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Sarge (Dixie Reapers MC 14): Bad Boys

Page 3

by Harley Wylde

  “Marry Aunt Kat, hmm?” Pepper asked.

  “Shut it,” I told her. “Take care of Theo. I’ll send Flicker back out, if he’s done trying to stare down Katya.”

  Theo giggled. “He’ll never win.”

  I had a feeling the kid was right.

  When I got back inside, the two of them hadn’t moved. Jesus, had neither of them blinked yet? Flicker had narrowed his gaze, but Katya was resting her chin on her fist, looking like she hadn’t a care in the world.

  “Are the two of you finished acting like kids?” I asked.

  Flicker broke first and glanced my way. “She started it.”

  “I think Reed is rubbing off on you,” I said. “Pepper is outside with the kids. Y’all are keeping Theo for a night or two. Not sure what all he needs.”

  “Almost everything,” Katya said. “I grabbed him, his favorite bear, and a few changes of clothes but I had to leave everything else. If it had been noticed I was packing a lot of stuff or filling the trunk of my car, I never would have made it out of town, much less gotten this far. His things are in my back seat.”

  I’d figured as much. Taking my wallet from my pants, I opened it up and pulled out a few hundreds. Flicker took them and stood. With a nod, he left the room, then the house. I had no doubt he was getting Theo’s belongings and would make sure my son had whatever he needed to get by for a few nights.

  I eyed Katya, who was staring at me with a hint of defiance in her gaze. Yeah, she was going to be fun to tame. I didn’t want to break her spirit, but she needed to learn I was in charge. Moving closer, I waited until I was right next to her chair before I reached for her. I placed my hand on her shoulder and gave it a slight squeeze. As much as I wanted to claim her here and now, I realized there were dark smudges under her eyes, and she looked like she hadn’t slept well in a few days.

  “Come on, kitten. I think you need to rest.”

  “Kitten?” she asked. “My name is Katya, but it doesn’t mean I’m a cat.”

  I couldn’t help but smile. “That’s not why I called you kitten. You look all cute and cuddly, but I’ve seen that you have claws and a sharp wit.”

  She relaxed a little, and I could tell she liked the comparison. Made me wonder if anyone had ever given her a pet name before. I urged her up out of the chair and toward my room. I’d renovated my guest room into a play area for Reed, so there wasn’t another bed for her to use. There was a third bedroom, but it was currently not designed for company. While she napped, I’d have to come up with a plan for my son to have a space he felt was his own, without leaving Reed out.

  Katya froze when we entered my room and she looked around. She tried to take a step back, but I was blocking the doorway. I urged her forward and paused only long enough to open a dresser drawer and pull out one of my softer shirts. I tossed it onto the bed, then folded my arms over my chest and stared her down. She might have tried to win with Flicker, but under my gaze, she submitted, her head bowing.

  “You can wear my shirt to sleep in.”

  “Thought you said you were tying me to the bed,” she muttered.

  “Maybe later.” Her gaze shot up to meet mine. “Right now, you need to sleep. I’ll step into the hall to give you some space.”

  Before I could leave she reached out and grabbed onto my cut. I should have demanded she let go, and with any other woman I would have. Katya was different, and I was going to make her mine, which meant she got certain liberties others didn’t. Placing my hand over hers, I waited to see what she wanted or needed.

  “Stay,” she said.

  I lowered my head until our noses nearly touched. “If you want me to stay, then I will, and I will damn sure claim you when you’ve had some rest, but if you’re thinking that baring that hot little body will leave me stupid and give you a chance to escape, I’m just going to go ahead and tell you it won’t work.”

  “You can’t claim me,” she said. Her eyes turned glassy with unshed tears. “If things were different, I’d love to stay and see where things went between us. I’ve never been attracted to someone the way I am to you, but I can’t risk Theo’s safety. Or yours.”

  It was sweet the way she worried about us. Her fears were unfounded, but she didn’t know a damn thing about me or this club. My brothers had my back, and they’d keep Theo safe too. My hands weren’t squeaky clean, but I didn’t need to tell her that just yet. The last thing I wanted was to send her running scared. Let her think I was better than the men she’d run from. I knew I was just as dirty as they were.

