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Trust in Us (Forbidden Love Book 1)

Page 15

by S. M. Harshell

  “Then why was he here when you needed him the most?” Nan asks as she walks into the room. I spin around, not realizing her visit with Pop is over already.

  “I… Nan… He…” I don’t even know what to say.

  “I saw how that boy cared for you. He may be locked up tight, but he was the strength you needed to get through last night.”

  “Nan, it’s not like that. He isn’t looking for a relationship.” I clear my throat. “Neither am I, especially now.”

  She steps in front of me, putting her fingers under my chin, pulling my face up to look at her. “Don’t let your own fears get in the way of what could be. The past is the past. He isn’t Justin. He may not be the one, but don’t run from what could be. You deserve to be happy.”

  With tears in my eyes, I nod as she rubs my cheek. What would I do without this woman in my life? I really don’t think I would have made it through the mess with Justin without her by my side.

  She moves to sit back in the chair by the wall just as a family comes walking into the waiting room looking like I must have last night. Their eyes are filled with tears and they look devastated.

  The doctor is supposed to be in to give me an update after he finishes his rounds. I bounce my leg while I wait, staring at the clock, trying not to make eye contact with the broken family. I have enough of my own shit going on to worry about them and their situation. Is it bitchy of me? Probably, but I don’t care. I try not to listen when their doctor comes in to tell them that the chances of the seventeen-year-old kid regaining consciousness isn’t good. Apparently, he was in the wrong place at the wrong time when he was shot.


  After the doctor walks away, Jules stands. “I need to go. I have a client at ten. I’ll be back later to check on you. Do you need anything?”

  “No, I’m good. Thank you,” I say, hugging her. “Be careful, please. I don’t know what Justin and the DiMarcos are capable of.”

  “I will. I love you. Give Papa Bear a kiss for me next time you go in.”

  I nod and watch her walk out the door. I know her wanting to leave has nothing to do with her having a client and everything to do with the doctor coming in to talk to that family. She has spent more than her fair share of time in waiting rooms after her dad’s stroke. I am honestly surprised she even came here. I wouldn’t have blamed her if she didn’t. I know how much she hates hospitals.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  “Mikey, when is the last time you changed the oil in this thing?” I ask, looking over the tire at him. I have his bike on the lift and am doing my best to find out what caused the wreck. The Harley is a mangled mess. How Darren didn’t die, I have no idea. I have been over every inch of this thing and have found nothing so far. I literally have it in pieces in front of me. I’m about to give up when I notice something. There should be about three quarts of oil, depending on when Mikey changed it last, but from what I can see, there is less than a half-quart. There is no way this bike could keep running on that.

  “Maybe a month ago. I haven’t really had time to ride it lately. I change it every three thousand miles, but I haven’t even put three hundred on since the last oil change. Why? What’s wrong with it?”

  “Well, the fact there isn’t any is sort of a problem.”

  “What? Did the crank crack when he wrecked and it leaked?”

  “No. It’s completely intact. That was the first thing I checked.” Fuck, if someone drained the oil, it could be the cause of the wreck. Someone knew what they were doing.

  I turned and looked around the shop, suspecting everyone and no one at the same time. Todd’s dealing with a customer issue that I’m pretty sure Mikey caused. Steve’s busy replacing a bad tire. Dutch is changing someone’s oil. Everywhere I look, the guys seem busy. No one is too interested in what I’m doing. I know they are all concerned about Darren, but no one appears worried about the outcome of my inspection. I do notice Mark standing off to the side. He’s been checking his phone constantly today.

  I decide now is a good time for my fiftieth cup of coffee. I need to eat and sleep soon. I am running on fumes at this point. I head to the kitchen to grab some potato chips out of the vending machine to hold me until I can get some real food in my system. I stand at the counter, dumping the chips into my mouth. Dirty hands plus small bag of food… Don’t judge.


  I turn to see Mark standing in the doorway, looking at his phone, running his hand through his hair.

  “Everything okay, man? You’ve been staring at that thing all day,” I say, tossing the empty bag into the trash.

  “No... Things are all kinds of fucked up. I have to go.” He turns and runs out of the room and out the bay door. Whatever is going on must be important.

  Todd meets me back by the bike. “Any theories yet?”

  “The only thing I’ve been able to come up with is there is no oil. I need to find out where they were last night, maybe even see if Darren noticed something. Mikey swears he changed it about a month ago. I checked for cracks, a leak, anything, but it’s not adding up, Todd.”

  “Darren rides better than anyone. He would have noticed something, but he never would have thought to check the oil once he parked it. Who would? Any idea what is going on?”

  “I… Yeah, I think I do, and I’m not liking it one fucking bit.”

  “Something I should know?”

  “Just keep an eye out. I don’t think this is an isolated incident. Hey, did you see Mark run out of here a little while ago?”

