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Rook Security Complete Series

Page 73

by Camilla Blake

“I’m ready,” she told him, and without further ado, sank down onto him.

  A blissful, pained noise tore free of him as his vision blackened for a moment. Her wet heat hugged him tightly as Atlas’s body tunneled inside hers. A million curse words rose to his lips but he bit them back. He sucked wind hard and tried to feel the earth beneath him.

  When his eyes focused, it was to see her eyes hooded and lost. Her mouth was open as her tongue left a glistening path against her bottom lip.


  She rose up and sank back down, giving him one perfect stroke that was the final straw. He couldn’t take it. The pleasure was too acute. She felt way too good. His muscles flexed involuntarily. His fingers clenched around the air, into fists, and one bond and then the next fell away, fell free.

  She jolted, her eyes dancing from one of his hands to the other, realizing that he was free. Shit. That was a terrible time for that. She was impaled on him, completely vulnerable, and now she had to worry that he’d change the rules of the game at the last second. Atlas immediately grabbed the bars of the headboard to show her that he wouldn’t touch.

  “I won’t, baby,” he told her. “I promise. I won’t break your trust.”

  She stared at his face, her chest sawing up and down with her breaths. She licked her lips again.

  “I know,” she eventually whispered. And then, in a move that he’d never forget for as long as he lived, she leaned forward, took one of his hands and brought it forward. He watched in stunned joy as she unfolded his fingers and kissed his palm. She flipped it over and traced the tattoos on the backs of his hands. “You have such handsome hands.”

  Bex lifted his hand to her cheek and, her eyes on his, dragged his hand down her neck, down her chest and bottomed out on her breast.

  “I…” he started. “I can touch?”

  She nodded.

  “I can touch whatever I want?” he clarified.

  She nodded again.

  With that, Atlas went from being made of stone to being made of liquid fire. He went immediately into motion, slow, but constant. It almost killed him to lose the plush heat of her breast, but he knew how important this moment was, he wasn’t going to destroy it by pawing at her like a horny frat boy.

  He brought both of his hands to the graceful line of her back. He traced down her spine with one hand and the next, creating a constant flow of touch against her. He wanted to bring her head down to his, but instead he just tipped his face up and waited for her to come to him.

  She did. She pressed her lips to his and Atlas grunted happily. He deepened the kiss and tried to ignore the way her tight channel convulsed around him when his tongue glanced across hers.

  What he did next was pretty much the hardest thing he’d ever had to do. He planted his hands on her hips, his lips on hers, and held her still while he pulled out of her.

  Bex made a sound of loss, confusion, but he quieted her with those same soothing strokes over her back, down her legs, over her hips. He purposefully avoided erogenous zones as he touched and touched and touched. He felt her eyes open as he kissed her, knew she was watching him. Atlas let his eyes open and meet hers. He kissed her even slower, even deeper as he laid the tangle of their bodies down. He laid them on their sides, her head tipped up slightly higher as they kept on kissing.

  He wanted them on even ground.

  He let his hand trail down her arm. Their palms kissed one another, their fingers lacing for just a moment before his hand was back on her hip, down her thigh. He could have pumped his fist in victory when she lifted her leg and laid it over his hip. She wasn’t defensive and hiding. She was opening to him.

  He felt as if she were a flower that was blooming for the first time. He wanted to bury his nose in her.

  Where before he’d talked to soothe her, now he stayed quiet for the exact same purpose. He didn’t want to do a damn thing to break the spell that the magic between them was casting.

  When her hips started to lift and press against him, Atlas allowed himself to move things along. He kissed his way down her neck, reveling in the salty-clean taste of her skin. There was a flavor there that was all her own, it was smooth and intoxicating and it made him even tighter and hotter between his legs. He couldn’t help but press himself against her thighs as his mouth kissed its way to her breasts.