  “Kitten, I can take care of myself, and keep my boy safe,” I said. “You’re not leaving. If you think for one second I’m going to let some Bratva bastard get his hands on you, then you’re mistaken. You came here, all full of sass and mother bear instincts, protecting a kid I didn’t even know I had, and you think you can just walk away?”

  She rubbed at her neck and looked away. I knew she worried that we’d be in danger if she remained here. If the Bratva wanted her back, then they could come and try to take her. They wouldn’t win. Once I decided something was mine, I never let it go. Katya made the mistake of catching my attention, far more than a woman ever had before. Sure, I’d had fun with plenty of ladies over the years, but I’d never once thought to keep any of them.

  “We’ll talk more after you’ve slept. You’re exhausted, kitten. Don’t even try to deny it.”

  Her shoulders slumped and she gave a nod, then reached for the hem of her shirt. I should have walked away, given her some privacy, but the moment the black lace of her bra came into view I was incapable of leaving. She kicked off her shoes and shimmied out of her jeans, then just stood there with a lost look in her eyes. I ran a hand down my face in an effort to knock my brain back on track. I grabbed the shirt I’d pulled out for her, placing it in her hands.

  Katya drew it over her head, then reached behind her. Next thing I knew, she was reaching into the arm holes of the shirt and pulling her bra straps off, then the garment fell at her feet. I’d never seen a woman do that before, and it made me wonder what else I’d missed out on by never sticking around longer than it took to get us both off. She kicked the bra away and climbed into bed, pulling the covers up to her shoulders.

  I wasn’t about to take a chance on her attempting an escape. I held out my hand. “Panties too.”

  Her eyes went wide, but she obeyed, sliding them off under the covers and giving them to me. I gathered her clothes and walked out. She gasped behind me, but I just smiled and kept going. Not only did I want to make sure she didn’t try to sneak away, but it didn’t seem like she had anything else with her. She’d want clean clothes until I could take her shopping for a few more things. Our small town didn’t boast a lot of the nicer stores, but if she got a few days’ worth of items, then I could order more online and have it delivered.

  I dumped everything into the washer and got it going, then went back to the bedroom. She still looked a little shocked I’d taken her clothes.

  “I’m going to wash your things. I’m assuming you didn’t stop to pack, since you said you were trying not to draw attention.”

  “I don’t have anything else,” she said.

  “After you’ve gotten a little sleep, I’ll take you out to eat and pick up the essentials you’ll need. We can order more later.”

  Her brow furrowed and I knew she was about to argue, tell me that she wasn’t staying. I had news for her. She was most definitely staying, even if I really did have to tie her to the damn bed.

  I pulled off my boots, set my cut on the dresser, and yanked my shirt over my head. I pulled my belt free and let it fall to the floor. Katya squirmed, but she didn’t bolt from the bed, which was surprising. I’d half-expected her to take off when I started getting undressed. I wasn’t removing anything else, but she wouldn’t know that until I got into the bed with her.

  “Think I’ll just lie right there with you. Make sure you sleep like you’re supposed to.”

  “I’m not a ch
ild,” she said.

  I chuckled and eyed her curves that I could still plainly see under the blankets. “No, kitten, you definitely aren’t a child. What you are is a stubborn woman who refuses to do what’s best for her. So you know what that means?”

  She shook her head as I approached and slid into the bed next to her. “It means I’m going to take care of you, since you won’t take care of yourself.”

  Her gaze softened and she closed her eyes, a sigh slipping past her lips. “You’re biting off more than you can chew.”

  “You let me worry about that. Sleep, kitten. All your troubles can be dealt with better once you’ve gotten some rest. I’m betting you’ve been going non-stop for twenty-four hours, if not longer. You’re going to get sick, Katya.”

