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Hot Nights in Savannah (Hot Summer Series)

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by Sarah Jane Hartgrove

He approached her and quickly bent down to release her heel from the slat. Gently wrapping his fingers around her slender calf, he noticed that she must either run or exercise regularly.

  “Could you step out of your sandal and maybe I can get a better grip on it?”

  Stephanie stepped out of her right shoe and balanced on her left foot without saying a word. She was speechless except for that last little outburst that she still couldn’t believe she’d spoken out loud.

  “There, got it” Brain said as he placed her sandal on the pavement near her right foot.

  He rose up from his knelt position and came face to face with the beautiful brunette he saw at the beach. A slow smile curved his lips.

  “Didn’t I see you today down at Tybee Beach?”

  Finally finding her voice, Stephanie responded. “Yes you did. I believe you were tossing a football.”

  That was a start. She noticed him enough to recognize and take note of what he was doing. Good sign he thought.

  “Yep I was. You can put your sandal back on,” he said glancing down at her bare right foot.

  “Right, and thanks for saving my sandal. I would have walked the rest of the way with only one shoe,” Stephanie laughed nervously. She stepped easily back into her freed sandal.

  “Do you mind if I ask where you are walking to?” Brian asked cautiously.

  “I’m staying at the West Bay Bed and Breakfast,” she slowly responded.

  “By the way, my name is Brian.”

  “Mine’s Stephanie.” She felt like she was blushing! Just from telling a sexy hot man her name?

  “So I’m assuming you’re a fire fighter here,” Stephanie pointed to the station.

  “Yes I am. Ten years” Brian said with pride in his voice.

  “Well… thanks again for helping me out.” Inside she was begging for him to make a move for something, anything.

  “If you don’t have any plans would you like to go for a few drinks? I was getting ready to leave and go to a place down the street,” Brian suggested.

  Stephanie exhaled the breath that she didn’t realize she was holding. “Ok. I’d like that.”

  “I’ll have to go in and change. Would you like to come inside and wait? I’ll show you around before we leave.” Brian stepped aside to allow her to go first.

  “Sure. I’ve never seen the inside of a fire station.” Stephanie stepped over the medal grate and walked towards the open bay doors. She was thinking that he really didn’t need to change clothes. Those sexy fire fighter pants and tight tee were perfect.

  Brian took Stephanie around and showed her all 5 different engines and explained what each did. After that he led her into a living room area to wait while he showered quickly and changed.

  Chapter 7

  After leaving the station, Brian and Stephanie made their way 5 blocks to a local pub. The music wasn’t too loud so they were able to talk over drinks.

  “So you’re here for the weekend solo?” He really wanted to figure her out. A beautiful woman alone on a weekend vacation?

  “A little strange I know but this is exactly what I needed.” They both had ordered beers and she took a sip of her bottle.

  “I teach 3rd grade and this year has been very stressful so I planned a getaway for me only.”

  “Well if you needed it then by all means, you deserve this. 3rd grade huh? What age is that, 7?”

  “No, try 8 and 9 year olds” Stephanie said laughing.

  “Have you lived here your entire life?” Stephanie asked.

  “I have. My family is from here too.” Brian ordered another round of beers for them by signaling to the bartender.

  “The bed and breakfast you’re staying at. I helped remodel it back when I was in college.”

  “Really? I love that old house. It is beautiful on the inside and the inn keeper is wonderful.”

  “Mary Alice is a good woman. She has owned that house for 30 years.” The beers arrived and Brian opened hers and then his.

  They continued to talk as they finished their beers and Brian paid the tab. They made their way into the street.

  “Would you mind if I walked you back to the West Bay?” Brian asked carefully.

  Not used to a man being so attentive to her, she was stunned for a moment but quickly recovered. “Sure and maybe we can get to know each other better on the way.”

  Chapter 8

  Was there a double meaning to what she just said? He would love to get to know her better on the way to the B&B, at the B&B, and at his place.

