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Demon Stone

Page 38

by D E Boske

  “I asked Aganor why they hadn’t killed me for what we’d done. He said it was because they all could feel my power and because he stepped in on my behalf. He wouldn’t allow any of them to touch me. I’ve never forgotten her, Ty. It was my fault. I never should have talked to her.”

  “What about the child, Darian? They didn’t kill the child too, did they?”

  “Of course the child was disposed of. I was not a Mage yet and so not worthy to spread my seed. The life I have lived, Shazzi, has not been an easy one. That I have survived at all where so many have not…”

  She was almost sorry she brought it up, but his words were hypnotic and she wanted to hear more. He was opening up to her and she wanted to know the life he had lived before coming to her home, uprooting her heart and making her love him desperately.

  She leaned into him, kissing him softly on his lips. How she wanted more! “Darian, tell me more. Please,” she pleaded, hoping he wouldn’t stop now.

  “I’ve never told anyone that before, Shazzi. I… I don’t know what it is you want from me. What else could you possibly want to know?”

  A thought occurred to her at that moment and she knew what she would ask next. “When I was held captive by Morphindinaetlus, he told me that you could not marry me. Darian, is this true?”

  And so it begins, he thought sourly. “The wyrm is correct, love. I cannot marry you, though I would if I could.”

  “Then why did you ask for my hand, Darian? You asked father for my hand and before the whole elven

  community, you claimed me as your own! If you cannot marry me, then why did you ask for my hand?” she asked, as her cheeks heated with her anger and resentment.

  “Shazzi, I thought you knew, truly I did. A Mage of The Order can never marry, I’m sorry.”

  “You’re always sorry for something. Aren’t you, Darian? Why then ask for me to be your consort then?”

  “Because I love you, Ty. I want to spend my life with you. I thought you knew these things.”

  “So I would be nothing more than a whore! Your own personal sex object. Are you kidding me? Is this some sort of bad joke? No, of course not, because nothing with you is ever simple. Is it, Darian?

  “You expect me to share your bed and have your children. I would be nothing more than a sex slave! Is that how you see me, Darian?”

  “Of course not, Tynuviel. I want to be with you because I love you. I didn’t think it would matter because we love each other and we would be together just like we’ve always wanted. Why does it bother you so?”

  “It bothers me because you weren’t honest with me. As usual, I see a pattern forming, Mage. I trusted you and you betrayed me. How could you? You should have told me Darian. But… there’s more isn’t there? Don’t try to deny it, I can see it in your eyes.”

  “Tynuviel… Of course you’re right. I should have told you, I’m sorry. I thought you knew because you’re the Monarch’s daughter. The elves and Mages have a history going back through time.

  “It doesn’t lessen my love for you, Shazzi. I know you’re upset and I’m sorry. But you would never be a whore. Don’t ever say that! Don’t cheapen my love for you that way. This isn’t easy for me, I’m not used to trusting and confiding in others.”

  “What else aren’t you telling me, Darian Brade?” she asked hotly. She didn’t understand why she was so upset, she just was.

  “You had extensive damage, Shazzi. When I healed you, I was very thorough. I am very good at what I do.”

  “You know what else you’re good at, Mage? Lying. You’re good at lying! That’s all you do, isn’t it?”

  “You know that’s not true.”

  “Do I? How could I when you’re never completely honest with anyone but yourself?”

  “Shazzi, you must believe me. I did everything I could, but… The damage was severe.”

  “What are you saying, Darian?” she asked as cold dread filled her at his words. Her eyes felt hot and she could feel the tears building, but she squashed them immediately.

  “Shazzi, I’m so sorry that I cannot know for sure. I don’t know if you will ever bear any children.”

  His words hit her like a terrible blow, her knees buckled as she hit the ground hard. He was by her side in an instant, helping her up. In response, she hit him hard across the face. He was stunned momentarily by her violent reaction and she took advantage of it. She punched him in the chest, the stomach, wherever she could reach and he did not try to stop her. She slapped him across the face as hard as she could. She went to slap him again, but he grabbed her wrist, holding her fast.

