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Demon Stone

Page 19

by D E Boske

Calisha appeared beside Nephraete. “Are you alright?” he asked her. He already knew the elf prince had forgiven her. He knew they made love, but he held no animosity towards the elf prince. He was happy for Nephraete that he’d forgiven her. They belonged together.

  “I’m fine Calisha,” she replied, touching his cheek.

  “I am near if you need me,” he reminded her.

  “I know. Stay with me, please. I think Kyler will stay by Darian’s side for a while and I don’t want to be alone.” The Crebellan merely nodded.

  “While you were gone, the Mage had the most alarming conversation with Kryndale. That is why he is flushed and fevered looking.”

  “Did they argue or have a disagreement?”

  “Hardly. They talked of his time in Piri-Tuma. The Gor Li’ Khan was asking questions and to my surprise, Darian answered them. All of them. Honestly too as far as I could tell.”

  “Anything interesting?” she pressed. She wanted to know!

  “I would not repeat it to you my love. If Kryndale’s ears burned, what would it do to you? Besides, you do not speak so to a lady.”

  “Then why bring it up at all Calisha? Now you have me most curious.” She wanted to know more than ever

  now. His time at Piri-Tuma was something he almost never spoke of. And he told Kryndale of all people.

  “Do you really want to know, Nephraete?” he asked.

  “Of course I do. He rarely speaks of the time he spent in Piri-Tuma. Tell me Cal,” she pleaded.

  “Alright, but not out loud. Give me your hand,” he said, holding out his hand. She took it without a thought. As soon as their skin touched, he transferred the whole conversation to her.

  “Wow!” She thought. “What a life he’s known Cal. I wonder how much he’s told Tynuviel?”

  “Not much, I’m sure. Especially about his exploits.” He answered.

  “Do you think he exaggerated anything? I mean, four hundred women?” She asked.

  “No. He told the truth. He has no reason to embellish his life. But he was in an unusually good mood. These are things he rarely speaks of even to Kyler. Why tell Kryndale?”

  “I don’t know Calisha. Sometimes, I question his motives and reasoning.”

  “Me too.”

  “Have you forgiven her fully, Kyler?” asked the Mage.

  “Oh yeah,” he answered with a smile.

  “I need for you to understand that I would never come between you and her. I’m in love with Tynuviel and hold no interest in the seer.”

  “You held no interest in Nereina either, Darian, but that didn’t stop you, did it? You were in love with my sister then too, weren’t you?” Kyler asked, unrelenting.

  “Yes. I’ve loved Tynuviel since the day I met her. Nereina was a mistake like so many I’ve made in my life. And although those mistakes were pleasurable, I made a promise to your sister and I mean to keep it.”

  “You’ve tread dangerous ground too many times, Darian.”

  “I was a different man then. That’s when you would have had to worry. Yes, I could take Nephraete from you with very little effort on my part. But for what purpose? One night of reckless passion is not worth your friendship to me. How many times must I say this to you?” He said, getting angry with the elf. “Your insecurity is none of my concern. I tell you true, I have no interest in Nephraete. You have nothing to fear from me.”

  “Fine,” said the elf, a bit perturbed with himself for bringing it up. He was also upset with the Mage but he did not know why.

  “Did you make love to her?” asked Darian with a knowing smile.

  “Yes, but I suppose you already knew that with your connection to her.”

  “You sound irritated. For someone who just got lucky you should be in a better mood.”

  “I’m sorry, Darian. What did you and Kryndale talk about?” He really didn’t expect an answer. Darian was not one to repeat himself.

  “He wanted a story so I gave him one. I doubt he’ll ask again,” the Mage replied, laughing.

  Kyler was immediately at ease with Darian. He was more himself now than he’d been in a long time. He seemed relaxed and more peaceful than Kyler could ever remember.

  “What did you tell him?” Kyler was curious, he wanted to know.

  So the Mage told his friend the same story he’d told Kryndale. Kyler remained quiet while Darian retold the story. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Well, yes he could. He had to remind himself that Darian was a different person back then. When Darian was finished, Kyler handed him his flask. Darian took a deep draw from it, then handed it back.

