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Lilly: A Silent Sons MC Novel Book Three

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by Ambere Sabo


  “Gunner, open the door, man,” someone hollers from the other side. Their pounding fist only making my raging headache that much worse. Glaring at the bottle of Crown I downed last night, I walk to the door.

  “What,” I growl flinging the door open.

  Dash throws his arms up in defense. “We’ve got church.”

  Confusion takes over. What the hell is he talking about? “No one said anything about church last night,” I say more to myself than him.

  “Emergency session,” he says paying far too much attention to the wood of my doorframe.

  “Spill it,” I snap.

  “Look, man, I don’t know shit,” he says looking anywhere but at me. “Vic showed up here fifteen minutes ago in tears, and now we have church so bring your ass. Alright?”

  Panic sets in. Not even caring that I'm only in a pair of basketball shorts, I follow him downstairs to the chapel. The room is full of brothers all in a varying states of a hangover. Even Venom looks a little worse for wear, but my eyes search for the only person I give a damn about right now. Lilly. Scanning the room, she’s not here, but Vic is damn near inconsolable with tears streaming down her face. Both Havoc and Prez try to comfort her, but she just sobs harder.

  “Where’s Lil?” I ask. My voice cracking when a knot the size of Texas forms in my chest.

  Havoc's eyes meet mine. A range of emotions crosses his face, everything from fear to pure rage. “He took her,” he growls.

  The room grows quiet enough you could hear a pin drop before all chaos erupts, with brothers throwing out questions from every corner.

  “Are you sure?”

  “How did he get to her?”

  “What's our move?”

  The weight in my chest is too much, and my knees give out as my vision blurs. I failed her. I promised her he wouldn’t get her, and I failed.

  Moments with her flood my mind.

  Starting with how scared she looked the day I held her in my arms after they escaped Enterrador at Blue Bells. The way she peered up at me while I cradled her in my arms trying to give her all the strength I had. Her baby blues full of fear will be seared into my memory for all eternity. I swore I’d do everything I could to never let her feel like that again.

  The sheer determination she had when she challenged her brother with wanting to finish school let me know how tough she was. I knew then she wasn’t going to back down. She was going to graduate whether he agreed or not. I couldn’t stop myself from volunteering to protect her until she finished school. That day she looked at me with pure gratitude. My heart had never felt so full.

  Then my mind shuffles a new memory. Watching her dance around in her pajamas as she sang whatever song came on the radio that first night we drank together. And when the stress of finals melted away and she got to just be, the lightness in her warmed something inside of me. Witnessing the pure joy in her eyes as she laughed whenever she messed up the lyrics and erupted in a fit of giggles.

  All those memories filled my heart with bliss when we made them. But the last vision playing in my mind darkens all the previous ones. What hurts the most is possibly the last moment I will ever have with her. All I’m left with is the pain I saw staring back at me when I dropped her off at Vic’s last night.

  God, please don’t let that be the last moment I’ll ever have with my baby girl.

  “Did you have fun tonight, baby girl?” I ask with a chuckle. I know she did. Her cheeks have to hurt from how big she’s been smiling.

  “I couldn’t have asked for a better night,” she replies, before cradling her head. “Though I may regret the amount of malibu I drank in the morning.”

  “I think there are quite a few who may be feeling the same way in the morning, me included.”

  “I swear I even caught Rose with a smile on her face a time or two.”

  “Tonight isn’t a night for worry, baby girl. She’ll get better, I promise. Now let's get you inside before your ma thinks we're out here doing things we shouldn’t be,” I tell her, climbing out of my truck. Before I can make it to her door, she’s already out of the cab and headed to her porch.

  “Baby girl,” I start.

  “Don’t, Gunner. Don’t call me that,” she whispers without turning around.

  Making my way to her side, I nudge her shoulder ‘til she’s facing me. “You’ll always be my baby girl, Lil. Why would you tell me not to call you that?”

