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Alien Alliance

Page 23

by Honey Phillips

  “No, we weren’t. We were just going to keep her company.”

  She laughed and steered them away from Katie’s room. The separate bedrooms T’kol had included in their house in New Haven saw little use. The boys hadn’t slept a night apart since they were born, and most nights, she found them snuggled around their sister as well. She didn’t usually try and prevent them, but Katie really did need a nap today in preparation for the celebration tonight.

  Neither Lizabet nor her friends lived permanently in New Haven these days, but they had all returned to celebrate Emlan’s sixteenth birthday. She only hoped that the girl would enjoy the celebration. T’renan, the big Yehrin warrior who had watched over Emlan for most of her life had left abruptly six months ago. For two weeks, Emlan had barely spoken, driving Emily into a constant state of anxiety. But eventually communications began to arrive from T’renan and Emlan gradually started to return to her normal self.

  Tressor kicked impatiently at one of the many rugs covering the floor of the main reception room and she bit back a smile. She no longer found the Icluthian style of decorating strange. Because they entertained visitors on a regular basis, her houses were all designed to reflect her status as a queen. The thought that they owned multiple houses still made her want to giggle. They had returned to Icluthia twice for an extended stay, bringing the family with them, and Adorissa had insisted that the palace there belonged to her, even when she wasn’t in residence. Since T’lan was now Supreme Commander for Earth, he had been forced to spend most of his time at the Yehrin complex in Washington and their family had a house there as well for the constant round of diplomatic and trade negotiations.

  “Why don’t you go play outside?” she suggested. “That way you can see your daddies as soon as they return from training.”

  T’kol and Hisst had taken advantage of the peace and safety of New Haven to challenge each other to a race around the obstacle course in the woods.

  “I bet I see them first,” Jasson said, and Tressor scowled. “I bet I do.”

  As much as they loved each other, they were also innately competitive. Hisst had gently urged her to let them be and, unless actual bloodshed was involved, she did her best to stay out of it. If a little childhood competition resulted in two males as fine as her mate, she couldn’t argue.

  “Go put on your thermal suits and we’ll see who’s right.”

  The boys didn’t handle cold much better than Hisst, and she decided that after the party she would suggest that the whole family go visit Lauren and T’saran and their daughter to enjoy some warm weather.

  As soon as they were dressed, the boys raced out of the door, still arguing about who would spot their fathers first. A peaceful silence fell over the house and she returned to reviewing the latest negotiations about mineral rights on Quatar. The planet was located in a dangerous sector. An aggressive new race had emerged in that area and both the Yehrin and the Icluthians were battling to keep them contained. Were the minerals worth the risk? She lost herself in research.

  When she finally looked up, she was just in time to see her mates emerge from the woods. Her heart still skipped a beat at the sight of them, both so tall and handsome despite their differences. The boys raced towards them and all four were soon rolling around in the snow. She laughed as she watched, and T’kol’s head came up. He said something to Hisst, then shook the snow off his horns and headed for the house.

  Her nipples tightened as she recognized that determined step. The three of them still slept together every night, but both her males liked to sneak a few minutes alone with her as well.

  T’kol didn’t even pause as he entered, heading straight for her and sweeping her up into his arms. His skin was as warm as ever, but his uniform was icy cold, and she bit back a yelp.

  “You’re freezing,” she gasped.

  “Then I shall have to warm you up, my L’chka.” The green flames burned in his eyes as he lowered his head to kiss her. The demanding warmth of his mouth, the rough sweep of his tongue, and the feel of his hard muscles against her soon had her pussy aching.

  He squeezed her ass with his big hands, then scowled when he tried to work his hand under the tight denim. “I do not like these clothes.”

  “I can’t wear my gowns all the time. It’s nice to wear jeans for a change.”

  “Your gowns are much easier to remove.”

  She darted a glance over his shoulder but Hisst and the boys were still playing in the snow.

  “Why don’t you take me into the bedroom and see how quickly you can get them off?”

  “You know I like a challenge,” he said, deliberately rubbing her over his erection.

  This time it was her turn to frown as her jeans prevented her from feeling every thick inch.

  “You’re right. I definitely need them removed.”

  Already halfway to the bedroom, he laughed, but before he could respond, they both heard the plaintive “Mama” coming from Katie’s room.

  “Maybe she’ll go back to sleep,” he whispered.

  Unfortunately, Katie’s hearing was Yehrin sensitive.

  “Daddy,” she squealed.

