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Trust in Us (Forbidden Love Book 1)

Page 12

by S. M. Harshell

  While I sit, pondering, Asher and Jules walk out the sliding glass doors from the kitchen.

  “And this is the reason I bought the place,” he tells her. “I fell in love with the view.”

  She walks over to sit next to J. “It really is beautiful, Asher. Thank you for the tour.”

  I swear I can see a blush cover her cheeks. Are you fucking kidding me? He’s putting the moves on Jules while J’s life hangs in the damn balance? I sit back in my chair and level my stare at him as he comes around to sit beside me at the table.

  “Are we done now? Can we talk about why the fuck we are here?”

  “Jesus. Yes, Cole. I was just being polite.”

  “This isn’t a damn social call, Ash.”

  Out of the corner of my eye, I see Jules and J looking between Ash and I, like they are watching a tennis match. I know J is fine with the delay. She isn’t really happy about having to tell Jules anything. Whether she thinks she is protecting herself or Jules, she needs to open up about it.

  Ash clears his throat and sits forward, leaning his elbows against the glass table. “I know Cole gave me the highlights of today, but can you tell me what happened, J?”

  J takes a deep breath, chewing on her lip. She hesitates and looks at Jules, her eyes searching her friend’s face.

  “What the hell happened?” Jules asks.

  “Fuck, fine. Jules, you aren’t going to like any of this, but it now involves you by association. I’m sorry I didn’t say anything before, but I was…am scared. I got wrapped up in some shit that is now affecting the shop.”

  “Why am I just hearing about this now?”

  J looks down at her drink, then back at me. “Because Cole is making me tell you. I didn’t want anyone to know, but he is taking it upon himself to say who needs to know and who doesn’t.”

  I sit up, getting as close as I can to her without flying across the damn table. “If I were taking it upon myself to tell who I thought needed the information, your fucking father would have a clue as to the trouble we are in. Don’t put this bullshit on me.”

  Asher puts his hand on my arm “Calm down, man.”

  I lean back in my chair, staring at J.

  “You didn’t even need to be part of this, Cole. You took it upon yourself. I didn’t ask for your fucking help. You don’t want to be involved in this, fucking go. I got this, asshole.”

  I laugh. “You got this? Regardless of how many times you say it, it won’t make it true. Who were you trying to hide behind when we saw Justin?” I hear the audible gasp from Jules. “Seems like you fucking needed my help then. Besides, I’m not walking away, especially now that Justin and the DiMarcos know who I am.”

  “Will someone tell me what the fuck is going on?” Jules shouts, which silences both of us. I am breathing hard. I don’t know if I want to put my fist through J for being so damn stubborn, or if I want to throw her over my shoulder, hide her away, and fuck the hell out of her. Just the thought of J beneath me has my dick responding. I move to adjust myself while she gives Jules the full story.

  “Which brings us to today,” J says. “Cole and I just went for lunch. I don’t know if Justin followed us or if it was completely a coincidence, but he was there.”

  “I talked to a few people I know. As of right now, I can’t find any obvious connection to Z’s. I am going to need a list of names, J, so even if I find something small, I can match it up.” Asher turns to me. “I will check with my guy on the inside to see if they just have info on the shop or if they are after you specifically. Maybe they were just watching when you took J home after they trashed the place. That put you on their radar. You need to be extra careful, my friend. No going rogue. I don’t need to tell you this could have disastrous results for you personally.”

  “Tell me something I don’t fucking know. I can’t go back to that place, Ash. I won’t.”

  I look at Jules just as she stands up, her eyes full of tears. “Asher, can I use your bathroom?” she whispers.

  “Yeah, come on. I’ll take you.”

  J stares at me as I watch Ash lead Jules into the house. Jules is having a harder time with this than I expected.

  “That, right there, is why I didn’t tell her, Cole.”

  “If her life is in any danger, she has a right to know so she can protect herself. Same with Darren, J. You really need to—”

  She cuts me off. “No. I am not telling my father. Neither are you.”

  “Goddammit. Why do you have to be so fucking difficult all the time?”

  J sits back in her chair, pulls her feet onto the seat, and rests her chin on her knees, looking at me. “I’m not trying to be difficult, Cole. I’m really not. I…” She buries her head in her knees so I can’t see her face, the words muffled. “I’m scared, Cole.”

  I close my eyes and rub my hands over my head. “I know you are, J. That’s why I am trying to help. I get you don’t want the police involved, but Darren should know so he can watch his back.” I wait for the smart comment, the yelling, but she is so silent, I don’t know if she even heard me.

  Then I see it, causing an ache in my stomach. She’s crying. I watch as her shoulders shake silently. I may be many things, but I can’t sit here and watch her cry.

  Damn it.