  “Why would you do that to her Darian? That seems a little cruel to me and a bit uncalled for.”

  “Yes well, as I’ve said, I was different then. I found it to be appropriate. She has no right to refuse a Mage. After all I’d done for her… I was good to all of them because I understood where they came from. I knew not all the Mages were kind to them. But there was nothing I could do. So while I kept them in my service, I treated them good. I bought them gifts, whatever they wanted. I took them shopping in Al-Dan-Tir, mostly. All of them were grateful. Most cried in gratitude. And the lovemaking… Let me tell you something, my friend. When you treat a woman right and you give her gifts, she will do anything for you. Anything! So after a day of shopping, I would take them back to my chambers and they would do anything for me. You wanna’ talk about great sex? I’ve had it. I know what it’s like.

  “Clarissa, she’s lucky I did not have her beaten, or worse. I could have, it was well within my rights. But I don’t believe in hitting a woman. Yes, I used my magic on her to make her willing. What’s wrong with that? I did not take her against her will. She was willing, believe me. She wanted me and I gave her what she wanted. Then I threw her out. I kept the dress as payment. I did not give it back. I burned it in the fireplace when she was gone. That bitch got what she had coming. I punished her by sending her back to the floor. Screw her and good riddance.”

  “What about my sister? With everything you’ve done with all those women, how can you assure me that you’ll be happy with her and won’t hurt her Darian? And believe me, you’d better make it good,” Kyler was more serious than he’d ever been. If Darian hurt Tynuviel, especially after what she was currently going through, he would kill him. I’ll at least try. He thought. Whether I’ll be successful or not, who can say?

  “Kyler, I will never hurt her again. I love her. Those women were there for my pleasure and I gave them pleasure in return. But Tynuviel, I’m in love with her. And when we make love… I will be making love to her, not just having sex or going through the motions. I cared nothing for those women, but Tynuviel… I care deeply for her and love her desperately. I need her Kyler. I’ve never needed anyone in my life. But without her… I know I cannot marry her, but that won’t stop me from being faithful to her and loving her for all my days.”

  Kyler believed him. He could see the honesty in Darian’s eyes. “I’ll drink to that my friend,” Kyler said, proffering his flask. Darian accepted it, taking a drink before handing it back.

  “I just wanted to be sure Darian. I take my sister’s heart very seriously. And though you are like a brother to me, I would not hesitate to fight you if you hurt her again.” Darian could tell the elf was serious. His green eyes went dark and hard. Darian nodded in understanding.


  A week later, the storm subsided and they were able to leave the warmth of the dwarven tunnels behind. Nephraete wore the fur lined cloak and gloves that Darian had bought for her what seemed a lifetime ago. She missed Tynuviel. She hoped she was alright and that she wasn’t being mistreated. Her vision only showed Morphindinaetlus coming to Kiri A’ Nouell, nothing about what happened after.

  Darian seemed more himself than he’d been in a long time. She was happy she was able to help. She watched as he walked with Kyler. Darian was smiling. He had a gorgeous smile… Unbidden came the memory of his kisses. Urgent and lustful. His tongue soft as silk on
hers. His kisses made her weak in the knees and her panties moist. Not to mention the feel of him, thick and hard, as she pressed herself into him.

  She banished the thoughts with great difficulty, fighting to maintain her self-control. Calisha walked beside her, aware of the battle she fought within. She could not keep anything from him nor did she try to.

  He took her hand in his, soothing her the way only he could. All thoughts of the Mage left her. She smiled gratefully up at him and he gripped her hand in his.

  “Hey Mage!” Thane shouted to be heard above the call of the wind.

  “What?” Darian asked, turning about to face the Knight.

  “How long’s it gonna’ take us to get there?”

  “More than a week and a half in this to be sure,” he responded calmly. The Knight swore and Darian smiled. He thought it was hilarious.

