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Grave Covenant

Page 17

by Michael A. Stackpole

  In the weeks leading up to the vote for the new ilKhan, Taney had worked hard to fashion a coalition of the Home Clans. He had continued to push new and younger warriors to pressure their leadership to back him. Vlad had let this effort continue until it began to gain momentum, then he had stepped in to gut it.

  It had been readily apparent to everyone, because of Taney's argument, that the Home Clans and their warriors would not be able to join the fight against the Inner Sphere without a Taney victory. Vlad, who still needed seasoned warriors to rebuild the Wolves, let slip his intention to engage in a series of "harvest wars" in which he would challenge various Clan units to battle, demanding as his prize the possession of that unit if his forces won. Most warriors realized that the way to war with the Inner Sphere would be more open if they were part of the Wolves. Even if Taney won, the Clans that supported him would still have to battle for the right to participate in a renewed invasion, so the chances of any particular warrior actually getting to fight against the Inner Sphere diminished appreciably.

  Once the rumor of the "harvest wars" began to spread through the Home Clans, preemptive batchalls flooded into the Wolf command center. Vlad had replied to them that he could do nothing until the new ilKhan was selected, and he hinted strongly that a change in the status quo would cast into doubt the Wolves' participation in a renewed invasion. Very quickly the ardor of Taney's movement drained away.

  Vlad glanced to his left and gave his saKhan, Marialle Radick a quick nod. Time to twist it even deeper.

  Vlad's small, honey-blond compatriot stood and doffed her helmet. "Loremaster, I wish to place a name in nomination for ilKhan."

  Kael Pershaw looked up from his position at the front of the room. "This is your right, Khan Radick."

  "To spare Khan Taney the embarrassment of defeat, I nominate Lincoln Osis to be ilKhan." Marialle thrust a hand toward the dark-skinned Elemental. "He has been in the forefront of the invasion, and has risen to the rank of Khan among the Smoke Jaguars through his valiant and tenacious efforts on their behalf in the fighting. We count it remarkable for an Elemental to win a Bloodname, and here Lincoln Osis has become a Khan. If there is a greater accomplishment among the invading Clans, I cannot think of it."

  Severen Leroux of the Nova Cats rose and seconded the nomination, sending a curious chill through Vlad. Leroux also seconded the nomination of Elias Crichell for the office of ilKhan. No doubt they view his election as an important building block of the future they see for the Clans. I have no use for their visions, but if what they foresee works in my favor, I have no reason to oppose them.

  The Loremaster nodded toward Lincoln Osis. "Khan Osis, you have been nominated for the position of ilKhan. Do you know of any reason why you should not be allowed to be elected to this position?"

  Vlad's smile broadened. Someone doesn't want a repeat of Elias Crichell's early removal from office to repeat itself, hence the addition of this line to the voting procedure.

  Lincoln Osis stood slowly. "I know of no reason why I should not be allowed to serve if elected." He balled his big hands into fists, then turned to fix Vlad with an icy stare. "If there are any who would oppose me, I would ask them to make their objections known now."

  Vlad said nothing.

  The half-man, half-machine Loremaster hit several keys on his noteputer. "The name of Lincoln Osis has been placed into nomination. All of you will vote aye or nay in this matter. If Khan Osis receives fifty percent plus one of the votes cast, he will win. I will poll you individually."

  Pershaw began at the front of the room and worked his way back. Osis required just over half of the votes cast by the Khans. With two Khans from each of seventeen Clans voting, he would become ilKhan with eighteen votes—fewer if any Khans chose to abstain. With the Smoke Jaguars, Jade Falcons, Nova Cats, Steel Vipers, and Ghost Bears backing him, he started better than halfway to his goal—according to Vlad's estimates. An even split of the remaining votes would put him over the top, and from the beginning it became apparent that Taney's coalition had collapsed.