  Walking out of the pub, he placed his hand on her lower back and her body responded instantly. She moved closer to him and arched her back slightly. Maybe things could go a little farther tonight that just walking and talking.

  After walking several blocks, Brian suggested they take a detour and stop at one of the many squares in Downtown. He loved these squares and the peaceful atmosphere that surrounded them.

  “How many parks are there?” Stephanie asked as they made their way to a water fountain.

  “There are 24 and we call them Squares. This is Johnson Square and it is one of the originals.” It was everything Brian could do not to touch her beautifully rounded ass or her silky hair.

  “So am I supposed to make a wish since this is the largest water fountain I have ever seen?” asked Stephanie and laughing nervously.

  “Sure,” and reaching into his pocket, Brian fished out a quarter and placed it into her hand. “All yours. Make it a good one.”

  Stephanie closed her eyes and a slight smile formed on her lips. Brian would have given his left nut to know what she was wishing.

  She tossed the quarter into the water and it made a gentle splash.

  When Stephanie turned she was standing directly in front of Brian. She placed her hand on his chest and breathed in deeply.

  Brian covered her petite hand with his tanned larger one and pulled her into him. “I’m not sure exactly where you want this to go but you are the sexiest woman I have seen.” Brian inhaled and waited for her response. He had never been this anxious about a woman’s pause before her answer.

  “My room is about a block away and I’m not sure I want to see you go.” Had she really said that out loud? She was scared to death they would end up sleeping together and he would be disappointed in her inability to have an orgasm during sex.

  “I really don’t want to go. Can I ask you something?” Brian was hopeful that his gut was right.

  “Sure,” Stephanie felt her world shift slightly.

  “The wish you made. Did it pertain to me and you?” Brian asked.

  Blushing and glad it was dark so he couldn’t see, Stephanie replied, “yes.”

  That was all he needed. The answer he was hoping for. Brian pulled her closer to him and wrapped his arms around her slender waist. Leaning his head down and slightly tilting to the side, Brian focused everything on her lush soft lips. He moved his lips across hers and tasted her sweet flesh. Then he danced his tongue around her lips until she parted them and allowed him to move inside her mouth. Deeping the kiss with his tongue, he began to move his hands down to her ass as she threaded her fingers through his hair.

  Breaking away and out of breath, Brian looked into her eyes. He could tell she was very aroused.

  “Can you take me to my room?” Stephanie’s lips were still swollen from that wonderful kiss. Possibly the best kiss she had ever had.

  “Are you sure that’s what you want? You are extremely sexy and I’m very aroused.” He made that point known by slightly rubbing his bulge against her thigh.

  “Yes, I’m sure.” Stephanie prayed that she wouldn’t regret her decision.

  Chapter 9

  As they made their way up the outside stairs to her third floor room, Stephanie couldn’t help but feel nervous and excited at the same time. The excitement came because Brain was the sexiest man she had ever seen. He was all male from head to toe. She’d never been with a man like that. Her few sexual partners were all men
that weren’t in touch with their Alfa male side. This is where the nerves came in. She had never had an orgasm during sex. The first orgasm she has, she did by herself with her fingers and a vibrator. Jeffery had blamed it all on her and she had eventually believed that something was wrong with her.

  “Do you have your key? I’ll open the door for us.” Brian suggested.

  Stephanie fished out the room key from her small purse and handed it to Brian. Their fingers touched and she could have sworn that sparks flew.

  Brian sent her a crooked smile as he unlocked the door and stepped aside to let her in first.

  “I forgot how much Mary Alice loves antique furniture,” Brian said as Stephanie turned on a lamp.

  “It’s throughout the house. I love it.” Stephanie laced her fingers together then smoothed her hair back.

  Brian began walking like a panther to her and the big bed she was standing in front of. “Well, if we break anything tonight, I’ll have to bust my ass repairing it,” he said with a slight smile.

  Oh lord what was she in for? He was approaching her and she kept taking a step back until her legs came into contact with that damned bed.

