend again. This is between us. It’s all up to you.” He ended the call just like that.

  Vincent, how you’ve fallen.


  Later that night

  As I was in the bathroom putting my hair up, I began to hear drawers opening and closing. Stefano was back on his paranoid rounds again, checking for displaced items or bugs, wiretaps, and cameras. Maybe not all of those things but I’ve watched plenty mobster movies to have an idea.

  Stefano knocked on the door a couple times. I opened it to be face to face with a suspicious looking Stefano. “Yes?”

  “Is there something you don’t want me to see?” He asked, giving me an odd look. My heart immediately sunk. “What do you mean?” I asked, moving around him.

  “Alessio tells me you’ve been writing more. I tried to look for your book but I’ve noticed it hasn’t been in its usual spot for a couple weeks. Has something happened?” He asked me again.

  I stood there, just looking at his face. I wrote down what went down today over the phone with Vincent and I. I was supposed to tell Stefano everything about it when I’d gotten home, but so
mething in me couldn’t do it just yet. I didn’t know what I was scared of, but I just was.

  Vincent gave me two options. It was either I went to the address, or tell my husband all the details and God knows what he’d do to Gigi.

  “I’m so scared…” I whispered.

  Stefano’s eyebrows furrowed. “Scared about what?” He asked, bringing me closer to him. I froze again as I locked eyes with him.

  “Nothing, I don’t know what I was saying.” I said, trying to detach from him and move around. Stefano gripped my wrists and ceased my movements.


  “Stef-“ my eyes began to water.

  “Do you know how I feel when you don’t talk to me? You can’t trust me anymore?” He asked, his voice raising.

  “It's not that.” I said, shaking my head.

  “Well, you have a funny way of showing that.” He said back.

  “You have to bring Gigi back. Please.” I said all of a sudden.

  “She’s the mother of my nephew. She’s also very dear to you. I have no choice but to fulfill that request.” Stefano replied, gently. “There’s more than you’re letting on and I want you to tell me what’s going on.” He also added.

  I pulled away from him and sat on the edge of the bed. I came clean about everything to Stefano. I told him about Vincent contacting me for the first time weeks ago, as well as the contents of our conversation this afternoon.

  Stefano’s facial expression became more horrified by the end of my explaining. He was shocked and angry and I could tell by the flexing off his muscles and his hard countenance. Telling him all this was hard to do. Stefano was still in work-mode and had been dealing with Gigi’s situation all day. The amount of pressure and stress put on his shoulders wasn’t easy to balance.

  “You were keeping this away from me?” He asked slowly. I diverted my eyes away from him, not being able to look him in the eyes. What was wrong with me?

  “It was hard.” I let out.

  I could feel his eyes narrowing on me. “Why was this hard? He kidnapped your friend. Oh, I see. You’re sympathizing with him…”

  “N-no.” I blurted in defense. I looked up to lock eyes with Stefano. He wore a blank facial expression and I wasn’t sure if he was angry or disappointed in me.

  “Raelyn, This man has done a number on me. He’s killed my men, caused chaos in our community and kidnapped your best friend. Still, you were scared because you know what I’ll do to him once I find him. Let me know if that isn’t true?” He asked me. I couldn’t answer him because I didn’t know the truth myself.

  “He not only wants to harm me, but you and Romano as well.”

  I clenched my fists and I started shaking. “I understand you now. Feelings that come back are feelings that never left.” He said the lady part slowly.

  I gasped and furrowed my eyebrows. “You’re wrong, Stefano. Are you saying what I think you’re saying?” I asked him.

  “And what if I am? Because it’s clear to me where your damn priorities are.” He said and turned away from me.


  “Now he fucking has your best friend and trying to corner you by taking one of the closest people you know. Dammit! Raelyn Do you have any idea what he wants to do with you? To our family? Do you still-fuck.” He said, sliding his hands down his face.

  I was so stunned by his questions. It was the last one that I knew he really wanted to know. “”

  He shook his head and walked into the bathroom. I ran after him, tears sliding down my cheeks. “No, Stefano. I’m so sorry, please listen to me.” I wrapped my arms around his torso and hugged him. I could feel him getting tense. “Raelyn get off of me. I’m-”

  “I’m so sorry, Stefano. I was just scared. I didn’t know the right thing to do. I wanted to save Gigi and save Vincent. But, I realize now that saving them both just can’t be done.” I confessed.

  Stefano stayed silent as he listened to me ramble. “Please don’t be angry with me. Please. I won’t let you go until you forgive me.” I told him. I felt Stefano relax under my touch.

  He sighed and began walking back into the bedroom. I followed him and we sat on a couch in the center of the room.

  Stefano turned to look at me, regret in his eyes. “I shouldn’t have yelled at you like that. I’ve just been bottling my frustration and I couldn’t hold it any longer. I’m sorry, my Principesa.”

