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Mate For The Feral Barbarians (Celestial Mates)

Page 3

by Scarlett Grove

  Konko knelt beside me and began bandaging her foot with a strip of cured Banktock leaf. She looked down at her foot and then to both of us.

  “It’s fine,” she said with a nervous laugh.

  The look in her eyes told me she knew why we were all here.



  Konko and Vock stared at me with those glowing animalistic eyes. I was pretty sure I wasn’t dreaming by now since the trip through the jungle had taken so long. Dreams usually didn’t have such a vivid linear sequence. And the more that realization sunk in, the more confused I became.

  “How is it possible for me to be here?” I asked.

  “The cupids have blessed us with a mate. Their story is true,” Konko said.

  “Vero said you would arrive today,” Vock said in a low voice.

  “The clan will know soon,” Konko growled.

  “Vero will not betray us. She has the sight and cares for the old ways.”

  “We must have strength,” Vock said. “The cupids gave us the codes to defeat the sky devils.”

  “We will defeat them, brother. In time. But now… our mate is here.”

  The twin barbarians stopped talking nonsense and looked at me like they were about to eat me whole. Long canine teeth were exposed under curled lips. The sight of them looking at me like that gave me an instinctive jolt. I wasn’t sure if it was excitement or fear.

  “Sky devils? Are you talking about UFOs?”

  “UFOs?” one of them said, tilting his head.

  “You guys don’t know what’s going on here any more than I do,” I said with a sigh.

  The twins came from a primitive culture. Their treehouse was comfortable, but it was clear they lacked electricity. A stacked stone fire pit sat at the center of the treehouse with a hole in the roof for the smoke to billow out. The roof itself was made up of woven vines that seemed to have somehow grown in that pattern. The floor and walls were of the same material.

  There were typical furnishings that I recognized, and I was seated on a big bed, several feet off the ground. It was about the size of a king sized bed made out of what felt like piles of cotton balls, covered in velvety soft furs. There were several trunks and a table and chairs at the other end of the room. There were windows all around, covered in vine bars.

  It seemed like a perfectly livable place, but there was no advanced technology that I could make out anywhere. And from the other choices the cupids had given me, I assumed those things must exist somewhere in the universe.

  It was becoming harder and harder to believe this was a dream as they crawled up onto the bed beside me and started to brush my hair away from my neck. Vock tugged at the neck of my dress, trying to pull it away from my breasts.

  “This sheath must be removed,” Vock growled.

  “It’s stuck on her,” Konko spat out, trying to rip my skirt up over my hips. It was too tight to go that way.

  “Ouch, cut it out. It opens in the back, with the zipper,” I said, gripping at the zipper at the back of my neckline. Vock gripped the tiny copper zipper with his big indigo blue fingers. “Pull it down.”

  He yanked downward, tangling the zipper in the seam, getting it stuck half way down. He yanked at it again, ripping the dress open at the back. I yelped.

  “You ruined my dress!” I protested. “What will I wear now?”

  “Nothing,” Konko growled, leaning in to sniff my neck.

  They managed to strip me out of my dress only to find me in my bra and panties. I’d worn my best set, pink satin with black lace trim, but they didn’t seem impressed.

  “Will this unnecessary wrapping ever end?” Konko growled.

  Konko dipped his hand inside the cup of my bra and Vock dipped his fingers into my panties, gripping my mound in his big hand. I groaned as they pushed me back onto the bed, my chest heaving as I panted.

  I should have been freaking out way more than I was, but the feeling of Vock’s hand on my sex somehow wouldn’t let me. Konko gripped the front of my bra and pulled. Gently at first, but when that didn’t work, he ripped the bra away with incredible brute force, snapping the latch beyond repair. I screamed and Vock’s finger dipped into my core.

  “This has to go as well,” Vock said, gripping my panties between his teeth.

  Konko did the same thing and soon they were both tearing my panties away with their sharp white teeth. They shredded the fabric enough to reveal the juices I’d leaked into my panties. Konko drew the fabric to his nose and took a long sniff, his eyes rolling back in his head.

