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Demon Stone

Page 25

by D E Boske

  Rage boiled up from inside Darian. Uncontrollable fury leading the way. To fear that they would probably engage in rape and torture was altogether different from actually witnessing it being done. And to know that they’d used his image! He lost whatever semblance of control he’d maintained these past weeks.

  Letting the rage take him, he slammed the butt of the Staff of Power on the floor. The first wave of goblins was utterly consumed by his fury. The Staff of Power flared to life, quickly devouring their life force. He smote them down as if they were mere insects.

  When the next wave came, he was fully prepared to deal with them. He quickly cast a spell, waggling his fingers as he released the powerful magic. The air crackled with pure energy. The elves felt a strong pull against the Magical Weave, swaying from the force of it whenever Darian cast his spells.

  The fingers of death crept toward their goal hungrily, blue fingers of energy that pierced the goblins in the chest feeding off their souls. He’d cast the spell SoulStealer.

  The Mage’s battle ring flared to life with bright purple light. His head flew back as he absorbed the dead goblins’ life force, his body thrumming with energy and power. A wicked smile spread on his face. Those of the company who saw, stayed clear of Darian. They weren’t sure if he was steady anymore. The only way they could tell which Mage was Darian was by the staff. There was just no duplicating that.

  He banished the illusion, wanting to see who was responsible. The illusion dissolved into a twisted, bent and hideously marred creature. He looked to be badly burned, part of his face melted beyond recognition. One eye was gone, completely destroyed; the flesh merging with his cheeks. Almost like it was oozing down his face. Darian slammed the creature in the face with the Staff of Power, driving the pathetic worm to the floor.

  Screaming in unbridled rage as he did, he sent the next wave of raw power at the dragon. He was filled with righteous fury and his enemies trembled before him. The magic hit the dragon, making him howl in agony. Despite the pain, Morphindinaetlus actually smiled because he thought the Mage had been caught unawares. His anger and dismay fueled the dragon.

  Asa stayed close to Kyler making sure the prince of Kiri A’ Nouell was safe. Witnessing Darian’s first attacks, they fell back in astonishment. They could feel the raw power that he commanded as he coaxed the magic from the Weave.

  The goblins rushed past the Mage, trying to get to the others. Their numbers were just too many to contain. Darian could not do it all himself.

  Kyler met the first onslaught with his sword. He felled two in rapid succession before battling a third with

  more wits. It was taller than most, standing almost five feet tall. Its skin was olive green and oily in appearance. Its ears were pointy and about eight inches long jutting straight up the sides of its head; a gold hoop was in the left ear near the tip. The stench rolling off of it was enough to make Kyler’s eyes water. He kept his sword between them, batting away its first attacks.

  Gradually, it became more confident with the elf’s battle style. It lunged low, turning right at the last second. Spinning about, it came back with a downward chop, which the elf blocked effortlessly. Kyler blocked strike after strike, but the creature did not leave much room to go on the offensive.

  Alongside his brother, Asa fought two goblins at once. He fought with determination, both hands working independently. He blocked the attack from the one on the right while slashing at the one on the left.

  A third goblin crept up behind Asa to deliver the killing blow, but Krayven sent a fire arrow into the back of its head, exploding it in a fiery shower of gore.

  Asa acknowledged his thanks by nodding in his direction as he cut down the goblin on the right. Now the goblin on the left did not last long with both of Asa’s blades directed at him.

  Shaz spun in and out of groups of goblins slashing and stabbing. He really is good with that blade, thought Darian with a brief smile. There was a pile of dead around Shaz feet and still he did not tire. He consistently looked for the next target.

  Torgyn Ro stood off in the corner, playing his lute to bolster his companions and hinder their enemies. He played with a confidence he did not feel, looking at the battle before him.

  Firehawk knelt beside Tansher Morningstar, checking him carefully for serious injury. He withdrew a healing potion from his belt, broke the wax seal and propped Tansher up so he could slowly pour it down his throat. Moments later, the elf opened his amber eyes and Firehawk smiled in relief. Helping him up, they both rejoined the fight.