  “There’s more, Tynuviel. Raschel… He was under the Dark Mage’s power as well. He was the one imitating me.”

  “What!” she screeched. “And you let him go? How dare you!” she slapped him again. He didn’t try to stop her because he felt he deserved it.

  “He’s not like that. He was under a strong enchantment. I thought him dead, everyone did. He supposedly died in The Test of Power. I almost killed him before I felt the strong magic that enveloped him.”

  “Then why didn’t you?” she asked vehemently.

  “Because Nephraete stopped me. She said he had a purpose to fulfill. I wanted him to suffer for what he’d

  done to you, but once I broke the spell, I couldn’t do it. He had no idea where he was or what he’d done. He was lost. He’s my friend, Tynuviel. The only one I ever had before I came here. Please, try to understand. I know it’s hard and you’ve been through a lot…”

  “Why didn’t you tell me all this sooner, Darian? Why didn’t you tell me as soon as I awoke?” she asked, cutting him off.

  “You would not even look at me, let alone speak to me. All you did was scream. How could I tell you? Besides, I thought it would be better to wait until you were stronger.”

  “How dare you presume to speak for me?” she raged. “It is not your right to withhold information that concerns me.”

  “I’m sorry, Ty. I won’t do it again, I promise.”

  “You’re damn right you won’t! Your words are toxic, Mage and I want nothing more to do with you! Take me to my room, now!” she commanded, every inch the beautiful princess she was.

  “Tynuviel, please let me explain. I…” but she cut him off again.

  “I do not want to hear anything else you have to say. Ever. I am done with you, Darian Brade. I never want to see you again.” He wished she would have screamed at him rather than use the quiet tone she’d used. Devoid of any and all feeling. He merely nodded, for there was nothing left to say right now. He would give her a few days to cool off and repair the damage just like he always did.

  He brought her to her room and left quietly, teleporting himself directly to his room where he sat writing in his tome until it was well past supper. A knock on his door brought him back to reality. He waved a hand, undoing the lock on the door, not even caring who it was. His visitor was quiet, he never heard footsteps until it was too late.

  A soft hand took the tome out of his and laid it gently down on the table. When she saw his face, she gasped. “Darian, what happened to you? Are you alright?” Renlyss asked, touching him tenderly.

  “I’m fine, Reny.”

  “Who did this to you? How is this possible?”

  “Tynuviel knows the truth now.”

  “She did this to you? Darian…” she trailed off not knowing what to say.

  “She was quite upset. She feels that I betrayed her and in a way, I guess I did.”

  “What? Darian, you did no such thing. You did what you had to do to protect her. She was in a fragile state. What did she say?”

  “She said…” By the way he hesitated, she knew it couldn’t be good. “She said she never wants to see me again. Renlyss, what will I do?”

  “Darian, are you serious? She was that angry?”

  “Yes. I’ve never seen her in such a state. The yelling and screaming I can handle. It’s the quiet malevolence that scares me.”

e had no right to hit you the way she did, Darian. I know she’s upset, but this just isn’t right.”

  “She had every right. I kept the truth from her and now… She was furious when she found out I could not marry her.”

  “You are a Mage of The Order, you’re not allowed to marry.”

  “Apparently, she was unaware of this. She thinks she would be my sex slave, nothing more. I guess I’m meant to live alone.”

  At this admission, she laughed. “That is one thing you will never do, Darian Brade. Wherever you go, women follow you. They cannot help themselves. I cannot help myself. If Tynuviel does not want you, I would gladly take

  her place. I’m sorry, Darian. I should have kept that to myself. I didn’t mean to say it out loud. I should go.”

  She rose to leave, embarrassed with her words. When he was near, she seemed to lose her good judgment. He grabbed her wrist, pulling her into his lap.

  “I don’t want you to go, Reny. Stay here with me, please. I don’t want to be alone.”