  The Mage was in the lead now. He was the only one who’d been stupid or crazy enough to have traveled in this frozen deathtrap.

  “How is it you know your way around here, Mage?” asked Thane, a bit disrespectfully. But to everyone’s surprise, Darian did not get angry.

  “Well Knight, I’ve been here before. Hmmm I’m getting an overwhelming sense of déjà vu. Didn’t we have this conversation before?”

  “Why? Why would you come here, Mage?”

  “Because Knight, I’d never been here before and thought to take in the wondrous landscape,” retorted Darian with a smirk.

  “You’re a smartass aren’t you?” pushed Thane. “With your better than everyone attitude. Well, you’re not better than me. Mage!” he snorted.

  “Whatever. I don’t have time for this. Knight!” Darian would not give Thane the last word. He turned his back on the upstart Knight.

  The Demon Stone around his neck grew warm against his skin. Before Darian could stop him, the grey smoke swirled in a circular pattern, the demon materializing in its midst.

  “Sonofabitch! It’s freakin’ cold out here,” he yelped as his feet touched the ice.

  “You’re not telling me nothing I don’t already know.” The Mage replied, casting a minor cantrip to protect the demon from the cold. When Sigorna felt the magic encase him, his eyes grew wide. He couldn’t believe Darian would even bother.

  “Something’s different about you, Darian. I can’t quite put my finger on it. Yet. Just give me some time. I’ll figure it out,” he said.

  “Hurry up, I’m just dying to know!” the Mage quipped.

  “You seem far more relaxed than I ever remember seeing you. Did you have sex recently? No. I don’t smell it on you.”

  “Keep talking, I’m sure you’ll get it anytime now,” Darian said glibly.

  The demon noticed how his manner had completely changed. He was relaxed and peaceful. With no sex? The demon thought. How is this possible? He knew Darian had blocked him from seeing what happened after he left. With the Demon Stone, the Mage could block his sight for as long as he wanted. He could stop him from coming through at all. Sigorna knew Darian was aware of all this. He was far too clever not to know.

  Just when he thought he had Darian figured out, the Mage went and did something completely unselfish. Protecting him from the elements was a benevolent act that made him reconsider what he’d been planning on doing when this was all finished.

  “You are a changed man, Darian Brade. At least for now. How did this come about?”

  “I found a new calling.”

  “Yeah right. Abstinence?” Sigorna joked.

  “Now you’re just being dense. That is an idiot’s journey. And I am no idiot,” the Mage said seriously.

  “Can’t live without pu…”

  Darian cut him off, “No, I can’t. And you have a foul mouth.”

  “You are now, aren’t you? Living without it, I mean,” Sigorna smirked, ignoring the latter comment. He didn’t even bother to disguise his comments like he did before.

  “It is only a matter of time.”

  “Yes. But how much, is yet to be determined I’m afraid.”

  “And you call me an ass,” Darian replied with a smile.

  “If the shoe fits…” the demon said, smiling back.

  Tansher was relieved to see the change in Darian in such a short amount of time. He did not know the seer was capable of such… What should he call it? Human services?

  When she climbed into his lap, everyone held their collective breath, waiting for an outburst from Kyler.

  When he tried to intervene, Calisha stopped him. No one understood what had been going on.

  Tansher still wasn’t sure whether he understood or not. Obviously, Nephraete had helped Darian. But why in such a manner? He felt certain there was little time left else he believed the seer would not have stooped to such tactics.

  The elves remained quiet and alert through the whole thing. Not one of them averted their eyes. Then Kyler punched Darian in the face and the whole group tensed for the fight. But there hadn’t been one. Nothing was making sense anymore.

  ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿

  The walk down the mountain was treacherous and steep. They had to take their time, watching every step they took. The wind was frigid, forcing them to rub their hands together to keep the blood warm through their gloves. They began looking for a place to stop an hour or more before sunset. Once darkness fell, it would be increasingly more difficult.