  “Are you sure about this because once I start, I’m not sure I can stop?” Brian reached out and rubbed his thumb across her lower lip.

  “I want this. It’s just that I’ve had problems in the past.” Stephanie was already breathing heavy.

  “What kind of problems?” Brian asked as he leaned down and lightly kissed her neck.

  “Well it’s just that I haven’t been able to have an, huh, orgasm during sex.” This was, by far, the most embarrassing statement she had ever made.

  Gently placing his finger under her chin, Brian lifted her face up to look into her eyes. “It sounds to me like you haven’t been with the right man. I think I can make up for lost orgasms tonight.”

  Stephanie’s knees felt like they were going to give out. Did he really just promise her an unforgettable night of sex? It sounded like it.

  Taking his keys, phone, and wallet out of his pockets and placing them on the nightstand, Brian pulled his tight shirt up over his head and tossed it on the floor. His tanned chest with a dusting of brown hair was ripped with muscles everywhere. He pulled Stephanie into his body and cradled her face with is hands. He angled his head down and touched her lips with his own. Stephanie opened her mouth for a deeper kiss. Brian caught her bottom between his and sucked her lower lip into his mouth. Then he began to flick his tongue in her mouth and rub his hands over her rounded ass. She was either wearing a thong or nothing at all. He was hoping for the latter.

  Stephanie’s head was spinning. She was lost in this very erotic kiss. It was so personal, so sexy. She had her hands on his chest and they moved to his hardened nipples. She took his nipple between her thumb and finger and rubbed.

  Brian broke awake from their kiss. “You are going to drive me mad and I’ll embarrass myself if you keep that up.”

  ‘Nipple rubbing. Check. He likes that,’ Stephanie thought.

  Brian began kissing her on her neck as he slowly unzipped her sundress. His trimmed stubble on his face brushed up against her soft skin. He pulled her shoulder straps down and revealed her rounded breasts.

  “Going commando are we?” Brian said as he rubbed her bare back.

  “Well I didn’t pack anything to wear with this dress so…” Stephanie could hardly think. Her pussy was so wet it felt like her juices were running down her thighs.

  “Mmm. I like it. Very sexy.” Brian said as he began to slide her dress off her hips.

  The white fabric pooled at the bottom of her feet and Stephanie stood there glorious naked except for her high heeled sandals.

  Brian leaned back and looked at her. His gaze started at her brunette hair and made its way slowly down her ample breasts to her taunt stomach and ending at her apex that was soaking wet.

  “You have the sexiest body I have ever seen. I’m going to kiss every inch of it tonight.”

  Brian laid her down on the plush bed and looked into her eyes. He gave her that sexy smile of his and moved his mouth to her neck. Kissing his way down her chest, his wet kisses followed her tan line from her bikini.

  He began at her collar bone and moved to her right breast. His kisses trailed down and underneath her tingling breast. Then he started over with the left side.

  Stephanie felt like she was grabbing on for dear life with the sheets on the bed. The attention he was giving to her breasts was making her pussy throb with need. She flexed her hips up and tried to create some friction.

  “We can take this slow baby. We’ve got all night.” Brian said in a muffled voice while he was kissing and licking the underside of her left breast.

  “I know… It’s just... Oh My God. You’re driving me crazy.”

  “Baby, I haven’t started yet,” he said with a wink and began kissing his way down her belly.

  When he reached her apex with is mouth, Stephanie was about to come undone. She had never had a man show her this much attention, give her this much foreplay in bed. She felt pressure building in the pit of her stomach.

  Brian’s mouth found her wet pussy. “You’re ready for me aren’t you?”

  “Yes! Please I need something, anything!” Stephanie screamed.

  He licked her wet lips and placed one, then two fingers into her opening. With a rhythm of his fingers going in and out and his tongue putting pressure on the opening of her pussy, Stephanie had the most explosive orgasm. She grinded her hips on his face and screamed out.

