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The Handbook

Page 11

by H. P. Mallory

  “I would so appreciate it,” I responded with a saccharin smile, relishing the reaction I was receiving. “Just so you know, the book is called Women in Literature, A Study of the Female Character. I just wouldn’t want you to put it in the wrong place this time.” I took a step closer to him and ran my fingers through my hair as I eyed him provocatively. “In case someone else needs to … read it.”

  The sudden recognition that manifested on his face as he scanned my body from head to toe was priceless; however, even more thrilling was his instant ineptitude. He couldn’t seem to find any words to form a suitable reply. And the twisted confusion on his face was totally and completely amusing! I allowed him to sink more deeply into his discomfort for a few moments longer before I decided to spare him. “It took me quite a while to find it. I just wouldn’t want to put someone else through the same thing.”

  “I’ll make sure it goes back to the right place,” he said as he reached for the book and I handed it to him, being sure to brush his fingers with my own. “I’ll make it my own personal task.”

  “Thank you,” I purred as I smiled sweetly and then, turning on one of my spiked heels, I slowly strolled toward the staircase. I put plenty of motion in my hips as I walked, knowing that his eyes would be focused exclusively on my ass. When I reached the banister, I turned around and gave a little finger wave to my new friend, who I was more than sure would be willing to do future favors for me. He immediately waved back, a wolfish smile stealing across his mouth.

  I sashayed down the stairs, actually finding it a bit difficult to walk, given how tight my skirt was. But, I couldn’t say my thoughts were really focused on walking. Instead, I was beaming on the inside. The rush was even better than I’d anticipated, although I had to admit that teasing him was only small potatoes. Other men would be a bit more challenging; however, I was already enjoying this newfound confidence I could feel flowing through me.

  With the book returned, I made my way back across campus to the ZTS house with a satisfied smirk on my face. My world suddenly looked a little bit brighter. Granted, my paper wasn’t completely written, but I had a few more days until it was due and I felt confident that I was going to nail it. But that wasn’t the reason for my smile or the added sway to my walk. I’d done exactly what I’d set out to do, and it felt good. So good, in fact, that I couldn’t keep it to myself.

  “I have an assignment for you,” I said to Dani as I entered our bedroom. She was studying at the small desk we shared in front of the dormer window. Dani and studying didn’t exactly go together, which meant she was playing the same avoidance game I had for months on end. Yep, Dani needed a little boost.

  So far I’d done pretty well where my best friend was concerned. I’d introduced her to The Femme Fatale Handbook and in doing so, I’d managed to get her to dress the part, although her confidence and attitude were sadly lagging. But Dani didn’t know what was in store for her. She didn’t understand how truly valuable this notebook was, but she was about to find out.

  “You and I have some business to attend to,” I announced as I stood over her.

  “Oh, God, Nikki,” she complained as she shook her head. “I really don’t want another lecture tonight. I know you mean well, but I’m just not feeling it.”

  “Of course you’re not,” I responded with a laugh as I motioned to the book in front of her. “You’re reading an economics book, which pretty much ruins anybody’s mood.”

  “I can’t argue that,” she agreed as she sighed up at me. “But I’m just tired, and I want an early night.”

  “Let me tell you what I just did,” I changed the subject, still smiling from ear-to-ear. “Remember that nerdy guy who sits at the circulation desk at the library?”

  “Yeah,” she answered as she faced me quizzically. “The one who has an attack if you happen to talk too loud or bring food into the library?”

  “Yeah, him.” I took a deep breath. “Well, I just used him as my guinea pig.”

  “Your guinea pig?” she repeated with a frown. “What do you mean?”

  I shrugged. “I’m at the point now where I actually wanted to try this femme fatale stuff out on someone, so I chose him!”

  “You mean you put the moves on the circulation guy?” Then she started shaking her head. “If that handbook is telling us to go after nerds, I’m definitely not interested. Thanks, but no thanks.”

