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Driven to be Loved

Page 15

by Pat Simmons

  Regina still wanted to be loved, but she wouldn’t accept it unless it came from a godly man.

  Before they could take the conversation further, Ashley, the charge nurse, burst into the charting room and alerted them that three ambulances were on their way.

  “ETA is four minutes,” Ashley told them. “These end-of-the-year field trips always worry me. About forty students were at the Saint Louis Zoo, and it appears there was more on display than animals. Apparently, there was a beehive hidden from view, but as children do, they can find anything they’re not supposed to. Some child disturbed it. If it hadn’t been for some quick-thinking parents and zoo personnel, it could have been much worse. In addition to our hospital, Children’s Hospital is getting four patients.” She continued to brief them with the vitals of the children they’d received from the medics via e-mail.

  With any allergic reaction, they were concerned with compromised airways, which could produce shock. Besides the three residents, there was one more attending physician on duty. By the time the medics arrived, the emergency department was ready.

  “Ashley, get the EPI to their bedsides,” Brecee instructed the nurse. “The sooner we can get them injected to minimize the reaction, the better.”

  “Dr. Carmen, I assigned the most acute case to bay three,” Ashley said as she directed the medics pushing the little girl sitting partially upright on the gurney. She was wearing an oxygen mask, and an IV had already been started in her arm.

  Brecee scanned the chart and checked the name. Laura Cole. Brecee froze—Adrian’s cousin and Dolan’s daughter. It was always startling when a doctor knew a patient personally.

  Seconds later, she stepped back into her professional role as the hospital social worker walked into the room.

  “Has her father been contacted?” Brecee asked the woman. “We need to know if she has any other allergies that might compound her reaction.”

  “The teacher contacted all the parents. They’re on their way.”

  The medics transferred Laura from the gurney to the bed. Brecee noted her blood pressure. It had fallen since the medics had arrived on the scene, and her oxygen level was low, while her heart rate was accelerating. Brecee was concerned about the possibility of her going into shock.

  She rubbed the girl’s arm. “Laura? It’s Dr. Carmen. Brecee. Remember me? We’re going to make you feel better, honey. Your daddy’s on his way, okay?”

  Laura’s only response was a tear falling from one eye as she blinked. Brecee stepped aside as the nurse administered another dose of intravenous antihistamines and cortisone to decrease the inflammation of her air passages.

  She began to pray. Lord Jesus, we thank You for the blood You shed on Calvary and that You nailed all manner of sickness and disease to the cross. Little Laura and all the other children here today need You. We know they are special to You and close to Your heart. Heal the bodies You made, Lord. We thank You, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

  As Brecee waited on the Lord’s direction, the charge nurse beckoned her into the hall outside Laura’s room.

  “Medics are en route with a GSW, a fourteen-year-old male with a gunshot to the abdomen. ETA six minutes,” she said. “Should I alert the surgeon to stand by?”

  Brecee nodded.

  Just like the devil to stir up chaos, Brecee mentally snapped. Satan, the Lord rebuke you. In the name of Jesus, get your hands off of God’s children.

  “Senseless,” Ashley muttered, shaking her head. “Guns and schools don’t mix.”

  She glanced up and saw Dolan rushing through the doors. When he spotted her, he hurried toward her. “Is my little girl going to be okay?”

  “Frazzled” didn’t begin to describe him. I’m trusting the Lord for that outcome, Brecee thought.

  “She’s stable,” she told him. “We’re giving her antihistamines and cortisone to help with the inflammation and her nurse is monitoring her blood pressure. I’m sure the social worker asked you already, but does Laura have a history of adverse reactions to bee stings or bug bites? Or any other allergies that you know of?”

  He answered her questions as she led him to the bay where Laura had been assigned. Before leaving him to check on the other children, she encouraged Dolan to call Adrian. She would have done it herself, but HIPAA laws prevented her from divulging any information, even to friends and family members.

