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Love Intertwined Vol. 1

Page 13

by Pepper Pace

  “Shit!” She cursed and tossed the bra on the bed angrily. Nicole picked up the dress and carefully slipped it onto her bad arm. But once she got both arms through, she had another dilemma…how to button. It was damned near impossible to keep the thing closed over her considerable bosom and to button it with one hand.

  “Damnit!” She cursed again.

  “Nicole?! You okay.” Marty was calling from the other side of the closed door and she saw the knob turning.

  “Yeah! Hold on.” She struggled to get the first button closed one handed.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Uh…nothing. Hold on-“

  “Why are you cursing if nothing’s wrong? I’m coming in.”

  Marty opened the door just as Nicole clutched the dress closed in front. He appraised the situation and then frowned in annoyance.

  “I can’t believe you took a shower when no one was here.” He stalked to her and she felt herself wanting to take a step back. But all he did was to kneel down to help button her dress from the bottom.

  “Nicole, you could have slipped, blacked out…”

  “You’re treating me like a baby, Marty.” She spoke quietly.

  He looked up at her, pausing. “You can’t even get your dress buttoned. You are somewhat helpless right now.”

  Nicole jerked away from him angrily, still clutching her dress closed in front. “But you don’t have to talk to me like I’m a child!” She looked down and tried to button the rest of the dress which meant her cleavage was popping out of the top of it.

  After a moment Marty sighed. “I’m sorry. Let me help.” He continued buttoning her up and Nicole refused to meet his eyes and he did the same. She noted his hands trembling slightly when he brought the material closed over her breasts.

  Nicole stared at him surprised. He acted so calm and cool, and could flirt and put her on edge, but it was pretty obvious that he felt something being so close to her and now the tables were turned.

  When Marty had her all buttoned up he turned to leave and something got in to Nicole. She didn’t know what exactly drove her to it, maybe it was because he had chastised her, or maybe it was just seeing his trembling hands excited her.


  He turned, giving her a questioning look.

  “Bandages. They got wet and need changing. I’d do it but…I’m so helpless.”

  His expression went apologetic. “Okay.” He gathered the dressing for the bandages while she sat on the edge of the bed. Again he kneeled in front of her as she one by one undid the buttons starting at the middle and working her way up slowly.

  He watched her, almost mesmerized until there was only one button left fastened at the top—straining to keep everything in. She lay down on her back which must have seemed like a very inviting position.

  Marty audibly swallowed and spread the material to reveal the wet bandage. When he peeled the edge off the tape, Nicole braced her tummy.

  “I’m sorry. It’s probably going to hurt.” He worked the tape away carefully and with much consideration. “Okay?” He peeked at her and she nodded. When the bandage was removed he gently applied salve.

  “How does it look?” She asked, straining to see.

  “It looks good. Healing good.”

  “Do you think it will leave a scar?”

  Marty’s eyes met hers. “Yes, but at least you’ll be alive.” He put fresh bandages on and carefully taped her up.

  When Nicole sat up that last button at top finally popped loose and her breast spilled out of the dress.

  Marty froze, his eyes glued to the sight of her beautiful breasts. They were full, what people paid thousands to get, she had naturally. And yes, her nipples were chocolate kisses against her caramel skin. Still kneeling in front of her, he reached up shakily. If there had been ropes tied around his wrists he still would not have been able to stop himself from doing it. Instead of closing her dress like he should have, Marty carefully placed both hands over her breasts.

  Nicole caught her breath and felt an electrical charge between her thighs that matched the hardening of her nipples. She heard Marty groan as they tightened into hard peaks and prodded at his palms. He allowed his hands to softly stroke her breast, thumbs favoring the rigid brown aureoles and nipples. Nicole’s eyes fluttered closed as she groaned, too. Her pussy was swelling from the almost forgotten sensation of being touched.

  His dick had grown so hard so fast that it actually hurt! His dick had never ached like this before! He wanted to pull her legs up in the air and shove his dick into that beautiful pussy that he’d seen days before when he’d accidentally lifted her blankets.

  He grabbed the material of her dress roughly and buttoned her closed. Then he met her confused eyes.

  “I should have never done that.” He shook his head and rose to his feet. “I’m sorry, Nicole. Let’s just go downstairs and eat.”

  Nicole felt like someone had thrown a bucket of cold water at her. She had practically thrown herself at this man—and he had ended it. She could have buried her head under the pillow and hid for about a weak, but in the end all she could do was to nod silently, speechless, and then followed him downstairs.