  He groaned against her skin as he sucked the tip of her breast into his mouth. Bex gasped and clawed at his back, her hips working even harder against him. Atlas suckled at her until she was wrenching at his hair, grinding mindlessly, panting. When he looked up, he saw that she was drowning in desire. She bit one lip as she smashed her wetness into his stomach.

  “Atlas,” she whispered. “I’m aching for you.”

  “Let me kiss it better, baby.” He pushed himself further down the bed, allowing himself a few crazy-making thrusts against the mattress. For a long moment, he indulged himself in making out with her hipbone. “Sexiest hipbone of all time,” he informed her.

  But all thoughts dissolved when he came face to face with Bex’s soft pink womanhood. He moved slowly but didn’t drag things out as he brought his mouth down to her. At the last second, he gripped her hips and rolled them so that he was on his back and she was straddled over his face. He wanted to do everything he could to give her the power here.

  He brought her down to his mouth and groaned loud and hard at the flavor of her. “God, baby,” he said against her. “Nothing better. Ever. Best thing ever.” He was mindless as he slicked his tongue through her, against her. He sucked gently on her, twisting his mouth, his hands gripping her ass.

  She went from all fours over him to up on her knees. She reached back and planted her hands on his chest, arching for him. But this was different than when she’d arched for him before. Before had been a display of her body, intentionally arousing him with the pretty picture she made. This particular arch that she was doing that second? This was for her and her alone. This was Bex getting in the best position to chase her own pleasure. Atlas groaned against her as her hips started to grind against him. He had a perfect view of her slim body, all the way up to the bottom of her chin as she threw her head back.

  He suckled fervently as she started to shake. He let one of his hands slide up her stomach and grip her breast.

  His other hand found that hipbone, still wet from his mouth, and his thumb drew circles on it.

  She arched even harder, her knees clamping on either side of his head as he licked circles around her clit. Fast, faster, and then punctuated with a firm, endless suck. When she cried out and started coming, he felt as if he were drawing the orgasm out of her and into him like a long, iridescent ribbon of pleasure. The longer he sucked, the longer her orgasm lasted. She gave and gave and gave. Coming and coming and coming.

  She started to tremble hard, her body jumping with aftershocks. He finally released her, let up on that infinite suck, and she collapsed against him. Flexible as she was, her body bent in half as her knees stayed bent next to his ears and the back of her head landed hard on his thigh.

  They both breathed hard as he clasped an arm around her middle, hugging her to him. His very first hug with her, he realized. How insane was it that he’d had his tongue inside her before she’d let him hug her.

  “Atlas,” she whispered, rolling her head to one side and then the other. “Atlas.”

  “Bex,” he said back, a smile blooming over his hips. “That was the best thing that has ever happened to me.”

  “I’ve never—that was—how did you…?” She gave up and twisted her head to kiss his thigh, her nose nuzzling the hair there.

  She rolled off of him and he instantly felt the loss of her but he didn’t complain. Instead he just watched as she came to all fours, crawling forward. She planted her mouth on his in a loose, gratified kiss. She said something against his mouth but he didn’t catch it. He was lost in her. Spiraling away into the warmth of her as she laid herself lengthwise over top of him.

  He loved the
combination of hardness and softness that she was. Her jutting hipbones and pointed elbows, her slightly knobby knees. But then there was her soft ass and breasts. Her belly, her lips, her thighs. She was a dizzying puzzle of soft and hard and he wanted to spend infinity figuring her out.

  She rolled back from the kiss and covered her eyes. “You just wrecked me.”

  He kissed the hand that was over her face. “I hope that’s a good thing.”

  “Oh, god.” She lowered her hands a millimeter. “You can take whatever you want. Seriously. I’m yours. Just take it all.”

  He gaped at her. “Bex.”

  “No,” she said as she propped herself up. “That’s not what I mean. What I mean—damn it. I’m no good at this.” She dropped herself back to the bed and covered her face again.

  “Try. Try to explain.”