  “I didn’t put the moves on him, Dani,” I replied with a frown as I rolled my eyes. “And, no, the notebook doesn’t tell you to go after nerds,” I continued. “The point is that I dangled my string in front of him a little bit.”

  “But why?” she asked, shaking her head. “You aren’t attracted to him, I hope?”

  “Of course not!” I scoffed at her. “But, as with all things, practice makes perfect.”

  She cocked her head to the side, her expression one that said she couldn’t argue with me. “So how did it go?”

  “Great!” I replied. “He did exactly what I wanted him to—returned my book for me!”

  “Really?” she asked with a laugh as she shook her head.


  “Well, I will give props where props are due then, because he’s a notorious hard ass,” she answered as I nodded. “So how exactly did you get him to return your book for you?”

  I gave her a quick rundown of exactly what had happened, and then I told her how my unsuspecting quarry reacted. Dani laughed hard as she listened to my detailed account. In no time, she was in a much better mood than she had been when I walked in.

  “So, what does your interaction with the library nerd have to do with me?” she asked after I finished my story.

  “I want you to repeat my performance tomorrow.”

  “Seriously?” she asked, shaking her head. “Maybe he just has a thing for you?”

  “I doubt it,” I answered honestly. “I have a feeling he’ll respond to anything sporting a short skirt and cleavage.” She laughed as I continued. “The point is that you need to get out there and try. You need to get your confidence back, because the sooner you do, the better you’ll feel.” The more I considered what I’d just said, the more it resonated with me. “I know flirting with another guy is the last thing you want to do right now, but trust me, it will do you a world of good. You’ll feel better than you’ve felt in a while.”

  Dani looked up at me blankly for the span of a few seconds. Then she ceded my victory with a sigh and a little smile. She stood up and stretched her arms high above her head as she approached my side of the closet.

  “Really?” I asked with a frown. “You are the one with the shopping addiction, and my closet is the one you’re raiding?”

  She shrugged. “Looks that way.” She was already rummaging through my clothes as I took a seat on the edge of my bed and watched her pull out a few skirts, four shirts and a dress.

  “You do realize that there’s always a chance we’ll give this poor guy a heart attack, right?” she asked as she glanced back at me.

  “Actually, it’s much more likely we’ll be the fodder for his X-rated dreams later.”

  “Ah, gross!” Dani responded as she finished scanning my closet and returned to the bed. “That image is permanently frozen in my head now,” she continued as she scrunched up her nose in visible disgust.

  “Are you listening to yourself?”

  “Yes, I’m listening to myself, and to you too, which is why I’m about to throw up in my mouth.”

  I shook my head as I watched her put on one of my black miniskirts which she paired with a low-cut, red halter top. “You’re looking at it all wrong,” I started. “Don’t you see that you’re about to put yourself in a position of complete control?”

  “Well, yeah, I do. I guess,” she answered as she turned to the mirror and studied her reflection, rotating around to see how the skirt looked on her butt.

  “Your ass looks great,” I said as an aside before I returned to the topic at hand. “Give the guy a heart atta
ck, stroke, orgasm or lock jaw, it doesn’t matter. The point is that YOU are in control! You’re the one calling the shots.”

  “And that sense of control will help inflate my seriously anemic confidence,” she added. “Yeah, I get all that, but it doesn’t take away from the fact that I really don’t want to do this right now.”

  “Well, you’re going to do it anyway,” I replied calmly. “Think about the rush you’re going to feel afterwards.”

  “I already feel a rush, but I think it’s because I need to rush to the bathroom.” She eyed herself in the mirror again, frowning. “And there’s something about this outfit I don’t like.”

  “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink,” I muttered with a frown.

  “I’ll drink, I’ll drink!” she responded with a smile as she strutted to the door, intentionally throwing her hips out in a mockery. “But first I gotta pee!”