  Marialle Radick voted for Osis, but Vlad and Marthe Pryde both voted against him. They exchanged brief smiles, then stood to applaud as the result was announced. Osis won twenty-two to twelve, a resounding victory.

  Osis seems even taller as he marches to the fore.

  The Elemental reached the Loremaster's side, shook his hand, then turned to face the assembled Khans. "In choosing me you have chosen wisely. I am a warrior who knows victory and has not forgotten what is required to win it. I will lead us to victory over the barbarians of the Inner Sphere."

  Asa Taney stood. "When you say you will lead us to victory, do you mean you will order a reshuffling of the invading Clans to allow the rest of us to participate?"

  Osis' expression darkened. "What have you done to earn that right?"

  Taney sniffed. "In your eyes the answer is, apparently, nothing, quiaff?"

  "Then why do you ask for something you have not earned?"

  Vlad raised a hand. "I believe, ilKhan, that Khan Taney is really asking if there will be time for his Ice Hellions to challenge one of the invading Clans to win the right to participate in the renewed invasion."

  "Perhaps. If they work fast." Osis' dark eyes glittered. "It is my intention to begin offensive operations immediately."

  Marthe Pryde rose to her feet. "I believe, ilKhan, it is your right to propose to this body that we begin operations immediately, but it is not your prerogative to order a resumption of the war."

  "Are the Jade Falcons tired of war, Marthe Pryde?"

  "Ha!" Marthe's white teeth flashed dangerously with her laugh. "We have fought the Inner Sphere so long we weary of fighting inferior troops. I would not be averse to sharpening our talons on any Clan that wanted to wrest away some of our occupied worlds. I can see no reason why you would not provide the others this sort of opportunity, unless you fear the Smoke Jaguars would be left without staging areas for the resumption of the invasion."

  Well played, Marthe. Vlad nodded. "I, too, would welcome testing my Clan against those who have remained behind." The more fighting we encourage among the Clans, the more difficult will be Osis' job, and the more time the Inner Sphere will have to prepare to defend themselves against the Smoke Jaguar onslaught.

  Bitterness and anger curled the ilKhan's lip and tightened the flesh around his eyes. "And how long would you like to be able to play at war. Six months? A year?"

  Marthe pointed toward Taney. "This is a question that should be answered by the challengers, of course, but no Clan worthy of the honor would require more than nine months to resolve this issue."

  Taney nodded. "Nine months will be more than enough time to prove our worthiness to join the invading Clans."

  Vlad smiled. "Perhaps, ilKhan, you would like to come up with the wording of such a rede, so you do not feel this has been forced upon you."

  Osis massaged his left fist with his right hand. "It is my recommendation as ilKhan that each Clan take the next six months to plan and prepare for the resumption of the campaign against the Inner Sphere. All challenges against invading Clans, all Trials of Possession for invasion-corridor worlds, should be made within three months of today and completed within ninety days from that date. All remaining disputes will be adjudicated by the Grand Council, and the Clans will have three months to prepare for the resumption of the invasion."

  Osis' words came in frosty, low tones, full of frustration and anger. "Is that acceptable?"

  Vlad nodded. "Seyla."

  The other Khans echoed the ancient oath, adopting the proposal unanimously.

  Osis bowed his head in their direction. "So shall it be until we all shall fall."

  Indeed. Vlad lowered himself into his chair and caught a nod from Marthe Pryde. The fall of Lincoln Osis begins now.


  Grand Ballroom, Royal Court The Triad

  Tharkad City, Tharkad

  District of Donegal, Lyran Alliance

  21 Nove
mber 3058

  Though he normally detested the pomp and circumstance that accompanied affairs of state, Victor found the ceremony surrounding the signing of the Star League Constitution appropriate and even enjoyable. It seemed to him somehow correct that the occasion of reestablishing the Star League three centuries after its collapse would be marked with varicolored banners and brassy renditions of the Star League anthem. The honor guard presenting the flags of the constituent nations was even clad in archaic but regal uniforms from the bygone era.

