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Evilution Page 22

by Lisa Moore

  Chapter 33

  Acceptance at Last

  I walked back to the inn and saw Ginny, Bill and Drew all having lunch in the small reception area. They had their laptops out and between breaks to eat, they were working. I wonder what Lily has told them, certainly not the truth, not all of it. Ginny nodded a greeting, Bill and Drew waved and smiled cheerily. I acknowledged them with a nod and walked somberly up to the room Lily and I had got to share, but have yet to be in together. I opened the door and saw Lily crying softly on the bed. From the doorway I asked, “Lily, can I come in? We need to talk.” Lily lifted her tear stained face to look at me. Some say the eyes are the window to the soul. Looking at Lily now, her soul seems tortured. Gone was the look of joy and happiness that usually greeted me. Instead, pain, confusion and a new wariness met my gaze.

  After a moment Lily spoke, “It’s true then.” Without moving closer I answered, “If by true you mean vampires exist and that I am a vampire, then yes. But Lily the most important truth is the fact that I am the same person you fell in love with. I am not the monster Jed told you about. I haven’t been that person since I held Victoria in my arms nearly a century ago.” “Some researcher I am. After all this time, how could I not know?” “Lily, I have worked very hard to keep it from you. But you saw it. Think back and put the pieces in place. To be frank, I was worried you would figure it out before I got a chance to explain. Even without the Evening Star you would have figured it out soon.” Not seeming placated Lily asked, “How old are you?” As I looked back into her unwavering, penetrating gaze I said, “My body stopped aging when I transitioned at twenty six. I was born April 6th 1887. I have existed on this earth for 122 years.”

  It was my turn to ask the next question, the answer on which hinged my future. “Lily, are you afraid of me?” I held my breath for long minutes awaiting her response. Slowly she answered, “I haven’t slept for nearly two days as I have contemplated that very question. My rational mind tells me I should be; especially after the very detailed recounting of the Thomas family slaying which Jed shared with me. To be truthful, my emotions are all over the place, but I am not afraid of you.” I wanted to sweep her into my arms and never let her go. Instead I slowly closed the distance between us and sat near her on the bed. We sat in silence for several minutes, Lily looking at me as if seeing me for the first time. I could feel her emotional turmoil as her conscious mind wrestled with her new found knowledge. After what seemed like an eternity, Lily put her arms around me and said, “Max, tell me everything is going to be ok. Tell me we can get through this.”

  The moment of that embrace will be etched into my mind for eternity. For in that moment, as Lily’s arms wrapped around me, her head resting on my chest, I felt the one thing in my existence I longed for the most, love and acceptance for who and what I am. I wept with joy, so overcome with emotion. I tried to give Lily the assurance she needed. Whispering in her ear as I held her close, “Everything is going to be ok. We are going to be ok. I love you.” We sat like that for some time, neither of us able nor wanting to release the embrace. After several minutes I turned Lily’s tear stained face to mine and said, “I’m sorry. Sorry for keeping secrets from you. I never meant to hurt you. All the lies and omissions, I told myself it was for your benefit. From the moment I laid eyes on you and even before, it seems, I have been drawn to you. As we became friends, I felt that in time I might be able to share my truth with you. I was afraid to lose you, but once I fell in love with you, I knew I had to tell you the entire story if we were to ever have a chance at a life together. When you told me of this trip and Victoria, I felt certain the connections had to be more than coincidence. I felt fate, or some other force, was bringing us together. I hoped, when you did hear the truth, you would find a way to accept me.”

  As Lily wiped away the wetness from her cheeks she replied, “I’m sorry for pulling away from you, I know it was hurtful. I was so overcome by the truth and all that it means, I temporarily lost sight of the depth of my feelings for you, and how you feel for me.” “Lily I thought I lost you. After you left Jed’s I felt your revulsion, it made you physically sick” She looked deep into my eyes and said, “To be honest, I did feel revolted from Jed’s description. His memories were so vivid and detailed. He has felt guilt all these years. He thinks somehow he could have stopped you from killing the family. He was only nine Max, and he’s carried that burden ever since.”