  From the gunshot wound victim, who would need to be admitted for surgery, to a girl who had been mauled by a pit bull, there was a nonstop stream of patients needing Brecee’s attention. Hours passed before she was finally able to check on Laura again. The girl’s vitals were better, but Brecee recommended that she be kept overnight for observation. Since Dolan wasn’t in the room with his daughter, Brecee walked toward the waiting area. She wasn’t surprised to see Adrian sitting with his cousin. Adrian’s parents were there, too, along with another couple Brecee could only assume were Dolan’s folks.

  Family—there was nothing else like it. If a Carmen were admitted to a hospital back home, Brecee would be on the next plane to Philly.

  Adrian stood when he saw her. “Is she okay?” He looked just as shaken as Dolan had earlier.

  “Yes,” Brecee assured him. “Laura is a blessed little girl.”


  Hearing him say that made her smile.

  “I’m so glad you’re here,” he told her, exhaling. “, I can put something in my stomach. Have you eaten? Want to grab a bite to eat?”

  “I’m starved.” Her stomach grumbled to prove it. “Let me check on Dolan first.”

  When she turned in Dolan’s direction, she was surprised to see Regina sitting beside him, one hand on his shoulder. Her shift had ended an hour ago. Her friend had a superb bedside manner and was especially gifted when it came to calming patients and their parents. Did she know that Laura was Adrian’s cousin?

  Brecee faced Adrian again. “He’s in good hands. Dr. Reed is one of the best.”

  Grabbing her hand, Adrian squeezed it. “Nobody but my baby is the best.”

  Adrian’s praise made her heart throb. His loving gaze was always intense and genuine...and always made her shiver.

  Chapter Nineteen


  he Cole men needed wives. That was Adrian’s thought after what he had witnessed the previous night at the hospital.

  Dolan needed a wife even more than he. His cousin was a wreck, even though Brecee’s friend Dr. Reed had done a good job of cheering him up.

  Adrian had been scared, too. He’d just hid it better. Of course, seeing Brecee had chased most of his worries away.

  After a fretful night, Adrian was up early. Usually, he prayed at bedtime—short and sweet. Bur last night, he’d mostly prayed rather than slept.

  In spite of his fatigue, Adrian dressed and went for a jog at nearby Creve Coeur Park. He needed to clear his head of the previous day’s events. His comfort was knowing his little cousin was in good hands where Brecee worked. With each lap, he thought about Brecee and permanency. “Should I propose?” Would she agree to marry him? Adrian nodded at a fellow runner. He was getting ahead of himself, as one who had always believed in taking things slow. He had to first make sure he loved her and, second, tell her so.

  When he returned to his condo, Adrian jumped in the shower, then called Dolan. “Hey. How’s the little princess?”

  “Doing better than me. No telling if a chiropractor will be able to realign my spine after sleeping in what hospitals call an 'extra bed.' Plus, the nurses are spoiling her. Dr. Reed’s already been in this morning. She actually took my vitals to make sure I hadn’t developed high blood pressure.”

  Adrian wanted to laugh at his cousin’s dramatics, but he didn’t think Dolan would take it very well. “Dr. Reed is the cute doctor I saw praying for you, right?”

  “Yes. I understand now why nurses are called God’s angels.”

  “And pretty ones, at that,” Adrian said, thinking of Brecee. What were doctors called? “Okay,
man. I’ll check up on her later. I have my final class presentation this evening, but I’ll come by the house to see her soon. Give her a kiss for me.”

  In the background, he could hear Laura saying something to Dolan. “Daddy, the nurses say I can have....” Then he disconnected.

  Her cheery voice made Adrian smile. Next, he tapped Brecee’s name on his contacts list. When she answered, she sounded sleepy.

  “Hey, baby. Did I wake you?” Frowning, he checked the time. She was usually up before him.

  “I’m awake, just not up yet,” she said with a yawn. “I stayed at the hospital later than usual last night. Laura seemed fine when I left. My professional opinion? Dolan should be admitted down the street at SLU Hospital.”

  Adrian released the hearty laugh that he had held in while talking to his cousin. Brecee giggled. “Actually, parents are part of our treatment plan. The children get better sooner when their parents are confident about their recovery.”