  The twins’ cocks were so hard, they pushed their loincloths away to reveal the taut flesh of their shafts. I shut my eyes, embarrassed and too turned on to comprehend.

  Vock rubbed sweet smelling oil into my pussy with his big hand and dipped his thick lubricated fingers inside my core. When he withdrew them suddenly, I opened my eyes again to see him sucking the juices from his fingers as he grunted and groaned with pleasure.

  Konko dipped his oiled fingers inside me. I was so wet, they slipped in with ease, his thick knuckles dragging over my g-spot. I quivered and groaned. When Konko withdrew his fingers, he licked the juices and sweet oil and his eyes rolled back in his head. The brothers looked at each other and then at my pussy, and I knew I was in for it.

  The both dove in at the same time, licking and sucking my sex like starving animals. The intensity of pleasure hit me like a tidal wave with a force nearly too great for me to withstand. Konko sucked at my clit in bursts of pressure between flicks of his tongue, while Vock thrust his raspy tongue in and out of my core.

  I gasped, my mind going blank. This was insane. What was I doing here? How did I get here and who were these men sucking my privates like they were trying to extract venom from a snake bite? If I weren’t so confused, I would have already come.

  Konko ran his tongue up my body, leaving a trail of fire along my naked skin. He went back to nibbling my nipples and cupping my breasts while he flicked my clit with his fingers.

  Vock pushed Konko’s fingers away and started to suck my clit while he thrust his thick, oiled fingers into my core. I screamed as a new level of pleasure hit me.

  “Her cunt is so tight,” Konko said.

  My nipples went as hard as steel and my whole body tensed. I was going to come any second. I felt the hot, wet flush rushing toward me.

  “She is very tight, and she likes to be sucked,” Vock growled, taking a break from pleasuring me. “I want to make her cunt clench on my fingers.”

  “Come on, little mate, come for us now,” Konko cooed in my ear.

  Vock sucked my clit into his mouth and Konko bit my hard nipples, one after the other. With a firm thrust into my pussy, I came like a maniac. The scream that tore out of my throat would have made the neighbors call 911 had I been in my apartment back home.

  But here, on whatever planet this was, it only sent a flock of strange rainbow colored birds into the canopy of the jungle. At least I think it was birds. It could have just been the insane fireworks popping behind my eyes.

  My whole body quaked with pleasure as the orgasm rolled over me. Both brothers growled, sensing my pleasure. Before I knew what was happening, they were both kneeling above me, jerking their huge cocks over my face. Beads of pre-cum glistened on the heads of their dicks. Konko ran his forefinger over his cock, picking up the bead of cum. He rubbed it on my lip, and my tongue flicked out instinctively to taste it.

  I’m not sure what happened after that. Usually, the taste of cum isn’t that great in my opinion, but Konko’s cum was different. It was sweet like pineapple mixed with raw musk. It only made me want more. With a gasp, I sat up and started to lick them, one after the other.

  The brothers showed their appreciation by petting my back and long brown locks as they took turns fondling my breasts. Vock ran his hands through my hair, gripping my scalp. When I turned back to lick the head of his cock, a slight pressure on the back of my head told me he wanted his dick in my mouth.

p; “I like this mouth sex,” Vock growled. “I want you to suck me.”

  I groaned and let him slip his thick cock into my mouth. With my mouth gaping wide, he pushed deeper in. My mouth dripped with desire, I tried to suck him, wanting to taste his cum. But he was so big, thick and long. I groaned, my pussy dripping with juices. Vock gripped my hair tighter and began to gently thrust deeper and deeper. He barely fit into my mouth with it as wide as it would go. I had to use both hands to grip his length and stroke with his thrusts.

  Konko got jealous, wanting my lips around his cock too. He pulled me away from his brother, slipping into my mouth before Vock could stop him. Vock growled and continued to stroke himself with one hand and squeeze my tits with the other. I groaned on Konko, and that made him groan too.