  “It’s okay, I understand. I should’ve told you all this sooner.” I said, giving him a small smile as I rested my head on his shoulder. Even when Stefano and I had our intense arguments, he could never stay mad at me for long. After a couple minutes, he’d just melt and give in. I was the same towards him.

  Before getting ready for bed, I made sure to check on the boys and make sure they were sleeping. It was adorable watching Romano and Marcelo act like brothers. I wondered if Stefano noticed it too.

  When I came back to the bedroom, I saw Stefano sitting on the bed, eyes glued to his laptop. I got on the bed and caressed his neck and shoulders, placing a kiss on his stubbled cheeks.

  “I think it would be good idea for the children and I to stay with my parents until things settle down.” I said, laying down and pulling the covers over my body. “Why?” He asked, turning to face me.

  “We’ll be fine. I want you to finish this investigation and win so things can go back like before. I don’t want us to be a distraction for you. The argument we just had also made me realize how stressed out you are. You need your space, Stefano.”

  Stefano nodded his head, agreeing with me. At least I wouldn’t be punished for being late for dinner.” Stefano said and smirked. I chuckled and playfully hit him.

  “What do you think about Marcelo and Romano?” I asked him, changing the topic.


  “They’re very close, don’t you think?” I asked him.

  He nodded. “That’s a good thing. Almost like brothers. It almost feels like we have two boys.” Stefano commented.

  “What are you going to tell Marcelo?” I asked him. Stefano had told me this morning he was going to tell to Marcelo why his mother didn’t pick him up today.

  “His mother had to visit a sick friend. Not the most creative, but it would make sense in his perspective.” Stefano replied.

  “We’ll find her, Rae. Don’t worry.”

  Chapter 19

  The next day

  “There you go.” Stefano said, helping Romano up into the backseat of the vehicle. I buckled Marcelo into his seat and pinched his cheek with my finger and thumb. “Aunty Rae…” Marcelo muttered, embarrassed as he looked at Stefano.

  The amount of male bravado that has been going on in this house drove me insane. The boys have no problem being kissed and embraced by me at a moment in time. Then, when Stefano or any other made men come around, they put on a tough-boy act.

  I could hear Stefano muttering to Romano, scolding him to be good for his grandparents. “Your grandma is going to visit you too, Marcelo.” I said to the grey-eyed troublemaker. “I miss grandma!” He said, throwing his arms in the air.

  Since Gigi was disowned, the only family support she’s had has been her mother. Even then, her mother’s support was limited since she had to sneak around to see her daughter. Marcelo and Gigi only had each other, and that was so sad.

  Stefano told me last night that even though Gigi’s father worked for him, he still hadn’t heard a thing from him regarding his daughter’s disappearance. Could the shame that Gigi have brought on her family name be so gross to make Giovanni behave so coldly towards his own daughter? Sometimes I wondered if Gigi knew the magnitude of what she was getting into.

  I knew Mrs.Moreno couldn’t wait to hold her grandson in her arms. The poor woman was torn and needed a piece of her daughter.

  Stefano shut the door and walked around to my side. I closed the door to Marcelo’s side as well. He gently held my wrist and I turned to face him. His eyebrows were knitted, a curious look on his face. �
��Rae,” He said.

  “Stefano?” I asked, a bit confused by his expression.

  He drew circles into my palm with his thumb. “You’re not staying at your parents’ because of our argument, are you? I was harsh-” He started but I cut him with a smile.

  “Stefano, it’s alright. I have to get work done too for a couple of days. I still have paperwork for my school being built, and they need help at the restaurant.” I explained and Stefano nodded his head. “If we’re both occupied, who’s gonna’ watch the kids?” I asked him.

  “You’re trying to bury yourself in work to not think of Gigi, right?” He asked, locking eyes with me.

  His words triggered something in me that made my eyes begin to water. “Yes.”

  Stefano leaned in and kissed me. I moved my lips slowly and gently against his and Stefano deepened our kiss by flicking his tongue against mine. A car honking sound caused me to jump. Alessio opened the driver's seat and gave Stefano and I a glare. “Any day now would be nice…” he muttered.

  Stefano and I laughed. When I looked at the back seats, I saw Marcelo and Romano covering their eyes. “Alright, go on. I’ll stop by tomorrow night.” Stefano said smacking my butt. I smacked his shoulder and he began walking back inside the house.

  I got in my seat and Alessio started the car. I rested my head on the window and closed my eyes.


  October 14th, 2007

  “Well, you’re not from around here…” a girl’s voice said from behind me. I was just sitting in the grass, blowing bubbles. Mother said I couldn’t play inside so I had to get out and go to the neighborhood park. I didn’t want to, though. I didn’t have any friends and I was too shy.

  I swirled the bubble stick in the bottle and turned my neck to see a girl around my age swinging on the monkey bars. She had short black hair and wore a blue jacket and matching shorts. She had a lot of cuts on her legs and red sauce on the corner of her lips.

  “I just moved.” I said, returning back to swirling the stick in the bottle. I heard the girl hop off the bars and walk towards me. She then ran around until she was standing in front of me.


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