  When she gazes up at me, I can see the glint of the tears in her eyes. “Why shouldn’t we be out here doing things then, Gunner? Why won’t you just admit there's something between us? Or do I have this all wrong, and I’m the only one who caught feelings?”

  Without thinking about it, I take a step away from her, and she flinches at the rejection. “You know nothing can ever happen between us, ba—”

  “Don’t call me that,” she interrupts, the tears now rolling down her cheeks. “If all I am to you is Havoc’s kid sister, please stop calling me that.”

  Looking away from her, I murmur, “You know that’s not true. You’re my baby girl. But that doesn’t change who you are. No matter how much I wish things were different, you’re not mine to have.”

  “Look at me,” she whimpers.

  Her face is etched in pain, but it's her words that break me, “I love you, Gunner. If only that meant more to you than me.”

  I open my mouth to tell her I love her too. That she’s everything I could ever want in a woman, but I don’t have the balls to say it. When I say nothing, she nods and turns to walk up the stairs.

  “Baby girl,” I plead.

  “Just go, Gunner.”

  God, what have I done?

  Chapter 4


  Sitting on the side of the road, I hold my head in my hands. What the fuck am I doing? Where am I even going?

  Reaching over, I grab the note off my seat. This man and his fucking notes. Twice now he’s thrown my life into chaos with one of them, and I’m damn tired of it. My finger traces the words as I re-read his latest.

  My dearest Lilly,

  I want to congratulate you on finishing nursing school. I know how much hard work you’ve put in to get here. I’m impressed with your dedication. It’s one of the only reasons I let you stay in Austin. I doubt you’d ever have forgiven me if I took finishing school from you.

  Now, you’re finally done, and I see no reason why you shouldn’t be here with me. I’m coming, my beauty.


  I really wish I would’ve given the box to the Sons instead of keeping it. Maybe then I wouldn’t have gotten tipsy enough to say those things to Gunner. I didn’t need anyone else to ruin my perfect night. I did that all on my own, and this fucker made it all that much worse.

  I didn’t think about the consequences, my next move was out of pure fear. I no longer have the will to stay and fight. My flight instincts have kicked in and are on full run for your life mode.

  I have no real destination in mind. I just want to get as far away from home as possible. Far away from the man who wants to own me and the man who already does but doesn’t want me.

  It feels like I've been driving for years at this point. After only maybe five hours of restless sleep, delirium is going to set in if I don’t get some rest. I keep replaying it all in my head…

  When I got home, I couldn’t bring myself to open the box. It had been in the back of my mind for hours, taunting me. But I wasn’t in the right state of mind after Gunner dropped me off.

  Hearing him say nothing could happen between us broke my heart. I’ll admit it’s always been an unspoken thing, that there was no future for us. But hearing him confirm it out loud made it all the more real.

  Regardless of how fucked my life is right now, I need to try to get some sleep. Changing into my pajamas, I lie down in bed. The tears course down the side of my face into my pillow. Finally, when I think I can’t possibly cry anymore, I close my eyes to sleep. But that’s easier said than done. I toss and t
urn for hours before finally giving up, resigned to the fact that sleep just isn’t going to happen.

  I peer around my room, taking in all the details. My gaze falls on the box at least a half-dozen times throughout the night. My mind wars between sleep, the fucked up situation I’ve made with Gunner, and that damned box. Eventually, curiosity killed the cat and all that.

  Sitting down on the edge of the bed, I open the box. I can't contain the gasp that slips from my mouth as I draw my hand to my mouth. Enterrador really knows how to make a statement. I was right. It’s a ring box alright. And not just any kind of ring but a fucking engagement ring. A giant amethyst and diamond engagement ring. A gorgeous one, but that’s beside the point.

  Drawing back, I hurl the box across the room like it burns my hand. My stomach churns. Rushing to the bathroom, I lose all the BBQ I ate at my party. Everything expels itself from my stomach. When I finally think it’s over, I rest my head on the cold, tile floor.