  I push my chair back slowly. I walk over to her and put my hand on her back, sliding my other arm under her knees. Before she can complain, I sit and place her in my lap. When I wrap my arms around her, she buries her head in my neck. Her sobs shake both our bodies.

  I don’t know how long we just sit here, but the crying finally stops. I just hold her, rubbing my hand up and down her back. I put my hand under her hair and grasp the back of her neck, lightly pulling her head away from me. Her eyes meet mine. Staring at each other, we share the same breath—her exhale is my inhale.

  “Cole, we—”

  I cut her off, knowing she is going to say we can’t again. “J, I’m not asking for anything more than right now.”

  Her eyes close as she nods. My hand goes from under her hair to her face. I lightly touch my lips to hers. I want to devour her, but that kiss is enough for right now. I pull her to me and wrap my arms around her again.

  When the sliding door opens, J tries to jump off me. “Don’t,” I whisper, but she wiggles out of my arms and stands, wiping her face.

  Ash walks out onto the patio with his arm over Jules’ shoulders, holding her close. “I think we are done for tonight. Jules seems to be having a hard time digesting all this.”

  I nod, standing. “Ash, I’ll be in touch.” I shake his hand. J takes Jules from him and wraps her arms around her, heading toward the door. “I have to get these two home. I’ll call you when I drop them off. I have some thoughts on this whole thing that I only want to share with you right now.”

  “Yeah. Since talking with Jules, I have some of my own,” Asher says as he walks us to the door.

  Chapter Nineteen


  The ride home is silent. Jules sobs as I hold her against me in the back seat. I see Cole glancing at us in the rearview mirror, but I can’t meet his gaze. I feel too open, too exposed. Like he can suddenly see through every wall I’ve hidden behind. That he can see the me I keep hidden. The me no one really knows. Right now, that is the last thing I need. I want it, but I can’t.

  Cole drops us off. He’s quiet. The only thing he says when I get out of his truck is that he’ll text me later. Yes, I am scared of this whole DiMarco thing, but I am more scared of Cole. What he could be, what I want him to be.

  After we walk through the door, Jules slams it behind us, glaring at me. I knew this was coming. I knew telling her was not a good idea.

  “I can’t fucking believe you, J. I am so mad at you right now. How could you keep this from me? Me?”


  “No, J. I talk, you listen. What are you thinking? You are going to get yourself killed. If not you, your dad or someone in that shop. I know you’re trying to prot
ect everyone, but what about you? Who is protecting you while you are running around trying to save the fucking world? I love your crazy ass. I can’t even imagine what my life would be like without you.” She stops when the tears come harder.

  “Jules, I love you. I am not trying to save the world. I can’t let Pop know what happened to me. I have Cole and Asher helping now, but I won’t go to the police. They threatened Pop’s life if I did. I just need to figure out this whole thing.”

  Jules drops onto the couch. “There is no way to talk you out of this, is there?”

  “No, there isn’t. I have to do this.”

  “Ash told me so many things about these guys. How bad they are. What they are capable of. Do you really know what you are getting yourself into?”

  I sit next to her and take her hand in mine. “Yes, I do, but I have to do this.”

  “If you get in over your head, promise me you’ll stop and let Cole and Asher take care of it.”

  “I promise.”

  How can I let Cole take care of this? He has so much to lose. I won’t be the reason he could possibly end up back in prison.


  The next few weeks crawl by. I am always looking over my shoulder. I don’t know when Justin or one of the DiMarcos will pop up. I’ve seen them around town, just watching. I went into CVS to get allergy medicine, walked out, and saw Angelo leaning on his car three spots away from my Jeep. I stopped and stared, but he never said anything. He just smiled and got into his car, waving as he passed. I know he is trying to rattle me…and it is working. He’s proving he knows where I am at all times.

  I walk into the shop, not knowing what to expect. It’s Friday. Family dinner night. Pop didn’t have the last two, making some lame excuses to everybody. The boys have started asking what’s going on. All my life, we’ve missed family dinner maybe three times. To not have it two weeks in a row is unheard of.

  When I head for Pop’s office, I can already tell it’s going to be a trying day. I hear Pop and Nan in yet another argument. It seems that’s all these two do anymore. Knocking on his door frame has both of them turning toward me.

  “Hey, we need to talk about dinner tonight.”

  Pop holds up his hand. “No dinner.”

  Walking farther into the office, I shut the door behind me. “Pop, we have to have dinner. It’s been a couple weeks since the last one. Everyone is starting to wonder what’s going on. If you don’t want whoever is stealing from you to know you’ve figured out about the missing money, you need to keep acting normally. That means dinner.”

  Pop sits in his chair. “Shit. I have been spending so much time pissed off, I forgot. Yeah, it’s fine. Tell everybody dinner is on for tonight. Maybe it will help.”