  “Darian, are you sure? I don’t want to be second choice or whatever’s convenient. I love you. I know you have no feelings for me, but please don’t use me.”

  “Reny, I care deeply for you. Don’t you know this by now? If you don’t want to stay, you know I will not force you to.” He released his hold on her, but she did not move. Instead, she put her head on his shoulder, resting her left hand on his chest. He ran his fingers through her soft hair as she looked into his eyes.

  She sat up, putting her knees to either side of his waist, leaning into him. He moved to kiss her, but she held him back. She stroked his face, running her fingers across his lips. He kissed the tips of her fingers softly, his tongue playing over her skin. She sighed at his playfulness, falling in love with him a little more.

  She brought her lips to his and it was electrifying. His kisses made her feel intense emotion. Her fingers undid the buttons on his shirt and her lips brushed the hot skin of his chest. She felt his hand slide behind her head, pulling her closer to him and she did not resist. His lips filled her with an erotic pleasure that was hard to contain.

  Much later, they lay in each other’s arms, completely worn out. He drifted off with her head on his chest. Many men and Mage’s alike despised closeness after sex, but he relished it. The soft tenderness of a woman’s breasts as she lay against him after lovemaking was a fine thing indeed. He craved the closeness of flesh on flesh, it helped him to drift off more times than he could remember and this time was no different.

  A thick mist began to form as he slid deep into Ru Nay’ Sha. He could not see what hid behind the layers, but he could see dark forms writhing and churning in the folds. He began making his way towards the misty curtain, but for every step he took, the mist receded. He heard soft whispers coming from the darkness around him, but could make out no words.

  “Darian… child of The Order, return home! He would join with you. Fear not for your well-being, Mage. The Staff of Power will keep you safe. He needs you, child of the Dregian’s. Only you can do what needs to be done.”

  “What is this?” asked the Mage cautiously.

  “A warning. An omen of great import. Pay heed, Mage.”

  “Who are you?” asked the Mage, taking a step closer.

  “Don’t you recognize me, Darian?” asked the voice. It seemed familiar to him, but he could not place it. He approached the curtain of mist and this time it did not move. He peered in the dark folds as a pretty face came clearly into view. A face he knew. Janessa! But as he watched, her face changed. The flesh drying up and crumbling to dust before his eyes. A skeleton stood in her place. The vision was jarring and he tried to rouse himself, but was unsuccessful.

  “Darian… The Dark Magic fills you and begins to take over. If you do not find a way to take control, you will surely die along with Corillia.” The voice was a dry rasp like dead crumbling leaves in autumn.

  “I do not know where to start. I need to find the Morgonnate. Do you know where it is?”

  At the mention of the book, the carcass leered, moving in to touch his face. He steeled himself to its touch and didn’t flinch. When bones leaned in to kiss him, he’d had enough. He sat up in bed, drenched in sweat and breathing hard.

  “Darian, are you alright?” Renlyss asked, worriedly. It took him several long moments before he could answer her.

  “Fine… I’m fine,” he replied, eyes wild.

  “Darian, you’re not fine. What happened? What did you see?”

  “Nothing. I saw nothing.”

  “You cannot lie to me, Mage. I’m not stupid. The bimbos you keep company with might buy that, but I do not. Now, tell me what you saw. Together, we may be able to make sense of it all.” She waited patiently for him because she knew she couldn’t force him to do anything, she’d have to coax it out of him.

  “It was dark and shrouded in mist. Whispers in the dark. Writhing shapes. My name… They knew my name. A familiar voice. When I came closer, I saw… Janessa. But that’s impossible. She’s dead! They killed her. The Order killed her. So long ago, Reny. So long ago. She told me I must go home, that he would join with me and that the Staff of Power would keep me safe.”

  “Anything else?” she asked calmly.

  “Only I can do what needs to be done. The Dark Magic fills me and if I do not find a way to control it, I will be lost. Nothing that I didn’t already know.”

  “Who is the one that would join with you?” she asked.