  Then she disappeared into the hallway as I wondered if my plan was going to backfire. What if she wasn’t ready? What if she wasn’t far enough into the handbook yet? I mean, she’d read the first twenty pages or so, and I’d shared other passages with her, but it was still new to her. Hmm, if this situation backfired on me, it could definitely set Dani back and I’d have to try that much harder just to get her to this point again …

  She won’t fail, I insisted to myself.


  The Femme Fatale Handbook

  Chapter Four: The Actress, Cleopatra

  “She was in the prime of life, and had a delightful voice.

  Caesar was spellbound as soon as he set eyes on her and she opened her mouth to speak.”

  –Dio Cassius describing Cleopatra

  We already met Cleopatra earlier in this handbook, and if you recall, I used her as an example to prove the fact that you don’t have to be beautiful to be a polished seductress. If you remember, Plutarch said her beauty wasn’t obvious.

  So the message is pretty clear, right? Cleopatra’s allure had less to do with her physical appearance and more to do with her character. Another thing to consider is this—two of the highest ranking Roman leaders fell for her, which makes it fairly obvious that Cleopatra possessed more than just a pretty face or a sexy body. After all, don’t forget the quote: “Show me the hottest woman in the room and I’ll show you a man who’s sick of f#$king her.” So, first point to comprehend is that it wasn’t beauty alone that placed Cleo in the annals of the most successful of female seducers. So what was it? Read on to find out!

  Cleopatra was well gifted in the arts of artifice. And this was the secret to her ability to enthrall not only Caesar, but Antony as well. She was, first and foremost, a performer. And it was this flare for the theatrical that imbued her with a sense of the magical and mysterious. Cleopatra was not only the queen of Egypt, but she was also the queen of making entrances. Take, for example, her first meeting with Caesar. As the legend goes, Caesar was in Egypt, meeting with his generals, when he was interrupted with the news that the Egyptians wished to welcome him with a gift. Caesar, apparently being one for surprises, quickly agreed, and in walked a man carrying a rolled carpet over his shoulder. The man untied the rope around the carpet and out popped a half-clothed Cleopatra. Caesar was instantly captivated by her.

  So what can we learn from Cleopatra? A lot.

  Remember that you never get a second chance to make a first impression! Granted, you probably won’t be able to interrupt any meetings in a rolled-up rug, but think in terms of making an entrance. Think of using the power of unpredictability and surprise! Most people are boring and predictable. Cleopatra was neither, and neither should you be. Instead, you have to stand out as something rare in a world overflowing with boring people who all do and act the same.

  Learn how to constantly change your appearance. Try to put forward the notion that you supersede who you are—there are so many sides to you that you appear almost to be more than just one woman. Cleopatra was adept at the game of unpredictability. She provided her lovers with constant variety through her various costumes, makeup looks and frequently changing hairstyles. She was larger than life—not one woman but all women.

  Have the self-confidence of a goddess. In order to borrow Cleopatra’s theatrical approach to sensuality, you must think about yourself along the same lines that Cleo thought of herself—as limitless and undefinable. You cannot and will not take no for an answer. If you worry that you do not have that self-confidence now, don’t worry. We will get you there in time!



  Together, we did an excellent job of dressing Dani up. After six different wardrobe changes, we settled on black, ankle-strapped pumps paired with my navy blue, form-fitted sheath dress that expertly highlighted every flowing curve of Dani’s body. With her busty Cs peeking out from the V neckline, I was sure she’d send Robin Hood into cardiac arrest.

  “You are rockin’ it in every way, girl!” I beamed, feeling undeniably proud.

  “You’re not going to hit on me again, are you?”

  “Maybe, unless you get out of here and attend to your assignment,” I finished as I swatted her butt while she walked past me. She was already pacing the room.

  “I’m so nervous.”