  She took a long slow breath and arched into the hand that he began to trace slowly over her side. “I mean that I don’t know how to have sex like this. I don’t know how to do to you what you just did to me. You just gave me… everything.” She tilted her head away. “I covered your mouth and told you not to say anything back to me when I told you I loved you. But you found another way to tell me, didn’t you? You were telling me just now.”

  His heart flopped to one side in his chest. He cleared his throat. “Yeah. I was.”

  “I don’t know how to do that.”

  “Make love, you mean?”

  “I guess.” She gulped.

  “Bex, this is a first for me too. I’ve never had sex with someone I’ve been head over fucking heels for.”

  “So… we’re figuring it out together?”

  “I hope so,” he said in a low grumble.

  He looked down and watched as she hooked her foot against the boxer briefs that were still bunched around his thighs. She pushed them down his legs.

  “You have really nice, um, man stuff.”

  “Man stuff?” he grinned. “Bex, I freaking love how prudey you are. Gets me so hot.”

  She laughed and he started kissing on her neck again, the taste twice as potent now that he had her most intimate flavor on his tongue. Suddenly though, she pushed his head back and it was her mouth on his neck now.

  “I like your stubble,” she said against his neck. “It’s like kissing sandpaper.”

  “And that’s a good thing? I could shave for you.”

  “No! No, I like it.” She licked at the racing pulse in his throat and made both of them groan.

  Her hands were everywhere and Atlas had trouble breathing.

  She laughed and he didn’t know why. Her head popped up from where she’d been biting across his chest. “Are you even aware of the things you’re saying?”

  He’d been talking? “Um. No.”

  She smiled and damn near stopped his heart. “I didn’t think so.”

  Atlas tried to be patient and calm. He had a lifetime ahead of him to have sex with her. He tried to remind himself that there was no reason to cannonball into something that was probably better off being waded into. But she was twisting and pressing her body into him as she kissed down his bicep and he had to grip the mattress in order to keep his sanity. They rolled to their sides again, facing one another. Her eyes blinked at him and he realized that their faces were the same distance as they were when they woke up in the mornings and she was looking at him. It sort of broke something in him.

  His hand found its way to her thigh and he pulled her leg over his hip again. Opening her to him. He couldn’t stop the words that tumbled out of him. Resolve be damned.

  “Let me in,” he pleaded, his nose glancing against hers as he moved forward to speak against her lips. “I promise I’ll make it worth it. I swear to god I’ll make it good for you, baby. Let me in. Let me in.”

  She pulled back and looked between his eyes. “You’re asking? You’re begging like I might say no.” She looked like she was desperately attempting to understand. To wade through a lifetime of experience all at once. “But you’ve already been inside me.”

  He groaned at the memory of her liquid hot channel. He had to make her understand. He didn’t care how many times he had to say it. He’d say it a million more. “Bex, every single time is a gift from you to me. And you’re the only one who can decide to give it. You hear me? I am never going to take it unless you’re giving it.” He paused. “But please, baby, for the love of everything holy. Give it to me. Let me in.”

  She looked at him for another full breath before she leaned forward and bit at his lip. “Yes,” she whispered. “Hell, yes.”

  She gripped his shoulders and rolled him so that he was on top of her, her legs wrapped tightly around his waist.

  He took a long breath and braced his weight on his elbows. “Condom? I bought, like, fifty kinds because I didn’t know what you liked.”

  She nipped at his lips. “I don’t want one. With you.”

  “Yeah,” was pretty much all he could manage as her heels dug into his back and urged him forward. “I just want you to know,” he panted.



  “For the love of god, stop talking and give me what I want.”

  He grinned, feral and turned on and happy all at once. And for a blinding, glorious second, she returned that exact same grin to him. Dazed, aroused, spinning, Atlas let his forehead fall to her collarbone as he hunched around her, pressing his hips forward. But once he was an inch inside her tight heat, he lifted his head, needing her eyes. What he saw there humbled him and aroused him in equal turns.