  The dwarves entered the fray with a hearty shout, chopping with hammer and axe, splitting goblin skulls with glee. They sang along with Torgyn Ro as he played. The dwarves were a sturdy folk and could not be knocked down that easily. The goblins attacking them found that out to their dismay as they bounced back, landing hard on the ground.

  Stryker and Kibblewolf quickly hacked them to pieces, still singing. Wicket called upon Thundergarde The Stout to aid him in battle. The god blessed the loyal cleric’s attack as he summoned a stone golem into the chamber.

  The ground around Wicket began to rumble and shake, but the dwarf maintained his chant. Rising from the stone floor came a towering giant, gathering loose stone and dirt into itself, forming as it grew. When the chant was completed, a ten foot ally stood in the chamber ready for blood. It surveyed the area, quickly deciding on a course of action.

  The floor trembled at its approach and its enemies’ eyes grew wide at the sight of this monster. Huge, stone fists pummeled twenty goblins at a time smashing them to death between its fists and the floor. The goblin’s attacks did little good against such a beast. Their blades and spears bounced off the hardened stone. Spotting the dragon, it lumbered off to help the Knights.

  Upon seeing the golem’s approach, the Knights fell back, not wanting to get crushed in the midst of battle. The golem delivered a roundhouse punch to the side of the dragon’s head. Morphindinaetlus roared in fury and pain, but the golem had him off balance. Strong, thick legs inflicted powerful kicks to the wyrm’s sides.

  Morphindinaetlus had enough. He blew a gout of flame at the golem; the fire so hot the stone creature began to crumble and fall apart.

  The summoned creature wasn’t finished yet though. It scored a power punch to the wyrm right between the eyes, sending the dragon tumbling backward before it dissolved into the ground from whence it came.

  After what seemed an eternity, the goblins were all slain, the companions slick with the blood of the dead. Just when they thought they could take a collective breath to heal any injuries, the room exploded into mayhem as a host of orcs burst into the room from where the dragon had battled the golem.

  “Fazsecha Un Datte Kimboro entis al,” Darian chanted. Every elf in the place felt the surge of power that was drawn to the Mage as he held it in his hands. The magic came to him so easily; the Weave giving in to his will like a lover spreading her legs.

  He released it into the throng of orcs, disintegrating them on contact. As many as he killed, more spilled into the room to take their place. They were bigger than goblins and far more cunning. They had dusky skin, black eyes and a muscular build.

  Charging into the room with reckless abandon, they howled in glee. The two groups met with bruising force that sounded like a loud thunderclap. The orcs snarled in hatred, showing their fangs.

  Calisha absorbed Nephraete into himself, much like he had on their way over Blavven Krill. Anyone who was lucky enough to witness it, saw Calisha shimmer and become sheer in appearance. Then he pulled the seer into himself. When the transformation was complete, the two elves had disappeared, reforming into a wall of mist that swept through the throng. Wherever he passed, orcs lay dead, grimaces of terror and pain carved on their ugly faces.

  Kyler stood awestruck at the sight, almost getting skewered for his trouble, but Killini was there, slicing the throat of the orc. Foul smelling blood spurt from the wound to splatter Kyler’s clothes and face. Before he could acknowledge
Killini, the elf was gone, dancing through the ranks of orcs, cutting them down one by one.

  The Knights fought valiantly, but their numbers were decreasing. Several lay dead; elf and human alike. At the elves’ passing, a soft mourning sound swept through the chamber touching them all deeply. Shenna had come to gather her people in a final loving embrace.

  Darian felt a sense of loss at their deaths that he could not explain. Most of them he did not even know by name. He’d kept his distance, yet they still came to lend what aid they could. And now, five lay dead; three elves and two humans.

  He looked quickly for Rohn, Tansher and Koryn. A wild rush of excitement ripped through him when he saw they were still very much alive.

  This force of orcs would be far more difficult to kill. They were at least two feet taller than the goblins, were bigger in build and were far more intelligent. They held a hatred for the elves that was unsurpassed by any other creature except Morphindinaetlus.