  Victor watched as his sister approached the tall glass table where the eight copies of the Constitution awaited her signature. She wore a bolero jacket over a long gown, both in glittering white brocade. The tiara holding her hair back sparkled brilliantly, casting a rainbow of light around her head. Add wings and she'd look every bit an angel. Victor shook his head. The Angel of Death.

  Katherine signed her name on the documents in pieces, changing pens between them. Each used pen was set aside and a new one picked up. The pens would later be handed out to aides and supporters, giving them a piece of history to treasure forever. Victor normally balked at such gestures, but on this occasion would have been willing to use a different pen for every letter of his name. I wish there were enough mementos that I could hand one to every warrior we're asking to fight for us.

  As she finished signing, Katherine walked over to the crystalline podium to the right and smiled despite the blinding sea of light before her. "We have come, this day, and joined together to facilitate the rebirth of the greatest and most noble height to which mankind has ever risen: the Star League. For centuries wars have been waged to accomplish this end; yet the Star League was reborn in peace, not in strife. No matter how long I live, or whatever else I do, providing the venue and framework that accomplished this great work will be the pinnacle of my career. The rebirth of the Star League will stand as a monument to those here who sign their names in ratification, and to those for whom it was signed. This day there is once again a united Inner Sphere and that should strike fear into the hearts of our enemies everywhere."

  She left the podium and moved further right, to stand with the other leaders who had already signed the Constitution. One by one she shook hands with them: the Precentor Martial, Thomas Marik, Candace Liao, Theodore Kurita, and Prince Magnusson. Beaming from ear to ear, she took her place at the end of the line and appeared to luxuriate in the applause echoing from throughout the Grand Ballroom.

  Sun-Tzu Liao next approached to sign his copy of the document. The order of signing had been decided by lot, and Victor felt fortunate he would go last. That means I can say anything I want in my concluding remarks and we don't have to worry that someone will take offense and refuse to sign. So far the comments made by the signers had all been positive and encouraging, though decidedly banal, to Victor's mind. Only the Precentor Martial had commented about this being the first step in the future of the Inner Sphere—but he could afford to gamble since he was the victor of Tukayyid and his signature was vital on the Constitution if the Clans were to take it seriously. Victor meant for his own remarks to drive home the seriousness even if it might take the edge off the festive mood.

  Then again, my little bombshell announcement should make for good copy. Victor reined in his smile as he caught Katherine looking at him. Sun-Tzu's election and Morgan Kell's threat have Katherine uncertain about what is going on. Good. I hope dealing with Sun-Tzu for the next three years will continue that trend.

  Sun-Tzu took his place at the podium. "It is with the greatest of pleasure, and the deepest sense of humility, that I have signed the Star League Constitution. Before this compact was broken it showed us how to be truly civilized and humane. Since the Star League's destruction we have lost that and have become something less than we were meant to be. Its destruction was our destruction, and its rebirth is our rebirth.

  "There are no words to describe the deep sense of gratitude toward my fellow leaders of the Inner Sphere and the pride I feel in being chosen First Lord of the Star League. My term will last for three years, and it is my intent, in that time, to establish a very high benchmark of service for my successors to follow. This office is not, to me, a ceremonial one. It represents a sacred trust—one I will guard to the best of my abilities. The Star League will be even finer at the end of my reign than it is now and so, I hope, will be all of humanity."

  Victor had been waiting for deception in Sun-Tzu's words, or traces of gloating. He heard none of that, but that did not surprise him. Sun-Tzu learned at his mother's breast to hide his intentions and feelings. There is certainly more there than I ever imagined before. Perhaps Isis is right: perhaps having this sort of responsibility thrust upon him will give him a focus. I don't know. I can only hope he doesn't make our campaign harder by obstructing it.