  I look between him and Nan before I open the door. “Pop, I know you are pissed, but remember who has your back in this.” He nods, but doesn’t say anything more.

  I have about eight hours to figure out what the hell I am going to make. I’m sure Pop’s house is a disaster, too. I decide to see what the day holds to see if I can get away early. If not, pizza it is.

  When I walk into the shop, Todd, Mickey, Mark, and Steve are standing by the coffee machine, waiting for it to finish brewing. “Hey, guys. Family dinner tonight.”

  Todd grabs the carafe as soon as the machine stops dripping. “I was just thinking about that. Hilary will be glad. She’s missed you.”

  “Yeah, it seems like forever.”

  Grabbing the keys for my next car, I head to the parking lot. Just as I get to the Chevy, I see a dark SUV pull out from around the building and head in my direction. I freeze, knowing exactly who’s driving it. When it comes to a stop beside me, Justin rolls down his window.

  “I thought Angelo made himself pretty clear. He told you no police.”

  “I didn’t go to the cops.”

  “Just because you didn’t walk into a police station doesn’t mean you didn’t inform someone who works there. Angelo warned you. He told you what would happen.”

  “Please, no. Just—”

  “If I get any kind of feeling your cop buddy is snooping around, you will pay. You hear me?” He looks over my body. “I can think of a million ways to make you submit to me…again.” He licks his lips. I can feel the bile rise in my throat. “I will make you beg, you can bet your sweet ass on that. I can’t wait to hear those words come from your perfect lips. You’ll be begging me to sink my dick into you again.”

  Seeing Cole pulling into the lot, I step back from the SUV. Justin smiles at me again. “I’ll see you around, J.” He pulls away and onto the street.

  I feel like my legs are going to give out. I bend over, putting my hands on my knees. I feel dizzy, my heart’s racing, and my thoughts are all over the place. I hear boots on the gravel coming toward me. I stand quickly.

  “What’s wrong? Who was that?” Cole asks.

  “Justin,” I say, starting to shake.

  Cole pulls me to him. “Just take deep breaths. You’re going to hyperventilate. In and out slowly, J.”

  “No,” I say, pushing against his chest. He told Asher. They are going to do God knows what and it’s all his fault. “This is your fault.” I push him again.

  Cole lets me step away, and I immediately miss his warmth. “My fault?”

  “You are the one who told Asher. They know. They know Asher knows. They know he’s a detective. You did this.”

  “What did he say, J?” I shake my head. I can’t trust him. I have to do this alone. When I don’t answer, he walks over to me and grabs my arms. “What did he fucking say?”

  “He said… He said he’d love to see me submit again. That he’d love to see me beg.” I feel the bile rise in my throat. He didn’t outright say he was going to rape me, but all the implications were there.

  Cole’s nostrils flare, his breathing heavy. His hands fall from my arms and ball into fists as he starts pacing the lot. Just as he turns to say something, Todd appears at the door.

  “Everything okay out here?”

  I look at Cole, my eyes meeting his. I don’t think I have seen him this pissed off. He turns and walks away, climbs into his truck, and squeals out of the lot. I watch him leave, then turn back to Todd.

  “Uh, yeah. Everything is fine. Cole and I…just had a little disagreement.” I can tell by the look on Todd’s face he doesn’t believe anything I just said.

  Chapter Twenty


  “Thompson,” Asher says when he answers the phone.

  “Ash, we need to talk.”

  “What’s up, Cole? I’m just finishing up.”

  “Meet me at Joe’s Java in twenty. We have some major fucking problems.”

  “On it.” He disconnects.

  I swing my truck into Joe’s parking lot. I know it’s no secret that Asher and I are friends, but the fact the DiMarcos know so much really pisses me off.

  I grab a coffee and sit at a table outside to wait. It isn’t long before I see Asher pull into the lot. He heads for me, stopping to let me know he’s going to grab a coffee first.

  I am so pissed, I can’t see straight. The fucking DiMarcos and Justin think they are untouchable. How long are they going to keep fucking with J? How much more can she take?

  “What’s up, man?” Asher says, sitting down across from me.

  “J had another run-in with Justin at the shop. He caught her in the parking lot and told her they know she’s been to the police.”

  “They know I know. They are keeping a tighter watch on her and the shop than I thought.”

  “Have you said anything to anyone about all this?”

  “Other than telling Ace, another detective, the names from the shop, I haven’t said anything. I don’t think this is coming from my side, Cole. I think the DiMarco’s reach is huge. They have tons of people working for them, and with Justin’s past with J, I think she is being watched very carefully.”

  I slam my hand on the table, almost spilling both our coffees. “Fuck,
Ash. What the hell am I supposed to do? I can’t just sit back and watch. Something has to give before I fucking lose it.”


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