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Page 19

by Lisa Moore

  Lily slowed her frantic search for clothes to wear and said “Ok, it’s fine, I just never sleep that late and I am a little thrown off my routine.” “If you would like I could make you something for breakfast while you are in the shower.” With a slight huff, a mischievous smile spread across Lily’s lips, and she replied “I have a better idea, since my morning isn’t exactly going as I planned, why not make a total mess of it. Care to try to make me late for our meeting?” With that Lily slipped out of her t-shirt and panties and beckoned me to follow her into the bathroom. I certainly had no need for breakfast, but I had other strong desires, and I left a trail of clothes in my wake on my way to join her.

  Our tryst was not quite an “afternoon delight” it was more like brunch, but it was far more satisfying than any food could be. We arrived at the campus library at ten after 2:00. When we met up with the others, Ginny gave Lily a smirk, glanced at her watch and commented “You look flushed Bean, afternoon workout?” I expected Lily to playfully brush off the comment. Her response was surprising, not so much for what was said but for how. When Lily looked at Ginny to respond, there was a distinctly alpha female quality to it.

  “It’s Professor Bean to you Ginny. Don’t forget, this is an internship, think of me as your employer and act accordingly.” This short sentence was delivered with such uncharacteristic vitriol it stunned the group into silence. But it was Lily’s eyes that gave me pause. They reminded me of the look the mother bear gave me when I entered her den and she tried to defend her cubs. And then as fast as it had come, the look was gone. Lily’s countenance returned to the decidedly less aggressive and friendly visage we were all accustomed to.

  “I called this meeting, so you could all get a chance to meet before we leave, and to go over the ground rules of the trip and my expectations for each of you. Bill and Andrew, I think you know Ginny, this is Max. All of you have signed up for this trip as independent study credits. Ginny, Bill and Andrew will be getting undergrad credit and Max will be getting graduate credits. You three as undergrads will be responsible for gathering data, imputing data into the computer and doing a lot of the grunt work. You each need to bring your laptops with you, and be sure to have the appropriate adaptors and batteries you will need. Max as a grad student, you will be assisting me with the interviews and on site detective work that will hopefully help us in our quest for answers.”

  It was smart of Lily to lay out the rules for the trip, but with Ginny’s remark, Lily’s response, was like drawing a line in the sand. She continued, “Your grades will reflect your performance of the tasks you are assigned. We will all be working as a team. You were all given this opportunity, based on your insight and enthusiasm for the study of Vampirism. I want you all to remember that you represent this institution while on this trip. There will be plenty of down time for you to do as you please. I expect you to have your responsibilities to this class as your first priority, and behave in a manor that is consistent with the ethical code of the college. I feel like we are on the verge of an amazing discovery and anticipate an exciting adventure. I look forward to working with all of you, in our quest for proof of the existence of vampires.”

  After Lily’s opening remarks the rest of the meeting was spent going over the logistics of the trip. Lily explained, “Our journey begins with several flights. First we fly out of local Hills Airport, to JFK International airport in New York on the 19th. From N.Y. we have an 11:30am flight on American Airlines to Los Angeles International Airport. We have a seven hour lay over after which we take a flight on Air New Zealand to Auckland, New Zealand and catch a connector to Christchurch. The total trip takes about 29 hours and with the time difference we arrive on Monday the 21st at 8:20am. Our return trip is set for the 28th of December arriving home on the 30th. You all signed up for this trip knowing it occurs over the week of Christmas and I assume you understand we will not be taking time out of our schedule to celebrate. We have a lot to do in a short amount of time and I want to ensure the effort is rewarded with a good product at the end. Does anyone have any questions?”