  I answered honestly, “There is nothing he could have done except die with the rest of my victims. As it is he is still a victim. I stole his innocence, and I obviously stole his peace. Your reaction to his recollection was palpable, strong enough to cause you to be sick.” “Max, I wasn’t feeling well before I had gone to see Jed. His story didn’t make me sick. I think I ate something that didn’t agree with me, although I’m sure the story didn’t help. Before you came in, I had been sitting here trying to understand my new reality, struggling to sort out my emotions, when I was suddenly engulfed in yours. Max, I found the thread. When I did, I felt the flood of your love mixed with the pain of my rejecting you. I felt the power of your remarkable form, so wondrous. It was as if your soul was reaching out for my understanding and acceptance. I could feel your desperate yearning for my love. I love you Max, you, the extraordinary being that you are; a vampire.”

  We embraced again, I savored the moment. I felt as if we could almost fuse into one, so perfect was our fit. I tentatively kissed her; still unable to fully believe her fear of me was abated. Her response was clear. Lily pulled me down onto the bed. We lay together kissing and talking. I laid bare the story of my existence. Later that night our passion was rekindled. The experience was transcendent, the strength of our bond so powerful, the thread, more like a rope binding our souls. The truth I so feared to share did set me free, free to truly love and be loved by this remarkable woman.

  We stayed up into the early morning hours; we had so much to say to each other. Lily had many questions; her thirst for scientific knowledge is one of her traits I admire so much. We talked until sleep finally over took her. As Lily slept wrapped in my embrace I sat pondering the magnitude of my good fortune. The woman I have pledged my heart to, loves me for me; and the woman who has the most reason to despise me, has forgiven me. And then I slept.

  I awoke the next morning, to find Lily still curled up in my arms, sleeping peacefully. I gently kissed her temple, her cheek, her neck and her shoulder. When Lily stirred awake I said, “Good morning my love, would you like some breakfast? I can be back in five minutes with pancakes and syrup. I think I even detect the smell of bacon and coffee.” “Mmm”, Lily replied as she leaned in to kiss me. “That sounds delicious, but I think I need to cut back on the carbs, my pants have gotten a little snug.” “I think you look perfect. I also know an excellent way to burn off a few calories.” I jokingly replied as I kissed her passionately. We made love again, after which, we showered together, tenderly bathing each other. Again I reflected on my incredible fortune to find such a remarkable woman. We decided to spend the next few days together in the forests of New Zealand. I wanted to show Lily the world as I explore it, give her a taste of my abilities.

  Lily devised a plan to keep Ginny, Bill and Drew busy. The four met for breakfast. For the first time in our relationship, I didn’t have to pretend to eat. Lily told me to meet her out front in an hour. At breakfast, Ginny was acting strange. When Lily asked her what was wrong she said in short clipped sentences, “I’m fine. I just finished transcribing your notes from your interview with Jed Carpenter. The recollection was a little tough to take and something in the retelling gives me a sense of deja-vu. I can’t put my finger on it, but I am left with a feeling like I am missing something, something important.”

  Lily tried to recall what could be in her notes that got Ginny’s interest piqued. She seemed sure her notes were vague enough, but before she could come up with anything, Ginny got up to leave. Lily quickly told the three t
hat she and I would be extending our trip. She said that she felt we had exhausted all the research opportunities here and decided to visit some other towns and churches to see if we could find any more information. Lily gave out the final assignment for the three of them. She told them to e-mail their work to her when it was complete. When they were finished they were free to enjoy New Zealand as they wished. They agreed to all meet up out front on the morning of their departure where we would escort them to the airport. After thanking them for their efforts and ensuring them they were all on track to receive A’s if they completed the last assignment, she wished them a happy holiday. According to Lily, Bill and Drew seemed happy at the prospect of an easy A and extra leisure time in New Zealand, Ginny on the other hand seemed less then enthusiastic.

  After the breakfast meeting adjourned we set out on our trek, unhurried and relaxed. Now that Lily has learned the truth, we have no more need to interview anyone or do further research. We decide to spend the time leisurely. I was letting Lily into my world, and we were enjoying being together in the beautiful and pristine landscape of the New Zealand countryside.

