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Wrong Crowd (Kingsley Academy Book 1)

Page 22

by Lisa Helen Gray

  “Take it slow,” I tell her, rubbing her good arm when she begins to wheeze.

  She drops back onto her pillow, her hand on her chest. “When I saw your clothes, I thought you wouldn’t mind me crashing. I fell asleep and woke up to voices. I don’t know who, whether it was a girl or a boy, anything. I just remember smelling smoke, and then feeling the heat of the flames.”

  “It’s okay,” I soothe when she begins to choke up. Her expression fills with pain as she tries to stop herself from letting go, to getting it all out. It doesn’t work, and her chest begins to heave.

  “I-I t-thought, I-I was going t-to die,” she chokes out.

  “It’s going to be okay. I promise.”

  A nurse rushes in moments after her machine starts going crazy. She startles when she sees us crowding the room.

  “You aren’t allowed in here,” she tells us, but doesn’t seem angry about it.

  “She’s my cousin,” I tell her.

  “She needs her rest,” the nurse tells us as she looks over Selina. “You should come back later.”

  I feel conflicted. I want to give the nurse room, Selina time to recover, but I also want to make sure she’s okay.

  “Let’s go home, get some rest,” Kaiden announces.

  The door behind us opens, and I tense, thinking it’s Royce again. When I see Nova, she gives me a small smile. She sees Selina is awake and heads over. “How are you feeling, darling girl?”

  Selina blinks sleepily. “Tired.”

  I look to the nurse, who rolls her eyes at my accusing look. “I’ve given her something to help her sleep. She’s going to be in a lot of pain when she wakes up. It’s better she gets some rest.”

  “Is she going to be okay?” Nova asks.

  The nurse nods. “Her throat is a little raw right now, and we’ll have to keep an eye on it. We have a plastic surgeon coming in, as requested by her mother.”

  “Her mother?” Nova questions, her voice tight.

  “Yes. She called and asked how bad the injuries were.”

  “You mean how bad her daughter looked,” Nova scoffs, shaking her head in disgust.

  “She’ll be out till late morning at the earliest. It’s best you get some rest, ready for when she wakes.”

  “Okay. Thank you again for everything you are doing.”

  The nurse smiles warmly. “It’s my job.”

  I cling to Kaiden, tiredness overwhelming me. Nova turns, looks at our close proximity, and sighs.

  “Did you not put any sun cream on, Ivy?”

  I’m caught off guard by her question. I thought she would mention what Royce said, or say something about our relationship, but she didn’t.

  “I didn’t have any,” I murmur.

  Guilt flickers in her eyes. “Next time, I’ll make sure you have everything.”

  I yawn, and Kaiden holds my weight. “Let’s go get some sleep. It’s been a long night.”

  “Your father wants you home,” Nova tells him.

  “I don’t care what he wants right now. I’m not leaving Ivy.”

  She sighs, looking from Kaiden to me and back again. “Come on, you guys can all stay at mine. No funny business,” she warns, giving Kaiden a pointed look.

  “Will Annette cook us some breakfast?” Ethan asks, batting his lashes.

  Nova rolls her eyes. “No. She’s asleep. But I’ll make you breakfast.”

  Ethan winces. “I’ll grab something on the way home.”

  We reach the door, and I freeze, biting my bottom lip. “Where’s Sam?” I’m not ready to see him, even after what he said to Royce.

  Nova’s gaze softens. “He’s waiting until we leave to come in to sit with Selina. He knew you wouldn’t be ready and is happy to wait until you are.”

  I give her a short nod, letting Kaiden steer me out of the room. I feel physically and emotionally drained.

  And I have a feeling this is just the beginning of something much bigger.


  The night before seems like one huge blur. None of it seems real now that a new day has begun. It’s hard to imagine that just last night, Selina was stuck in a burning tent, scared for her life.

  My tent.

  I still haven’t wrapped my head around the fact the fire was set because someone thought I was in it, that someone hated me to such a degree they wanted to kill me—or attempt to.