  She spread her legs further and their mouths came open in gasps of exquisite yes as he sank into her all the way.

  Atlas wasn’t aware that he was talking until he felt her hand clamp over his mouth. Later, he’d have to ask her what the hell he’d been saying. But for now? He had better things to do. For a long while, he just rocked against her, acclimating her to his presence inside her, attempting to immunize himself against the paradise she kept between her legs.

  But then her hips began to rise against his, circling. Her fingers closed into fists at his back and her teeth bit hard against his throat. Atlas was no dummy.

  He pulled out slow, slow, slow and buried himself into her again. That was all it took for their rhythm to swamp him, take both of them under. This was not the practiced rhythm of a dance, there was nothing artful about the way they moved against one another. It was ancient and desperate and unique to the pair of them.

  This was not for anyone else. Only for them, created by them.

  Golden light slipped and slid across Atlas’s muscled, arching back as he pumped into her, the slap of their skin against one another accented by desperate gasps of air against one another’s skin.

  He looped an arm under the small of her back and clamped her in place, exactly where he needed her. The sheets pooled and gathered under his feet that scrambled for purchase. He came to his knees and kept her pressed hard against him.

  His hands came to her hips as he loomed over her, her lower half pivoted up against him and her shoulder blades flat against the bed.

  But he didn’t want to be over top of her, taking. So he slid one large palm under her back and lifted her, so that she was straddled over his lap as he rocked back to sit on his heels. He tipped his hips hard, into her and saw stars when she swiveled on him.

  Her mouth dragged across his, halfway missing and Atlas couldn’t have loved it more. His perfect, careful woman was mindlessly making out with half his chin because he was driving her crazy with pleasure. Part of his soul started moonwalking, tipping his hat to the adoring crowd.

  But he wasn’t a god. He was just a man losing himself inside of the woman he loved. Pleasure started to threaten him, circling him, swirling closer and closer with every stroke into her. The bed began to creak and rock against the wall.

  Atlas was talking again and she was talking back, but he couldn’t hear any of it. Suddenly she reared back, her hands pushing at his shoulders and Atlas
complied without a moment of thought.

  She wanted him on his back? Done and done. He slammed himself backward, the soles of his feet planting on the bed. He expected her to ride him, but instead she laid out on top of him, her face buried in his neck, giving him her entire weight.

  Atlas took her hips and worked her against him, nearly blacking out when he felt her start to tighten on him.

  “I’m gonna go,” he told her, his hips jutting in shallow thrusts and his head lifting up off the bed only to slam back down. “Come with me.”

  “Yes,” she moaned, her fingers tightening hard where they gripped his shoulders. He pinned her hips to his and thrust fast, shallow, out of control.

  “Come with me,” he said again, dimly realizing that he meant so many things with that statement.

  “Anywhere,” she replied. Later, he would realize that she’d understood how many ways he’d meant the words. He wanted her to come at the same time as he did. But he also wanted her with him. No matter what. Forever.

  Come with me.


  Colors pinwheeled against his clamped eyes. His head came off the bed as she panted hard into his neck. Her fingers clawed down his chest as her body went tense, vibrating, every muscle pulling tight with pleasure.

  He didn’t hold back another second. Atlas let the tornado pick him up and shake him. He wheeled fast through the sky, his spirit as limp as a rag as pleasure transported him to another place. His lips pulled back as his hips jutted up, his hands pinning her to him. Their hearts raced against one another as she clamped around him hard and he emptied and emptied and emptied.

  When they fell lax against one another, slick with sweat and out of breath, they were both dimly aware of having traveled a great distance, of being in new land, with new rules, and a new future.


  Atlas rolled away from Bex but promptly tangled his legs up in hers. She was grateful for the weight of him. She felt like without that weight, her cells might escape their earthly bonds, simply dissolve away into the air.

  She wasn’t sure if she wanted to sleep or sing.


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