  “I’m not certain. It cannot be the Dark Mage, he will never join with me nor I with him.”

  Renlyss retrieved the wine and two glasses, pouring them both equal amounts. Darian drank his down in one swallow, took Renlyss in his arms and made love to her until the demons inside him quieted.


  In the morning, Renlyss rose before Darian. He needed his rest, he looked like hell. She was careful not to wake him as she prepared breakfast and hot tea. He still had not risen when she was finished, so she stayed with him, loathe to leave him alone and wanting to be there when he opened his eyes.

  She perused the volumes on his shelves, choosing one about spell components for battle and sat down to read. It could be a long wait. She was halfway through the large volume when there was a knock on the door. She sat rigidly silent, unsure of what to do. Should she answer it? What if it was Tynuviel? She wished Darian were awake.

  “Darian? Are you in there? I thought we could have dinner.” She sighed in relief when she heard Kyler’s voice. The look on his face when he saw her was priceless.

  “Where’s Darian? What are you doing here?” he asked suspiciously.

  “Shhh,” she commanded, waving him inside. “He is still resting, he’s not doing so well, Kyler.”

  “What’s wrong with him. And what are you doing here?” he asked again.

  “I’m his friend. We’ve been friends since his arrival in Kiri A’ Nouell. He is not getting enough rest. The Dark Magic is taking its toll on him and I’m afraid. Kyler, we have to make sure he stays on track with his plans. He must leave soon, he cannot linger here. If he does, he will die. And I know neither of us wants that.”

  “Did you stay with him last night?”

  “Why do you ask?” she returned.

  “I think you know why Renlyss,” he responded in a cool tone.

  “You are not his keeper Kyler. Do not dictate to me who I may call friend,” she responded icily.

  “Tynuviel is in a delicate state right now and does not need any more distractions,” Kyler informed.

  “Oh really? She’s in a delicate state? You should see what she did to Darian. She hit him so hard his whole body is bruised. Not to mention his heart. I hardly think she’s in as delicate a state as you might believe.”

  “What are you saying, Renlyss? Why would Tynuviel… She knows the truth, doesn’t she?”

  “Yes, but do not tell him I told you. He may want to tell you himself. He’s exhausted, Kyler. I’ve never seen him like this before.
I’m not sure what else to do for him.”

  “Tell me honestly, Renlyss, did you sleep with him?”

  “I do not think that is any of your concern, Kyler. But I know you worry for your sister. As I already told you, we are friends. That is all, nothing more. I came by last night to check on him and found him in a bad state. I did what I could for the cuts and scrapes, but it is not those wounds I worry about.

  “I know Tynuviel is hurting, but she had no right to hit him in that way. Darian is a good man despite his flaws and he loves her. Do you have any idea what this is doing to him?”

  “I know,” the elf replied softly. “He said he needed to tell her the truth before going any further. But why? If he knew the pain it would cause them both, why tell her at all?”

  “Have you learned nothing about women, prince? If Tynuviel found out later, she would have ended their relationship because it was built on lies. Darian did the right thing, though right now I’m quite sure he’s second-guessing himself.”

  “How long has he been out?” asked the elf prince, a bit worried.

  “Since last night,” she replied evenly.

  “Since last night!” the elf prince exclaimed.

  “Shhh,” she commanded. “Don’t wake him, he needs his rest, Kyler.”

  “No need to be quiet on my account,” drawled the Mage walking into the room. Dark circles hovered around his eyes, giving him a haunted look.

  “Darian, you look like shit. Seriously. What’s going on? Are you okay? What happened with Tynuviel? What the hell happened to you?”

  “Hey, I just woke up elf, one question at a time please,” quipped the Mage. “I’m tired, the Dark Magic is taking its toll on me and it takes more and more energy to fight it off. Energy that I do not have. Tynuviel… She said she never wants to see me again. I can’t blame her Kyler, really I can’t.” Darian was bare to the waist, dressed only in loose fitting pants that hung off his hips in the most delicious way.


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