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Demon Stone

Page 47

by D E Boske

  “May we speak alone for a moment?” asked Calisha.

  Darian felt like a young boy caught with his pants down, dick in hand. He led Calisha across the room where he warded it for silence. He knew there was still something Calisha felt needed to be said without the seer overhearing.

  “What’s on your mind Calisha?” asked the Mage.

  “What are your intentions toward her, Darian? Do you even care for her, or is she just another notch in your belt?”

  “Look Calisha, she came to me last night very upset. We talked for a long time and she made the first move, not me. I tried to put a stop to it, but she was insistent. She knew what she wanted and I gave it to her.”

  “That’s not what I asked you. Is it Mage?” said Calisha tightly.

  “We both have a lot going on right now. I doubt she really wants to be with me Calisha. I think it was more or less about revenge. I believe she turned to me because Kyler was so afraid I would steal her from him.”

  “That does not justify your actions. You of all people should have maintained your integrity and protected her honor. She’s in a delicate state and instead of being a gentleman, you were a wolf. I know you are a Mage of The Order and you are used to this treatment, but she is not like that, Darian. Do not turn her into one of your bimbos. She is better than that.”

  “I told her that last night.”

  “Before or after you took advantage of her?” Calisha said acidly.

  “Before, of course. It wouldn’t have made much sense afterwards.” Before the Mage knew what happened, the Crebellan’s fist landed square on his jaw. Damn! That hurt. Calisha was strong. Darian blocked punch after punch. He did not want to fight Calisha. Nephraete looked on in horror. She could not believe this was happening!

  “Calisha! Darian! What are you doing? Stop this idiocy. You’re acting like a bunch of children.”

  “Do you not think I am good enough for her? What have I ever done to you, Calisha?”

  “I know how you are, Mage. You will tire of her and cast her aside as you always do. I have seen how you are with women.”

  “Please tell me this is not just about your jealousy.”

  “You claimed to love Tynuviel, but look how you have moved on so quickly. Never a care in the world for you, is there? There are always more women, why stick to just one?” Calisha knew he’d hit a nerve when he mentioned Tynuviel.

  “Ultimately, it is up to the lady. If she wants to leave with you, I will not stand in your way,” Darian said quietly. Calisha now felt bad for bringing up Tynuviel. But he had to protect the seer from this Mage. Darian was no good for her, he knew. Hopefully, she would see it as well. Darian cancelled the ward and walked to the bedroom where he finished getting dressed.

  “Calisha, what is wrong with you? What did you say to him? You upset him,” she said admonishingly.

  “I spoke the truth, Nephraete. You do not belong here with him. Please, come back with me. I am supposed

  to protect you from situations like this.”

  “Why are you so sure I will get hurt, Cal? He’s been very good to me. Am I not good enough to love?” she asked, tears in her eyes.

  “Of course you are! That’s not what I meant,” he said earnestly as he held her close. “I just do not believe he is capable of loving anyone, Nephraete and I don’t want to see you get hurt, that’s all.”

  “There are some things that you cannot protect me from Cal. I have to make my own decisions. If I get hurt, then I get hurt. Will you be there for me if that happens?” she asked as she reached for his hand.

  “You know I will.” She kissed him lightly.

  “I’m sorry about that, Darian,” she said after she walked Calisha to the door.

  “I understand how he feels, Nephraete. He just worries for you. Maybe I am no good for you. No good for anyone,” he whispered so softly she could barely hear the words.

  “Darian, he is just overprotective and jealous. Don’t take his words to heart. Hey,” she said, as she approached the Mage and made him look at her. “If you want me to go I will. I don’t want to and I don’t think you want me to either. Do you?” she asked softly.

  His lips crushed hers in a hungry kiss. She was caught a bit off guard at first, but she returned it in kind. He grinned rakishly at her and turned to pull his shirt on.