  What does this mean? Before I even have a chance to process what's happening my gaze lands on the box nightmares are made of. A piece of paper has loosened itself from the top of the box. Crawling over, I grab the box, and I pull the paper out. My heart beats a million miles a minute and my fingers tremble as I unfold it.

  I’m up from the floor before I can even think through what I’m about to do. I throw whatever clean clothes I can find in my duffle bag and grab the basics from the bathroom. He can come for me all he wants. But I won’t fucking be here.

  I know Snoopy will be able to find me the minute the brothers know I’m gone, so I reset my phone and hide it beneath the mattress. If he can find me with it, I have no doubt Enterrador can too. Dashing from the house, still in my pajamas with my bag in hand, I get in my car and go.

  And I’ve been going for hours now. I have no clue exactly where the hell I am. I didn’t exactly pick this spot to swerve off the road. All I know is the bright lights of a hotel glow in the distance at the exit ahead, so that makes this place perfect. Wherever the hell it is.

  Chapter 5


  “Can I come for him now, sir,” she asks excitedly as soon as I pick up the call.

  “Why the hell would I let you have him before I have the girl?” I snap glaring into the phone. How dare she call and ask me this again.

  “But, but—” she stutters.

  “But what?” I interrupt. I don’t have time for this woman's shit. Not when I’m so close to getting what I want. Within the week Lilly will be mine, and there's nothing that damned club can do about it.

  “She’s gone, sir. No one has seen her since her graduation party,” she explains.

  “What do you mean she’s gone,” I rage into the phone.“How did you let this happen? You were supposed to know where she was at all times.”

  “She came home last night after her party but was gone this morning when her mother went to wake her for breakfast. They think you have her.”

  “I most certainly do not have her,” I scream. Unable to sit still, I begin to pace the room. “Did you leave the ring for her?”

  “Yes, sir. Just like you instructed.”

  Nodding to myself, at least she did that right. “And?” My question is met with silence.

  “Uh, and what, sir?”

  Squeezing the phone in frustration, I grit out, “Did she like the ring, you incompetent woman.”

  “Oh, I don’t know sir. She didn’t tell anyone you left it.”

  What? “Then why do they think I have her?”

  “Well...” she says pausing, “…because where else would she be, sir?”

  “I don’t fucking know. Where she is, is your job remember?” I seethe. “Or do you need to be reminded what will happen if Lilly isn’t mine?”

  “No, sir,” she whimpers.

  Fear for loved ones is always the best motivator. I learned that long ago. If only she realized she’s in more danger of losing her life than he ever was. Stupid woman.

  “Don’t expect me to hold up my end of this bargain if you can't keep track of one girl.”

  “Please, sir, I tried. I practically live with Lilly at her mother’s. I’ve kept eyes on her these last few months. Made sure she received every gift you sent and given you every piece of information I could regarding their plans for her safety. Please, don’t hurt him,” she sobs.

  “Find her,” I seethe.

  “Sir, she’s disappeared. What can I do for you here? With her gone, there's no need for me to be here. Please, just let me come to him,” she pleads.

  “He will not be in your arms until she is in mine. I don’t care what you have to do, find her,” I scream before hanging up on the damned woman.

  “Fuck,” I scream throwing my phone across the room.

  Lilly, Lilly, Lilly, what have you done?

  Chapter 6


  “He doesn’t have her,” Snoopy hollers as he barrels into church with his laptop clutched to him.

  “What?” Vic asks as her head swings up.

  “Are you sure?” Prez questions, looking hopeful for the first time all morning.

  “How do you know?” Havoc says, pushing off from the wall he’s been holding up for the last hour.

  Snoopy sets the laptop up to project on the wall, pointing to what looks like banking information. “Look, she used her debit card at a gas station in Amarillo. There's no way he would’ve let her pay for anything, let alone with her own cards. He may think he’s untouchable, but he knows I could find that.”

  “Amarillo,” Vic asks quietly. “Why would she be in Amarillo?”

