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His Human Pet

Page 12

by Stella Rising

  “Fuck you, you thrift-shop Thanos,” I spit.

  “Get out of my sight, all of you,” Forta growls.

  “No. The faction demands justice,” says Kaizel. “Make your parting from our ranks amicable.”

  “What do you want?”

  Kaizel hesitates, taking a deep breath, then makes his case. “If one of ours must live on Vakhsa, so should one of theirs. Is your use of this human concluded?”

  If Forta doesn’t punch this asshole again, I’m going to.

  “No,” Forta says.

  “You’re keeping her?”

  Forta steps in front of me. “I meant no to your proposition. You are not sending her to Vakhsa. You will not touch her. She is under my protection as my claim.”

  My vision blurs with rage and I’d be going for Kaizel’s throat if not for my restraints. They would send me to hell for something I had nothing to do with? Dad and I may have been wrong about Forta and the Dominars as a whole, but not these monsters!

  “I will alert the Council and Supreme Consul Tamrys to this exchange,” Forta continues. “Should any human be found on Vakhsa under suspicious circumstances, I will see to it that you and Bakan be reunited.”

  Kaizel’s face blanches to an even paler gray at the threat. “You have gone mad, truly,” he says. “If the faction will not have justice for Bakan, I will have justice from you, Forta. You attacked me on our home world’s soil. By right, I demand an honor duel.”

  “A what?” I ask.

  I punched him at that club, Forta explains to me through our connection. He can request a duel to settle the score.

  “He only did that because of the way you treated me!” I shout at the gray aliens. “He was defending me.”

  Kaizel rolls his eyes at me. “And he did so in the most human way possible: by resorting to violence at the slightest provocation. What a disgrace.”

  “No,” says Forta. “You acted disgracefully toward my pet. I should not have struck you, but you are not innocent. I accept your duel, with a condition: when I win, you will apologize to Melody, and to me, publicly. Then you will aid the humans on the prison world Cetaski for a year.”

  Baring his teeth in a severe smile, Kaizel replies, “And when I win, you will officially relinquish your ancestral home on Dokkedex. The world will be free of human filth.”

  “Deal,” says Forta. “Tomorrow?”

  Kaizel nods. “Tomorrow.” He strides past me and Forta, and the other aliens follow.

  “Come on,” Forta says, once they’ve rounded a corner and disappeared from sight. “Let’s go.”

  * * *

  We could use a guest room aboard the Dominus to rest, but Forta prefers to stay on his ship, which is fine by me.

  “I’m sorry for delaying your return to Earth,” Forta says as he prepares dinner. “I know you’re eager to return home.”

  Am I, though? I’ve had such a great time with him, it’s not like I’ve been begging to leave. Other than the odd caramel craving, I haven’t missed much.

  “Please. I can’t wait to see you kick that guy’s ass,” I say, injecting confidence into my voice. I’m sure Forta’s a capable fighter, but... what if he loses? Kaizel might be scum, but he’s not lacking for muscles.

  “I can tell you’re worried,” he says, bringing over steaming plates for us both. “He was right about one thing: I chose to attack him. That is not the Dominar way. It was fair to demand a duel.”

  I eat, a lovely plate of steamed vegetables and noodles. They taste fantastic, as usual, but I’m not in the mood. “How does a duel make things right?”

  Forta sighs. “Wanting to fight, to act out in violence, is natural—even for Dominars. But civilized beings suppress that urge and use discourse. Since I broke this practice, Kaizel is owed a chance to express his anger physically.”

  “Really? So, two wrongs really do make a right?” I ask, shaking my head.

  “In some cases, yes. Duels are violent, but they have rules. Law on Dokke allows it, though it’s rarely needed, or invoked. If Kaizel was as civilized as he believes, he wouldn’t want to duel. He’s a hypocrite.”

  I push my plate away, sighing. “This is stupid. Can’t you just apologize?”

  Forta darkens, setting down his utensils. “Yes. I could. But I won’t. The way Kaizel treated you is unacceptable; civilized or not, he deserved to get punched. I respect that humans respond to grievous insults this way; I’d be lying if I pretended otherwise.”

