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Alien Alliance

Page 9

by Honey Phillips

  As she darted back to the cave, she had the sudden sensation that she was being watched. She froze and scanned her surroundings. She couldn’t see anything in the surrounding darkness and even as she paused, the snowfall started to increase again. Finally, she shook her head and ducked back inside the door flap, making sure to fasten it behind her.

  Despite her challenge, she hadn’t been sure what her males would do. To her surprise, T’kol was now lying along the cave wall on the bed they had made. Hisst sat next to it, obviously waiting for her.

  “I assume that means I’m in the middle?” she asked lightly.

  “If you insist on this ridiculous arrangement,” T’kol growled.

  She was about to protest when Hisst very subtly shook his head. She took another look and saw the strain on T’kol’s face. The trip across the cave must have hurt, and she suspected that relying on Hisst for assistance must have been equally painful.

  Determined to get his mind on more pleasant things, she went to her pack and quickly stripped out of her thermal top and into a thin tank. After a brief hesitation, she also removed her thermal leggings, leaving her bare except for a small pair of lace panties. When she turned around, they were both watching her with identical expressions of lust on their faces. She knew her cheeks were flushed, but she tried to look as composed as possible as she walked over and laid down next to T’kol. He immediately tugged her closer, and then Hisst fitted himself against her other side, his suit cool against her skin.

  “Are you going to be warm enough?” she asked. “Should we heat the rocks again?”

  T’kol sighed. “There is a thermal blanket in my bag as well. I do not need it, but humans—and Icluthians—are more fragile.”

  Hisst retrieved the thin silver blanket and spread it over the two of them.

  “Thank you,” he said quietly.

  The three of them lay utterly still and she could feel the tension in both of the bodies surrounding her. This was ridiculous. She turned on her side and snuggled up against T’kol, then reached back and pulled Hisst closer. He fitted his body to her back, his face buried in her hair. She stroked T’kol’s chest in long, soothing strokes until his body softened. His warmth against her front was a pleasant contrast to Hisst’s coolness and her own body relaxed. Despite the tension between the two males, she felt safe and surprisingly content. She smiled as she drifted off to sleep.

  T’kol knew the minute L’zabet fell asleep. Her body settled more heavily against his as her breathing deepened. His own thoughts were too confused to allow him the respite of sleep. Having her in his arms settled something deep inside him, but the knowledge that another male also touched her caused every instinct he had to protest. He fingered the nano sword hilt once more at his waist. He had discovered his weapons when the damned lizard had assisted him—carried him, truth be told—to the bed. When he grabbed them, the lizard raised a brow ridge and waited.

  As much as part of him wanted to simply slit the lizard’s throat and eliminate the competition, he couldn’t bring himself to do it. He suspected that L’zabet would never forgive him, but more than that, the lizard had done him no wrong. Not only had he helped him to the bed, he had provided the means for T’kol to relieve himself before L’zabet returned. Only after he sighed and returned the weapons to his belt, did the lizard open his palm to reveal a weapon of his own.

  “There is no honor in fighting for a queen,” the lizard said. “The queen chooses. Always.”

  “That is not the Yehrin way,” he growled.

  “Ah, yes. But then again, you are barbarians, are you not?” The damned lizard said it so seriously that it wasn’t until he grinned that T’kol realized he was joking.

  The attempt at humor had not improved his temper and he was still scowling when L’zabet returned.

  Yet now, despite his frustration and the aching pain in his leg, the feel of her body against his and the knowledge that she was safe and protected gave him a measure of peace. His body relaxed a little more. The thought that having another male ready to protect her while he was injured might be a good thing flitted across his mind, but he immediately rejected it.

  Just as he was finally about to drift into sleep, a faint scraping noise from outside the cave caught his attention.

  “I hear—”

  “I scent—”

  They both spoke at the same time, their voices low so as not to disturb L’zabet. T’kol looked across her body to see the lizard with his head raised.

  “There is something outside the cave,” T’kol said.

