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Trusting Him: A Billionaire Beach Island Romance (Billionaires of Driftwood Island Book 5)

Page 5

by Sloane Meyers

  I had been waiting for this moment all night. In fact, now that I was kissing her, I was pretty sure that she had been waiting for this moment all night as well. We couldn’t do anything while Chloe was awake, not even a simple kiss. That would have required some explaining, and Ruby wasn’t ready for that.

  I trusted Ruby’s judgment, and I knew she was trying to protect Chloe. She didn’t want her daughter to get her heart broken. But I wasn’t here to break anyone’s heart. I was here to claim what was mine.

  Ruby was mine. She had always been mine. I’d been admiring her curves all evening, and now, I could hold back no longer.

  “How deep of a sleeper is Chloe?”

  “She could sleep through a hurricane.”

  “Good. Because I intend to make a hurricane happen here tonight.”

  I pushed Ruby down onto the couch on her back, then climbed over her, still kissing her. I kissed her with the hunger of a man who had spent the last five years starving in the wilderness, because that’s exactly how I felt.

  No other girl I’d met had ever come close to being as beautiful as Ruby. Having her underneath me now felt like coming home. My cock was growing harder by the moment, turning into a steel rod that I couldn’t wait to ram deep into her. My body was filled with a heat that only Ruby could cause. My core was on fire, and the air around us crackled with electricity. The tension that had been building up all night was finally reaching a breaking point.

  I’d heard people talk before about a once in a lifetime love, and I’d always thought that idea was a bit ridiculous. With billions of people on the planet, and most people living for decades, how could anyone claim to have experienced anything as special as a once in a lifetime love?

  Suddenly, it didn’t all seem so ridiculous. Suddenly, all the frustrations, loneliness, and confusion were fading away, and the only thing that mattered was Ruby. We’d both made mistakes over the last few years. We’d both held back when we should have contacted each other. But I vowed to myself in that moment that I wouldn’t hold back any longer. I was all in, and I was going to prove it right now.

  With a low, hungry growl, I reached to push up the hem of her dress. Underneath the dress she was wearing a lacy pair of white panties that accentuated the tan on her skin. I smirked. She had definitely been hoping that something would happen between us tonight. Otherwise, why would she have worn underwear like that?

  The realization excited me, and I pushed her dress higher, lifting her up to a sitting position so I could wriggle it off of her. Her snowy white bra was just as lacy as her underwear, and I felt a fresh rush of passion as I thought about the nipples that were hiding just beneath the thin, lacy fabric.

  “You’re incredible,” I whispered. And she was. Just looking up and down at her nearly naked body sent tremors of anticipation through me. My erection was poking stiffly against the fabric of my jeans, and I found myself eager to remove the last pieces of her clothing so I could tear my own clothes off and take her completely.

  I stood for a moment, ripping off my shirt, jeans, and underwear so that I was completely naked in front of her. Her eyes went wide as she took in my tall, muscular frame. What I lacked in a tan, I made up for with muscles. I’d always been in good shape, but five years ago I hadn’t been quite as into working out as I was now. It had become my stress relief, and the side effect was that I had a body that was sculpted to perfection.

  “You look incredible,” Ruby whispered.

  “So do you.” It wasn’t just an automatic, polite reply. I really meant it. She looked so good that in that moment, all I wanted to do for the rest of forever was run my hands and mouth all over her naked skin.

  Those pesky panties were still in the way, and it was time I did something about that. I leaned down and used my teeth to tear them down her legs and off her body. She moaned and shivered as my teeth grazed against her, and a few moments later I shook my head and tossed the garment aside. I raised my head to see that my face was directly in front of her sweet pussy, which was dripping wet with desire for me.

  The sight was too much to take. I could feel my cock between my legs, throbbing as I forced myself to hold back. I could have moved forward so that I slammed into her right then, and I had a feeling she would cum just as fast as I would.

  But this moment was not just about finding a release. It was about the journey to get there. And after all these years without Ruby, I wanted to take my time and savor this. I wanted to drag it out as long as possible.