  “I have tried to get Tynuviel to see me. Really, I have. It’s not like I just moved on. I guess maybe I moved a little too fast by some observations. How long can I wait though? It’s been months since her abduction. She won’t even look at me now. I cannot blame her for that. I know I hurt her more than anyone ever has. And I will have to live with that. I never meant to hurt her, you have to believe me. That’s always been the last thing I ever wanted to do. I move on because I must. What else is there? Should I just lock myself in my room and mourn a life that can never be? That isn’t me, Nephraete. I begin to think that it might be better if we remain apart. All the pain I have caused her… She’s probably better off without me. Maybe someday, she can know happiness.”

  He pulled her to him and held her for long moments. He brought his lips to hers in a tender kiss that made her knees weak. His stomach rumbled loudly and they both laughed.

  “That was not sexy at all!” he said, amused. “I told you I was hungry,” he said with a smile.

  “You have a beautiful smile, Darian.”

  “So I have been told,” he responded lightly.

  “Of course you have,” she said, blushing fiercely.

  “Hey, I didn’t mean it that way. I’m sorry. Sometimes I should just keep quiet.”

  “No. I shouldn’t be so sensitive. I’m not good at witty banter, I guess.”

  “Stick with me and you will be,” he said with one of his winning smiles. “Would you like to get out of here for a while? I know the perfect place to go.”

  “That would be wonderful.”

  He buttoned up his dark blue shirt and pulled on a black leather vest over it. Then he pulled on a fine cloak and took her hand in his. “Have you ever teleported before?” he asked and without waiting for a reply, he brought them to Al-Dan-Tir. He did not want to bring her to the same inn as Reny. Calisha really hit the mark when he called him a wolf. He had more than one inn here in Al-Dan-Tir that he frequented with his “bimbos.”

  The late afternoon sunlight shone as they walked into The Affluent Circle, another wealthy inn. Darian only liked the best of the best. He spared no expense when courting a lady. And it always paid off for him. Always. Women spread their legs so easily for him after an expensive night out. Women spread their legs for him no matter what he did.

  “Is this Al-Dan-Tir, Darian?” asked the seer in wonderment.

  “Yes, it is,” he gripped her hand in his as he led her out of the mouth of the alley.

  When she saw where he was taking her, she came to a stop. “What’s wrong, love?” he asked.

  “Darian, this place is very expensive. I don’t think we should go there.”

  He chuckled. “Why not? I can afford it and you’re a princess. It is a place worthy of us both. Come,” he coaxed.

  She still remained hesitant. “Please, let me spoil you a little, Nephraete. I want to, really. What are you afraid of?”

  “I… I do not know,” she replied, shaking her head.

  “I was being serious before when I said I was looking for a consort. This is the kind of life you could expect with me. Come, I want you to experience this, Nephraete.”

  He seemed sincere, so she followed him. She was not exactly sure why she felt so troubled. She knew he would keep her safe. It just… didn’t feel right. She suddenly wondered how many others he’d brought here. The sign on the inn next door said The Lusty Maid.

  Darian held the door open for her and she walked into sheer opulence. Only the finest furnishings decorated this place. And the clients… They were in a class all their own. These were not just mere merchants. The ladies were dressed in their finest clothes and jewelry a
nd the men wore their best. It seemed like more than a simple inn; more like a social club, a meeting place for the well to do. Some tables held several men and women all vying for each other’s attention.

  When the Mage and the seer entered, it seemed they’d captured everyone’s interest. The talk even ceased at some tables. A beautiful, finely dressed woman sauntered up to them with a smile that Nephraete was sure was fake. Her sight never left the Mage as she looked him over with eyes that were interested in more than mere gold. It became obvious to the seer that he’d been here before. Probably many times. Her words confirmed Nephraete’s suspicions.

  “Lord Beltran! It is always a pleasure to see you. How may I serve you on this fine night?”

  “A table for two in a quiet corner. We wish to be alone and undisturbed.” The seer noticed a small pouch of gold change hands.

  “Of course! Right this way please,” she said, leading them through the crowd. Once seated, she told them the serving wench would be right with them and while she thought neither saw her, she gave the seer a hateful look.