  “I don’t think she stayed there, ma’am. I think she’s running,” Snoopy explains running a hand through his hair with a sigh. “It looks like she got gas there. Here's the surveillance from the station. She’s in her car.”

  The clip on the screen shows my baby girl in her pajamas. Without a doubt, she’s pumping gas into her own car. What the hell is she doing?

  “Her car wasn’t home when I got there last night, so I didn’t think anything of it when it was gone this morning,” Vic says. Drawing her brows down, she asks, “How did she get her car?”

  “Rose drove it home when she left Blue Bells last night. She only stayed maybe an hour after you left. But baby girl wasn’t ready to leave when Rose got tired, so I told her I’d drive Lilly home,” I explain.

  “Wait,” Havoc says putting his hand up. “Can’t you find out where she is by tracking her iPhone?”

  Shaking his head, Snoopy tells us, “No, I’ve already tried that. It's still here, at Vic’s based on the GPS. She must have left it in her room or something.”

  “Ma,” Havoc says walking to stand in front of Vic. Kneeling down he gently grabs her shoulders. “Did she take anything else with her? Clothes, anything?”

  “I… I don’t know…” she answers, wringing her hands together and looking at the floor. “Her room is a mess, but I just thought it was from her bringing everything home from UT, or from her being taken. I didn’t pay attention to much else after I couldn’t find her. I didn’t even see her phone.”

  Prez looks at me. “Gunner, go to Vic’s and see what's missing. You know what she has more than any of us do,” he says gesturing at my brothers. “Find her phone if you can. Check her texts, calls, anything. Maybe she let someone know where she was going.”

  I don’t even bother to answer him as I get up from the table and haul ass to my bike.

  He doesn’t have her. Thank fuck, he doesn’t have her.

  I make record time getting to Vic’s but stop dead in my tracks when I see her door. Enterrador may not have her, but she still isn’t here. We don’t know when she’ll be back or if he’ll find her before we do. I have no doubt if he doesn’t already know she's gone, it won't be long before he does.

  Striding into her room, I understand why Vic thought she was taken. It looks like she tore through boxes to find something before she left. Clothes are tossed everywhere, and that just is
n't like my baby girl. She likes clean, to know where everything is. She’d never leave her room like this if something wasn’t wrong.

  What the fuck happened, baby girl? Why did you run?

  Making my way through the mess, I take stock of what I see. It doesn’t look like she's packed very much clothing. Maybe a week's worth tops. I can’t find her purse so I assume she took that with her. Her phone’s nowhere she’d normally leave it.

  Frustration takes over, and I start tearing through her stuff— the boxes she had at UT, her luggage, her closet. I try calling her phone, but it must be on silent or something because I hear nothing. Defeat and anger rage inside as I grab the corner of her mattress and yank it from the frame.


  This can’t be how it ends for us. It just can’t.

  With my head in my hands, I slide to the floor. And then I see it. Her fucking phone. She must have tucked it between the matress and box spring because it wasn’t there when I checked under her bed. It must have fallen out when I tossed the mattress.

  Waiting for it to power on, I feel the first glimpse of hope I’ve had all day. That hope goes to shit when it asks me for my language of choice. She factory reset the damn thing. I’m not getting shit off of it but maybe Snoop can.

  Alright, what else can this mess tell me? I know she took some clothes and left her phone, but what else is here? Getting up from the floor, I check the bathroom. The basics—toothbrush, hairbrush, and toothpaste are gone. A few things from her makeup stash are gone, I think, but most of it’s still in her multiple makeup bags.

  Tearing As I paw through her room, everything else seems to be here. The only thing I can’t find are the presents that son of a bitch sent here. But why the fuck would she take those with her? Damn it, baby girl! Why did you run?

  Chapter 7


  Sunlight blinds me as I open my eyes to a too bright room. I barely remember checking into the hotel or even getting this room for that matter. Sitting up, I look around. I’m still in the pajamas I wore when I left Ma’s. I must have passed out as soon as my head hit the pillow. Now, I need to figure out exactly where I am, so I can decide what my next move is.


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