  At the end of the third day spent exploring the wonders of our surroundings, and Lily learning the scope of my vampire abilities, I had one more secret I wanted to share with her. Deep in the ancient woods we discovered a magnificent waterfall. Amidst the sound of the crashing water, and the earthy aromas of the surrounding landscape, I got down on my knee and asked Lily to marry me. I took out the ring Charles and Lilly had given me and as the words “yes” lovingly left her lips, I placed the ring on her finger. Lily’s smile was radiant, she seemed to glow from within, and then I saw, it was the Evening Star. It sparkled with an inner brilliance, more profound than it had been previously. The power of our love is what brought the Evening Star to us, and as our love has grown stronger it is reflected in the brilliance of the Evening Star’s light.

  Chapter 34

  A Nobel Act and a Parting Gift

  It is December 28th and today we will escort Ginny, Bill and Andrew to the airport. The last several days have been incredible; Lily like a giddy school girl, as she marvels at each newly learned fact of my abilities and riding the emotional high our engagement has caused. Lily and I are going to extend our stay in New Zealand for another week. She doesn’t have to be back to work until January 13th and classes don’t start until the 18th. We will leave here tomorrow to explore some more of New Zealand’s beautiful sights. We have decided to visit Victoria this evening, to share with her the news of our happiness. I know she wanted to see us both again before we left.

  We spent last night in our room at the inn. After cleaning up we went down to the front to meet our group and take them to the airport. When we arrived, we found Bill and Drew ready to go out front. A van was waiting and their bags were already stowed in the back. We approached the two and after some small talk about how they spent their last few days Lily asked, “Where is Ginny? We have to get moving if you are going to catch your flight.”

  Lily and I agreed that we would not share my secret with the others or the world just yet. In fact it was Lily’s suggestion. One evening in the woods Lily confessed, “Max, when I did all that research it was for me, not for the world. I wanted to satisfy my own curiosity. Now that I know the truth, I selfishly want to keep it hidden for now. I can only imagine the media circus that would erupt if the truth became public knowledge. The truth, if you do want to share it with the world, would need to be presented the right way to avoid widespread panic. Sadly, not everyone would welcome a vampire with open arms.” I knew she was right. And I was relieved actually. I wanted to share the truth with Lily because I loved her, and knew I needed to be honest with her if we were ever to share a life. But I was not looking to be the poster child for Vampirism.

  After five more minutes Lily decided to go up to Ginny’s room to get her moving. In the hallway, in front of Ginny’s door, was the chamber maid cart. The door to Ginny’s room was open and a young girl was making up the bed. Lily knocked at the door to ask the girl if she saw Ginny leave. The chamber maid said the room was empty when she arrived but said there was a note left on the dresser. The girl handed Lily the note that was addressed to her.

  Dear Professor Bean,

  I have decided to extend my trip for a few days. There are some questions I have that I want to look into. I e-mailed my paper to you, and I called my folks to let them know of my plans. I hope to see you next semester. Be careful professor.


  After Lily read the note she was left with an uneasy feeling. What did Ginny mean she had questions of her own, and why the, “Be careful” warning? Had she figured out some of the truth? Lily returned to the van, as she approached I could tell something was wrong. She told everyone to get in the van. Once inside she told us that Ginny left a note saying she was extending her stay and we were leaving without her. From her demeanor I could tell there was more to it than that. I would have to wait until Bill and Drew were gone to talk about it with her. After dropping off Bill and Drew the van driver brought us back to the inn. We decided to walk the mile to Victoria’s house. It would give us time to sort out Ginny’s note.

  As we walked we traded thoughts of what the note might mean. “Max, she knows something, the questions and the warning to be careful, what could she know and how? “Lily lets not jump to conclusions. While I agree it seems Ginny knows something, we really can’t know the extent of it until we talk to her. I think we wait and see what happens. If it is something big I’m sure she will contact you about it. Now let’s forget about it for a while. Remember we are on our way to share the news of our happiness with Victoria, so be happy.”