  And what better way to do that then to take time to pleasure her with my tongue?

  I dipped my head down and drove my tongue deep into her folds, tasting her sweet nectar and letting out a low moan of delight as I did. She tasted so good, and lapping up her juices made my body even more impatient to claim her. This moment was heaven—the heaven I’d been waiting for five years to revisit.

  Ruby arched her back as I continued to drive my tongue into her. I licked as deep within her as I could reach, and then pulled back a little to tease her clit. She reached down and grabbed my hair in her hands, holding it by the fistful as her breathing became faster and faster.

  “Ian!” she gasped. “Ian I can’t hold back.”

  My only reply was to once again move my tongue deep into her. I loved the sound of my name on her lips. She said it with such passion and desire, and I felt my heart pounding in response.

  A moment later, she arched her back even more and cried out my name again as she came. Tremors rocked her body as she gripped my hair tighter, and I could feel her inner spasms against my tongue.

  I continued to lick at her until the waves of her release slowed and faded. Then I slid up so that I could see her face. I grinned at the love-drunk look in her eyes, and pushed a strand of sweaty, curly hair back from her face.

  “Wow,” she said. “You’re even better than I remember.”

  “That was just the start,” I said as I reached to slide my hands behind her back and unclasp her bra. I slid it off to expose her breasts. A wave of ecstasy passed over my body at what I saw. Her breasts were perfect. They were full and round, and much bigger than I’d recalled. Her nipples stood hard and erect, and I bent my head down to nip at one of them. She shuddered, then sighed happily.

  “Speaking of things that are different from what I remember,” I said, then paused to nip at the other nipple. “I don’t remember your boobs being this big. I mean, they’ve always been nice. But wow. That’s quite a set of curves you’ve got.”

  Ruby shivered in delight as I nipped at one of her nipples again.

  “It’s from having a baby. They grew a few sizes when I was pregnant with Chloe, and they never fully went back down. Everyone said they would, but it’s been over four years and they haven’t yet, so I don’t think they will.”

  “Well, they’re beautiful. Just like the rest of you.”

  She blushed, which only made her even more beautiful. The longer I lay here with her, the more I wondered how it was possible that I’d kept from contacting her for five years. I must have been in denial about how good she felt and how much I missed her.

  There was no one in the world like her. No one. And now, I was going to claim her as mine again.

  I pulled one of her nipples into my mouth and nibbled on it as I slid my body into position so that my rock hard dick was hovering right above her entrance. I switched to the other nipple, nibbling harder and watching carefully as Ruby once again began to pant and get turned on past the point of resistance.

  There were so many ways I wanted to make love to her, and so many ways I wanted to fuck her. I could spend all night with her here, making her scream for me again and again. And I would do that, if she was willing. But right now, what I really wanted to do was to make love to her face to face. I wanted to slide into her, and watch her expression as I filled her. I wanted to see the hunger and desire and pure bliss on her face.

  “Are you ready for me?” I whispered.

  “So ready,” she
panted back.

  I didn’t waste any more time. I slid into her in one smooth, slow movement. She felt so warm and tight against my dick, and I let out a low growl as her hot inner walls pressed against my shaft. She pushed her hips against mine, taking me in completely, and then for a moment we were both still as we took in the sensation of being connected in the deepest, most intimate way.

  My dick was throbbing like crazy under the pressure, begging for release. But I forced myself to wait. First, I would make Ruby scream once again. Then I would finally let go.

  I began to move my hips so that I was sliding back and forth inside of her. Ruby whimpered and begged for more, so I sped up. I moved faster and faster, until I truly was ramming into her over and over, with the full force of my strength. I was a little worried that I would hurt her, but she seemed to only be enjoying it more with every passing second, so I continued. Fiery pressure built within me to an almost uncomfortable level, but I held back from cumming, waiting for her.