  With a reluctant grin, he gave Lizabet a quick kiss and set her on her feet.

  “Later,” he promised, and went to get their daughter.

  The boys were buzzing with excitement by the time they arrived at the party. They squealed with joy when they saw J’tem and would have tugged Katie over to see him, but she clung to Hisst’s hand. A thumb tipped with a tiny dark claw disappeared into her mouth. The little claws and her Yehrin green eyes were the only signs of her mixed heritage.

  “She will be fine with us,” T’kol said. “Enjoy yourselves but do not forget that you are young warriors.”

  Their chests puffed up proudly as they strutted over to J’tem. Sarah’s son had almost reached his full height, despite his youth, but he always treated her sons as his younger brothers and the three were soon huddled around a game board.

  Lizabet knew that Emlan had only wanted her extended family at the party but they still filled the big living room. Only Benji, Jane and Tabby were missing. Benji was on assignment with the Yehrin fleet and Jane and Tabby weren’t due home from college for another week.

  Even though it was her birthday, Emlan slipped quietly into the room. Her younger twin sisters, Lillie and Leslie, were much more boisterous, dancing into the room to show off their new party dresses. Emlan smiled after them as she bent to pick up Tribs. The small pet’s six legs were almost concealed under his mop of purple fur as he nestled against her shoulder.

  “Emlan is so pretty,” Lizabet whispered to Emily. Like her mother, the girl had a mop of blonde curls, but in her case, they curled around the small black horns on either side of her head. She had also inherited Emily’s lack of inches but not her voluptuous build. Instead, she looked almost fragile, although Lizabet knew that her delicate appearance concealed a surprising strength.

  “Isn’t she?” Emily beamed proudly, then sighed. “I only wish she wasn’t so shy. She was quiet before, but since Tren’s been gone, she seems almost invisible sometimes.”

  A burst of infectious laughter from Emily’s other daughters made everyone smile, but Lizabet couldn’t help wondering how much of Emlan’s silence was simply due to a lack of desire to compete with her much more out-going sisters. The twins had been the center of attention since they were born. For a race starved for females, the birth of twin sisters had occasioned much rejoicing and Lizabet suspected that Emlan had gotten somewhat lost in the excitement.

  However, Emlan seemed content enough as she circulated through the party, making sure to speak to everyone present. When it was time to blow out the candles, she blushed but came forward and blew them all out with a look of fierce concentration.

  As they were distributing pieces of cake to the excited children, T’lan’s wrist com flashed. He gave it a casual glance, then froze, his face a rigid mask.

  “What’s the matter, Daddy?” E
mlan asked.

  His face was completely unreadable, but Lizabet saw his eyes flash to Emily. “We will discuss it later.”

  Emlan stepped closer and put her hand on his arm. “Something’s wrong, isn’t it?”

  “I’m sure everything’s fine, sweetie. Right, T’lan?” Emily asked.

  “I do not wish to lie to you,” T’lan said slowly.

  “It’s Tren, isn’t it?” Emlan’s face turned white. “What happened?”

  He gave Emily an almost helpless glance, but she put an arm around Emlan and nodded.

  “His ship was attacked near Quatar,” he said slowly. “They do not believe there were any survivors.”

  Emlan swayed, only Emily’s grip holding her upright. “No,” she whispered. “I don’t believe it. I can still feel him. He’s still with me.”

  “I am truly sorry, my daughter.”

  Tears began to roll down her cheeks, increasing in intensity until her small body shook. T’lan picked her up in his arms and she turned her head into his shoulder, her desolate sobs trailing behind her as he carried her out of the room. Emily followed them with Tribs trailing behind, chirping anxiously.

  “Lillie and Leslie, why don’t you come and have a sleepover with Sophie and Jannie?” Rachel said quickly. Emily’s sisters looked stunned and lost, but they nodded and Rachel and T’chok had them out the door in a few minutes.

  “I’ll just put this food away,” Sarah said quietly. Lizabet shook off her shock and went to join her. A few minutes later, everything was tidy, and they all prepared to leave, but Sarah hesitated by the door as T’gana and J’tem waited patiently.

  “Do you think I should stay in case Emily needs me?”

  “I left her a note telling her that Rachel had the girls and to call us if she needed us,” Lizabet said gently. “We’ll check in on them tomorrow.”

  “I suppose you’re right.” Her friend gave her a quick, hard hug. “Love you, Lizzie.”

  “Love you, too.”