  Victor waited for Sun-Tzu to take his place in the line next to Katherine, then he stepped forward and crisply walked over to the table where the treaties waited for him. The top of the table came up to about ten centimeters above his navel, but Victor didn't care that its height emphasized his lack of same. If any of us signing this document are judged by our physical size, the person making the judgment is a fool.

  He uncapped the first pen and scratched out his title. He loved the rasp of the nib over the-parchment and watched the blue ink lighten as it sank into the paper and dried. Another pen inscribed his first name, and another his middle name.

  Two more pens worked to add his surname to the treaty, then he moved on to the next copy.

  He noted that both Sun-Tzu and Theodore had used kanji to sign their names, and that Katherine's signature was little more than a bumpy snake track with breaks every place she switched pens. Though Victor's penmanship had never been a thing of beauty, he took great care to inscribe his name so it would be legible, and even added a grand flourish by underlining his name with a stroke at the end.

  Once finished with the final treaty, he recapped the last pen and carried it with him to the podium. A flood of light washed over him—it was bright enough that he could feel waves of heat pulsing from all the lights. He reached up and adjusted the microphones lower, both so he could speak into them and, more important, see over them. He gave himself a second to collect his thoughts, then swallowed hard and began.

  "The remarks you have heard so far are a fair tribute to the need for the Star League and a monument to the hard work we've accomplished here in just over six weeks. Our work is, of course, built upon the foundation laid down by the framers of the first Star League Constitution, but adapting that document to make it work in these turbulent times has been difficult. All of us, our aides, advisors, and staffs have worked tirelessly to make this Constitution suit our own times. The signing you have just witnessed is a victory for every man, woman, and child in the Inner Sphere, and beyond."

  Victor did his best to peer past the lights and pick out faces in the crowd behind the media galleries. "Just as we have built on the foundation laid down by others, now we must continue building a sound structure to carry us into the future. It should surprise none of you when I point out that the Inner Sphere has been beset by enemies from without and rivalries from within. The recreation of the Star League puts an end to the internecine fighting that has plagued us for centuries. Now, united, of like mind and spirit, we will turn our attention to the Clans and ending the threat they pose to Us all.

  "Let there be no mistake about it, opposing the Clans will not be simple. It will require the supreme effort from our people in the field and all those who support them. This must be a concerted effort by all of us because if we do not sueceed in throwing the invaders back, we can never be free of the fear that pervades everything we now do."

  Victor smiled. "I know the thoughts going through your minds. Many of you think it is well and good that we can all reach an agreement here, but that it won't really change things. You think we might even be able to coordinate joint operations to go after the Clans, but that there will be no real unity beyon
d that. I understand those doubts—we've all seen hypocrisy on multiple levels and are rightfully cynical. Were I in your position, these would be my thoughts, too.

  "I am not in your position, and this is due to more than an accident of birth. I have been here, at the Whitting Conference. I have witnessed the changing of minds and the melding of spirits. We are united and committed to a bright new future. We will make it happen."

  Victor paused for a moment, then let his smile tighten down into a smirk. "You rightfully ask for proof of these changes—signs that they are in the works. You will see them, I promise you, and this is not an idle, empty promise. As proof I offer one thing—the first of many you will see. From here, from Tharkad, I will be traveling, at the invitation of the Coordinator of the Draconis Combine, to Luthien. There I will greet the new year, with my friends and allies, and welcome a new era for humanity."

  The murmurs of shock and outrage melted into an ocean of applause. Victor held his head up, keeping his expression pleasant without allowing it to become triumphant. There, Katherine, you've claimed credit for building the launching pad. Now I'll just use it to take flight.

  He raised his hands and waved the din back down to silence. "There are those of you who'd have thought a Davion setting foot on Luthien was a sign of the apocalypse—a harbinger of the end of the universe as we know it. Let me assure you that the latter is true. The old universe, the one that was the womb of the Succession Wars, is no more. We are choosing to make a new universe for ourselves and for you. With your support and consent, we will destroy the barriers that divided us and surge through into brightest future mankind can possibly know."


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