  “She lacks personality and finesse,” remarked Nephraete when the woman was gone.

  “So she does,” the Mage chuckled. “You however, lack neither.” The Mage’s eyes sparkled with amusement and something that was hard for the seer to identify. He seemed about to say something more when the serving wench arrived to take their order.

  “What can I get for you?” she asked disinterestedly.

  “Is that any way to greet a regular client?” asked Darian scathingly. Upon hearing the speaker’s voice, she blanched.

  “Lord Beltran! I apologize for my behavior. I’m just having a rough night. Please don’t tell mistress Dialade. I will get your first drinks on the house.”

  “That’s more like it. Make it Nykessa for the lady and for myself, Cryvellan brandy.” She paled when she heard his order, but dared not speak up. It would take her more than a month’s salary to pay for the brandy alone. How was she going to survive?

  “Lord Beltran, do you think that was altogether fair? I saw the way she paled at your request.”

  “Be at ease Nephraete. She cannot afford it. It would take her about two months wages to pay for that. I would never do that. I just want to teach her a lesson. I will pay for the drinks at the end of our service.”

  “More than two months pay! Takasha! What did you order?”

  “Cryvellan brandy is made by the Mages of The Order and they do not trade much of it, which keeps the price very high. Nykessa is also very expensive because the elves do not trade much of it either. Only the elite can afford it.”

  The girl came back with their drinks and the seer could tell that her hands were shaking. It was hard for Nephraete not to say something at that moment.

  “Would you like something to eat? We have fresh venison, a roast, or chicken.”

  “We’ll have the roast please,” said Darian.

  He watched the girl’s hands shake and he almost told her. Almost. But this was not the first time he’d encountered her attitude and he was sick of it. He had always been polite and tipped very well. He was not like a lot of the other male patrons. He never put his hands on the girls. He had no need to. Women had always been more than willing to share his bed. He knew this bothered the tiny seer. He could see it in her eyes, hear it in her voice. Her mannerisms spoke volumes. She undoubtedly knew he’d brought many lovers here. He would need to end it with her. She could not live the life that he had to; she could not be a part of it. He’d known it from the very beginning. It was one of the main reasons why he didn’t want to become involved with her. She was too delicate for him. He needed someone tougher, someone more like him. Someone who could stand up to him, even when he was angry.

  Someone like Tynuviel. He welcomed the pain those thoughts caused him. At least he had not lost all of his humanity. He kept the pain close to his heart so that he would never forget. He still hoped that one day she would be able to forgive him. He just hoped it would be before he found himself a consort. Although the bond between a Mage and his consort could be broken, he did not want to cause anyone else any pain. He’d already caused enough.

  He’d lost his best friend, the only girl he’d ever loved, and he was dying. How harsh was that? What else could happen? He shook off his funk and entertained the seer the rest of the day. He told her stories and they talked of many things. Finally, it was time to go. The relief on the young wench’s face when he paid her for the drinks was palpable.

  “Thank you Lord Beltran! Thank you! I promise I will never do that again,” she kissed him on the lips and dashed away.

  Once back in the Mage’s chambers, they made love. Nephraete could not wait to be alone with him. Success once more. It never failed. Afterwards, he held her close when the grey mist began to swirl about the room.

  “Hurry, dress!” He commanded her. He pulled on his pants and his shirt hung unbuttoned on his frame when the demon arrived.

  “Smells like sex! You’re not alone, are you, Mage? Who’s with you?” asked Sigorna.

  “That’s none of your concern,” reprimanded the Mage.

  “Come on out girl, you cannot hide from me. I can smell you. And you smell… satisfied,” the demon said with a grin. His shock was complete when Nephraete walked in, looking devastatingly beautiful. She looked as if she just stepped from a bath, but Darian knew she had not the time.

  “You’re banging Kyler’s girl?” he said to Darian with a lecherous grin. “Does the elf know? You have to tell me the details. How did this happen?” asked the demon, sitting on a corner of Darian’s big bed.