  When she came, the way her inner walls squeezed around my dick felt glorious. She cried out my name, then whimpered as the waves of her release became too strong for her to even speak. I looked down at her face and smiled at the sight. Her eyes were squeezed closed tightly in concentration, and her hair was a complete mess around her sweaty, flushed face. She looked like a woman who had been loved with abandon, and the thought made me proud. I had taken good care of my woman.

  It didn’t take long for me to follow her in finding my own release. I let go, and let the passion that had been building within me have full control of my body. My dick stiffened and then pulsed into Ruby with fiery heat. I suppose I should have known better than to do this without a condom again, but I honestly didn’t care what the consequences were. In fact, I would be happy if I had another baby with Ruby. I wanted to build an entire life with her.

  I held my chest a few inches above hers as my body gave itself to her. She continued to clench around me, which gave me delightful shivers and extended my own orgasm. The moment was perfect.

  When our bodies finally began to settle, I rolled off of her and lay beside her on the couch, pulling her close. It was a tight fit, but it didn’t matter. I liked being cozy with her. For several minutes, we were quiet, just enjoying each other’s company. Then, she spoke.

  “This is crazy. We live worlds apart and yet when we’re together we can’t keep our hands off each other.”

  I kissed her forehead. “I’m going to find a way to make our worlds come together. I promise. I don’t want to miss out on being part of your life again. And I want to be there for Chloe.”

  I felt her stiffen slightly. “That’s all very nice of you to say, but I’m not interested in moving to New York.”

  “I know. And I won’t ask you to. We’ll figure something out. I promise.”

  She relaxed a bit and went silent again. It made me happy that she trusted me. I just hoped that trust wasn’t misplaced. I wasn’t sure how I was going to be a permanent part of her and Chloe’s lives without moving them to New York, but I would find a way. If I had to fly back and forth several times a week, I would do that. I wasn’t letting go of Ruby again. And Chloe hadn’t even found out yet that she had a dad. No, I couldn’t leave them. I would make this work somehow.

  I could hear rain falling against the windowpanes, and I closed my eyes to listen to its rhythmic sound. It felt strange to have gone from having no family to having a daughter and a potential long-term girlfriend all at once. Ruby hadn’t technically agreed to be my long-term girlfriend, but she hadn’t fought the idea, either. She probably felt just as confused as I did about the logistics of all of this, but it sounded like she wanted to make things work as well.

  I was going to show her that she didn’t have to do all of this alone. That she deserved someone to help her with raising Chloe. That I could be a shoulder she could lean on. Life didn’t always have to be so hard. Sometimes, all you needed to make the load more bearable was for someone to share that load with you. And I would share Ruby’s load.

  The rain was beating faster now, and I glanced up at the window in surprise. “Sounds like quite a summer storm.”

  “Yeah,” Ruby murmured sleepily. “Supposedly there’s a hurricane sweeping through the area. It’s too early to tell whether it’s actually going to hit the island, but it’s sending a lot of bad weather ahead of it.”

  I sat up on my elbow, my eyes widening. “A hurricane? But you won’t be safe in this little house!”

  Ruby shrugged and yawned sleepily. “I’ve weathered hurricanes in here before. There’s been some water damage but the house itself has always stayed standing.”

  I thought about this for a moment, and decided I didn’t like it. I didn’t care if the little house had made it through, or if Ruby wasn’t scared. If there was a hurricane, I didn’t want her and Chloe here. I would bring them to the hotel with me, which I knew had been built up to the highest standards to withstand hurricanes.

  But before I could tell Ruby this, she had started snoring ever so softly. I saw her chest rising and falling, and her face had relaxed into the most peaceful expression I’d ever seen. With a sigh, I slid off the couch and found a blanket to tuck around her. Then I pulled my own clothes on and looked for my cell phone.

  It didn’t take long for me to find news about the hurricane. It was coming in the direction of the island and might make landfall tomorrow evening, although its course was still too unpredictable to say for sure. I winced. So much for my beach-filled vacation. I hadn’t been to the beach yet since I got here, and it looked like I wouldn’t be going tomorrow, either.

