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Tribulation: An Apocalyptic End-Times Thriller (Kingdom of Darkness Book 1)

Page 14

by Mark Goodwin

  The male reporter announced, “Today marks a momentous occasion for the Global Union. Full grid power was restored to Lyon, making it the tenth new OASIS city to come back online after the earthquake and subsequent meteor impacts. Lyon now joins Denver, Dallas, Atlanta, Berlin, Milan, Zurich, Madrid, Sydney, and of course the empire’s capital, Jerusalem.

  “Like most of the world, those cities continue to struggle to provide food, shelter, and security for their citizens, but with the aid of electricity and internet, progress is moving forward at a much quicker pace. Additionally, the GU is constructing more relief camps in and around those cities to give assistance to citizens in need who are able to get themselves to a camp.

  “This evening at 6:00 PM local time in Jerusalem, Minister of Religion Carl Jacobs will be unveiling a gift to the Secretary-General on the Temple Mount. The present is said to be on behalf of a grateful world ascribing thanks and admiration to the Secretary-General for pulling the planet through the most catastrophic event in recorded history.

  “The Minister of Religion will give a short dedication speech, the unveiling will follow, then it is expected that the Secretary-General will have a few words to say in acceptance of the gift. Everything will be broadcast live via satellite. It will be televised for those in the new OASIS cities and available by way of radio for the remainder of the globe.”

  Emilio lowered his brow. “You said before that you thought Alexander would break the Global Charter in March. Do you think that’s what this is about?”

  Mackenzie bit on her thumbnail. “The month is almost over. It has to be.”

  “Six o’clock Jerusalem, what time will it be here?” Emilio asked.

  “Most of Europe is about seven hours ahead of us. Jerusalem is probably an hour ahead of them. I’d guess it must be about 10:00 AM.”

  Emilio had found a watch in the cave, which was much more efficient than trying to keep the old flip phone charged. He glanced at his wrist. “That’s in less than an hour.”

  Mackenzie stood up and started back toward the cave.

  “Where are you going?” Emilio asked.

  “I’m making popcorn and getting the last bag of Sour Patch Kids for this one. If he breaks the charter, the official countdown to the end begins.”

  “Extra butter on my popcorn,” said Emilio.

  She paused and pressed her lips together. “We’ve got salt.” She continued to the cave. “Be glad you’ve got popcorn at all. Most people don’t.”

  Emilio smiled. “Okay then, extra salt.”

  He listened to more news updates while he waited for Mackenzie to return with the snacks. Finding nothing of much interest to himself, he switched off the AM receiver and powered on the UHF/VHF handheld unit. He scanned through the usual frequencies until he happened upon a conversation between two operators. The transmission was distorted by static, but he could still make it out.

  “…Boojahideen wiped out that crew …crsshhh…Bowling Green.”

  The other voice which seemed to be transmitting from a closer location as the sound quality was much better replied, “Good riddance to ‘em. I heard they were raiding farms and taking captives.”

  The other more distant voice said, “Trading …crshhhh…war lord for another.”

  “You might be right. I don’t know much about the Boojahideen except that they ain’t bothered me.”

  “…crssshhhsh give ‘em time,” said the other.

  Mackenzie returned with the concessions. “Anything good?”

  “Yeah,” said Emilio. “Hinkle’s group attacked the Angels of Chaos.”

  “Are you talking about that motorcycle gang that took over Bowling Green?”

  “Yeah. Sounds like Hinkle’s group won.”

  “What prompted that action? I can’t see them doing it as a service to the community.”

  Emilio lifted his shoulders. “Could have been because the Angels of Chaos started looking like a rival power. Could have been to raid their supplies. Or, it could have been out of boredom.”

  “Maybe a combination of all three.” Mackenzie took a handful of popcorn and passed the bowl to Emilio.

  Emilio powered off the handheld and tuned back into the AM receiver.

  WNN’s Lilian Lopez was reporting live from the Temple Mount. “For those of you listening on the radio, please bear with me while I try to describe the festive atmosphere here in Jerusalem. People are out and about, food vendors are on the street; it feels like a real party. The world has been in survival mode since the earthquakes last fall. Global citizens haven’t had anything to celebrate other than staying alive for one more day. What I’m feeling right here, right now is that we’ve turned a corner. We’re past the worst of it.”

  Mackenzie had been taking a drink of water when Lopez made that comment. She laughed so hard the water spewed from her nose. She wiped her face with her shirttail as she continued laughing. She held up her hand to Emilio who was looking on with an expression of amusement. Mackenzie regained her composure. “I’m sorry, that was gross. But that was so funny! She thinks we’re past the worst of it. It’s the official kick-off party to the Great Tribulation.”

  Emilio grinned with a wide smile. “Yeah, that’s a good one. Let’s see if she can top it.” He turned up the volume.

  Lopez continued, “People from all over the region have flooded into the city for this grand occasion. I can tell you as someone who was in Times Square for many ball drops, the spirit of revelry in Jerusalem far surpasses any New Year’s party you’ve ever experienced. I’m not exactly sure what is about to happen, but I’m sure that the world will be a different place tomorrow. And I think we need that. What we’ve had to endure, not just since the earthquakes, but going all the way back to the virus and the financial collapse, has been an absolutely harrowing experience.