  Danielle either lit the fire or had one of her friends do it. Now, it’s just proving it that will become a problem. But I know it was her.

  Nova didn’t know yet that it was intended for me, to hurt me. I’m unsure how she will take it, and from Kaiden’s reaction last night, he wants to keep it quiet from the adults so he can dish out his own form of punishment.

  I shiver at the thought, knowing first-hand how lethal Kaiden can be. I don’t feel an ounce of remorse for what is to come. Spoilt little rich girl thinking she can do what she wants, deserves everything she gets.

  A wide smile spreads across my face when an arm wraps around my waist. Kaiden pulls me against his chest, burying his nose in my neck, breathing me in.

  “You smell like apricots,” he comments, his voice raspy, still filled with sleep.

  “It’s better than the smoke smell I had going on when we got back last night.”

  “How are you feeling this morning?” he asks gently.

  I roll over until I’m facing him. “I wasn’t the one burned.”

  Something passes over his features. “It could have been you. It could have been worse,” he grits out. “When I find out who did it, they’ll wish they were never born.”

  I rub a hand over his chest. “It was her. I don’t know how, but I just know it was Danielle. She has to pay for what she’s done.”

  He sighs, running his fingers across my hip. “If it was, I’ll find out, and I’ll fucking ruin her. I promise you that. Not just for the attempt on you, but for Selina. My brothers love her like a sister.”

  “Do you really have the power to do that to her father?” I ask, kind of scared of the fact. He’s young. No one should have that kind of influence over people.

  His expression is sombre. “Yes—with time. Her dad is wealthy, with nearly as much as we have. He’s a snake, and just like his daughter, he’s good at it. If she warns him what I threatened her with, it could give him time to prepare. I can’t touch Danielle, but her father I have no qualms about hurting.”

  “You touched me,” I remind him.

  “Never really in anger. I would never have physically hit you,” he explains, guilt lacing his voice. “You took me by surprise when I first saw you. I hadn’t expected you to be so beautiful.”

  I grin at that. “You had a funny way of showing it.”

  He rolls his eyes. “I still wouldn’t have hurt you, but you’re right, Danielle needs to pay, and I’ll take away everything that means something to her.”

  I don’t like seeing him stressed. I know it’s bothering him that he can’t do anything. “We’ll find a way to get justice for Selina. Maybe we should go to the police.”

  He scoffs. “You’ve spent the night there. Do you really think they’d care?”

  He’s probably right. But I hate not being able to do anything. I just don’t want to be the fall guy the cop who released me mentioned. “Yeah, you’re right.”

  A light tap on the door startles me. “Ivy?”

  My eyes widen at Kaiden, and I try to shove him out of my bed. He doesn’t budge, his lips twitching in amusement.

  When we got back last night, Nova had given the boys rooms to sleep in. None of them wanted to go back home since their dad was there, so they decided to stay over. Nova had said it was because they wanted to stay close to me, but I wasn’t buying it.

  “Yes?” I squeak out, causing Kaiden to chuckle. I slap his chest, pulling the blanket up a little more in case she walks in.

  “I’m popping to the hospital to check on Selina. Did you want to come with me or get dropped off later aft
er you’ve had breakfast? I can have a car waiting to take you.”

  “I’ll come as soon as I’m dressed and had something to eat. I’ll grab some of Selina’s things.”

  “You’re a sweetheart,” she calls through the door, sounding exhausted. “I’ll see you there.”


  “See you in a little while,” she calls. “Oh, and good morning, Kaiden. Help yourself to food.”

  I’m mortified, and slap Kaiden on the chest when he begins to laugh. “Thank you, Nova,” he yells as we listen to her footsteps retreat down the hallway.

  “Oh my God! This is embarrassing.”

  Kaiden presses a kiss to my forehead, chuckling. “We’re good. It’s not like she heard me fucking you last night.”

  My cheeks heat as I glare at Kaiden. He fucked me hard in the shower, and then again when we got to bed. “Seriously not funny.”

  “Although, Ethan text me to keep it down.”