  As if to confirm this, I heard the rain outside increasing in intensity. I knew I should get going back to the hotel before things got worse. I’d promised Ruby that I wouldn’t try to spend the night tonight, because of Chloe, but I was reluctant to leave them alone in this storm.

  My weather app said nothing would get too crazy overnight tonight, though, so I decided to go. I would head back to my suite and get things ready for them to come stay with me tomorrow. I wasn’t going to give them a choice about that.

  Maybe Chloe could sleep through a hurricane, but she was going to do so at the safety of the resort. Ruby too.

  I had just found my family. I wasn’t about to lose them.

  Chapter Eight

  * RUBY *

  I woke up to the sound of wind howling, and for a moment I panicked. Had the hurricane arrived while I slept? I sat up in the darkness, then realized as my blanket fell off of me that I was completely naked.

  I blushed, and quickly hopped off the couch to try to find my clothes. Good thing Chloe was such a deep sleeper, and I woke up for every little thing. I wouldn’t have wanted her to see me naked and start asking questions. Then again, I’m sure I could have made up some plausible explanation. Four-year-olds would believe almost anything you told them.

  Once I was dressed, I went over to the kitchen to get a glass of water and check the time. It was only three-thirty in the morning. I winced as the wind howled again, even louder than before. I hadn’t expected the storm to be this bad already.

  I shivered, and wished Ian was still here. I wasn’t surprised that he’d left, since I was the one who’d told him in no uncertain terms that I didn’t want him to say or do something to confuse Chloe, and that included spending the night. Still, I was disappointed that he was gone. Being with him again had been like taking a brief step back in time to when life was easy, carefree, and fun.

  But life was none of those things anymore. Life these days was filled with responsibilities that were almost too much to handle.

  Almost. But life hadn’t broken me yet, and I wouldn’t let it. Especially not when Ian was back. I wanted to prove to him that I was strong. That even though I’d fumbled a bit when it came to my dreams, I hadn’t given up completely.

  He’d asked me last night whether I’d given up on singing, and I told him no. That I’d only put it on hold while Chloe wa
s young and I was concentrating on getting the best paying job I could so that I could take care of her.

  That job had been working as a maid at the resort, and I didn’t need for Ian to tell me that the job was eating at my soul. Sure, it paid well, and yes I had time to sing while cleaning the rooms. But if I was honest with myself, I was singing while I worked less and less these days. My boss was making my life unbearable, but I hadn’t left yet because I was afraid.

  I was no longer afraid. Seeing Ian stand up to my boss made me realize that I hadn’t been valuing my own worth like I should have. No, I wasn’t a billionaire like Ian. But that didn’t mean I had to cower in a corner and take all the verbal abuse dished out at me. I could stand tall and stick up for myself. I had to do it, for Chloe’s sake. I didn’t want her to grow up seeing her mother at the mercy of some jackass boss. I wanted her to grow up seeing her mother living out her dreams.

  Today, I was going to take the first step. I was going to make Chloe and Ian both proud of me, because they mattered more to me than anyone else in the world.

  * * *

  Five hours later, after dropping Chloe off at daycare, I drove to the resort and marched through the room of industrial washing machines to make my way to my boss’s office. I pounded on the door until his gruff, annoyed voice called from within telling me to come in.

  When I walked into the room, I saw his expression instantly harden.

  “You again, huh? I hope you didn’t come here to try and gloat about that man sticking up for you yesterday. You may have gotten a lucky break, but don’t worry. I’ll be reminding you each and every day how awful it is for me to have to deal with you. Your work load is going to be doubling, and I’m going to give you the crappiest rooms to clean, and—hey, wait a minute. What the hell are you wearing? That’s not a maid’s uniform. Aren’t you scheduled to be on the clock already? Why are you dressed in slacks and a blouse? Do you think it’s okay to be late? Because it’s not, and if you’re not dressed and ready to go when your shift starts, you’re late. Let me tell you something, Ruby—”


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