  I felt like I’d come again, just from the feeling of Vock’s hand on my breasts and Konko’s huge dick in my mouth. Konko reached down and started to play with my sopping wet pussy while Vock tweaked my nipples.

  Not wanting to be outdone by his brother, Vock pulled my mouth away from his brother’s cock and replaced it with his own. The continued passing me back and forth, playing with my pussy and breasts until I was humming with another oncoming climax. I groaned on Vock’s cock, his fingers deep inside me. I could barely think. I could barely breathe. I was a mindless, groaning mass of nerves, waiting to come for these strange, blue men. This had to be a dream. And if it was, I didn’t want to wake up.

  Konko jerked his hand up and down on his shaft. I could hear the sound of slapping beside me as he pinched my nipples painfully. It was so hot I couldn’t hold back the orgasm a second longer. Vock thrust his fingers into my pussy, and I started to come, my body clenching around him. His cock widened painfully in my already strained mouth, and he shot his load deep into my throat.

  I groaned, sucking him, holding him back from suffocating me. The flavor of his sweet cum intoxicated me. My orgasm didn’t want to let up. It was so intense my body contracted and tensed. I let go of Vock’s cock with an audible pop, the taste of his seed still on my lips. Konko didn’t waste any time. His cock thrust into my mouth a split second later. My pussy kept pulsing with pleasure from the taste of Vock’s cum while Konko fucked my face like a madman.

  I didn’t even care that this huge barbarian of a man was fucking my face. I wanted to taste his seed like it was the last pint of Cherry Garcia on the planet. Somehow, this crazy day all made sense. Even if this wasn’t a dream, I didn’t care. Konko’s cock started to grow even stiffer. He groaned, pulling my hair as he held my head steady for his thrusts.

  He burst inside my mouth, his hot seed shooting to the back of my throat. I groaned and swallowed. God, it tasted good. I decided I could live on cum alone at that moment in time. It didn’t matter that they’d basically kidnapped me and taken me to a treehouse in the middle of nowhere on a strange planet to double team me with their huge cocks. I didn’t care.

  I hadn’t had a good date in ages, let alone two orgasms in the space of five minutes. The day was looking up since the cupids had popped me to this planet.

  As Konko began to go soft, the brothers let me go, and I collapsed on the fur covered mattress. They knelt over me, looking down at my spent body for several beats before joining me on the furs.

  “That seriously blew my mind,” I said, giggling.

  “Blew your mind?” Konko asked, confused.

  Vock blew on my temple, sending a shiver down my spine. I giggled again.

  “It’s just an expression where I’m from.”

  “Where are you from?” Vock asked, running his hand over my sweat covered body.

  “I’m from a place called Earth. What is this place?”

  “We call our land Zimbre, and we are the Zimbre people. Welcome to our home.”

  “Right, Zimbre. I think I’m going to like it here.”



  Our tiny soft female had taken our seed inside her, awakening her desire with our pheromones. We knew what was required to claim a mate. Vock and I both agreed, deep in our twin bond, that this female could never take the claiming of twin Zimbre warriors. She had to choose. We’d given her a taste of our seed, creating an equal awakening of her pleasure for us. When the time to choose arrived, it would be fair.

  Not that I wanted to play fair. The second I’d seen the woman, I wanted to take her for myself. I knew she would be too small to take our cocks in the claiming. It was me or my brother. I knew he thought the same thing.

  Many Zimbre twins took the same female into their treehouse. It was a common custom. But none of those women were as tiny and fragile as our Kimmy. None as sweet and curvy as our mate, either. None of them smelled like the intoxicating Linnon flower that grew in the richest soils in the jungle. Zimbre women were not as small as this woman. There was no way she could take two giant Zimbre cocks at once.

  Just the taste of her made me want to claim her now as my own and never look back. But Kimmy had to choose, and I wanted that choice to be me.

  “I’m starving,” Kimmy said after a short nap.

  She sat up in bed and looked around, stretching her soft arms overhead. Her heavy breasts moved upward, making them look like ripe melons. I remembered the taste of them between my teeth. My cock went stiff at the memory, the flavor of her cunt still on my lips.