  “Makes sense.” He wished he could talk to her longer, but he had to get to work. “Wish me luck on my group presentation tonight.”

  “Luck is for nonbelievers,” she told him. “God bless you. I heard your practice discussion. You’re incredible. I believe in you.”

  Adrian didn’t know why he choked, but her faith in him gave him a booster shot of desire to do even better just to make her proud.

  They disconnected on a good note.

  The dealership was busier than normal that day. Word had leaked that hot rides for the summer were going on display in the showroom. Adrian made great contacts and even had a potential sale, pending financing, by the time he left for class.

  On Wednesday morning at the dealership, Adrian was signing his way through a tall stack of birthday and anniversary cards to send to clients as a reminder that he was committed to nurturing relationships even after a sale, when Dolan showed up with Laura. His little cousin’s eyes sparkled when she saw him. Adrian got to his feet and met her halfway.

  Lifting the child off her feet, Adrian gave her a tight hug, then smacked a kiss on her cheek. When he put her back down, she patiently waited for what had become routine whenever she visited him—two dollars to hit the vending machine in the customer lounge.

  Digging for his wallet, he obliged, then watched as she hurried off for her treat. When he turned to Dolan, his cousin had a frown on his face. “What’s wrong?’’

  Dolan huffed. “Can you believe Laura’s pediatrician has cleared her to resume normal activities? She says children are resilient. I still think she ought to stay home from school for the rest of the week.”

  Adrian shook his head. “Man, would you stop being a mother hen? Let her be the fearless little girl she is.”

  Stuffing his hands in his pockets, Dolan resembled the defiant teenagers he and Adrian had both been growing up. “You and the family are a bunch of naggers. Mom and Dad said the same thing.”

  When his daughter returned, he reached for her hand. “Come on, Laura. Let’s go home. I need to make sure your clothes are ironed for tomorrow.” He was still griping as he marched toward the doors, with Laura skipping along beside him, waving good-bye to some familiar faces.

  Yep, his cousin needed a wife to be the boss. Amused, Adrian strolled back into his office. He exhaled as he slid behind his desk. Once again, everything appeared to be all right in the Cole family, but what about on his mother’s side? He was still itching to know more about his maternal grandmother.

  Before Adrian could resume his tasks, Brecee’s ringtone blared from his smartphone. Grinning, he answered, “Hi, babe.”

  “Hi. Are you busy?”

  “Doesn't matter.” Adrian would always make time to hear her voice. “Never for you,” he cooed.

  “Stop flirting with me.” She chuckled. “This is a business call.”

  “And what kind of business would that be?”

  “I have a referral for you! I wanted to give you a heads-up before Dr. Terrence Jordan called about test-driving a new Audi. I told him how much I loved your car.”

  He closed his eyes and bowed his head. “Baby, you didn’t have to do that.” As a matter of fact, he didn’t know how he felt about referrals coming from her.

  “You said you’re about building relationships for business.”

  “Our relationship is very personal and private. I don’t want to mix that with business. I can earn my own.”

  “Listen, Mr. Cole.” She sounded serious now. “II I want to be a cheerleader and treat my man sweetly, then it’s in your best interest to let me have my way.”

  Adrian chuckled and gave her a mock salute. His woman was unpredictable, but he wouldn’t change anything about her. He was the one who needed to make some life changes. He tried to keep his mind clean as he imagined kissing that sassy mouth of hers. Before that happened, he had to tell her he loved her. He had loved her for a while, but number nine on her list held him back from blurting it out: “He must be very certain that I’m the one before he tells me he loves me, because he can’t take it back, and I’ll hold him to it. He had reached the point oi certainty some time ago.

  “An out-of-control woman...I like it,” he told her. “And, speaking of cheerleaders, I can’t wait to see your skills on the softball field.”

  Brecee laughed. “I don’t know how impressed you’ll be. I’m just a sub, and we play only a couple times a month. It takes me the entire game to warm up.” They snickered together. “But seriously, I want to give you Dr. Jordan's number in case he gets tied up and forgets to call you. I believe in you, and I know you’ll take care of him.”