  Lily answered several questions and I formally introduced myself to Bill and Andrew. Ginny had mentioned they were a couple and they seemed to be a happy one. When I went to introduce myself, Andrew said “It is nice to finally meet you. Bill and I have been admiring you from afar in class all semester.” Bill chimed in “Yeah, you kind of stand out. You’re much better dressed than a typical college student, and let’s face it; you are beautiful to look at. Your eyes are riveting. The color defies anything I have seen before, a bluish, grayish almost lavender color. Stunning with your black hair and…”

  Andrew interrupted “Ok Bill, if you keep it up I’m going to get jealous.” Bill returned, “Oh, sorry Drew, you know I only have eyes for you. Anyway Max, it’s nice to meet you.” “It’s nice to meet the both of you. And thank you for the compliment. I’m sure I will enjoy working with you both.” We finished up the meeting around 4:00pm and after a quick stop by Lily’s office for a few last minute things, we drove back to her house.

  On the ride back home Lily spoke animatedly about the trip and the success of the meeting. “I think that went well. I wanted to make sure everyone understood the division of labor and my general expectations. Ginny was a little quiet, but she had to be reminded of the boundaries, a situation like that can easily get out of hand, with her, her quips seem less like friendly banter and more like a personal stab. My “chick” instincts tell me to keep an eye on her and definitely keep her in check.”

  To hear Lily’s opinion, on her response to Ginny’s remark, made her response seem more appropriate. Very, alpha female defending her turf, that’s my Lily. “Max, I realize that we have talked very little about what I expect from you on this trip. I want you to know it’s because I see you as an equal. You have shown such knowledge and depth of insight into all the topics we have discussed I sometimes feel as if you should be the teacher. I may have set this whole trip up, but I hope you’re up to working together on this. I really value your ideas and opinions and look forward to seeing what we can discover together.”

  I looked over to Lily, my love for her filling me, and answered her with complete honesty when I said “Lily, since I signed up for this class, I have always thought of it as our personal quest for answers, for truth. I anticipate there will be many uncovered, both answers and truths. I am also sure, as you probably already know, even with answers, one often has more questions. I will be there with you as a fellow investigator, but more importantly I will be there as the man who loves you, to help you not just seek the truth, but cope with the truths we uncover. Sometimes Lily, the truth can make one wish for the ignorance of a lie. You have invested so much of yourself, in this journey that started long before we met. Whatever you learn, it is important for you to remember how you feel right now. I feel your love for me, it radiates from you. It’s like being wrapped in your warm embrace. And Lily, you know the depth of my love, you can feel it. I have felt a connection to you from the first day I laid eyes on you, even before the Evening Star. And the first time your lips kissed my cheek after I helped you down the cow path, you felt it. It was almost as if our bodies knew before our brains that we were meant to be together. I hope you always remember that.” “Max, I have already learned the only truth I need to know and that is that you love me. Anything else we discover, as long as we are together, I’m sure we will handle.”

  I tried not to be cryptic with Lily. So close to learning the truth, one might ask why not just tell her now. But, I know in my soul, the way for Lily to accept me is through Victoria. It cannot be coincidence that my past and present are about to come face to face. Some greater force is at work, and it has been so, possibly for far longer than I have expected. But I am convinced that Victoria is the key to my salvation.

  Chapter 29

  One Truth Uncovered

  It is Friday, the 18th of December. I watch Lily as she stirs
in her sleep, she will be getting up soon, ready to tackle the last minute list of things to do before we leave tomorrow, but now she is in the midst of a dream. Her eyes dart rapidly under her lids as if she were watching a tennis match. As I sit and contemplate the beauty and graceful curves of her sleeping form, I run through the trip itinerary that Lily and I discussed last night. We leave tomorrow morning on an 8:00am commuter flight to JFK from Hills Airport. Our flight out of JFK is at 11:30am, we have two stops along the way in Los Angeles and Auckland. The total trip time is approximately 29 hours but with the time difference we end up in New Zealand on Monday morning.

  Lily has set up a meeting with Victoria for 3:00 pm on Monday afternoon. We will interview Victoria together and on Tuesday we will interview the witness at noon. Lily has set aside time on Wednesday and Thursday for second interviews with Victoria and the witness, depending on what she learns, she has the rest of the week open to do research in town and at the local hall of records. I am not sure as of yet, exactly how I will tell Lily. I hope the situation will present itself after we interview Victoria.