  “As I said, it is none of your concern.”

  “Aw c’mon Darian, that’s not fair!” said the Falahari, sounding much like a spoiled child.

  “It is not what it seems, I assure you,” said Nephraete smoothly.

  “Mmmmhmm,” said the demon. “Little seer, I am not stupid. I know you just had sex. You are still flushed from your pleasure.”

  “What do you want, demon?” asked the Mage, losing his patience. “And watch your tongue, there is a lady present.”

  “What the hell is going on, Darian? We need to talk.” Darian left Nephraete in his bedroom and took the demon to the outer rooms.

  “You are correct, Falahari. There’s no point in denying it since you already know.”

  “I knew it!”

  “It isn’t that simple. Kyler has been acting strangely for far too long. He dumped the seer and she came to me.”

  “So you thought you’d inject her with comfort?” grinned the demon, letting his eyebrows rise and fall.

  “For what it’s worth, I tried to stop her.”

  The demon laughed, “Yeah, it looks like you tried real hard, Darian.”

  “I do not want to jeopardize my friendship with Kyler. I need to end it with her.”

  “I thought you said he dumped her anyway. Have at it my friend!” grinned the Falahari.

  “I need to find out why Kyler has been acting so strangely, it is not like him. And he would never speak to me again if he knew about us.”

  “He has been particularly pathetic lately, I must admit.”

  “Can you help me figure out why? Do you know of anything that can cause this type of behavior?” asked the Mage.

  The demon was quiet for some time, thinking. The Mage remained quiet, letting him concentrate. In the meantime, Darian brought down the ward that he’d constructed for their privacy.

  “Darian, there is a ward around your room and I’d be willing to bet, around Kyler’s as well.”

  “What?” asked the Mage. “What kind of ward? Why can I not sense it?” This is not good. What kind of magic could get this close to me without me being able to sense it? He thought.

  “Because it was placed here by one such as myself. Someone summoned a Falahari demon to place wards around this place. I will need to see Kyler’s room as well to confirm my suspicions.”

  “Why does it not affect me like the
elf?” asked Darian.

  “Because the wards that surround you are more severe than those around a king’s treasury,” remarked Sigorna. “I believe that someone had those wards placed to drive a wedge between you and the elf. And it worked. But who would do such a thing?”

  “Can you find out for me, please? It is urgent. The one responsible may be the traitor I am looking for,” said the Mage seriously.

  “Of course. It may take a while though. The demons are not likely to part with this information cheaply.”

  “Maybe this will help,” remarked the Mage, removing a fat pouch from his Shryvven and handing it to the demon.

  The Falahari opened it, checking its contents. “Gold and gems, very good Mage. This will be a start.”

  “There will be plenty more if they reveal what I wish to know.”


  The demon began to unravel the wards. “They are subtle, Mage. The one that did them was good. But I am better. That should narrow things a bit,” the Falahari remarked once he was finished. The grey smoke began to swirl, swallowing up the demon as he returned to Oblivion.

  Just as the demon had dispersed, a pounding on the Mage’s door startled him and Nephraete.

  “Darian, if you’re in there, the Monarch requests your presence at once! The queen is about to give birth. She needs you.” Darian jerked open the door.

  “Give me a moment, I must change clothes and prepare.” The elven guards did not wait for him, they returned to the Monarch.

  “Do you think Kyler will be there?” asked Nephraete worriedly. “I do not want to see him.”

  “I will get Calisha to stay with you until I return,” Darian responded, as he took off his clothes and began rummaging around for what he wanted. She took the time to admire his body, but all too soon, he found what he was looking for. He kissed her before he left and she missed him already. Not too long after, Calisha came to sit with her while the Mage was away.

  The Monarch and the queen’s ladies in waiting were anticipating his arrival and let him straight in. “Darian, thank Shenna you’re here! She’s been calling for you,” said Galavad sounding more worried than ever he had.


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