  She huffed but her body slowly started to relax. After a few minutes, I reached over and pulled her against my side. She snuggled closer, but didn’t wake. While there were things I could be doing right now, I could plan just as easily in this bed as I could pacing my damn kitchen. I’d have to let the others know I had a guest and that she’d brought my son with her, and possibly a bit of trouble, but that could wait. Flicker already knew what was going on. As the club treasurer, I knew he’d tell the others if he thought it was necessary.

  A soft snore escaped Katya and I bit my lip so I wouldn’t laugh. It was pretty damn cute, but then so was she. Those flashing eyes, sassy attitude, and smart mouth might run off a lesser man. For me, she was absolutely perfect. I closed my eyes a moment as a wave of sorrow hit me, knowing the only reason I’d ever found her was because Lily had died. I might not have loved her, or wanted her long-term, but I’d never wished her harm. I’d hoped that she’d started a new life somewhere, found someone to make her happy. It hadn’t seemed likely with the way she vanished, but part of me had wanted to be wrong. I hadn’t wanted trouble to find her, even though Wire had said it seemed she was on the run. If only she’d told me about Theo. I wouldn’t have married her, or claimed her, but I’d have kept the both of them safe.

  Whatever it took, I’d make sure the men who hurt her paid the price. A father was supposed to love and protect his kids, not whore them out. The fucker was dead if he ever showed his face here.

  Chapter Three


  When Sarge had said he was taking me to eat and buying me some things, I’d thought he meant fast food and a discount shop. I’d been so very wrong. The restaurant was deceiving on the outside. It looked plain and like they would serve cheap food. My eyes nearly popped out of my head when I saw the prices, but Sarge insisted they had the best steaks for miles. Had my father been paying, I wouldn’t have thought twice about my order. I didn’t know enough about Sarge to splurge on a thirty-dollar steak.

  He yanked the menu from my hands and glowered. “Do you like steak?”


  “Baked potatoes or baked sweet potatoes?”

  I cocked my head, wondering where this was going. “Either.”

  “How do you eat your steak? Well done?”

  My nose wrinkled. “What heathen would ever do that to a steak?”

  His lips twitched like he was fighting back a smile. “Good girl. You just sit there being pretty and I’ll order our food. And don’t even think of arguing with me.”

  I wasn’t sure if I was flattered or insulted by his demand. While I loved that he thought I was pretty, and he’d told me so before, the other part wanted to snarl and tell him I had a brain and could order my own damn food. I’d always thought the Bratva was bad about domineering men, but I had to wonder if it wasn’t just the male species as a whole. Did they all get the Neanderthal you-woman-me-man gene?

  “You look both irate and happy at the same time,” he said. “It’s an interesting expression, even if I’m not sure how you’re pulling it off.”

  Before I could think better of it, I flipped him off. Sarge snorted and then laughed. It was a good look on him. I wondered how often he smiled. He hadn’t done a lot of it in the very short amount of time I’d known him. Lily hadn’t talked much about him, not anything specific. She’d called him an asshole several times, but other than to tell me he hadn’t wanted kids, or her, she’d not said a lot. It felt wrong, being so attracted to him, and knowing he wanted me in return. He’d been Lily’s first. Or maybe not, since he’d said he’d never wanted to keep her. It made me wonder if she’d known going in that he wasn’t in it for the long haul, or had she thought she would tame him anyway?

  Now that was laughable. I could tell already that he wasn’t the type to be tamed. Oh, he might let a woman catch him, but he’d still call all the shots. Sarge wasn’t the type to roll over and let his woman handle things. I’d been strong all my life, by necessity. My father and his men had let me be for the most part, until the time came for me to replace Lily in his plans. That taste of what my life would be like had been enough to send a spike of fear through me. Sarge called me mouthy, and he wasn’t wrong. Women like me didn’t fare well with the Bratva.

  He said he was keeping me. I would certainly prefer being his than going back home, but I couldn’t help worrying over his safety, or Theo’s. By me staying, I was bringing trouble their way, and my father would stop at nothing to get me back. It seemed unfair that I finally found a man who interested me, one who made me tingle in all the right spots, and I knew I should walk away from him.