  From the look on Lily’s face it seems her dream has become troublesome. She wakes with a start. A shouted “No!” pierces the quiet of the bedroom. “Lily, it’s ok, it was just a dream.” I say soothingly. When Lily looks at me I see she has a sleepy confused look about her. “Oh, Max, what time is it?” “It’s just seven, were you having a bad dream?” “I guess, it was dark, I was alone. It’s all too fuzzy to remember any details. Sorry if my shout woke you.” “It didn’t, I have been up for a while, just thinking about the itinerary we discussed last night.” “Well, I’m glad were up early, I have a lot of last minute things to do before we leave in the morning.”

  After a quick bite for Lily, we decided to go to town to hit CVS one more time. Lily insisted she needed more batteries and film. Along with those, she picked up a few more impulse items, things for the plane, gum, candy and lip balm. When she seemed to have all she needed we paid for the purchases and head out down the street. It was still early, not all of the stores that occupied the strip were open. I was hoping that Lily would not want to go down by Charles’ Antique shop. I didn’t want to tell her yet, about the letter or the rings. While they were a gift presumably from both Lilly and Charles, it had been my intention that day, when I went and found the for sale sign, to purchase rings for Lily and I. How Charles or his dead wife Lilly would know before I had decided, that rings are what I sought, still picks at my mind. Regardless, I am not ready to address that now.

  Just as I thought we would make it safely out of town Lily said, “I just have to go to the cash machine. I have traveler’s checks but I want to have a few hundred on me when we travel, just in case.” “Just in case what?” I asked, trying to draw her attention away from the stores and towards me. “In case, you know, travel to a far away land, in quest of vampires… in case any number of things occur. At the very least there are sure to be grifters along the way. It seems when one seeks to find information, it can be especially helpful to grease the wheels, so to speak.” “You watch too many spy shows.” I said with a smile.

  Lily crossed the street in a diagonal, a few stores before Charles’. She never paused to glance back in the direction of the antique shop. We went into the bank and Lily made her transaction, as we made our way to the door she said over her shoulder, “Lets see if Charles is open yet, I would like to say hello and wish him a merry Christmas.” She was a few steps ahead of me, when, turning in the direction of Charles’ store, she gasped. What we saw surprised us both. The store front window had been covered with a coming soon sign. “Mia’s Marvelous Café and Book Store”, was being heralded. All I could think of was that Jack worked fast; he certainly earned his enormous fees.

  “What the hell?” Lily exclaimed. I answered honestly, “I’m as surprised as you”, although we were surprised about entirely different things. “I have to go ask Sal, over at Anderson’s Realty. Nothing gets bought or sold in this town without him being involved. He will know why Charles’s shop is closed. It’s just on Market Street, do you mind if we go?” I wanted to be with Lily to comfort her as she received the news of Charles’ death, but if Sal saw me with her he would wonder why I had not told her myself. I tried evasive maneuvers. “You want to go now? Don’t you think this can wait until after we get back from our trip, you still have a lot of things on that to do list?”

  She would not be deterred. One more lie, I hoped it would be my last to Lily. “Would you mind if I met you there? I forgot I need shaving cream for the trip. I will be right behind you.” Lily countered with, “Why don’t you get the car after you are finished at CVS and meet me out front at Anderson’s. The address is 320 Market. Do you know how to get to Market?” “I know where it is, it’s near the Oak Leaf Pub. I’ll be by in a few minutes.” I left Lily, alone, to learn the news of Charles’ death. I am ashamed, but do not know of another way that still lets me maintain the secrecy of the letter and the rings. I know she feels strongly for him and I can feel her worry as she walks to Market Street.

  “I went to CVS and bought some shaving cream to keep up the lie and slowly drove over to Anderson’s. As I approached, I felt it, Lily engulfed in sorrow and confusion. I pulled up in time to see her walking dazedly out of Anderson’s. Thankfully Sal remained in his office, and did not see me. I got out of the car, helped Lily in and got back inside and drove slowly away from Anderson’s. Keeping up the charade I asked the question, for which I already knew the answer.