  “I can’t explain or tell you how I know, but call it instinct, or call it a gut feeling, I’m certain that we are about to enter into a new age, a fresh period of renewal and prosperity.

  “For those of you listening by radio, here on the Temple Mount, there was previously a wall which separated the Jewish Temple and the Dome of the Rock Mosque. That wall was constructed of huge stones that were cut from the bedrock just outside of Jerusalem. Some of these stones weigh as much as five tons each. That wall is gone. However, the stones are still here. They have been stacked to form a base for something glorious, something about eighteen-feet tall. Right now, whatever that happens to be, is covered by a white cloth embroidered with the Global Order’s red dragon ouroboros emblem. While we’re waiting to find out what is under the veil, let me tell you more about the base. It stands at eighteen feet tall and is in three tiers. The six-foot-tall layers form a pyramid type structure. It is what an archaeologist might refer to as a ziggurat.

  “I’m going to have to cut my description short. Minister Jacobs is walking to the podium which is at the foot of the veiled object at this time. Let’s listen to what he has to say.”

  The sound of a tremendous crowd cheering could be heard.

  “Thank you,” said Jacobs. “Thank you very much.”

  The clapping and jubilation persisted.

  Jacobs allowed the clamoring to go on for nearly a minute. “Really, thank you. Thank you all so very much.”

  The acclamation gradually died down.

  Once all was quiet, Jacobs began his speech. “I want to extend my utmost appreciation for this magnificent turnout. You all deserve a big round of applause for having endured this difficult season.”

  More sounds of glee erupted then faded back to quietude.

  Jacobs continued speaking, “The past five and a half months have been brutal. But, that period of want and despair ends today. It’s a saying that I know you’ve heard before, but it’s never been truer than it is at this moment. If you want to see the mountain top, you have to travel through the valley.

  “Citizens of the Global Order, you have persevered, you have remained true, you have pressed on, a
nd you—have reached the summit. Welcome to the dominion of triumph!”

  The crowd went wild once more. Jacobs paused to allow the acclamation, as if basking in their praise.

  He said, “All of our achievements, all of our accomplishments, we owe all that we have and all that we are to one man—Lucius Alexander.”

  The crowd applauded exuberantly. When they finished, Jacobs said, “That is who we’re here to celebrate today. We want to present a token of appreciation to him on behalf of a world filled with gratitude for his leadership. So, without further ado, let us unveil the tribute to our sovereign leader, Emperor Lucius Alexander!”

  The crowd cheered.


  Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

  2 Thessalonians 2:3-4

  Emilio turned away from the radio to look at Mackenzie. “Emperor?”

  “Global Order?” she replied. “What happened to the Global Union?”

  Emilio was at a loss, so much so that he forgot about the popcorn in his hand. The pieces slipped through his loose grip and fell to the ground.

  During the extended applause, Lillian Lopez provided commentary. “For those of you listening by radio, I wish your eyes could see what I’m looking at. It is an eighteen-foot likeness of the emperor in pure gold. His chin is tilted slightly to the left and a few degrees up, as if gazing toward the heavens and the glorious future that they are about to bestow upon the earth.”

  “Yeah, because that’s exactly what’s about to happen.” Mackenzie rolled her eyes.

  Emilio said, “Obviously she’d already been given the memo about Alexander being the emperor.”

  “And about the dimensions of the statue.”

  “Why? What about them?”

  Mackenzie asked, “You didn’t catch that when she was talking about the stones in the base? Each of the three layers is six feet tall. Six, six, six. Same thing with the statue. Eighteen feet tall. Six plus six plus six.”

  Emilio shook his head. “It’s like they enjoy rubbing our face in it.”

  Once the crowd grew silent, Jacobs said, “Citizens, I present to you, your emperor, Lucius Alexander!”

  The people present went wild. The cheers morphed into chants of praise and adoration, persisting for several minutes. Finally, they dwindled.

  Alexander spoke. “My beloved citizens, you are like children to me; so dear to my heart. This beautiful expression could not please me more. As Minister Jacobs has hinted at, the governing council has determined that the previous governmental structure was insufficient to meet the challenges that lay before us. They have requested that I accept the sovereign role of emperor. I have accepted this invitation and will dedicate all of my being to fulfilling the task with which I have been honored.

  “The governing council will remain at my side to serve as my most trusted advisors. Very little will change about our day-to-day operations, but this system of government will help to streamline the ongoing reconstruction throughout the empire.

  “In keeping with this new title, the council has determined that I should receive a throne room and residence commensurate with the position. I will be taking possession of the Jewish Temple for my administrative duties and the Dome of the Rock will be converted into secure living quarters for me. Obviously, the sacrifices made at the Jewish Temple will have to cease, effective immediately.”

  A few cries of anger and outrage could be heard from within the crowd. However, they did not persist. They faded quickly, as if being ushered away by security personnel mingled in with the crowd.