  “You’re thinking too hard, kitten,” he said.

  “I just…” I clamped my lips together, not really knowing what to say.

  His phone jingled and he glanced at the screen, his lips tipped down in a frown. “I should know this already since he’s my son, but is Theo his full name?”

  I blinked, trying to catch up to the quick subject change. Had someone texted him about Theo? Was he all right? The man called Flicker had said he’d watch him, and Sarge assured me Theo was safe, but what if he wasn’t?

  Sarge stared at me, waiting patiently.

  “Just Theo. Since he doesn’t have a birth certificate, he doesn’t really have a last name.”

  Sarge scowled. “Oh, he sure the fuck does. Mine! And hopefully within the hour, Wire will fix it so that Theo is mine legally in every way possible. There will be a paper trail your father won’t be able to refute, and the boy will be safe from the Bratva.”

  I didn’t see how. If they put my sister down as the mother, then my father could still try to get his hands on Theo. I knew he wouldn’t really want him, except to use as leverage against me. It was a large part of why I’d brought Theo here. I’d hoped his father would keep him safe from mine. It would have been too easy for Theo to vanish, either sold or left in a dumpster. It was what my father had threatened to do if I didn’t bow to his demands, and I had no doubt that he and my future husband would hold Theo over me the rest of my life. One slipup, and my nephew’s life would be over.

  A server appeared and Sarge placed our order. As he messaged whoever was on the other end of his texts, I nibbled on a roll. My stomach growled, reminding me that I’d eaten mostly junk food for over twenty-four hours in my mad dash to get Theo to safety. He muttered under his breath a few times, but finally he set the phone aside and gave me his attention once more.

  “Sorry about that. I had planned to tackle all that after I had you a bit more sorted out, but it seems Flicker already told everyone about Theo. They wanted to make sure he was documented as my son.”

  It was nice that he had people to help, people who cared. I couldn’t remember ever having that in my life. Liliya had cared to a point. Not enough to remain at home, but when I was younger, I’d gotten lots of hugs from her. After she left, there was no one who cared. Our mother had died shortly after I was born, and our father only cared about what he could gain from using us as pawns.

  “Understandable.” I toyed with the rest of my roll. “Look, now that Theo is safe, I should really --” He reached over and covered my lips with his finger.

  “Don’t even finish that fucking sentence, kitte
n. I’d hate to take you over my knee and spank that sexy ass right here in the middle of the restaurant.”

  My pulse raced at the thought of him doing such a thing. Maybe I’d read too many books in my spare time. The thought of him spanking me shouldn’t be such a turn on, should it? I could even feel my nipples getting hard, and hoped like hell he didn’t notice. It wasn’t that I feared he’d take advantage, but more that I’d crawl onto his lap and beg him to do all sorts of naughty things to me.

  His lips tipped up on one corner and laughter danced in his eyes. “Or maybe you like that idea. Something I’ll have to keep in mind.”

  “I won’t be here,” I murmured around the finger pressed to my lips.

  He simply arched an eyebrow with a look that clearly said he disagreed. The man was stubborn as hell, but it made me all warm inside that he wanted me to stay. Sarge pulled back and I licked my lips. His eyes darkened as he watched, and it made me want to flick my tongue over my lips again, just to see what he’d do. I knew I was playing with fire, but at the moment I didn’t much care.

  Our food arrived and I tried to eat and just enjoy his company without thinking too much about what lay ahead. One way or another, I needed to get back on the road and go home. I didn’t know how to make him understand. He’d never dealt with my father, didn’t know how treacherous he could be. I’d done my duty to my sister and delivered Theo to his father, making sure my nephew had a chance at a decent life. Now it was time to honor my promise to my father. Well, maybe not so much a promise, but more of an understanding. I obeyed and he didn’t lash out by hurting anyone he perceived might be a friend. Too many innocent lives were at stake if I didn’t go back.

  “Why is your accent so faint?” Sarge asked. “I’ve only heard you use Russian with Theo, and even then, you didn’t say a lot.”


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