  “Did he fucking leave?” Todd throws his arms in the air. “It’s not like it matters. He’s been useless all day.”

  “He was all pissed off after he saw something on his phone.”

  “Motherfucker doesn’t even have enough respect to tell me he’s leaving. Darren needs to do something about that jackass when he gets back. He’s a waste of space.”

  I nod, not realizing Mark was such an issue. “Listen, I’m done, so I’m going to head home. I need sleep in a bad way.”

  “I’m impressed you made it this long. You’ve been up since one. If I hear anything about Darren, I’ll text you.”

  “I’m going to stop by there on my way home.”

  Todd smirks. “Of course you are. Tell them I’ll be over after I close up shop.”

  Shit. I forgot I left my truck with J. There is no way I’m taking her Jeep with that tracker on it.

  “Hey, you mind if Mikey gives me a ride over to the hospital? I forgot J has my truck.”

  “Sure, no problem. I’ll send him out.”

  “Thanks, man,” I say to his retreating back. He waves over his head without turning.


  Walking down the hallway, the only sound is my boots echoing off the walls with each step I take. There is so much I need to tell J about what I found. Yeah, I could have texted her, but I’m being selfish and need to see her, make sure she’s okay.

  When I get to the ICU waiting room, I look in the glass window before I open the door and see J curled up in the corner of the couch, her eyes closed. She must be exhausted. Nan is sitting beside her, reading a magazine. I open the door and Nan looks up.

  “Hey,” I say in a low voice, not wanting to wake J.

  “Hey, Cole.”

  “I wanted to stop on my way home to see how everything was.”

  “How’s the shop? I called once this morning and heard ‘Z’s Service. What’s up?’ I almost went through the phone.”

  I grin, sitting in the chair closest to J. “It’s fine. Todd’s got a plan for the rest of the time you’ll be out. Mikey was, um…overwhelmed with your job. Todd has Dutch’s wife coming in to cover.”

  “Oh, thank God.”

  “Any updates?” I ask, looking at J sleeping.

  “You can wake her. She’s been out almost an hour. It’s time for me to go in and check on him anyway.”

  “She looks exhausted. I don’t want to disturb her. I’ll just sit
here until you get back.”

  “Cole, wake her. She’ll be pissed if you don’t.” She stands and heads for the door.

  I move to where she was sitting. I throw my arm over the back of the couch and move my other hand up her leg to her hip, giving her a little shake.

  She jumps at the contact and turns to see me sitting next to her. “Oh, hi.”

  Leaving my hand on her hip, I give a little squeeze. “How you holding up?”

  “I’ve been better. There’s been no change. The doctor says that’s a good sign and at least he isn’t getting worse.” She sits up and leans into my side. “Did you find out anything?”

  “I did.” I look around the waiting room. “When I go to leave, maybe you can walk me out and we’ll talk.”

  “Okay,” she says, nodding. “You didn’t have to come. You look exhausted.”

  “I’m okay. Sleep will be in the near future, but I couldn’t go home without checking on you first. Did you eat today?”

  “Yeah. Nan forced me to go to the cafeteria, making sure the nurses knew where we were, just in case.”

  “Good.” I move my arm off the back of the couch and wrap it around her shoulders, pulling her just a little closer.

  We sit like this for a while before J sighs. “I don’t know if it’s because I am so emotional right now or because I’m exhausted, but I am really glad you’re here, Cole.” She places her hand on my thigh, snuggling closer.

  “I’m here if you need me. You know that, right?”

  She lays her head on my shoulder and whispers, “Yeah, I do.”

  J takes an interest in the seam on the inside leg of my jeans. She runs her finger over it again and again. I lean my head back against the wall, content, the motion of her rubbing my leg lulling me to sleep in an instant.


  “Cole,” I hear with a shake to my leg. I jump, having no idea where I am, what time it is. Did I sleep for ten minutes or ten hours? I look around and see J beside me, staring, a little smile on her face. Man, she’s beautiful.

  “What?” I say, clearing my throat.

  “I know how tired you are. I am sorry I had to wake you up, but you were snoring so loudly, they could hear you in the hall.” She laughs

  “I was not snoring,” I say, leaning my head back, crossing my arms over my chest.

  The door opens and closes. I hear a woman say something about the lumberjack waking up. When I hear J laugh, I open one eye and look in her direction. “See. It wasn’t just me saying that.” She starts laughing so hard, she isn’t making any noise. Her shoulders shake, she’s bent in half, covering her face. I just shake my head and close my eye again, until I hear the entire waiting room me.

  “All right. Glad to see I can give you all some comic relief,” I say, standing. J is trying to get herself under control, wiping the tears from her eyes. “Walk me out.”

  “Yeah, sure,” she says, trying to stop the giggles.

  I should be pissed, but how can I when she needs a little laughter right now. In comfortable silence, we walk out of the hospital toward the parking garage. When we get to my truck, I lean against the door, crossing my arms over my chest. She stops in front of me.