  “You’ll do great. Just ask for some help finding a book or something,” I offered. “And just as soon as you have his attention, dismiss him! Tell him you’ll get someone else to help you and then walk away, but remember to always keep your cool. Even if he doesn’t react the way you want him to, don’t get angry.”

  “Simple enough.”

  I nodded because it was. “More than five minutes is too long; got it?”

  “Got it.”

  “Okay, girly,” I said with a broad smile. “Do your thing!”

  Dani opened the door and started out into the hallway.

  “And don’t forget to use those hips of yours!”


  Twenty Minutes Later

  “Oh, my God, you were so right!” Dani gushed when she returned to our room. “I walked into that library like I owned it!” she continued, her exuberance infectious. I found myself smiling broadly and hanging on her every word. “And when I found the circulation nerd, I rendered him utterly speechless. His mouth literally hung open as soon as he saw me. I did exactly what you told me to and he was tripping on his words left and right! When I told him I could find someone else to help me, he actually got up from his desk and told me I wouldn’t have to!”

  That was when I noticed the book clutched beneath her armpit. “You actually walked out with a book?” I asked with a laugh.

  “Yeah, that was the one part you overlooked,” she answered, her eyebrows drawn in disapproval. “So I had to make that part up on the fly.”

  “What book did you say you were looking for?”

  She shrugged. “Any books he could recommend on the Civil War.” Then her eyes went wide again. “I can’t believe it actually worked! He’s usually so rude!”

  I nodded because I could believe it, because I’d also seen it happen for me. “In honor of you acing your first assignment,” I started with a laugh. “We are going out.”

  I turned back toward the mirror to finish applying my pink lipstick. My face reflected a warm, healthy glow that matched the feelings that surged inside me. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d felt like this—even before my breakup with Brandon.

  “But …” Dani started, shaking her head as doubt captured her. She deposited her Civil War book onto the desk and faced me with concern.

  “No buts,” I demanded. “We are both riding a high and we should celebrate.”

  “So this outing won’t be a further assignment, then?” she asked. “Because, if it is, are you sure I’m ready for this?”

  “Why wouldn’t you be?” I asked over my shoulder as I grabbed both of our purses and started for the door.

  “Well, it hasn’t been that long since I broke up with Craig.”


  “And I’m not ready to be out and talking to new guys … I mean, I don’t know, I just … the thought of that is making my stomach turn …”

  “Tell me, did you think about Craig at all in the last thirty minutes?” She looked at me quizzically before shaking her head as I continued. “Exactly, and how did you feel after you left the library?”

  She followed me to the hallway and moved out of the way as I turned the lights off in our room and then locked the door behind her.

  “Well, yeah, it was pretty awesome,” she admitted as I handed her purse to her.

  “See? So all I’m saying is that we are now going to celebrate so you can tell me all about it. You think you can handle that?”

  “That’s all we’re doing?” she eyed me narrowly as I nodded. “Okay, I thought we were going to a club or something.”

  “God forbid if we found ourselves at a club on a Friday night!” I muttered back to her as we started down the stairs and into the main hallway that led outside. “And, coincidentally, that’s exactly where we’re going—to Hardigan’s.” Hardigan’s was the happening spot on the north end of campus. It was the place to go if you wanted to see and be seen.

  “But there will be guys there, and I’m not sure I want …” Dani started as she began to lag behind me. “I’m just not ready to flirt yet.”

  “Where’s your sense of fun, Dani?” I demanded as I turned around to face her, plopping my hands on my hips while I started forward again, this time hurrying my steps. I figured the farther we got from the ZTS house, the less likely she was to turn back around. “Are you going to willingly allow Craig to keep you captive, stuck in this stupid house because you’re too afraid to go out?” I demanded as she chewed her lower lip. “Do you think Craig is staying home and feeling sorry for himself?”

  And that was the question that did it, because Dani’s eyes immediately narrowed as her jaw clenched and an angry rose hue washed over her cheeks. “He definitely is doing anything but,” she answered in a soft voice.


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