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Dementor (Rolling Thunder MC Birmingham Book 1)

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by Candace Blevins

  He was so fucking big. And yeah, I’ve dealt with fatter, but he’d just tortured my poor cunt to hell and back, and now he was going to fuck me, and damn, but he filled me until I was certain he couldn’t get another millimeter in, but he did. And then some.

  I jerked and squealed when he bottomed out, and he stopped and backed up. I had no idea if he’d keep doing that, but I wasn’t used to having my cervix hit and I didn’t like it.

  He pulled back and went back in. Slow. Easy. My groan didn’t sound like me. It was too deep.

  “Fuck, you feel good,” I told him.

  “It’s only gonna get better. Arch your back a little, so you aim your ass down.”

  I complied, and he adjusted his angle, and the head of his cock rubbed right across my g-spot. I started chanting yes, and he sped up, and suddenly I was right on the edge of an orgasm.

  “Please give me permission to come! Please!”

  He pulled out and flicked my clit. “Not yet. Take a few deep breaths for me.”

  I’d have never even considered saying “fuck you” to Able, and yet, it was on the tip of my tongue to say it to Dementor.

  I didn’t, but it was a close call.

  Once he started fucking me for real, I had no brainpower for thoughts. He put the chip clips on my nipples and clit for a while, then took them off, but they’d go back on before they were completely recovered. He fucked me slow at times, and fast at times.

  Mostly, he seemed to use the angle that worked best for him, but then he’d aim for my g-spot and I’d lose it. I was happy either way because a toy’s main goal is to be fun to use.

  Sometimes, he brought me to the edge and ordered me to come. Other times, he brought me to the edge and wouldn’t let me. I had no way of knowing which it would be as he ramped me up, and up, and up.

  He came once, and I thought we’d be finished, but he merely cleaned up, put a new condom on, and he was back inside me, granite hard.

  To be honest, I’d have been fine with stopping when he came the first time. Relieved, even. However, part of me was also glad he didn’t let me rest yet. I needed more. I wasn’t fully wrung out yet.

  By the time he gave me the final order to come, and he came with me, it was a miracle I managed one more orgasm. Actually, the miracle was how fucking big it was, because I was exhausted, and yet my entire body shook and spasmed while I tried to contain the release.

  But what came next brought tears to my eyes, and this time, not because I was in pain, but because he was so damned sweet. He rubbed a cool washcloth all over my body, checking me everywhere. He massaged the muscles I’d strained while in bondage.

  He took care of me.

  And he didn’t ask why I was crying. He held me and let me cry. My heart swelled until I couldn’t breathe around it, and my sobs took me over.

  Able had used me until he was finished with me, and then I was usually handed off to staff, if I needed to be cared for. He assigned others to tend to my wounds when I had them. He didn’t often let me change and heal — only for the really extreme sessions where there was a lot of broken skin. Otherwise, he liked for me to be sore from the previous sessions.

  But Dementor cared for me in ways no one had. The same hands that had hurt me were now soothing me. It was too much, and I couldn’t stop the tears.

  Chapter Six


  I was pretty sure the tears had been more than a basic subdrop. It isn’t unheard of for a bottom to fall apart after an intense scene. The body produces some powerful cocktails while it deals with the insults and injuries and lack of freedom, all of it spiced with fear. Those chemicals don’t just go away afterwards. They have to be used up or reabsorbed, and it can create intense emotions.

  But this was different. We’d need to talk about it later, but at the time, it felt like I should just let her cry without making her explain and analyze. It felt cathartic, and I didn’t want to screw it up.

  Of course, once she was asleep I started questioning whether that’d been the right choice, but it’d been my instinct, so it was probably right.


  I fell asleep beside her, wondering how long Aaron needed me to shadow her. He’d provided muscle capable of working the door and bouncing at Blaze so I could shadow Ember. It was important the person protecting her wasn’t one of his people, and this was what it took to keep Tess safe. Bobcat had claimed Tess, which meant the club would protect her. Though, since she’s our attorney and she’s done right by us so many times, it’s possible we’d have stepped up anyway.