  “Yes.” H’sst tilted his head and a thin membrane on each cheek pulsed. “Large. Feline, I believe.”

  “Do you know anything about Earth wildlife?”

  “No. Do you?”

  “Not in this area. I do not know if it is a threat, but if it is outside and L’zabet leaves the cave…”

  “Or if it decides to enter. There was a trace of a similar scent when we arrived, but it wasn’t recent. However, the storm may have driven it to look for shelter.”

  “Or food,” T’kol said grimly.

  “I will go after it.” The lizard rolled to his feet and began tying articles of clothing over his suit.

  T’kol bit back his instinctive protest when he realized that the clothing belonged to L’zabet. If the Icluthian was willing to endanger his life by going after the unknown animal, he could not object to the measures he took to protect himself.

  “Take the blanket,” he ordered quietly. “If you can tie it in place as well, it will provide additional protection.”

  “But Lissie is wearing very few clothes. I don’t want her to get cold.”

  He bared his teeth. “I am quite capable of keeping her warm. Do you need a weapon?”

  “I will take her blast tube,” H’sst said as he tied the blanket in place. He should have looked ridiculous but T’kol found himself grudgingly impressed. The male had courage at least.

  “Be careful,” he said, as the lizard prepared to leave, and forced himself to add, “L’zabet would be upset if anything happened to you.”

  “I wouldn’t want to upset her,” H’sst said gravely, then flashed a grin. “I will endeavor to return safely.”

  The Icluthian disappeared through the door flap. L’zabet stirred restlessly and he pulled her closer, stroking her hair as he listened, his other hand on his own weapon. A high-pitched yowl sounded from outside, along with a low hiss, and he tensed. Fuck. He was a warrior—he should be out there protecting his female, not lying helplessly in bed. And what if the lizard needed help? They were temporary comrades, however unwilling, and a commander never deserted his males.

  Another yowl, abruptly cut off, then a slow dragging noise. Fuck. He was beginning to consider crawling over to the entrance to see if he could determine what had happened when the door flap moved.

  “Don’t shoot,” said H’sst in a low voice.

  Relief filled him and he almost laughed. He was actually glad the damned lizard was safe. His relief dissipated when H’sst stumbled inside. His suit was torn along one arm and blood welled from three long gashes. Perhaps more significantly, he was moving with extreme slowness and T’kol could see that the cold had affected him.

  “Use some of the water to clean the wound. And there is healing gel in my bag,” he offered.

  “Yes,” H’sst said slowly. “You mentioned that Lissie does not like the sight of blood.”

  T’kol watched with concern as the male fumbled his way through cleaning and dressing the wound. He did not seem to be reviving even inside the warmth of the cave.

  “Is the injury worse that it appears?”

  “No. But the additional damage to my suit is making it hard to regulate my body temperature.”

  T’kol bit back a curse, then carefully positioned L’zabet over his chest rather than at his side. “Bring the blanket and lie next to me.”

  Gold eyes blinked at him, then H’sst slowly crossed the room and lay down next to him, clu
msily arranging the blanket over them. The cold coming from his body radiated up T’kol’s side but he didn’t protest, only moving L’zabet so that her skin wouldn’t come into contact with the chill. Hisst’s body gradually assumed a more normal coolness and his muscles relaxed.

  “What happened?” T’kol asked.

  “A foolish mistake. The wind shifted and I didn’t realize that the creature was behind me until it sprang. A large feline with unfortunately sharp claws.”

  “You eliminated it.” It wasn’t a question. He found he had no doubt that H’sst would have ensured the safety of their—of T’kol’s female before he returned.

  “Yes. Then I dragged the body away from the cave and rolled it down the hillside so that it would not frighten Lissie or encourage additional predators.” H’sst laughed ruefully. “I may have overestimated my endurance.”

  “Young fool,” T’kol agreed, but there was no heat in his words. “Sleep and recover your strength.”

  “Now that we know there are predators, should we set a watch?” H’sst asked, his voice already thick with sleep.