  Half way down the mountain, Darian found a cave suitable for them to stay the night. Once the fire was going and supper was cooking over the fire, Torgyn began to play his lute. He deftly wove a spell of respite into his music to wash away their weariness. They sat around the fire drinking and talking easily. The elves and dwarves joined in with Torgyn on an old battle song.

  The call to arms has been heard

  High in the Peaks of Thunder

  The messenger has brought word

  Our kingdom’s now asunder

  The Mages commanded fire

  Lightning raced across the sky

  They lit the funeral pyre

  Destroying the darkness nigh

  The goblin king they smote down

  And burned his corpse at sunset

  Nary about wore a frown

  For them ‘twas the most fun yet

  Together they fought as one

  Allies all since time began

  Bound by blood the job was done

  They were true to the last man

  When supper was consumed, Torgyn told a story about an elf and a Mage of The Order who fell in love. Falcose Dordinon was his name and her name was Tymuriel.

  Darian let the words roll over him as he put his head back on the wall, closing his eyes. He listened intently to the bard who happened to be well informed. The details of the story were all true. He wondered how he learned it. It wasn’t as if the information was inaccessible, just not common knowledge.

  He must have drifted away. For how long he was unsure. It was quiet. The story must be over. Fah! He could not even remember the last thing he heard. He opened his eyes slowly, checking himself over to make sure he still had his possessions. When he was satisfied, he looked around for Kyler. Everyone was sleeping or in Ru Nay’ Sha. Something did not feel right. He looked for Torgyn Ro who was covered in shadow, still playing his lute.

  If that twit thought he could overcome a Mage of The Order, he was sadly mistaken. He would find out the hard way. Darian had half a mind to strip the skin from his bones. Tempting, he thought.

  When Torgyn saw the Mage was awake he strode confidently over and seated himself next to Darian.

  “It seems we two are the only ones awake,” said the Bard.

  “That tends to happen when you put them to sleep, you idiot,” Darian commented derisively.

  “You have no proof that I did such a thing,” said Torgyn confidently.

  “I don’t need proof, you half-wit. I am a Mage of The Order. I have an intimate connection with the Magical Weave. The magic tells me what you did. Now you will tell me why,” he commanded.

  Of a sudden, the bard did not look as confident as he had only moments before. Darian growled in frustration.

  “I only wanted to talk to you, Darian. One on one, man to man.”

  “Oh, that’s rich! You want to talk to me man to man. You have to be one first!” Darian exclaimed.

  “You do not like me, do you?”

  “What are you, stupid or something? You need me to spell it out for you?”

  “I am not stupid, Darian,” Torgyn defended himself.

  “Then stop acting like it. Stop asking questions you already know the answers to.” Torgyn actually looked crestfallen.

  “Why? Why don’t you like me?” he persisted.

  “For starters, you’re incredibly annoying. You travel with a thief. You use your parlor tricks to manipulate situations that are clearly beyond your pathetic skills. Hmm did I leave anything out? Did I mention that you are incredibly annoying?”

  “But I haven’t done anything to harm anyone. I just wanted a chance to talk to you.”

  Darian actually felt a little sorry for the stupid twit. “Do you realize how hard it is to trust someone when they try to manipulate you? By using your tricks against us, how can we trust you when it counts?”

  “I use magic. I don’t do tricks. You were uncooperative earlier. You wouldn’t talk to me,” the bard explained.

  “And you thought this was the answer. Because how could I refuse to talk to you when you pull some shit like this. And you do not use magic. I use magic. Would you like to pit yourself against me and my extensive knowledge?”

  “No, that’s not…” This was not turning out like he had hoped. He may be young and inexperienced, but he should not be dismissed out of hand. He took a breath and tried again. “Darian, I admire you from afar because you never let anyone close to you. I would like the chance to get to know you. To befriend you.”

  Darian laughed a cold, mirthless laugh. “You want to get to know me? No one does. This is an impossible feat. Not even Kyler knows everything about me. Yet here you are asking me to allow you in my life. If you want friendship from me there are boundaries and rules bard. And you have broken most of them without even trying.”


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