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Trust in Us (Forbidden Love Book 1)

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by S. M. Harshell

  Once I get to my house, I wait for Asher on the front patio. J is going to be pissed, but what the hell else am I supposed to do? She’s so worried about Darren and his shop, she’s paying no attention to what can happen to her. These are the big boys. This is the big leagues. There is no way either one of us can handle this shit on our own.

  I watch Ash park behind my truck, then walk up to the porch. I unlock the door and open it, immediately disarming the alarm. As soon as we walk in and close the door, I set it again. I’m not taking any chances with the DiMarcos. I have no idea if they know she is here, but I’m not going to risk it.

  Asher walks into the living room and sits on the couch as I put her lunch on the table and head for the stairs. When I get to the bedroom door, I stop and look at J asleep in my bed, her brown hair fanned out on my pillow. I have a moment where I wish this were a permanent thing. Hell, I’d settle for one night, but I know it’s a fleeting feeling. The only reason she is here is because I gave her no other choice. She doesn’t want to be here, be around me.

  Taking a deep breath, I walk into the room. I touch her shoulder, giving it a little shake. “J, wake up. We need to talk.” No response. I shove her shoulder a little harder. “J, come on. Get up.” She moans, causing my dick to twitch in my jeans. Jesus, I need to get her out of this bed. “J, wake the fuck up!”

  She jumps into a sitting position. “What the fuck, asshole? Why are you yelling at me?”

  “You need to get up. I have lunch downstairs. We need to talk.”

  “We don’t need to talk. I got this, Cole.”

  Clenching my jaw, I narrow my eyes. “Understand me. You got five minutes to get your ass downstairs.”

  I turn and walk out of the room. Maybe I didn’t have to be so mean, but fuck. This girl does something to me. Something I’m not so sure I am ready to explore. As I jog down the stairs, I hear her yell.

  “Fuck you!”

  I walk into the living room and take a seat on the other couch across from Asher. I never understood the purpose of a love seat. It’s too fucking small to lay on comfortably, too big to be used like a chair. Therefore, I opted for two matching couches. It works for me. I look over at Ash, who has an eyebrow raised.

  “She doesn’t sound happy.”

  “You think that’s unhappy, wait until she sees you.”

  Chapter Fifteen


  Throwing the covers off, I slide to the edge of the bed and grab my head. Holy hell, I have a headache. I reach for the Tylenol and water Cole left me earlier. Downing two more pills, I stand and head for the bathroom. Cole had left me a t-shirt and cutoff sweatpants to wear. I had to pull the strings pretty tightly to get them to stay up, but they are comfortable as hell. I look into the mirror. Jesus, I look like shit. My right eye is almost swollen completely shut. My lip is split and black with dried blood. Dark purple bruises cover most of the right side of my face. Gently, I splash some water on my face, then pat it dry. Sometime in the night, I lost the ponytail holder I had, so I run my fingers through my hair and head for the stairs.

  When I hear voices, I freeze. Who the hell is Cole talking to? If that son of a bitch called the police, I am going to kill him. I walk down the steps as fast as I can, considering my legs are still aching. When I get to the living room, I see Cole talking to someone I don’t recognize. He’s not in a uniform, so that’s a plus.

  He stands up. “Hi, J. How are you feeling?”

  I look over at Cole, eyebrows raised.

  “J, this is my friend I told you about. Asher.”

  I quickly look over at Asher, then back at Cole, who’s avoiding my glare. “The detective? You told him?”

  He stands up. “J, I had to. The DiMarcos are big time, fucking huge. We can’t do this alone.”

  “We? When the fuck did this become we? I told you I got this.”

  The thick tension rolls off Cole. “This became a fucking we when I untied your ass this morning.”

  Asher steps in between Cole and me. “This is getting us nowhere. I get that you want to do this by yourself, J. You don’t want to involve your dad. But you are nowhere near ready to deal with this family. Like Cole said, they are big time. Please, just sit down. Let’s try and talk this out, figure out who is stealing from your dad and placing you in danger.” He touches my arm lightly. “Please, let’s just all take a breath, sit down, and you can eat while we talk.”

  I take a huge breath, knowing he’s right. I am in way over my head here. Sitting on the couch beside Asher, I look at him. “Fine. We can talk this out, but I am not going to the station. I will not be filling out any paperwork, pressing any charges, nothing. If anyone questions me about this, I will deny everything. Nothing leaves this room. Understand?”

  Cole sits on the edge of the other couch with his elbows on his knees and his head hanging as I explain everything that happened. When I am done, Asher nods.

  “I understand why you don’t want to press charges, but this is some dangerous shit you are messing with. We have had the DiMarco boys on the radar for a while now. We have a man on the inside who is close to cracking a huge case for us. I can see what he knows about who is working at the shop.”

  “That would be great. I can’t let this get back to Pop. He trusts these guys like family.” I look at Cole. When he meets my eyes, I can see he is pissed. I don’t know if it’s because I don’t want Pop involved or because I still don’t know if I can trust him.