  Bottom line though, people in power wanted her dead, and Aaron was the only one with resources to keep her alive. He was in charge, but we’d help when we could.

  I was helping, but it wasn’t a terrible hardship. I’d fallen for the little swan. Wow, a swan and a bear. It probably shouldn’t work, but it certainly seemed to.

  Did she feel the same about me, or was I just a fun little diversion while she figured out where she fit into the lifestyle?

  I thought she liked me, but it was possible I was wrong.

  I fell asleep with thoughts of her bound to the cross in the basement of the MC’s spa while I flogged the shit out of her chest and the fronts of her thighs — and her clit and cunt, of course.

  No surprise that I awakened with a raging hard-on.

  I considered going to the bathroom to take care of it myself. I’d been rough on her the night before, and everything was going to be bruised and sore.

  However, I needed to know if she’d let me, and if she could enjoy it.

  I slicked my right hand with coconut oil before I reached to play with her, and her initial reaction was somewhere between a groan and a whine. I translated that to mean she wanted it, but it hurt. I could work with that.

  When I started, I wasn’t sure whether I’d go in her ass or cunt. I figured I’d use the least sore of the two. However, I changed my mind and focused on her cunt, which seemed to cause her more pain than her ass. What can I say? I woke up in a sadistic mood.

  In my defense, she had five orgasms so it couldn’t have been all bad.


  I didn’t need the complication of a man in my life, much less a huge mountain of a man who could turn my world upside down and inside out.

  But he’d certainly done so the night before. Not to mention that morning.

  Fuck, but I was sore.

  He made me sit while he and Tess made breakfast for the four of us. We had biscuits and gravy and bacon and eggs and sausage and fried potatoes. Somehow, Dementor snuck a pan of cinnamon rolls into the oven when I wasn’t looking, and I stood and gave him a hug. Could he be any more thoughtful?

  Tess and Mac stayed several days before Drake Security whisked her off to the next safehouse. Aaron would want Dementor with me another three or four days, probably, but we no longer had to return to my house every night. He could take me to the MC’s clubhouse now, or to his apartment.

  But would he want to?

  And even more, did I want him to? Yeah. I needed to see him in his element before I could make an informed decision.

  While I was on campus, he stationed himself so he could see the door to the classroom I was in, and I wondered how much Aaron was paying him. It had to be a boring job, and yet, he couldn’t let his mind wander. I wasn’t sure I could stay focused, but I’d have to do just that when I became a bodyguard.

  When I came out of my last class, we walked to a nearby barbecue place. As usual, he refused to let me pay. At some point, I was going to buy this man a meal, and he was going to deal with it, but I didn’t want to make a scene right then.

  “Before,” I told him, “Aaron wanted me to keep to my regular schedule, and to go home when I wasn’t supposed to be somewhere. Things are more relaxed now. We can go back to your place if you want, or you can introduce me to your biker friends.”

  I knew they’d lost a lot of people in the battle, so there weren’t many left. I also knew the ones still alive w
ere fiercely loyal to each other. I didn’t know much more, and I wanted to.

  “We have some people on loan from other chapters. McGyver is usually in the control room, and he’s from Chattanooga. Orange Crush and Kahn have come up from Mobile. For that matter, Bobcat’s from Chattanooga as well, but we’re hoping he’ll stay. Otherwise, it’s Mad Dog, Sasquatch, Mister Clean, Gears, and Frost, who’s about to get out of jail. We’ll throw him a huge party when he gets out. Are you up for a biker party?”

  I couldn’t help my smile. If he only knew the kinds of parties I’d been to — sometimes as a party favor. “I’m pretty sure I can handle it. Is that an invitation?”

  “Yeah, I guess it is. It’ll be on a school night, though.”

  “Why’s he in jail?”