  “One of us would detect it,” he said, surprised to realize how confident he was in that statement. “Now sleep.”

  “Yes, sir.” H’sst backed a little closer and T’kol fought back his protest. The male had earned some tolerance. The cave settled into silence once more. L’zabet murmured something in her sleep and nestled closer, her soft weight settling over him and causing his cock to stir. He allowed his hand to take a firm grip on one lush buttock and then finally settled in to sleep.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Lizabet woke the next morning on top of a very firm, very warm mattress. She wiggled into it and felt a long hard ridge against her thigh. Her body realized where she was before she did, her nipples tightening and an ache starting low in her belly. How typical that T’kol had taken possession of her. Eyes still closed, she reached over to check and make sure that Hisst was still close. He was, his body shoulder to shoulder with T’kol’s and she patted his arm sleepily. He hissed just as she realized that his suit was cut.

  “Oh my god. What happened?” She sat up, still perched across T’kol’s body and realized two things simultaneously. T’kol’s weapons were once again around his waist and that three red gashes extended from Hisst’s shoulder to just beneath his elbow. The dark red streaks against his green skin made her head swim but she was too angry to give into it.

  “T’kol! How could you?” She thumped an ineffectual fist on his chest as his eyes flew open.

  “What is it, my L’chka?”

  “Don’t call me that! You had to go after Hisst the minute I fell asleep, didn’t you?”

  “No, I did not.”

  Tears sprang to her eyes as she started struggling to free herself. His hands clamped down on her waist.

  “I said that I did not hurt him.”

  “Oh sure, he just tripped and fell on your knife.”

  “Lissie, stop.” Hisst put his uninjured arm around her shoulders. “It is the truth. A predator approached the cave and we had to remove him.”

  “A predator?”

  “Yes. A large feline.”

  Oh. She thought she remembered having read about bobcats in these hills. When she looked back at T’kol, his face was cast in rigid lines, but she suspected she had hurt his feelings. Fuck.

  “I’m sorry, T’kol. I should have listened to you.”

  “I would not lie to you, L’zabet,” he said stiffly.

  “I know you wouldn’t and I’m sorry. Please don’t be mad at me. Can’t we kiss and make up?”

  Before he could respond, she bent down and pressed her lips lightly against his. At first, he didn’t respond, and she started to withdraw unhappily, but then his hand came up to hold her head in place and that marvelously rough tongue swept in to claim her mouth in a long demanding kiss. Hisst’s hand slid down her back to curve over the expanse of buttock revealed by her skimpy panties. She writhed against his hand, rubbing her nipples against T’kol’s chest, and she felt the ridge of his erection pulse between her widespread thighs. By the time he released her head and ended the kiss, her body was demanding satisfaction.

  “T’kol, please.”

  “You would be well served if I left you in this state.” Despite the stern words, green fire surrounded those slit pupils. “Perhaps it is time for a lesson.”

  Lesson? Before she could ask, he had her on her back, his body on one side, Hisst’s on the other.

  “Remove your clothing.”

  Still stunned by the rapid movement, she could only stare at him. He extended one long black claw and very carefully slit open her tank. The sides fell away, leaving her exposed to two avid alien gazes.

  “Should I stop?” T’kol asked softly.

  Her mouth dry, she shook her head.

  Another quick flick of his claw and her panties were gone. Naked and vulnerable, she had never been more turned on in her life. Words escaped her but her silence didn’t deter T’kol.

  “She is beautiful, is she not, H’sst?”

  What? Now he was using his name?

  “Very beautiful,” Hisst agreed. “Her mating color does extend all the way down her front.” He traced cool fingers lightly down her front to hover just above her mound. She could barely refrain herself from lifting into his touch. “Does it cover her cunt as well?”

  “Look for yourself,” T’kol urged and she shot him a startled glance. He met her gaze impassively, but then she was distracted by Hisst very gently spreading her labia.

