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Reign of the Dark Elves: Book One : The Sorcerer

Page 21

by Andrew G. Wood

  The High Councillor eventually stood and called the room to order, allowing the sound of chatter to die down before requesting those not permitted to be there should leave. What they were about to discuss was confidential, at least initially, and therefore there would be no public allowed in for this council’s session. As it was, only a handful had bothered to attend anyway, and although they grumbled at being ejected from the room, they did so without too much bother. Once happy that only those that needed to be present were in the room, the High Councillor ordered the doors to be closed and guards placed outside so that they were not disturbed.

  With the lamps flickering around the well-lit hall adding to the light being cast through the windows, the High Councillor started his talk. As usual, the man could not get straight to the point but had to explain all the reasons why they were there, making it quite clear to everybody who he thought was to blame for the Dark Elves showing up in the first place. Although it had been agreed not to push the matter any further, Brenion was forced to listen while the councillor had one last dig at him, explaining that it had been his lack of due care that had nearly cost Insgarth its anonymity. While the resulting battle had seen the humans suffer a few casualties, the victory had been an unprecedented success.

  “Never since the invasions have we humans dealt the Dark Elves such a blow. Which is why we need to push home the opportunity this battle has given us,” The High Councillor added, as he started to pace around the room while he spoke.

  Brenion afforded himself a smile, as he felt confident his plan had worked, although would need to at least try and look shocked when the announcement was eventually made. After several minutes more of them all having to endure the High Councillor prattling on about how well the entire defence of Insgarth had been meticulously prepared for the recent attack, the man finally came to the part that they all wanted to hear.

  “After discussing the matter with the magical fraternity and our military officers, we, the Council, have decided to be proactive and take advantage of the situation we now see ourselves in.”

  “Anybody would think he had planned it this way all along,” Elynia leaned over whispering quietly in her husband’s ear. Although Brenion did not reply he did nod his head to show that he agreed with what she was saying.

  “We aim to attack the small force left at Crendon and take control of the outpost!” The High Councillor finally announced building his voice up to a crescendo as if putting on a performance. While there were one or two stunned faces in the room, most already had sussed out what was going to be proclaimed. Brenion let out an audible sigh that sounded far louder than he ever thought possible, as the High Councillor turned his direction. While it was actually the sound of relief that those in charge were finally doing something good, the man in charge seemed to take the sigh as a sign that Brenion was shocked by the announcement.

  “You know the outside world better than most in Ingarth, Brenion, we deem it would be best for you to lead any such excursion. Of course, you will probably want to take your family along with you, but we can sort minor details out later,” the Councillor added.

  Brenion felt Elynia’s grasp on his hand tighten just a little, and in response he glanced over her way and smiled, just to try and give her a sense that everything would be alright. After all, this was a big risk he was taking, not just for his own wellbeing but that of his family as well. While they may have been treated like pariahs by some in the city, it was at least a safe haven for both Elynia and more importantly Oscar. Taking what would surely be a small band of soldiers to take the Dark Elven Outpost at Crendon would surely be a big risk, but one he knew had to be taken if the human race was ever to reclaim its lands back.

  Brenion, listened on as the High Councillor read through a list of people that would be heading off to pastures new. Aside from himself and immediate family, that also included Liana and Ari, being as Brenion was currently acting as their hosts. While this might have been a convenient way of getting Liana out of Insgarth, the news didn’t appear to cause her any great alarm as she looked over towards and Brenion and gave a single nod of her head. Just forty soldiers would be allocated, all of whom were to be selected from the reserves, but would be headed by a more experienced man in Lenic. The main army of soldiers would be needed to defend Insgarth when the elves finally discovered what had happened.

  Osrik did not give a chance for the councillor to finish his rather long dreary speech. The young druid had been acting as Liana’s tutor since her arrival and was nowhere near developing her powers to their full potential. “If Liana goes then I must go also!” he said jumping to his feet and shouting his request across the room. His words echoed slightly in the vastness of the hall as the councillor slowly turned to face him.

  “Not possible, we will need you here help detect anything untoward approaching,” the old man mumbled dismissively waving a hand.

  “I wasn’t asking your permission Councillor, I was telling you!” Osrik said sternly, stepping just a few paces closer. The Councillor looked somewhat on edge as the much taller Osrik stood over him and looked down with a look on his face that suggested he was serious.

  “Well I suppose you could go as well, but you must return when you have finished whatever it is you need to teach the girl!” The Councillor finally announced submitting to Osrik’s demand.

  With the meeting finally over, Brenion suggested that Ari and Liana go back to the house with Elynia and help her pack. While they hopefully would one day be returning to Insgarth, they still needed to take spare clothes and a few personal items. Supplies would have to be carried on mules, although only six of these were made available for the purpose. Knowing this was not enough, Brenion requested that every person travelling also carry a pack containing supplies. Moreover, he had also managed to acquire several handcarts, and although slow and cumbersome would give them the ability to carry more.

  Insgarth was alive with rumours of what was about to happen. Dozens of young men had already volunteered their services to travel with them, and although most requests were rejected a few were permitted. Brenion noticed the council appeared quite keen to let the less-skilled or more troubled in society tag along while keeping the best young men for themselves. Knowing it was something out of his control, Brenion accepted it for what it was. Lenic, as the officer in charge of any military affairs, would need to train all the new men and those reservists that had been drafted.

  They would be moving out from their safe haven of Insgarth in just two days time. After checking back at his own house, Brenion met up with Lenic to finally meet all the young men they had been allocated to make up a fighting force. Although all well equipped, some with bows and shortswords, a few with spears and shields, Brenion was uncertain as to how many actually knew how to use them. While there were indeed one or two whom could be classed as men, he noticed most were little more than boys, no older than Ari and Liana. As to how many of them were actually reservists with some training and how many had just been added in to make it look like he had enough in number, he wasn’t sure. Brenion was aware of the fact that because of some youngsters offering their services, several more seasoned reservists had been taken away to allow them in.

  “What do you think?” Lenic asked as the pair walked along the two lines of men.

  “I think you’ll have your work cut out,” Brenion replied looking at the last young face in the rank.

  “You think the council are screwing us over?”

  “I’m sure of it, but I’m not about to let them stop us from what needs to be done,” Brenion said with a steely determination In his voice. Yes, it was true these young men were not soldiers, at least not yet, but with a little hard work and training, he was sure it was a start. Brenion noticed that the handful of slightly older men were probably from the reserves and would have some knowledge of how to use the weapons they carried. “How about we split them into smaller groups, say five or six youngsters to one older one,” Lenic suggested, runnin
g the idea past Brenion.

  “I think that makes sense,” Brenion nodded approvingly, before suggesting there was no time like the present.

  Many of the younger members had offered their services as they thought it a big adventure. While that may have been the case, it was one fraught with danger. However, many had seen it as an escape from the confines of Insgarth and what probably would have amounted to many years of service toiling in the fields. Evidently, the risk involved was outweighed by the raw enthusiasm and excitement that most of them clearly felt. After all, it was the ambition of most young men to become a soldier, and once word had spread the council were taking new members, they had been inundated with offers.

  Aside from the soldiers, Brenion was also allocated eight others to act as auxiliary staff. All young women, again these had offered their services and would be used for cooking, washing and other such tasks if and when they took control of Crendon. If things went wrong, they might all be turning around and heading back, or worse still, although Brenion did not consider defeat an option. Whatever the future held they would all be undertaking a journey that would see the human race finally fighting back. Just how long that fight would last Brenion was unsure, but with this small group of people, he would be making the first of what he hoped were many steps forward.

  Thank you for reading.

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