  “Lily what’s wrong?” “It’s Charles. Max, Charles is dead.” And then she wept quietly. After a few minutes Lily reiterated the story Sal had told her. She had no knowledge of the package left to me by Charles, and I was not worried about her finding out that I had bought the store and all of its’ contents. Not only was Jack fast but he did an excellent job at keeping me anonymous.

  Lily talked about her feelings for Charles. “Even though I only had that one time to meet him, I feel as if I lost a loved one. Something about him, the necklace…” Lily trailed off. “I guess I thought I would have more time to talk to him, to learn more from him about the Evening Star. He seemed like such an interesting gentleman. I will miss him.” “Lily, Charles led a long and interesting life, from what I learned from him. I am sure he is happy to finally be reunited with his Lilly. He told me he believed he would see her again and that their souls were bound to each other. I hope she was in his thoughts as he passed.”

  We drove the rest of the way home with Lily in silent contemplation. The rest of the afternoon was spent helping Lily pack and getting Pumpkin ready for her stay with Paul. I drove Lily and Pumpkin to Paul’s Library Pub, and agreed we would meet back at her house later. I had to go out to my farm, get my things and close up the house for when we would be away. I also wanted to feed one last time. I have four bags left of AB+, from Cortland, they won’t stay fresh for another two weeks, so I will drink them all and be well fueled. I will have to go without sleep for a while, I am not comfortable sleeping with Lily yet. If she were to watch me while I was in a deep restorative sleep, even for a few minutes, she would think I was dead.

  When a vampire sleeps it is strictly for restorative purposes. It gives the cells an opportunity to divert energy away from unnecessary tasks such as breathing and beating one’s heart and focuses on repair and replacement of damaged cells. It is an opportunity to remove those dead cells and the metabolic waste from the body. The wastes diffuse to the surface, leaving the skin with a white patina. I could pass for a corpse very easily. Thankfully I am fit. I have been feeding often leading up to this trip, and this large meal of blood I will enjoy, it will be enough to sustain me for a while. I know there are sheep and other game where we are going, not that I should need it, so sleep is not a priority. After I complete my short to do list, I head back to Lily’s for our last night in town, we head out at dawn for a journey that is sure to be life changing for us both.
  Chapter 30

  The Adventure Begins

  For a typical human the trip to New Zealand from the east coast is arduous at best. The 29 hour plus journey could be made more or less bearable, depending largely on the fate of the seating arrangements. I wanted to make sure Lily was comfortable, and, give us some private time before “team New Zealand” got under way when we landed. I would have gladly paid outright for two first class round trip tickets, however since the trip was arranged through the university, it was not an option. I opted to circumvent the rules a bit. At the airport, I managed to suggest to two first class ticket holders, that they would be extremely interested in switching tickets with us for a large financial profit. Together the other party and I spoke to the airline employee at the boarding gate. The agent, who is already primed to try and please the customer, was easily coaxed into making the switch. I would say it was fortuitous that Lily was in the restroom while this entire transaction took place, but actually I may have suggested she had to use the restroom. A gentle persuasion for the greater good is how I tried to sugar coat my deceptions. “Just a short time longer”, these words became my mantra.

  To hide my deception from Lily, Ginny, Bill and Drew, I would say that I was able to upgrade my and Lily’s tickets with frequent flier points. I have told Lily I travel a lot so I was hoping they would all just buy it. When the flight boarded, Lily and I were in first class, the other three from our group were in coach. For me the trip would not be arduous, I could sit in one position for days at a time with no muscle cramps or comfort issues. I have traveled in the bowels of rat infested freight ships over roiling seas. No, this trip will be simple. I would try to make it as comfortable for Lily as I was able, and eagerly wait for the true journey to begin, the journey seeking truth, acceptance, and possibly forgiveness.


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