  My adoration of Forta and an icy fear wage battle in my stomach. I’ve never had anyone literally fight for my honor—the feeling is exhilarating. I also love imagining Kaizel toiling on Cetaski, serving the worst of humanity—the irredeemable terrorists, despots, and crime lords who were exiled during Earth’s invasion. He’d hate it—it would be pure torture, and a truly fitting punishment for the way he treated me.

  Yet, I’m also exceedingly nervous. “Your home on Dokkedex... Does he mean the ravine where we stayed? Is that what you’d be relinquishing?”

  “Yes and no,” he sighs. “It’s complicated.”

  Of course. “Forta, is it worth losing? Do you really want to fight over it?”

  He gets up and comes to me. Planting a kiss on my forehead, he says, “You’re worth it.”

  “Thank you, but seriously,” I reply, pushing him back. “I don’t care what that jerk says about me, and I don’t want you to risk something so important to you over it.”

  Forta wraps his arms around me so I can’t get loose; his grip feels good, his hard body hot against mine, and my heart races.

  “I’m more than capable of winning this fight, pet,” he says, kissing me. “And I’ll have you in my corner. My feelings for you will drive me much harder than Kaizel’s hate for humanity.”

  “They better,” I say, grinning. Pressing my cheek to his rock-hard pecs, I inhale his masculine aroma. I’m still nervous, despite his reassurance. “Is there anything I can do to help you prepare?”

  Forta lets me go and gives my ass a firm smack. “Finish your dinner, pet. Then you can help me relax.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  For once, I get to be the one teasing Forta. I do as he asks—I finish my dinner, but as slowly as I can. Savoring the delightful flavors, I make him wait. His cock bulges, eager for me to serve him, and he can tell I’m toying with him—he lets me, watching my every move. By the time I’m done eating, I’m just as turned on as he is.

  As I should have expected, my arousal doesn’t go unnoticed. Forta’s command for me to strip makes it even more obvious, as I can’t help blushing. Though he gave me permission to take the vibrator out of my pussy hours ago, I’m still sensitive from earlier—and despite the orgasms I had, I still want more.

  Of course, I have to work for them. Forta locks my arms into a box behind my back and activates the telerings to keep them there. Then he lays me atop his knees, my ass in the air.

  “Keep those legs spread, pet,” he warns, swatting my cheeks.

  “Yes, Master,” I reply, splaying my feet apart as much as possible. Dripping with need, I bite my lip. I can feel his solid rod against my side. I’d happily suck him dry if it meant he’d slide just a single finger into my drenched slot. Instead, he brushes a finger over my clit so lightly it feels like a warm breeze.

  “Stay still. If you make me slip, I’ll keep you in total chastity until we get back to Earth.”

  “Yes, Master,” I say again, willing my body to freeze. His finger traces a path around my pussy at a maddeningly slow pace. I could probably come if he just plunged it inside once, but he doesn’t. I squeal and pant, but I obey, not moving a muscle.

  “Very good, pet,” he says, rubbing my back. He withdraws his finger and spanks my ass hard; this time I jolt in place, surprised by the sudden pain. Warmth spreads across my skin, and I gasp, processing the sensation. Two more hard slaps quickly follow, giving each cheek a taste.

  “Thank you, Master,” I mumble, my eyes practically rolling back in my

  He chuckles. “You’re welcome.” He massages my cheeks, eliciting fresh groans from me, then swats my rear twice more on each side. “You’re going to miss this back on Earth, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, Master,” I reply. Do I really mean it, or am I just saying that because of the state I’m in? A month ago, I’d have argued the latter—now I know better. Getting spanked might hurt, but a little pain makes the pleasure so much more intense. How will I ever do without it?

  Damn you, Forta. You’ve ruined me for vanilla humans.

  He continues to punish my bottom, turning my cheeks bright pink. When he’s finally satisfied I’ve suffered enough, he drags me to bed and fucks all my holes until they overflow with his seed. I’m a sweaty, sore mess when he’s finished, but I feel much better about tomorrow.

  Forta sleeps soundly, a satisfied smile on his face. He looks like he already won.