  “I’m going to kill them,” I groan. We left them in the cinema room watching some action movie. They shouldn’t have even been near my room.

  “I’m going to pop home and get changed,” he informs me.

  I groan, not wanting him to leave. I’m too cosy, and I was hoping we could have a repeat of last night before we got out of bed. “You’re leaving me?”

  He smirks, his dimples showing. “I thought you wanted to see Selina?”

  Why does he have the power to make me forget?

  “Yeah, I do. I’ll get dressed and grab something to eat.”

  “I’ll be thirty minutes. I just need to sort some things out. I’ll grab the twins on my way out. I bet they crashed downstairs.”

  I nod, pulling away from him. “I’d best get in the shower. I swear I can still smell smoke.”

  After rising from bed, I walk Kaiden to the door, letting him pull me into his arms. He takes my lips in a hard, fiery kiss, taking my breath away. Running my hands over his broad chest, over his wide shoulders, I press myself firmly against him, kissing him deeper.

  Those flames he always manages to ignite inside of me burn, and I want him. I always want him.

  He pulls away, and my lips feel swollen and bruised. I blink up at him, seeing his gaze filled with heated desire.

  “Later,” he whispers huskily.

  “Later,” I repeat, swaying slightly when he lets go of me.

  The door shuts behind him, and I want to collapse to the ground. It’s not fair how much he affects my body.

  Since I decided to trust him, to give him a part of me no one else has ever had, I’ve felt this rush pulse through me. It’s like I feel free for the first time in my life, like I don’t have a weight on my shoulders, too heavy for me to bear.

  And in part, that’s because of him, because of the power I feel whenever I’m around him.

  I just hope he doesn’t break my trust. I don’t know if I could ever recover from that.

  I’m so incredibly fucked.

  *** *** ***

  Showered and dressed, I make my way downstairs, seeing Annette on my way down. She looks flustered, rushed, which is so out of character for her.

  I step to the side a little, blocking her path. “Are you okay, Annette?”

  She jumps, causing me to frown. “Miss Ivy. I-I just need to make the rooms. Breakfast is in the kitchen.”

  “Wait!” I call out, reaching for her when she slips past me, her expression tight with worry. She moves out of the way but pauses a few steps above me, looking back at me.

  “I’m sorry, Miss Ivy.”

  What on earth.

  “Sorry for what?” I ask, but she leaves, her head lowered, her shoulders slumped.

  I watch her go, wondering if I should go after her or not. A noise from the kitchen distracts me, and a grin forms on my lips.


  He must have finished whatever he was doing early. I rush down the last few stairs, a swing in my hips. As I near the kitchen, I slow down, collecting my thoughts before I make a fool of myself.

  I walk around the corner, stopping short when I find Royce leaning against the kitchen counter.

  Great, just what my morning needed.

  “We really should stop meeting like this,” I mutter dryly, not moving from my spot. Something is off, and it’s not just the haggard, rough look Royce has going on right now. His tie is hanging from his neck, the top buttons on his shirt undone, and his hair isn’t combed to its usual perfectly still style. It looks like he’s been running his fingers through it all night. And even from here, I can smell the whiskey on him.

  “Let’s cut the pleasantries, shall we,” he snarls.

  “I wasn’t being pleasant,” I tell him, crossing my arms over my chest.

  Is he the reason Annette ran upstairs?

  I narrow my eyes at him, watching him closely. He steps forward, reaching into his suit jacket, and I force myself not to take a step back.

  He pulls out a piece of paper, handing it out to me. I take it, confused, until I look down and see the large sum of money printed on the cheque.

  I snort. “Please tell me this is a joke.”

  “Quite the contrary, Ivy.”

  “What is this?” I ask, still wary. He isn’t giving me this from the kindness of his heart. I don’t think he has one.

  “That is your ticket out of here. Leave and don’t come back.”

  I force out a laugh. He can’t be serious. “All because I’m sleeping with your son?”

  His jaw hardens, and he steps closer, before bending down until we’re at eye level. “I’m giving you this warning once, Ivy, so listen very carefully. I’ll not have you destroy everything I’ve worked all my life to build. You will leave today and not look back.”