  “Bullshit charges. Wrong place at the wrong time during the riots. He needed a quick exit and someone was dead in their four-by-four, so he pulled them out and drove off in it, intending to get off the roads to make it to safety. The cops got him for the stolen truck and brandishing a weapon and I forget what else. You’d think they’d thank the people on their side who were helping them, but...” He shrugged, obviously pissed, but he didn’t want to give it any more energy. I changed the subject.

  “Are you going to let me meet some people ahead of time, so I don’t walk into a big party without knowing anyone?”

  “Sure. We can eat at the MC’s restaurant after your derby practice this evening, and then run by the clubhouse after. I’d invite you to stay at my apartment, but it isn’t anywhere near as nice as your place. I have a house, but I haven’t been there in a while. We’re all staying at the apartments to keep the residents safe. I suppose I could show you my house?”

  I shook my head. “Maybe your apartment and house? I’d rather see where you’re living now. I want to spend time in your space.” And I was saying way too much. He didn’t need to know how badly I wanted to get to know all of him.

  “My house is more my space than the apartment. It’s temporary and it shows — it’s just a place to sleep for the time being. We advertise the complex as safe, and that means living there. We also take turns on sentry duty.”

  He’d already explained that their clubhouse had been burned to the ground during the battle. They’d bought this apartment complex at a bargain price, and they’d converted the existing main building into the MC’s temporary clubhouse. They had the money to rebuild, but the construction companies all had long waiting lists. Years.

  “Wherever you want to take me will be fine. I don’t need fancy.” I looked down, deciding how much to tell him. Hell, why not tell him the whole thing? I looked back up. “The first weeks with the owls, the trainers were determined to break me down to nothing. It’s like they wanted to tear the thoughts of being a princess out of my head. I’ve learned now, it’s about breaking the person and then rebuilding them. I slept outside in the dirt, chained to a tree like a dog. I ate dog food from a dog bowl, with my hands bound behind me and my hair falling into the food, but I was so hungry it didn’t matter. I was treated as the lowest slave, that first week.”

  I looked down, took a breath, and looked back up. “I was born a princess, and yeah, I was raised a spoiled brat, but I never thought I was better than other people just because of the accident of my birth. I was determined not to marry into royalty, and I misbehaved in public enough, my father couldn’t arrange a suitable marriage. I was waiting until I aged out of my father owning me so I could find my own way in life. Perhaps that’s why Uncle Raul gave me to the Owls instead of giving them one of the other princesses? I don’t know.”

  “Your father owned you?”

  “It’s a swan thing. Your father owns you until he gives you in marriage, and then your husband owns you. Our species hasn’t caught up with the times. Sophia is slowly changing things. It may take a few generations before it’s widely accepted, but she’s working on it.”

  He looked at me a few seconds as if he were analyzing things, and he finally said, “Aaron has taken over your protection? Why isn’t your father seeing to you?”

  “He disowned me when I didn’t let Sophia free me from the Owls. When I was given to them and didn’t have a choice, he was embarrassed, but it wasn’t my choice so he didn’t completely turn his back on me. But then, once it was my choice, he told me I was no longer his daughter.”

  “I’m sorry he couldn’t support your decision. I’m glad you have Aaron and Sophia. Everyone needs family. Whether it’s your biological family or chosen family, you need that support system.”

  I refused to cry in front of people. I looked down and took a few deep breaths. We needed to change the conversation, and fast.

  It took a few moments before I could meet his gaze without bursting into tears. “Thanks for your kind words, but we need to talk about something else before I lose it in public.”

  “Okay. I’ll show you both places — house and apartment. I had Velvet get anything out of my apartment fridge that might spoil, so we’ll need to stop for the basics if we’re going to spend the night. I have plenty of frozen goods at both places.”

  “She has a key to your apartment?”

  “Mad Dog does, which means she does. She’s kind of our Queen Bee.”

  “So, it’s important she likes me?” No stress there.

  “She’s cool. You’ll be fine.”


  He didn’t shake his head, which meant I’d guessed right. Concilio rules don’t let you talk about what animal someone is unless certain guidelines are met, but there are ways around the rules.