  “By the Great Mother, I never dreamed that a cunt would be so lush and pink…” His finger dipped between her folds. “And so slick. Do all human females lubricate themselves?”

  “Only when a male arouses them correctly. And you are aroused, are you not, my jewel?” T’kol flicked a careful claw across her nipple and her whole body shuddered.

  Hisst’s cheeks fluttered. “I can taste her arousal in the air. So rich and delicious.” He continued his explorations, his touch tantalizingly delicate as he probed cautiously at her pussy. “Her entrance is so small. How can she take a cock?”

  “She will stretch. Won’t you, L’zabet?” T’kol’s eyes were fixed on her face as he spoke, and she could only return his gaze silently. “Try your finger. Carefully.”

  A slight stretch of her entrance and then Hisst’s finger slipped inside. She clamped down involuntarily and Hisst groaned.

  “So hot. So tight.” He hesitated. “You have mated before, haven’t you, my queen?”

  “Have you, L’zabet?” T’kol echoed.

  “Yes,” she whispered. Tony Delano had taken care of that not long before the Yehrin arrested her for violating curfew. It had been fast and uncomfortable, and he had turned into a major jerk afterwards. She’d learned her lesson. Even when she’d dated in college, she’d never done more than fool around. At the back of her mind, she’d always been waiting for T’kol. “Before I met you.”

  “I have not been with a female since we met,” he said, his eyes steady on hers. “I waited also.”

  Her breath caught. “Really?”

  “Of course.” He shook his head. “I always knew that you would be mine, L’zabet. I should not have let my… fears prevent me from making sure that you had no doubts as to my feelings.”

  “Oh, T’kol. I wanted to believe but it was so hard sometimes.” She lifted her hand to his face. “Thank you for telling me.”

  Hisst’s finger slipped free and then she felt him moving away. Her head jerked towards him.

  “Where are you going?”

  Despite the sadness on his face, he smiled. “I’m sorry, my— I’m sorry, Lissie. I don’t think I considered the depths of your feelings for this male when I proposed that you add both of us to your brace. You, both of you, expected to form a pair bond.”

  “Maybe we did, but I have feelings for you too, Hisst. I don’t want you to leave.” T’kol’s body tensed next to her, but he didn’t protest
. “Please keep touching me.”

  Hisst studied her face then look across her to T’chok. She couldn’t read what passed between them, but his hand returned and this time he slipped two fingers inside her aching pussy. Her back arched involuntarily and he froze.

  “Are you in pain, my… queen?”

  “Oh no. That feels amazing.”

  “Use your thumb to stroke her clit,” T’kol ordered, and her eyes flew back to his face. “I told you I would command your pleasure, L’zabet.”

  “Her clit?” Hisst asked.

  “Yes. Here.” T’kol’s hand skated across her mound and two wide fingers separated her lips. The already swollen nub stiffened. “Very, very carefully.”

  Hisst’s unmistakable cool touch swept gently across the exposed flesh and she gasped. Her hand automatically reached out, looking for something to grasp, and she brushed against T’kol’s very erect cock. With a muffled growl, he opened his pants and she felt him for the first time. Not only did the massive shaft have all those intriguing swells, the surface felt slightly rough, almost like tiny ridges against her fingertips. What would he feel like inside her?

  Hisst stroked her again.

  “So beautiful,” he whispered. “Like one of the red pearls of Rondal quivering beneath my touch. And her fragrance… May I taste her?”

  She realized that he was asking T’kol for permission, not her. The thought of protesting fleetingly crossed her mind but she was too lost in pleasure.

  “Yes,” T’kol growled, “but keep fucking her cunt with your fingers.”

  The crude words should have turned her off. They didn’t. She felt a rush of liquid heat between her thighs and then the cool pressure of Hisst’s tongue as he lapped at her. He hummed approvingly, the vibration sending a streak of pleasure straight to her clit. Her back arched again, but this time Hisst didn’t pause. His fingers moved in a steady rhythm as he explored, and then his tongue fastened around her clit, tugging and stroking with a firm touch


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