  Alexander paused. He seemed to be waiting for the dissidents to be hauled away. “I said earlier that I see you all as my children. I think we all know that a loving parent has to one day have that dreaded conversation with their children. They have to fess up and tell the kids that there is no Santa Claus.”

  The crowd laughed briefly. The emperor continued. “With that conversation comes a realization. It wasn’t Santa bringing you all of those presents. It was your parents. In the same way, these myths and fairy tales that you’ve been praying to and worshiping, they’re not real. I am the one who has brought us through this turmoil. I am the one who has brought peace on Earth. I am your messiah, your prophet, and your god. I understand the human condition and your need to have someone to worship. I am willing to guide you, provide for you, even offer unto you salvation. And in return, I am willing to accept your praise, thanksgiving, and devotion. Bow down before me and before the likeness made in my image.”

  “I can’t believe I’m hearing this,” said Emilio.

  “The sun turned to sackcloth, a global quake leveled the cities of the earth, the stars fell from the heavens to nearly destroy all that was left, but this is the part you can’t believe?”

  Emilio tightened his jaw. “You know what I mean.”

  A low roar grew in the background over the radio. It was the sound of chanting, indiscernible at first, but it soon became clear that they were saying worthy, worthy, worthy, worthy. The chant grew louder. Worthy, worthy, worthy, worthy.

  “That’s the end of the global charter.” Emilio looked at Mackenzie.

  She replied, “Turn the hourglass over. We’re on the clock.”

  Alexander spoke and the crowd grew silent. “We will be converting the Al-Aqsa Mosque to serve as the workspace for my administrative staff. Once those projects have been completed, we will begin construction on new facilities which will extend from the Western Wall into parts of the Jewish quarter. I understand some of this may be disruptive, but it is necessary and those who are asked to make sacrifices should be honored to do so.

  “On the subject of expansion and reconstruction, the Global Order has considered at length the rebuilding of New York City. But after multiple surveys, meetings with architects, and much deliberation, we have determined that it simply isn’t feasible, particularly with radiation levels where they are today. It would take years to remove the debris caused by the nuclear attack, tsunami, and asteroids that landed in the Manhattan area. Instead, we have decided to leave the ruins as a sacred monument to the lives lost and the world we left behind.

  “That does not mean we will abandon the plans for a new city. Tragically, when the tsunami struck, it swept over Long Island, removing most any hint that mankind had ever set foot on that part of the world. But, in this loss, we have an opportunity. And it is on this hallowed ground that we will build a new city. One that will be the envy of the world and a beacon of hope to the human race. We originally wanted to call it New York but thought it to be in poor taste. We will let New York continue to be the name ascribed to Manhattan and the other lost boroughs.

  About fifty miles east of Manhattan was a little town on Long Island. The name of that town was Babylon. The actual building site will actually be farther inland and a few miles east of the old town. but we have decided to call this magnificent metropolis—New Babylon!

  “Whereas the Babylon of old sought to build a tower to the heavens, we will build skyscrapers that will pierce the clouds. And whereas the Babylon of fables was the place where humanity was divided by different languages, New Babylon will be the place where we all come back together, to be one planet, one people, under one leader.”

  The crowd called out praises, clapped, cheered, and whistled.

  Alexander said, “We will also renew our commitment to restore law and order across the empire. The first step in this effort will focus on North and South America where we’ve heard so many reports of attacks against Global Order peacekeepers and stories about violent criminal gangs taking control of entire cities and counties.

  “Furthermore, as we begin to reintroduce economic activity within the empire, the old global mark will be rename
d the imperial mark. Its set value as determined by the Imperial Bank will remain the same as it was before the quakes. All account information was backed up by Omniscience in Global Order satellites. Three of our satellites were struck by meteors, but they have since been replaced and the Omniscience AI system is fully operational. In fact, we’ve added additional satellites that are currently providing complete global internet coverage. These new satellites beam signals down to intermediary drones which act as 5G WiFi routers so no one on the planet will be dependent on terrestrial antennas or satellite dishes to maintain service.”

  Mackenzie rolled her eyes. “No one has running water or food, but at least they can check their Facebook account.”

  “It’s not really a totalitarian regime if they can’t track their slaves,” said Emilio.

  Over the radio, Alexander’s voice could be heard echoing across the Temple Mount. “With this level of complete 5G coverage, you might be tempted to say that our new system is omnipresent as well as omniscient.

  “This ubiquitous technology will allow us to make sure that the citizens of the empire understand the requirements of being part of the new world. Those who are shining examples of what we are looking for in the Global Order will be rewarded. Those who fall short may be disciplined in the spirit of encouragement to help them achieve a higher value to our society.

  “As I stated previously, in the new world we will put aside our juvenile superstitions. One of my favorite verses in the Unity Scriptures says, when I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish things. We will no longer pray to Jesus, or Allah, or Buddha, or Jehovah. I will be your god, and you will be my people.

  “Proof of your devotion to me will be in the form of a completely painless, laser-engraved tattoo on the back of your right hand. Those who wish to display a higher level of commitment may elect to have the tattoo applied to their forehead. The image will be of the iconic red dragon ouroboros.


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