  * * *

  In the morning, the blissful haze lifted, I start worrying again. Forta’s confidence doesn’t flag, though when I wake he is practicing throwing kicks and punches in a holographic simulator. He’s not wearing a shirt, and his muscles ripple with every move; it’s a show I could watch for a long, long time, but it’s hard to enjoy while knowing what’s to come.

  “I still wish you didn’t have to do this,” I say. The last thing I want to do is potentially hurt his confidence, so I try appealing to his sense of civility. “You know it’s pointless, right? Kaizel and the other Naturalists aren’t going to change. They’re only going to hate humans more. Hate you more.”

  “That’s true,” he says.

  “And you’re not going to change your mind, are you?”

  “No. This isn’t about changing minds, Melody. It’s about honor.”

  I cross my hands in front of my chest. “I don’t care about what they said, and neither should you.”

  Forta looks out through the ship’s window, out into space. “Many will be surprised I turned against my faction. Challenges to my motives will be made. I must stand by my decision. Win or lose, news of this deal will speak to my seriousness.”

  “There are other ways,” I say, though it’s pointless. He doesn’t answer. His mind is made up.

  Forta, you better know what you’re doing.

  * * *

  My stomach churns and acid rises in my throat as Forta and I walk to the small audience chamber on the Dominus where he and Kaizel agreed to hold the duel. For the sake of appearances, Forta removes my telerings; in unison they all pop open and float away like metal butterflies.

  “What’s going on?” I ask, grimacing at the pasty skin of my wrists. I’d had the restraints on for most of a month—I’d almost forgotten what it was like not to have them.

  “I’m bringing you unfettered—treating you as an equal. You deserve it,” Forta explains.

  It’s a nice sentiment, though there’s a mischievous look to him. “Thank you, Ma—Forta. But you’re really doing it to piss off Kaizel, aren’t you?”

  He grins. “That too.”

  I roll my eyes.


  “I promise to tie you up nice and tight when this is over,” Forta adds.

  “Thank you, Master,” I mumble, hiding a smirk.

  Inside the dark arena, two rings of seats provide space for a few dozen spectators; a circular, navy blue stage at the center sinks into the floor, ensuring all a proper view. However, the room is mostly empty: Kaizel arrives with his five friends from yesterday, while Forta brings only me. However, there is one familiar face waiting for all of us: Forta’s friend Moin.

  “It is good to see you again,” Forta says, bowing slightly.

  Moin doesn’t break his neutral expression. “It is my duty to oversee this contest. That is all.”

  Forta nods. “You’re upset about my decision.”

  “To leave the Naturalists? Maybe. It has given me pause, I admit. But you’re my friend, and a wise Dominar, so perhaps I will soon reconsider our stance.”

  “When this is over, come visit Earth,” says Forta. “I’ll show you both good and bad, and you can decide for yourself.”

  With a glance at me, Moin chuckles. “Finding me an Earth girl as lovely as yours would help.”

  “There aren’t any as lovely,” Forta says, taking my hand and kissing it. “But we’ll find you someone suitable, as long as Lonti won’t mind.”

  Moin grins. “She won’t.”

  I let Forta continue to hold my hand, but I don’t laugh at their exchange.

  “Enough of this,” Kaizel cuts in. “Let’s begin.”

  “Yes, let’s,” says Moin, raising his voice to gather everyone’s attention. “I am here at the request of Forta of Dokkedex to serve as an impartial monitor to this duel. Do you both agree to adhere by my authority?”

  “Yes, Dominar,” Forta and Kaizel answer together.

  “Then the rules are as follows: no weapons of any kind are permitted. Nanites will be disabled for the duration of the fight—no combat enhancement biologics or tech will be allowed. The fight will be decided by physical ability, technique, and cunning. Nanites will come back online upon the completion of the match, or in the case of medical emergency—the latter of which would represent an automatic forfeiture. The fight will take as long as necessary, ending upon a competitor losing consciousness or yielding. Both parties have agreed that direct attacks to the eyes and genitalia are prohibited. Would anyone like to propose any changes to these rules?”

  “No,” Forta and Kaizel say.

  “Would anyone like to propose additional rules or nullify any existing rules?”

  “No,” they reply.

  “Do you both now agree fully to the terms as stated?”