  I do okay with wolves so long as they’re chill, but my swan freaks out when she senses a pissed off wolf. Should I tell him? Yeah. Probably.

  “My swan is wary of wolves. We haven’t been around them much. I’m usually okay, but if one gets angry or even agitated, she sometimes freaks.”

  His brow furrowed. “What does she do when she freaks? What do you do?”

  “Sometimes I run, sometimes I curl into a ball, sometimes I run and scream at them. If it ramps up slowly I can leave and get away before it’s a problem, but something sudden? The fear response is in control at least for a minute or two until I can talk us down.”

  “Your swan needs to see me as the safe haven. Come to me for protection. It’ll be okay.”

  “I think she might. She trusts you.”

  He lifted my hand and kissed the back of it. “Good. I won’t let anything happen to either of you. Speaking of which, if you ever need to change, just let me know. I’ll do whatever you need to help facilitate it. I don’t know who’s helped in the past, but you can always come to me.”

  “Thanks. I only have to change on the equinoxes and solstices, so, four times a year. Sometimes I just want to fly, though. Aaron has a few places I can go and be safe. He doesn’t like for me to fly around in the wild, but sometimes I do.”

  Chapter Seven


  Velvet got permission to ride Frost’s motorcycle to the jail, and everyone who could get away from their duties rode as well. It was early morning, so all of our core group made it. Velvet got onto the back of Mad Dog’s bike when Frost came out, and he rode away from the jail surrounded by his brothers.

  The first stop was the Rolling Thunder Restaurant, where you get the best steaks in town. The best barbecue, too, but Frost wanted steaks, bacon, and his favorite craft beer for his first meal. Since it was nine in the morning, Velvet had the cook making eggs and other breakfast foods too. The restaurant doesn’t open for breakfast during the week, but she’d brought enough people in to give us some private time with Frost while we gave him his first meal as a free man.

  A few days earlier, Aaron had decreed the situation safe for Ember, so my services were no longer needed. I decided not to point out that since he had no idea what services I’d been providing, he really couldn’t be the judge of whether I was still needed or not.

  I hadn’t seen her for a day and a half, but she planned to co
me to the clubhouse later in the evening. She had a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu class after school. She was going to go home to shower, but I told her she could do that at my apartment.

  I missed her something awful, and it’d only been around fifty hours. Saying goodbye had been damned hard after being around each other pretty much twenty-four/seven for so long, but knowing I’d see her in two days had made it easier. Technically, two and a half days. Not that I was counting.

  Would she plan something with me after today? I sincerely hoped so. Everything was up in the air and I didn’t like it, but I was smart enough not to push.

  A couple of sweetbutts along with two dancers were waiting for us at the restaurant when we arrived with Frost, and he got his pick. He chose Banshee, named because she’s so damned loud when you fuck her ass. Sasquatch had Kitty blowing him before Frost managed to get Banshee’s jeans off, and I wondered when Squatch and the sweet little tiger were going to figure their shit out. Mister Clean and Gears double-teamed Giggles, and Orange Crush went to town on Enigma. I stood with Mad Dog, not because there were no more girls left — I could’ve joined Crush and used Enigma’s mouth — but because I wasn’t interested.

  Velvet was handling waitress duties for us, so we wouldn’t have to worry about anyone overhearing something they shouldn’t. We couldn’t speak freely about just anything on the off chance LEO was listening in, but we didn’t have to worry about traumatizing a waitress. Velvet ignored the fact her patrons were fucking or being fucked while she took everyone’s order. When the food was brought out, people slowly stopped fucking and moved to the table.

  Sweetbutts and dancers were sent to the kitchen to eat as we finished with them. Had Mad Dog paid the dancers to come? I didn’t know and didn’t ask, but figured he’d likely done so to make sure we had enough girls to go around for Frost’s first fuck.

  I was at least a dozen bites into my meal and Frost was still going at Banshee. He was in her ass now, and no one could talk past her yelps and screams. She isn’t a fan of anal, but she never safewords so she must get something out of it. I had no idea, and I avoided her most of the time.


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