  “I don’t like that look. Should I be worried? And where the hell is my Jeep?” she asks, looking around the parking garage.

  “It’s not good, but I don’t think anyone suspects the bike was tampered with, other than us, and I don’t think DiMarco even realizes we know, which is a plus. J, I found a tracker on your Jeep. That’s how they always know where you are.” When she starts looking around, I shake my head. “I left it at the shop. I didn’t want you driving around in it.”

  “Son of a bitch? How did the tracker get there?”

  “It could have happened anywhere you had it parked—the gym, a restaurant, Mac’s. It would’ve only taken a second to place it on there.”

  The more I explain, the more she rubs her head. I know she can’t take much more. She’s on the verge of cracking. What I have to tell her about the bike just might push her there.

  “And the bike?”

  I reach out and grab her arms, not knowing how she is going to take the fact that Darren’s accident wasn’t an accident. “Someone fucked with it. They drained the oil. It could have maybe gone a few miles with what was in there.”

  She sucks in a breath. “Holy fuck, Cole. It’s a wonder he didn’t die. Oh, my god. This is my fault.” She starts pacing back and forth in front of me. “Don’t you see? This was because I went to Asher! They knew. Justin told me they knew. This is all my fault. What am I going to do? I don’t know what they want. I don’t have the money they keep asking for.”

  I reach out and grab her arm, stopping her pacing. “J, this isn’t on you. Justin and the DiMarcos did this. It wasn’t you,” I say, pulling her into my arms. I don’t know what else to say to her, but she is so far into her own head, she isn’t even hearing me. She just keeps mumbling over and over. I rub one hand down her back, the other cupping the back of her neck, forcing her to look at me. “Enough. You didn’t do this.”

  “Cole, I—”

  I tighten my hold on her and look into her eyes. “You…did…not…do…this. This is all on them.” Her eyes go wide as she nods. “Since Nan isn’t going anywhere any time soon, I am going to take the truck home to sleep. Once I get a few hours and some food, I’ll be back. If you need me for anything, J, call me.”

  She steps back and puts her hands on her hips. There she is. That’s the J I know. The fighter, the stubborn as hell, tough ass woman. “I’ll be fine. I’ve got Nan. We aren’t leaving until we know Pop is out of the worst of it.”

  “If you want me to stop at your place to pick up anything, text me, okay?” She nods and looks at a truck pulling into the garage.

  I sigh when I see it’s Todd and Hilary, knowing she’ll be safe. I pull on J’s arm, making her look back at me. “Walk back up with them. I’ll text you later.” Without thinking, I pull her in and wrap my arms around her. I feel her tense, then return the embrace. I kiss the top of her head. “Call me if you need me.” She nods and tightens her arms before stepping back.

  Hilary sees J and rushes to her side. “Oh, sweetie. I’m so sorry. What are the doctors saying?”

  While they talk, Todd walks over and shakes my hand. “Hey, man.”

  “Do me a favor and keep an eye on her, would you?”

  “Yeah, no problem.”

  I pat him on the shoulder as he turns back to the women. “Come on, ladies. Let’s go see about Darren.”

  I stand and watch them walk through the garage to the doorway. Before the door closes, J turns and smiles, giving me a small wave.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  It’s been thirteen days. Thirteen days to sit and do nothing except think and pray. I believe in God, but I haven’t been on good terms with him since I was old enough to realize I didn’t have a mother, that He took her from me. Call it resentment or jealously, but it is what it is. I am new to this praying thing. I have no idea if I am doing it right or if there is something you are supposed to say. I’ve done nothing but beg Him for Pop to be okay. I promised to change, show up at church, and quit swearing so much. I pleaded with Him, saying I needed Pop here with me, that He couldn’t have him. I said that he had too much to live for. I pretty much said whatever I could think of. I may be an adult, but I need him more than I ever thought possible. I’m not ready to lose him.

  Whether I am naïve enough to believe my prayers were answered, or whether modern medicine did its job, the doctor finally has the news I have been dying for. Pop’s starting to wake up on his own. Once the swelling in his brain started to go down, they reduced the medicine holding him in the coma state. They keep saying he’ll wake when he’s ready. Well, I’m ready. I’ve been ready. There are so many things I need to say to him. I want to apologize, make him understand I was trying to protect him and the shop. Instead, I almost got him killed.

nbsp; They told me a nurse would come into the waiting room shortly to let me know when I can go back to see him. Sitting on the couch, I place my head in my hands, tears falling to the floor. That’s how Nan found me.

  “J, what is it? What happened? Is he…”

  Looking up at her, I realize I just scared the hell out of her. Watching her face pale, I jump to my feet. “Oh shit. No, he’s fine. In fact, he’s better than fine. He’s waking up.”

  She drops on the chair, holding her chest. “Jesus Christ, J. You gave me a heart attack. I thought something happened.”


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