  Brian eased her down from her orgasm and lapped up the juices that ran from her. Taking the fingers that he was using to pleasure her, he placed them to her mouth. “Lick my fingers baby. Taste yourself on me.”

  Stephanie opened her mouth and wrapped her lips around his wet fingers. She sucked her juices off and moaned.

  “Do you taste good baby?” Brian kissed her inner thighs and made his way down to her knees.

  “I had no idea,” she said breathlessly.

  Brian stood and in one swift motion, he took off his pants and boxers and grabbed a condom from his wallet.

  Stephanie was watching him and was shocked when he stood with nothing on. His dick was bigger than average and she didn’t know if she could take him.

  Brian opened the foil casing of the condom and took it out. Looking at her, he wrapped his hand around his dick and began stroking himself. She had to look away because she had never seen such a primitive act from a man.

  “Look at me Stephanie” Brian said in a husky voice.

  She did as he said and watched him as he stroked his cock. Stephanie began squirming on the bed with anticipation of being touched again.

  “Tell me what you want. I want to hear you say it.” Brian knew she was ready for sex.

  “I want you” Stephanie said as she watched him in amazement.

  “And I’m going to give you everything you want and more.” He slid the condom onto his throbbing shaft.

  Brian began another slow, sexy pace up her body with wet kisses. He stopped at her left breast and sucked on her hardened nipple while he rolled her other nipple between two fingers.

  Stephanie was withering from sexual arousal. They hadn’t even had sex yet and this was already more that she had ever experienced with a man. He finally made his way back to her mouth and kissed her still swollen lips. He still tasted of her juices and Stephanie sucked on his lips and moaned.

  “You like how you taste don’t you?” Brian said into her ear that he started nibbling on.

  “Oh yes Brian” Stephanie was breathless.

  Placing his legs between hers, he found her opening and slowly eased in, filling her.

  Stephanie shifted to adjust to him. He filled her completely. She winced a little when his dick was completely in her.

  “You ok?” Brian asked bracing himself above her, perfectly still.

  “I’m fine. You’re rather large,” Stephanie said as she placed her hands on his c
hest and played with his nipples.

  “And you are very tight. I like that.” Brian began to move his hips slowly and his shaft glided in and out of her wet opening. He picked up the pace and began thrusting faster.

  Stephanie arched her back and felt the building of another orgasm. He placed her legs up onto his shoulders and had deeper penetration into her pussy.

  “Give it to me Stephanie,” Brian gritted between clenched teeth.

  Her orgasm began in her apex and worked its way up her belly. Stephanie was seeing white spots behind her eyes and she was momentary frozen in place and then Brian gave 3 more hard thrusts and felt his release. She let her legs fall back onto the bed and felt like Jell-O.

  Brian leaned over her and braced his upper body with his arms on either side of her head. They were both breathing heavy and sweating.

  Kissing her chest, he pulled out of her and tossed the used condom in the waste basket. Brian laid back down beside Stephanie and splayed his hand over her tanned stomach.

  “You certainly don’t have a problem in bed, baby.” Brian said with that wicked grin on his lips.

  Stephanie smiled and placed her wrist over her forehead. “Well maybe you were right in that I haven’t had the right man.”

  “When are you leaving town?” Brian’s mind was turning as to how he was going to spend more time with her.

  “Sunday morning.” Stephanie wished she had booked her room through the next week.

  Chapter 10

  The next morning Brian woke up in a different bed and a different room other than his own or the station. He certainly was accustomed to having sex with women but he always found a reason to leave and go back home. Waking up in another woman’s bed, be it a bed and breakfast, was a first. And there was advantages waking up with a beautiful woman.

  She was curled up on her side with that cute ass sticking out from under her silk chemise. Brian turned over to face her back and her rounded bottom fit perfectly into his crotch. He already had a hard on from waking up next to her but this spooning position had his dick standing at attention. Since it was 8:30 in the morning and he knew they would stop serving breakfast downstairs soon, he decided to wake her.


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