  Lily smiled and chuckled, resigned to forget about Ginny for awhile. We walked hand in hand enjoying the spectacular countryside, when Lily stumbled. I easily caught her and swept her up in my arms. I expected Lily to comment on her “glass ankle” as the reason for her stumble, but when I looked at her, I knew something was wrong, and then I felt it, pain; incredible searing pain.

  “Aghh! Max, something’s wrong. It hurts, oh God, please make it stop!” Lily was overcome with pain, and she was writhing in my arms. Her screams became incoherent sobs, before eventually dying off as she mercifully passed out. We were near Victoria’s farm house and I quickly brought her there, not caring of the risk of being seen traveling at vamp speed. Something was wrong with Lily. Just as I approached the porch to Victoria’s I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand up and was suddenly hit, like a punch to the gut, by a menacingly familiar scent. It was the same one I had smelled back in the woods with Pumpkin on our camping trip and by the cave with Lily. And suddenly, standing between me and Victoria’s house stood the creature responsible.

  In an instant I was fully transformed into the feral animal I can become, my thoughts consumed with protecting Lily. The only other creature a vampire fears is another vampire. I would be torn limb from limb before I would let this one near her. I bared my fangs and just as I was about to try to shuttle Lily to safety, he spoke.

  “Please don’t run Maximillian. I would never dream of harming my great granddaughter, or her betrothed. Besides we need to get her inside, and we are going to need something to feed her.” “Who are you?!” I growled. My rage just barely contained. “Take it easy young man; if I meant to hurt either of you I would have months ago. My name is Augustine Angelone. I am Lily’s great grandfather.” “But you are a vampire!” I hissed, and then my rage waned as realization settled in.

  “Why have you been tracking me?” “Yes Max, I am a vampire. I have not been tracking you, at least not in the beginning. I have been tracking Lily. I only started tracking you after I saw you in the woods with the deer.” Just then Lily groaned. “Listen Max, I can explain all that later. Right now we need to get Lily inside and get her some thing to feed from. Because you see, young man, your bride to be, is transitioning.”

As he said the word it was like a veil had been lifted, suddenly all the signs were clear. The ravenous hunger as the body fuels up for the transition, strengthening the body in preparation for the arduous and painful process. Lily’s ankle miraculously healing after possibly being broken from the slip in the shower was a result of the coordinating efforts of the cells as they prepare for transition. The nausea and vomiting as the body is starting to reject that type of food as sustenance. That is why we were so drawn to each other, and why Charles said our souls would be together for eternity, not because he thought I was human, but because he or more likely Lilly knew she would become a vampire.

  I quickly made my way up the steps and knocked at Victoria’s door. When she saw Lily in my arms she ushered us inside without hesitation. After hastily introducing Augustine, he explained what was happening. I will have to obtain a substantial amount of blood for Lily to feed from after the transition is complete. I turn to Victoria and ask, “Do you know where the nearest hospitals are? I need to get Lily some blood.” Victoria gave me the location of two of the closest hospitals and Augustine agreed to go in search of the blood.

  Victoria turned toward Augustine, “I remember you. Years ago, when I was a young girl you came, researching vampires. You wanted to know my story.” “Augustine’s dark eyes locked with Victoria’s. “Yes Ms. Thomas, that was before I turned. It seems you were not entirely truthful about your recollections with me.” Victoria stood bravely staring back at Augustine. Ignoring his remark she said, “Would you give me your word Mr. Angelone, that you will not harm anyone for their blood?” Victoria sensed immediately that Augustine was different than I. I understood her concern for the community and her friends.

  Augustine smiled at Victoria; it was not a pleasant grin. With fangs protruding menacingly, a malicious smile on his lips, Augustine replied, “Ms. Thomas, if I wanted to expose myself and my family, I would take great pleasure in ripping out the throats of every living being in this dismal little town. But as luck for you and your town folk would have it I am trying to keep a low profile. I haven’t killed a human in six months. I have snacked, just a taste, never enough to kill. You are all so easy to manipulate, practically walking vampire vending machines.” To me he said, “I will be back shortly, keep Lily calm and away from her, if you want her to stay safe.”


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