  Seeing my expression, Asher cocks his head. “You don’t trust them?”

  “Yeah, I trust them…some more than others.” I glance at Cole.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” he growls.

  “Enough,” Ash interrupts, smirking at him. “Cole, it’s not going to do any good to get pissed off at her, and J…” He looks at me. “Cole is the most trustworthy person I know. He is risking everything, including his freedom, by helping you.”

  “Ash…” Cole walks to the bay window and looks out the blinds.

  “I told him I didn’t want his help. He doesn’t need to help me do anything. I don’t need him ‘risking’ anything for me. I never asked for that.”

  “You see, that’s where you are wrong. Cole is the kind of guy who will not walk away when someone needs him. You may not trust him, but I’d trust him with my life. All I’m saying is you should consider it. If you want to know what he’s risking, ask him. That’s not my story to tell.

  “Look, I will ask around and see if I can find out anything. In the meantime, be extra careful, don’t be at the shop alone, and if you insist on staying at home, make sure you lock up. I don’t think the DiMarcos were necessarily after you. It just sounds like you were in the wrong place at the wrong time. But now that you have seen them, there is no telling what they will do.”

  I look over at Cole’s back. Can I trust him? I sigh is defeat. “Thanks, Asher. I’ll think about it. Let me know if you find out a name.”

  “You are welcome. Don’t be the hero, okay? If you need anything, Cole has my number.”

  Cole turns and heads to the door with Asher. I know he’s pissed, but I am not exactly sure why. I know I don’t need to do this alone. I know Pop would back me and fight like hell if someone is trying to take the shop from him. I hear Cole and Asher talking at the door, then the alarm beeping that signals it’s been reset. Cole walks back into the living room.

  “Are you done eating? You barely touched anything.”

  “Thanks, but I’m not hungry. I’ll just gather up my stuff and get out of your hair.”

  Cole stops at the doorway to the kitchen. “I still don’t think that’s a good idea, J. At least I have an alarm system here. You shouldn’t be alone.”

  “I’m not staying here, Cole. I’ll call Jules. She can stay with me.”

  “Fine.” He walks into the kitchen and puts my untouched lunch in the fridge.

  I don’t understand this man. I get that he is trying to help me, but why is he getting so angry? And what is he
risking for me?

  He walks back into the living room. “Let’s go. I’ll drop you off, then bring your Jeep out to you later.”

  “I can—”

  “J, please. If you insist on going home, I am taking you. I will check the apartment. You don’t know what you could be walking into.”

  I stand up and throw the pillow back onto the couch. “Fine, but I can drive. Just follow me. I don’t like the idea of being without my Jeep.”

  “Fine.” Cole heads toward the front door. Jesus, this man is exhausting.


  When we pull up at my apartment building, he parks his truck next to my Jeep. I take a deep breath and get out, seeing Cole already waiting for me. Without a word, he follows me to the front door, then up to the first landing. I pull out the key to the security door, but when I put my hand on the knob, it opens without using the key. I look at Cole, who raises an eyebrow. Great. It’s not like this is the first time this has happened. Sometimes the door just doesn’t shut all the way, but I’m not in the mood to explain that to him right now. I walk down the hall to my apartment, then unlock the door as Cole stands beside me. When I open the door, he steps in front of me and starts searching the apartment, looking for… What? The boogieman? I know the DiMarcos aren’t going to be waiting for me. It’s not their style.

  It doesn’t take him very long to get through the entire apartment. It only has one bedroom, a full bath at the end of the hall, the living and dining rooms, which share space, and the kitchen set off the dining room. It’s not big or showy, but it’s all mine.

  When Cole walks back into the living room, I’m already sitting on the couch. He sits in the recliner and looks at me.

  “What did Asher mean?” I ask before my brain has a chance to stop it.

  “Nothing. He didn’t mean anything.” He stands up and heads for the door.

  “Don’t do that!” I yell. “If you want me to trust you, you have to prove you trust me.” He stops and looks at me. “You keep to yourself, never really participating at family dinners. You’ve spent more time with a two-year-old than any of the adults. Just give me something.”

  He sighs, walking back to the recliner and sitting. “Regardless of what I tell you, you already have it in your mind that I can’t be trusted. What about you, huh? I’ve tried to talk to you, but you just give me the cold shoulder. I’m not going to beg for your trust, J. Either you do or you don’t, but guess what, sweetheart? Either way, you are stuck with me.” He quickly stands and is out the door before I can utter a word.

  I want to trust him, I really do, but I can’t. Doesn’t he understand that? Can’t he see how broken I am?

  Chapter Sixteen


  It’s been a couple days since I found J at the shop. We have opened back up and are operating normally. It was determined that nothing was taken that night. I have been doing what I do best…sitting back and watching. All the guys talk about who could’ve trashed the place and why, but none of them are close. I still can’t figure out who is dealing. Today is supposed to be J’s first day back, and we still aren’t on speaking terms. If I text her, she gives me one-word responses. It’s a great relationship.