  Marty stormed down the stairs. He was so angry at himself. It hadn’t even been one night and he was all over her! All he had to do was control himself while she was here, so that she could trust him and he could take care of her. That was all that he wanted and he could barely stop flirting!

  It wasn’t that he didn’t have feelings for Nicole; real, legitimate, solid feelings. He just didn’t want to confuse things. He didn’t want a girl friend, a wife, and not even a lover if he had to work with her. That was just asking for trouble and he did NOT need to fuck where he worked. Why was he fucking this up?! He was attracted to her, obviously she was attracted to him, did he need to keep poking at it??

  When they got to the kitchen he silently spooned basmati rice and then curried chicken onto two plates. She watched him in painfully uncomfortable silence. He moved about the kitchen silently opening a foil wrapped flat bread that was still steaming. It was like a repeat of hours before when he avoided her look. She tried to think of something to say to remove the tension.

  “Mmmm. That smells good.” She went to the refrigerator and took out a pitcher of iced tea, filling their glasses as Marty took his seat, focusing on his plate of food. She sat down next to him.

  “Chutney?” He asked.

  “Who is that?”

  Marty shot her a look then he burst out laughing.

  “What is so funny?”

  “Chutney is…relish. Although it does sound like the name of a 16 year old pop star.”

  Nicole grinned. “Shit.” He spooned a sampling of three different chutneys onto her plate, still chuckling. She glanced at Marty and he was looking at her and just like that the two were again at ease.

  The smell of the Indian food was foreign and she wasn’t sure how she’d like it. But after her first tentative taste of the lightly spiced food she realized that it smelled stronger then it tasted. There was a creaminess to the sauce that mellowed out the flavors.

  “Oh,” Her eyes got wide. “I really like this.” She mimicked the way Marty tore a piece of bread and used it to scoop up the food. Marty seemed pleased that she enjoyed it. He enjoyed watching her enjoy it. Down boy, he thought silently as his semi-erect dick began to twitch. It wasn’t all about how much she turned him on. It was equally about just seeing her open up. She had been so closed to him for so long. He equated her to a blooming flower and regardless of anything else, just to see her like this was worth everything.

  “Nicole, you’re not wearing your sling.”

  Her arm was held close to her body. “Yeah…I’ve been able to move it more without it.”

  He nodded. She really didn’t need him to go into over-protective mode right now.

  Eventually, after some idle chatter and the enjoyment of a good meal, the sexual tension faded and the events that happened
upstairs were placed on the back burner. Marty grabbed his keys.

  “Look, I’m going to head to the restaurant for a couple hours. I need to deposit some money and check on everything.” He did need to do those things but he also wanted to clear his head. He sighed. “I’m not going to treat you like a baby—but don’t do anything too strenuous like self surgery, acrobats-”

  “Bye, Marty.” She scowled.

  “Nicole. Call me at the restaurant or on my cell,” Quickly he jotted the number on a pad by the telephone. “…if anything happens.

  “Yes, Dad.” She mocked.

  He gave her a stern look. “And no parties young lady!” Then he slammed out the door. Once outside Marty took in a deep breath. He couldn’t help but to shake his head at how much he enjoyed her company.

  Nicole was chuckling to herself. God, why was that man single? He was incredible looking. She allowed herself the pleasure of reliving the feel of Marty’s hands on her breast and the life returned to the core of her. It had been years since she had been touched like that. With a guilty sigh she pushed the thoughts away and went to the kitchen to do the dishes. It took three times as long as it should have but eventually she got them washed dried and put away.

  She straightened the living room, put away the movies and turned on the television getting comfortable on the couch again. Before long she was asleep.

  She felt something fuzzy against her face and opened her eyes alarmed. In her life, something fuzzy touching you meant a rat had just scampered across your bed; whether that bed was a mattress or a pallet on the floor. Marty was covering her with an afghan and she relaxed.

  “I didn’t mean to wake you. You’re a light sleeper.”

  She stretched and yawned. “What time is it?”

  He sat down next to her. “Almost two.”

  “In the morning?!”


  “Marty! You’ve been up all day!”

  “I’m a night person.” He explained with a nonchalant shrug. He seemed more concerned with her. “Are you going to sleep on this couch all night? You can if you want.”

  “No. I’m going to go up. How was everything at the restaurant?” She sat up and covered her mouth as she yawned again.