  Kiel and Tireniel fought back to back, keeping the monsters at bay. Ten lay dead at their feet and four more circled them. From the corner of the chamber, emerged one of the largest orcs Kiel had ever seen. Its chest was broad, muscular, and it stood over six feet tall. The eyes held an intelligence more akin to a Faerie than a monster. For long moments, it just stood there, surveying the battle. Growling deep in its throat, the wicked orc brandished a bow taking aim.

  “Watch the big orc in the corner! He has a bow. We must take him out or he will pick us off one at a time.” Warned the Elflord as he sent his thoughts to the forest elves and Darian.

  Before anyone could react, the first arrow took Corag through the skull, the point protruding from his forehead. He never knew what happened as he fell over dead. Stryker howled in rage, but the host of orcs was thick about him and he could not get clear.

  The orcs herded the companions away from the one with the bow, their numbers swelling and pushing with crushing force.

  Darian struck the twisted creature in the temple with the butt of his blade. He went down hard, eyes glassy. Darian shielded and bound him so he could not get free and left the demon to watch over him and Ty.

  The Mage blew an exasperated breath. That had taken entirely too much time. The chamber was filled to bursting with orcs. His companions needed him, but he would have to be careful in these close quarters.

  He drew his long dagger in his left hand and held his staff in his right. He courted disaster, putting himself in harm’s way consistently. The Mage noticed Kyler was in danger of being overrun by three big orcs. Asa was similarly engaged and could not break away to help.

  The orcs did not notice Darian until it was too late. He had no time for finesse, Kyler could ill afford him to be a showoff right now. He plunged his dagger into the back of the orc’s neck, nearly severing the head completely.

  The Gor Li’ Khan flowed through the orc ranks, killing them by the score. The more they killed the more spilled into the room to take their place. Kelindril wondered where they were all coming from.

  Now this was a battle he enjoyed! There was so much death and blood around him he was heady with the smell of it. He danced his way closer to the orc with the bow, but a new group emerged right in his path.

  Darian watched the bowman carefully, if he knew the target, then he could protect them. The orc aimed and fired at Killini. Darian uttered a cantrip and the arrow flew wide of the intended mark, right into another orc killing it instantly.

  The bowman saw the Mage and smiled wickedly. Nocking another arrow, he let fly at Darian’s head. The arrow bounced off the shield, blue and white sparks flying. The ugly beast growled angrily, aiming again.

  Before Darian could see who the target was, three orcs stormed him, battling for his attention. He blocked with the Staff of Power and sliced at them with his dagger. He mumbled the words to a spell and watched as confusion fell over them.

  Suddenly, their feet and hands had switched places, putting them in an awkward position. He cut them down easily, but not before he witnessed an arrow take Plistin through the throat.

  “No!” he screamed. “Plistin!” He felt Shenna’s presence in the room once more as she came to collect her child. He felt a soft touch on his cheek; heard a soft voice in his head.

  “Darian, worry not for Plistin. He comes home to me and will feel no more pain.”

  “Shenna, tell him I’m sorry. I… I’m so sorry.”

  “He knows. You must concentrate on the battle before you. Tynuviel needs you. Do not let her down.”

  Then she was gone. The Mage fought to regain his composure. The goddess had spoken to him! Why? He was deeply touched that she’d reach out to him. He pushed aside his sorrow. Now was not the time. They would properly mourn when this was over. Now the orcs would die!

  Darian commanded the staff and it came to life, sweeping before him, felling orcs by the dozen. The Mage ring flared to life as he absorbed their life force, feeding him the strength he needed to see this through.

  Through the Demon Stone, Darian commanded Sigorna to bring allies through the Death Portal to fight for them. The demon glared with open hostility at the Mage. He knew! Sigorna shouldn’t be surprised, but he was, dammit.

  Sigorna did as he was told. He must obey. He commanded the demons to come forth and fight for them. He called on them all, Falahari, Glundorn’s, Pit Shrykes and Chibbles to name a few of the many.