  Moin nods. “In that case, Forta, would you be willing to offer an apology at this time and obviate the need for this duel?”

  “No,” says Forta.

  “Kaizel, would you be willing to retract your challenge at this time and obviate the need for this duel?”

  “No,” Kaizel spits.

  Moin turns to the gray alien. “State your grievance.”

  Kaizel glares at me, then turns to Forta. “You assaulted me in public, Dominar. It was a criminal act, and I will have my retaliation.”

  Forta grunts. “Don’t you mean justice?”

  “I wish justice were possible,” he replies, his voice low, like the opening rumbles of a thunderstorm. “I can heal from being struck, but the blow you delivered to Dokkedex will never be undone. Your address to the Council did far more damage to the entire Naturalist movement than any physical blow. A stalwart of our cause, a proud member for thousands of years, has deserted his people. What’s more, he would stake his birthright—his ancestral home on Dokkedex—against his love for a people he has known for a couple measly years.”

  Forta looks at me, smiling. I smile back; if he can keep his cool through this man’s bullshit, so can I.

  “Has humanity corrupted your mind so thoroughly, Forta?” Kaizel continues. “If so, perhaps humanity poses a greater danger to the galaxy than we give them credit for. I hope that this duel brings the Council’s attention so that humanity may be reassessed and our intervention reconsidered. It is time to show the galaxy that Bakan was right. Forta, by law I must offer you a last chance to apologize, but I sincerely hope you don’t. I am ready to fight.”

  Moin and everyone else turn to Forta.

  “I agree with your final sentiment,” he says. “I do not apologize. Let’s do this.”

  “You may begin,” Moin announces, stepping out of the way.

  Forta doesn’t waste a moment; he lunges forward, throwing a fist that nails Kaizel in the face, just like the strike that precipitated this whole situation. Kaizel sneers, then throws a swing of his own; Forta blocks it, and the fight starts for real.

  The two of them unleash a flurry of strikes and blocks, each going for the face and body of their enemy. Forta lands a couple of solid shots to Kai
zel’s chest, but the gray alien stops the third, catching and twisting Forta’s arm. Forced to defend himself, Forta leaps over a sweep of Kaizel’s leg and backs away.

  “Humans have fighters of sublime skill,” Forta says. “Muay Thai, aikido, jiu-jitsu, Krav Maga... They would destroy you in a fair fight.”

  It’s another play to anger Kaizel, I’m sure.

  He doesn’t take the bait, though—he moves in and throws an uppercut that nearly connects. Forta sidesteps at the last moment, leaving him exposed to a cross that impacts his solar plexus.

  “If humans understood fairness, we wouldn’t have needed to invade,” says Kaizel.

  Forta responds by charging, barreling into Kaizel and knocking him to the ground. Leaping into the air, Forta comes down hard, looking to drive his foot into his opponent’s gut. Kaizel rolls out of the way just in time, kicking himself up and back into a fighting stance. He approaches Forta carefully, and feints a move to the right, only to punch hard with his left.

  Forta doesn’t fall for it, evading the shot and landing a devastating hook that catches Kaizel right in the cheekbone, knocking him to the ground.

  “Yes!” I shout, clapping hard. Watching my abuser fall, it’s hard to contain my satisfaction. Maybe I’ve been silly to doubt Forta—clearly I’m enjoying this.

  Kaizel gets up, his cheek bloody, wincing in pain.

  Not so tough without your nanites, are you?

  “Yield, Kaizel,” says Forta.

  The gray alien sneers and launches into a storm of flying fists and legs. Forta has to backpedal, blocking one attack after the next, but at the end he slips past Kaizel and catches his leg, upending his off-balance opponent.

  He’s going to do it! I’m practically hopping in place.

  “Will you yield?”

  “No,” Kaizel growls, shoving Forta back as he rises up. “This fight isn’t going the way you thought, is it?” He feints right again, getting Forta to look left, but then Kaizel follows through, getting a solid body blow. “You’re weakened by your sympathy for the inferior.”

  Forta delivers a hard, swinging backhand to Kaizel’s chin, but the gray alien rolls with it, driving his heel into Forta’s back.


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