  I tilt my head to the side, studying him. “And why would I do that?”

  “Because nobody wants you here. Nova is keeping you close so you don’t soil the family name by revealing who the real Cara Monroe was to the press. My son is playing games with you and will be done with you once he has his revenge. He loves pussy, and yours is available. Take the money, Ivy. It will be the only time I offer it.”

  He really has lost his goddamn mind. But a part of me wonders if that is why Nova brought me here. I don’t want to believe it; in my heart, I don’t, but in my mind… it’s screaming ‘what if’ at me.

  “It still doesn’t explain why you are the one giving me this. You aren’t doing it to help me, so don’t play games.”

  The veins in his temple pulse as he grits his teeth. “I don’t want you here messing with my son’s future. I know what you’re after, and this is the most you will get from us.”

  He’s lying; it’s written all over his face. I don’t know what his game is, but I’m not playing.

  I take a step closer, loving the reaction I get when he takes a step back. Clenching my jaw, I lift the check in front of his face—and tear it in half.

  “Then I guess you wasted perfectly good ink, because I don’t do well with threats and I don’t want your money.”

  He reaches out, gripping my bicep so tight I wince. “You little bitch. You will leave, Ivy. I’ll make sure of it. I will end you before I let you—” I watch him carefully when he stops what he’s going to say. It’s only for a second before he composes himself. “Before you ruin my son's life.”

  I try to shrug his hand off me, but it doesn’t work. “I suggest you take your hands off me, Mr Kingsley, before you make me do something that’s going to hurt.”

  He seems to think about it for a moment, and the veins in his neck begin to bulge. Shoving me away, I knock into the counter, my hip smacking off the side. I bite my lip to stop myself from crying out.

  That’s going to bruise.

  “You’ve been warned. If you aren’t gone within the week, I’ll end you,” he threatens, turning without another word and slipping out the backdoor.

  “Ivy?” Kaiden calls, and I jump, turning to face the kitchen entrance. I straighten myself quickly, not
wanting Kaiden to see me like this.

  “In here,” I call out, my voice a little shaky.

  He looks so happy when he walks in that I don’t have the heart to tell him about his father’s visit. I don’t want to be the catalyst for any problems between them.

  Liar. You’re scared he’ll take his side.

  Shaking the thoughts from my mind, I paste on a fake smile. “Hey, you ready to go?”

  He looks at the kitchen counter where Annette has left out the food. “You not going to eat?” He pulls me into his side, and I wince when his hand grips what has to be the bruise forming on my hip.

  I look to the food, my stomach rolling. “No. I’m not really hungry anymore. Did you want to take something to go?”

  “Yeah, can do.” I wince again when he squeezes over the bruise.

  “You okay?”

  I nod, forcing a laugh. “I’m so out of it this morning I walked into the counter. I think I’ll have a bruise.”

  I turn away before I can read his expression, not wanting to see if he believes me or not. “You want me to look?”

  “I’m good.”

  “You sure?”

  I nod once, stepping away from him. “I just need to grab my phone and a bag of stuff for Selina.”

  “I’ll be here,” he mumbles around a mouthful of food.

  I chuckle, stepping out of the room before heading upstairs. I quickly grab my phone from beside my bed before poking my head inside Selina’s room, ready to grab a bag for her.

  I pause when I find Annette nervously folding clothes into a bag sat on Selina’s bed. She jumps when she sees me, relief written all over face.

  “Did he hurt you?” is the first thing that falls from my lips.

  She shakes her head, her eyes watering. “I’m sorry, Ivy. I didn’t know what to do. Mr Kingsley can get very angry.”

  I walk over to her and rub my hand down her back. “I’m not scared of him.”

  She grips my hands, fear written all over her face. “You need to be. He’s not a good man, Ivy. Promise me you’ll never be alone with him again.”

  Hearing the terror in her voice scares me. “Annette, you need to tell me what’s going on. What did he do?”


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