  “Let me bring you food, my mate,” Vock said, jumping from the bed.

  I growled, irritated that he’d offered first. The last thing I wanted was for him to have the first chance to provide for her. I jumped to my feet as well.

  “I will bring you the ripest fruit on Zimbre,” I offered.

  “I will bring you the sweet meat of the Cocoche bird,” Vock offered.

  “That sounds…good?” she said with a hesitant tone.

  “Someone should stay here to protect our mate,” Vock said, giving me a dirty look.

  “I will stay,” I said.

  “You will stay so you can put your seed inside her first,” Vock accused.

  “You will hunt so you can show off for her,” I growled back.

  “Guys, I’m sure I’ll be okay here by myself. Why don’t you both go?” Kimmy suggested. “I’m kind of tired anyway.”

  We both looked at our creamy-skinned mate, her dark hair splayed out over the pale furs under her head.

  “It isn’t safe,” Vock grumbled, crossing his arms over his thick blue chest.

  “I’ll be fine,” Kimmy said with a yawn, pulling another fur up over her naked body. “I want to go back to sleep.”

  I glared at my brother, seeing him as competition for the first time in my life. The cupids had told us our bride would be a perfect match for us both. We had believed she would be a big, hearty female like the Zimbre women. A woman who could take two cocks inside her at the same time. But it was clear this female would suffer from the claiming.

  Penetrating her at once was the only way we could claim her and keep her our own, equally. It was the only way to mark her against other males. But I knew, just by looking at her, that it was out of the question. I’d felt her tight pussy with my own fingers. Her dark bud was clenched shut. How could she ever take us both? She would have to choose.

  With dark thoughts swirling through my mind, I followed Vock down the ladder and unhitched my Kong beast. My mount groaned as I yanked its bridle away from the treehouse and directed it into the jungle.

  “We hunt,” Vock grunted beside me as our beasts charged into the underbrush.

  “Agreed,” I said.

  I pulled the spear from the saddle of my Kong beast and opened my sharp senses to the movement and scent of pray. Hunting in panther form was far easier, but shifting took too much strength for something so simple as taking down a Cocoche bird. They might be twice the size of a Kong beast and fast as lightning, but the bright orange birds were dumb and easily hunted by skilled Zimbre hunters like my brother and I. But first, we needed to find one.

  The Cocoche trails were easy to spot. Huge swath
s of jungle bowed to the giant birds when they stormed through, leaving their bright feathers behind them.

  Vock and I had picked this location for a hunting treehouse because of the nearby Cocoche trails not far from here.

  I gripped the reins of my Kong beast, gritting my teeth at the thought of taking down a giant bird for my mate. Feeding her sweet meat and succulent fruit would be almost as pleasurable as sinking my thick heat inside her.

  “You know Kimmy cannot possibly survive the claiming of twin Zimbre warriors,” Vock said.

  “I was thinking the same thing,” I growled, gripping my spear.

  “She will have to choose.”

  “I know.”

  We glared at each other as we rode through the jungle. Being at odds with my brother was a strange sensation I did not enjoy. But there was no help for the situation. Kimmy was our mate. We both wanted her. But it was clear there was no way a creature so small could survive the claiming.

  “After we feast, we will both deposit our seed inside her. No matter who she chooses, there would be equal chance of her conceiving our young. It only makes sense that the female will desire the strongest male. The seed of the stronger one will take root in her womb.”

  I grunted in agreement. My feral panther growled in my mind, hissing to claim her as my own.

  Kimmy could not accept us both inside her, but neither Vock or I wanted to allow the other the advantage. Before we could return to the treehouse and couple with our female, we had to hunt down the Cocoche bird and bring her sweet meat and a bundle of bright orange feathers as a trophy to decorate her dark, luscious hair.

  I imagined the look in her eyes when we finally brought her a meal and her trophy. I longed to see the pride in her eyes when I provided for her, even if the provision came equally from my brother.


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