  “Well…I had to make some changes. Kendall’s doing your station. Fred’s been doing mine. I’m going to go in tomorrow to help get her trained. When you wake up I won’t be here. But I brought some food home from the restaurant so all you’ll have to do is nuke it. I’m going to call you tomorrow so be sure to answer the phone when it rings, ok?”

  “Okay.” She stood up and rubbed her stiff arm. At least it was no longer sore. “Are you coming up?”

  He pierced his lips and she realized how suggestive that sounded. “No. I need to unwind. I’m going to watch TV for a bit.” Nicole went upstairs under his watchful eye.

  “Goodnight.” She called.

  “Talk to you tomorrow.”

  She went to the restroom and then changed into an old t-shirt and a pair of athletic shorts. She didn’t hear the hum of the TV so she figured he must be unwinding in the weight room or behind his computer. She climbed into bed marveling that his spare bed was a million times more comfortable then her real bed. Hers was just a lumpy pull out job that she got from a second hand store.

  She sighed, feeling completely comfortable and at home. Her mind began to drift and to replay all the new things that she’d learned about her boss. Then, she remembered the way his hands had looked holding her breasts. His skin was tanned and reddened from work, but still pale against the brown of her breasts.

  Nicole pressed her thighs together, feeling herself flame back to life. She didn’t masturbate often because she found nothing to desire…but now, she imagined his lips closing over her nipples and her hand came up to stroke the hardened peaks. She sighed as her hips began to roll. She started to chuckle softly. This was all so strange. She was actually masturbating in Marty’s bed, but the thought was so sexy!

  Nicole’s fingers slid between the heated folds of her lower lips and she was amazed to feel that she was already slick with her desire. She bit back a shuddered moan as her fingers began to work faster, her mind envisioning Marty doing things to her body that no man had done in years. Her voluntary celibacy seemed ridiculous when just touching herself brought so much pleasure. When she came, she muffled her cries into the pillow and spent a full minute trembling afterward. God what was that man doing to her?

  Marty watched the ceiling of his bedroom. He hadn’t been interested in watching tv and too tired to concentrate on book keeping, so had just come up to bed while Nicole was still in the bathroom.

  Now his covers were pooled at his feet, his fist was gripping his swollen dick and he was mentally counting the number of soft sighs that were coming from Nicole’s bedroom. He thought about lifting weights or taking a cold shower. But if he moved to get up then she’d know that he could hear everything she did…because she would hear him.

  Damned vents that not only allowed for perfect eavesdropping, but amplification. His dick was too hard to ignore and he stroked himself in time to her breathing, imagining that he was pushing inside of her causing those sighs. Suddenly her sighs had changed into a low shuddering moan and Marty knew that she was cumming and biting his lip hard enough to taste blood he quickened his strokes. It took everything in him not to cause the bed springs to squeak as he pumped rapidly into his closed fist. One low grunt was all that marked his orgasm, that and a fistful of creamy white cum.

  He quietly pulled off his t-shirt and cleaned up. This is not good, this is not good, this is not good, he kept chanting in his mind. How am I going to do this?


  Just as he said, Marty wasn’t home when she woke up. The house felt empty without him. She went through the refrigerator and found a cornucopia! She nuked herself a ham, egg and cheese croissant and had a glass of o.j. then went into the den to catch up on school work.

  It was very hard to concentrate. Not only was she behind on her work, she also was having a hard time remembering the things that she had just been taught in school. Trying to remember only caused her to develop a headache so she cut off the computer and left the room. Call it forgetful or the accident but she realized that she was late on her medication. The instructions on the medicine bottle indicated that if a dose was missed to skip it and take it at the next regular interval so she did just that.

  Nicole tried to watch TV but after about an hour, her head was pounding so bad that she couldn’t stand the sound of it and the sun coming through the windows made it that much worse. She went upstairs to the bathroom for aspirin found it. Perfect. She took four.

  She splashed her face with cold water, hoping that it would make her feel less nauseous, but when that didn’t work she went back downstairs to nuke herself some hot tea. She was deciding between raspberry pomegranate and regular Lipton’s when the phone began to ring. She hurried to the living room to answer it, feeling a bit disoriented.

  “Hello.” She said breathlessly.

  “Hey…” Marty said. “What are you doing, running a marathon?”

  “No.” She sighed. “Nuking some hot tea.”

  “Why didn’t you answer the phone?”

  She scratched her head confused. “What? I did-”

  “No. I didn’t get an answer so I called back. I gave you about a minute, maybe two. How are you feeling?”

  She was rubbing her head. “Um…headache.”

  Marty didn’t say anything.


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