  The Dark Portal opened at Sigorna’s behest. Demons of all shapes and sizes spilled out, claws and teeth gnashing. But their hateful glee turned to fury when they stepped into the chamber to find themselves bound to a

  Mage of The Order!

  “Kill for me, demons of Oblivion! Shed blood in my name and devour my enemies. Make them pay for your ill-gotten freedom,” he commanded them and they obeyed.

  The elves gaped in shock at the newest development. He could command other demons through the Demon Stone? Takasha!

  The demons tried to break the binding, but of course they could not. The Mage had incredible strength. They felt the binding grow tighter around them and they howled in fury; the Mage only smiled.

  The orc bowman nocked another arrow and Darian commanded the demons to kill him painfully. He was aiming at Kyler who was preoccupied with three orcs in front of him. He never saw the arrow coming.

  “Kyler! Look out! Kyler!” Darian screamed frantically.

  Darian watched in horror as the arrow flew true to its mark. From out of nowhere, Killini launched himself in front of the elf prince. The force of the hit sent him flying back a few feet where he lay very still.

  Darian turned his vengeance on those before him and they fell painfully. The next arrow took Kyler in the leg and he went down hard. Asa was right beside him keeping the orcs at bay.

  Tireniel saw Killini jump in front of Kyler and sighed in relief. He did not want to see Killini hurt, but Kyler was the prince of Kiri A’ Nouell. They were to protect him with their lives and they would. He was proud of Killini and would miss him. He was a good fighter, ferocious and loyal to his death.

  Then he saw Kyler get hit, but there was nothing he could do. He was hard pressed and could not break away. Asa stood guard over his younger brother. He would die before he let anything happen to Kyler. All of them would. And it may yet come to that, Asa thought, looking over the enemy force that was gathered.

  He turned abruptly to meet the attack of two new foes, when he felt the arrow graze his forehead, slicing deep. He ignored the pain, facing his enemy with everything he had left.

  Darian was in the midst of casting when he heard a whistling noise from behind him. He reached out and plucked the arrow from the air, snapped it in two and cast it aside.

  Tulani fought hard by Chamlen’s side. They made a good team and the orcs felt their anger. A pile of dead lay at their feet, but still they were surrounded by more.

  The demons killed the orcs, hungrily devouring them. The orc numbers slowly began to thin out now and renewed hope fed the elves’ energy. The
y killed dozens more before an arrow flew through the air to bury itself in Tulani.

  Chamlen stared in shock as he witnessed the missile hit Tulani in the back and come out of his chest. He looked confused, his motor skills slowing down as his heart stopped beating. The light left Tulani’s eyes as Chamlen kneeled beside him, gripping his hand.

  The demons killed the remaining orcs, making their way to the bowman who they left for last. They tore him apart, ripping his limbs free of his body as he howled in sheer agony. As he lay there defenseless, they devoured him, slowly gorging on his flesh.

  Morphindinaetlus could not believe the prowess of the group before him. He’d thought the goblins and orcs would have been enough to kill them all. He’d felt victory at hand. Now he saw it all slipping away. The Dark Mage would be irate, but the wyrm had not lived this long by being stupid. He fled his lair, demons at his heels, snarling and snapping.

  Their wicked claws cut deep, drawing blood that drove them insane. They jumped on top of the dragon, raking his back, oblivious to his huge tail swooping in for the kill.

  He swept them violently from his back, smashing them into the stone wall. To his amazement, they did not

  die. He had no time to ponder what this meant. He must get out now or they would very likely kill him.

  Cold air caressed his face and he knew he was close to the exit. Launching himself into the air, he flew off for the Valley of Rah to heal and to plan his next moves. Darian Brade had outsmarted him once again.


  When the battle was finally over, the companions took stock of who was left. Horror washed over them as they saw the amount of their dead. It was a bloody victory that they paid an unfathomable price for.

  Darian commanded his staff to obliterate the goblin and orc dead so he could readily see what he was doing. He could not believe the heavy losses they’d suffered. Only four Knights of Shorlan remained standing. He saw Tansher, Rohn, Koryn and Firehawk. The others lay scattered about the chamber, twisted in death.


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