  “Like you take care of children. Dolan just stopped in here with Laura. Her doctor gave her a clean bill of health.”

  “Wonderful news. That’s why I chose emergency pediatrics—so I can have a hand in making children whole again.”

  Whole again. Adrian didn’t feel that he would be whole until he found out the truth about his grandmother. “If you’re free Saturday evening, maybe you’d like to go with me to my folks’ house for a treasure hunt in the attic. I really want to know more about the possible connection between our grandparents.”

  “I didn't know that was still on your mind, but I love games, so count me in,” Brecee said excitedly.

  After they ended the call, Adrian phoned his parents. He chatted with his dad a few minutes before his mother got on the line, and then he told them about his desire to search the attic with Brecee.

  “Sure, honey,” his mother said. “You can go through all that junk, if you want, while Brecee and I chat.”

  That wasn’t going to happen, but he wasn’t about to get in a fight over his girlfriend with his mother right now. She had always been picky about his girlfriends—no exceptions. He was already half expecting to have to fight over his woman at the softball game on Sunday afternoon.

  “Mom, aren’t you the slightest bit curious to know more about Grandma Cora?”

  “Not really. She’s been gone so long.”

  To someone who didn’t know his mother, she might have sounded cold, but she was just being honest. If Brecee’s uncle hadn’t thrown him a bone, Adrian would have let sleeping dogs lie, too. “Okay, Mom. See you then.”

  On Saturday, the dealership was bustling. There were plenty of lookers but no takers. Adrian was discussing the sale numbers with Kyle when the man started smirking.

  “What?” Adrian asked.

  “Uh, your lady just strutted in, and I don’t think she’s here to buy a car.”

  When Adrian turned around, his heart skipped a beat. It wasn’t her first time visiting him at work, but today, she walked with a sense of purpose that got everybody’s attention. As far as he was concerned, it had nothing to do with her resemblance to her news anchor sister. She exuded an air of confidence, and that drew him closer. She also looked fantastic in her casual dress with coordinating heels that showed off the results of her recent pedicure.

  “Hi.” She jutted her chin out, and he wanted to kiss her.
“I brought you something.”

  “Yes. I like what I see.” His nostrils flared as he gave her another perusal.

  “I’m talking about food—a hoagie, aka Philly cheesesteak sandwich, to be exact.”

  He accepted her offering without breaking eye contact. “I’d say that you didn’t have to do this, but, judging from how great you look and how good this smells, I’m glad you did. You make me feel so special.”

  “You are special to me. Besides, I didn’t want you to have to drive to pick me up and then go to your parents’. I can stick around in the area and tail you.”

  I don’t think so. Adrian narrowed his eyes at her. “No, you can drive your gorgeous self-back home or do whatever else you had planned for the day, but I will provide curbside service.” When she looked like she was about to protest, Adrian didn’t let her. “Babe, you have no idea how much I appreciate you, but you need to let me be the man...and that includes picking you up at your door. This is not a request and nonnegotiable.”

  When Brecee pouted, Adrian grinned and kissed her on her forehead. “Come on, Doctor. I’ll walk you to your car.”

  Looking in her rearview mirror at the tall, dark, handsome black man with his arms folded across his chest, Brecee smiled as she drove her Lexus off the lot and merged with the other traffic.

  Not one who enjoyed being put in her place, she was amused by Adrian’s adamant insistence that she accept his chivalry. She desired that trait in a man, and Adrian Cole was delivering it.

  Back at her condo, Brecee reclined on the couch and called her sisters via Skype.

  Stacy hooted at the latest update about Adrian. “I liked him even more. You’ve definitely met your match.”

  “He’s a keeper.” Brecee beamed.

  “I’m just glad that everything is working out,” Shae told her.

  “I know I’ve been a no-show at your house lately—”

  “It was time for you to have somebody in your life,” Shae told her, cutting short her apology. “We've all been praying for you to meet the right one.”

  Stacy and Shari both nodded.


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