  As they trooped across the meadow towards their home, all of them were unusually silent. The boys clung to T’kol’s hands rather than racing ahead. Hisst had Katie cradled against one shoulder and his other arm around Lizabet.

  By the time she put the boys to bed, they had recovered some of their normal exuberance, but tonight she didn’t even bother to try and separate them from Katie. All three curled together like puppies, and she knew that even if they didn’t really understand what had happened, they took comfort in each other.

  Her own sources of comfort were waiting for her. T’kol and Hisst removed her clothes and led her to the bathing pool. It wasn’t until she was seated in the gently steaming water that she started to cry.

  T’kol lifted her onto his lap and tucked her head against his shoulder, while Hisst stroked her back.

  “Please don’t cry, my queen,” Hisst whispered.

  “I can’t help it. That poor child, to lose her mate so young.”

  “Her mate?” he asked.

  T’kol sighed. “T’renan gave her his honor when she was just a babe. I do not doubt that he intended to claim her as soon as she was old enough.”

  The words brought back her ancient heartache and she cried harder.

  “My L’chka, stop. You will injure yourself.”

  “It’s just… what if that had been us? What if something had happened to you before you had a chance to claim me? What if Hisst had died in that crash?”

  “But nothing did happen,” he said firmly, and pressed his lips to the claiming mark on her shoulder. Hisst mirrored the gesture on the other side.

  “You have us, Lissie. You will always have us.”

  Hisst kissed her until her tears subsided, while T’kol surrounded them both with his warmth and strength. Although her sorrow for Emlan remained, she let herself relax into the comfort and safety of these two males that she loved so much. Her restless spirit had found its home and she could only pray that someday Emlan would be able to find the same joy.

  Author’s Note

  Thank you so much for reading Alien Alliance! This is my first ménage romance and I had so much fun writing it! Whether you loved the book or not, it would mean the world to me if you left an honest review on Amazon. Word of mouth is incredibly helpful for authors and I’d love to know your thoughts!

  As always, there are many people I want to thank. First and foremost, I would like to thank my readers - I am constantly humbled and gratified by your love and support! And of course, my author BFFs, Bex McLynn and Emmy Chandler! And last, but certainly not least, my awesome beta readers: Janet S, Tammy S, Susan H, and Kitty S!

  Coming up next - Alien Hope

  When she finally accepts that T’renan is gone, Emlan is forced to move on with her life. Ten years later, she is overjoyed to find out he’s alive – but both of them have changed. Will they be able to find their way back to each other?

  Alien Hope is available for pre-order on Amazon

  For a glimpse at what happened prior to the invasion, Alien Selection tells the story of the first encounter between a Yehrin warrior and a human female! You can download it for FREE on BookFunnel or purchase it on Amazon for just $.99!




  And now for something completely different! I’m so excited to announce that I’m participating in a collaboration with some amazing other authors – and each book is a standalone Happily Ever After. My book in the Cosmic Fairy Tales collection is:

  Jackie and the Giant

  Jackie works as hard as she can to provide for her younger sister, but they’re barely surviving. When she comes home to find that her sister has traded their COW (Comestible Organic Wafer machine) to an alien trader in return for a worthless bean, she is both worried and hurt. She thought she could trust the intriguing male hidden behind the forbidding armor.

  When a giant beanstalk grows overnight, Jackie is desperate enough to climb to the top and demand the return of her COW. Instead, she finds a whole new world - and a very large surprise. Beneath the armor is a massive alien who seems to be as much plant as man.

  Cormac is enchanted by the little human female who trades with him each quarter and makes his sap rise. He devises a plan to bring her into his domain, even though he knows he may not be able to keep her. But now that she’s here, how can he let her go?

  A big green alien, a feisty heroine, evil storekeepers, and helpful plants - this sweet and steamy fairy tale is not the story you remember!

  Jackie and the Giant is available for pre-order on Amazon!

  And check out all of the fabulous authors in the Cosmic Fairy Tales collection, including this one from the fabulous Bex McLynn, The Ugly Dukeling

  Other Titles

  The Alien Invasion Series

  Alien Selection

  Alien Conquest

  Alien Prisoner

  Alien Breeder

  Alien Alliance

  Alien Hope

  The Alien Abduction Series

  Anna and the Alien

  Beth and the Barbarian

  Cam and the Conqueror

  Deb and the Demon

  Ella and the Emperor

  Faith and the Fighter

  Greta and the Gargoyle

  Treasured by the Alien

  with Bex McLynn

  Mama and the Alien Warrior




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