  I am just about to start work for the day, standing at my toolbox, when Darren pokes his head out of the office door. “Hey, Cole, you got a minute?” he yells across the shop.

  I head over to his office, saying good morning to Nancy on the way. Darren points to the chair across his desk. When I sit, he says, “I just wanted to give you a heads-up. Your PO called to check up on you. He said everything is fine and you are checking in as required. Everything okay?”

  “Yeah. He told me to expect unannounced calls and visits. I have been doing everything he’s told me to do—the drug tests, the check-ins. There are no problems I am aware of.”

  “He said the same thing. He said he’d be around within the week. Just keep your eye out for him. I know you don’t want anyone to know you are on parole.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “All right, kid. Get back to work. How is that second plow coming?”

  “Good. There is an oil leak I need to pin down, but it shouldn’t take all that much time.”

  “Good. Go get it done.”

  When I step out of Darren’s office, I see J leaning on Nancy’s desk. When she looks at me, I nod and head for the shop. I hope she didn’t hear what Darren and I discussed. She will never trust me if she knows I am on parole for almost killing someone.

  When I get back to my bay, I grab some tools. I’m just about to start on the truck when J steps in. I look at her with a raised eyebrow.

  She clears her throat. “Um… Do you have plans for lunch?”

  “Lunch? Why?”

  “I think we need to talk.”

  I start getting pissed off. I know damn well why she wants to talk. “Do we now? I need to get this truck done. I told Darren it wouldn’t take me long.”

  “Cole, please. I realize I was being a bitch. Can we just get lunch so I can explain?”

  “Fine,” I say, turning back to the truck. She wants to explain why she has been a bitch? Great, but I am not going to explain what the hell is going on with me.

  I worked through the rest of morning pretty quietly. Mark stopped by to ask about a concert that was coming up and if I was going, but after my quick, one-word answers, he stopped trying. When lunch finally rolls around, I’m still working on the plow, changing out the oil pan. I was just about done when J walked into my bay.

  “You ready for lunch?”

  “As I’ll ever be.”

  “What the fuck is your problem? I am trying to be nice, but you are being an ass.”

  “I’m not being an ass.” I stare at her. “If you still want to go, let me go wash up first.”

  When I came back into the shop from the bathroom, J is waiting by the bay door. “Want to run over to the sub shop?” I ask.

  “That’s fine.” She pulls her keys from her pocket. “I’ll drive. My Jeep is closest.”

  Jumping into the passenger seat, I slide it back to give me more leg room.

  “Sorry,” she looks at me. “Jules is usually the only one who rides in here.”

  I nod. Once she starts the Jeep and we head toward the sub shop, she finally speaks. “Cole, I’m sorry about the other day. I was being a complete bitch. I know that, but you have to understand this is hard for me. I don’t like help…ever.”

  “I get that, J, but you don’t have a choice this time. The DiMarcos are after blood. I don’t want it to be yours.”

  She sighs and stares out the windshield, not saying any more. I watch her while she drives. She must sense me staring because she looks over at me. “What?”

  “Nothing. I am just trying to figure you out.”

  “Nothing to figure out. You saved my life, so I’m buying you lunch.”

  I nod. “Cool. I save your life and get a sandwich.”

  “Fuck you, Cole.”

  “I got time.” I smile at her.

  I don’t know why this always happens. We can’t have a fucking conversation without either arguing or her telling me to fuck off. Something about her draws me in, but she pushes me away just as hard. I’m getting fucking tired of being a yo-yo, but all I can think about is what her mouth tastes like.

  “You wish.” She flicks her eyes to mine as we pull into the parking lot and park.

  “You have no idea, babe,” I say, jumping out of the Jeep.

  As we stand in line to order, we look over the menu hanging behind the counter. The door is constantly opening and closing, people coming and going during the lunch rush. When she closes the distance between us and grabs onto my forearm, almost burying her face into my shoulder, I instinctively wrap my arm around her. I have no idea why she is getting close, but I can’t say I mind it. I look down and see her peeking over my shoulder, a terrified expression on her face.

  “Are you okay?” I whisper. She shakes her head, so I tighten my hold. �
�What is it?”

  She tightens her grip on me. “Can we just go? Please?”

  I pull her closer. “I won’t let anything happen to you, J.” I release my hold on her and turn, bringing me face to face with two men. I have no idea who they are or why they are getting this kind of reaction from J.

  “Well, well, well. Look at who we have here. Ms. Zona, it’s so nice to see you again.” He smiles a disgusting smile while chewing on a toothpick, looking between J and me. I ball my fist to stop from shoving that toothpick into his eyeball. He sticks out his hand for me to shake. “Angelo DiMarco.”

  “Listen, motherfucker…” When I take a step toward him, J pulls on my arm.


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