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Dementor (Rolling Thunder MC Birmingham Book 1)

Page 15

by Candace Blevins

  He disconnected my ankle first by completely taking the cuff off, then the collar. I sat up on the edge of the bed, and he walked around to unlock and remove the wrist cuffs.

  “You need help walking?”

  “I don’t think so.”

  I spent fifteen minutes in the bathroom. All that food and alcohol had a fight inside my body, and nothing came out smelling good. Once again, I was mortified, but there was nothing I could do about it. When I was finally finished on the toilet, I took a quick shower without getting my hair wet. I thought I’d still need to go downstairs when I came out, but I found coffee and a bottle of headache pills on my side table.

  “You made me coffee?”

  “Seemed like you needed it. I brought a glass of water too, in case you need to hydrate more than you need caffeine.”

  I sat and took some pills with the water, and then held the coffee cup in both hands and took the nectar of the gods into my body.

  Okay, so I really like coffee. It isn’t just the caffeine, but all the carbs. It’s as if my body needs them to get up and get moving.

  “I’m so sorry I turned into an annoying, whiny brat last night.”

  “On the bright side, at least I know your inner child still wants me, even if the grown up parts of you aren’t sure.” He rubbed my shoulder. “No need to apologize. We’re good.”

  “I hope we’re good, because the decision’s the same now that I’m sober.” I winced. “Or, it will be in a few hours, when I’ve fully recovered from last night. Anal may not be a possibility until sometime tomorrow. I don’t know how long it’ll take me to bounce back.”

  If only it was that easy. She’d left so much unsaid, and I wasn’t sure how to ask. Did this mean she was finished finding Doms to top her, or would she keep doing that? Would she expect me to stop fucking others? I couldn’t think of a way to bring it up, and my instincts told me perhaps that conversation was better handled after I’d fucked her brains out.

  “You want me to bring you oatmeal in bed? Or maybe eggs?”

  “Can we maybe just snuggle in bed and talk?”


  I was still mortified that I’d pretty much begged and pleaded for him to fuck me, and he hadn’t.

  However, my mind was made up. Dementor isn’t anything like Able outside of the bedroom, but he can give me what I need behind closed doors. I’d fallen in love with him, and he seemed to care about me a great deal. Pushing him away was stupid, but if I’d let things progress from the beginning, I’m not sure we could’ve worked long term. So, maybe it wasn’t stupid before, but it would be dumb to keep doing it.

  But how did I tell him any of that?

  I could hear Kirsten in my head telling me to use your words.

  And so, curled into him, my head on his arm, breathing in the scent of the huge grizzly bear in human form, I told him how I felt.

  “Part of me wants to take this a step at a time and not rush things. Another part of me wants us to move in together so we can spend every available moment together. We’re both busy, and our schedules don’t mesh, but that would mean I’d be in bed waiting for you when you came home in the early morning hours. I held you at arm’s length in part because I needed to experience some things before I was bound into another relationship. The fact I thought it would be restricting meant I wasn’t ready.” I took a breath. “I’m ready now, but I don’t know how ready you are. I pushed you away for so long, you didn’t believe me last night when I was ready for you.”

  “Only because you’d been drinking and I needed to be sure you wouldn’t have buyer’s remorse the next day.” He kissed my forehead. “I want you in my life, and if you want to pack your bags and stay at my apartment for a week to see how it works out, I’d love to have you.”

  “A week here and a week at your place, maybe?” I asked.

  “I need to be in my apartment. Otherwise, I’d be in the perfectly good house I own, in a space that allows me to change to a bear just about anytime I want. I have a favorite tree I sometimes sleep in.”

  “Okay, then a few nights a week here, and the rest of the time at your apartment. Let’s see how it goes?”

  “Are you going to want to keep letting other Doms play with you?”

  “No. Maybe. No. I don’t know. Probably not.”

  “You need to decide.”

  “Can we both agree not to see or fuck anyone else until next Sunday, and figure that part out for sure then?”


  “You’re being awfully agreeable.”

  He chuckled. “I’m just a big fluffy teddy bear.”

  “We both know that’s bullshit, but it’s okay. Speaking of your bear, do you think maybe I can see him today? It’s safe to change here. We have acres and acres, completely fenced in and private.”

  “My bear would love to come out and meet you.”

  We were both silent a few moments, and I finally asked, “What’s your preference? How would our week go if you had total say-so?”

  He rubbed my bare arm from shoulder to wrist and back to my shoulder. “I don’t want total say-so. If we do this, it’ll be as partners. I’ll be happy with you staying in my apartment. I can wake up in the mornings with you, have breakfast with you, and then go back to sleep after you leave for school. I’ll be home when you come home during the week, probably, but we open earlier Friday, so you’ll come home to an empty apartment.”

  “My evenings are pretty full. I have jiu-jitsu, Krav Maga, time in the range, and derby practice. We have matches pretty much every second or third weekend from now until fall, and for the out of town ones we usually leave early Saturday morning and then get home sometime Sunday. Sometimes we have to leave Friday, for the farther away match-ups.”

  “I’ll figure out a way to be able to come to your in-town matches, even if it means I just leave work for an hour or two and go back. I’m not really sure how to handle your out-of-town stuff, but you have to know I’m going to want to go with you.”

  “If you can get away, great. If you can’t, I’ll be fine.”

  He snugged me in a little closer. “I’ll need to figure out your sleep cycles. I might want to come home at three or four in the morning, fuck your brains out, and then go to sleep. If that screws with your sleep though, it won’t work long term.”

  “I had a problem with that the last couple of years with Able. I was in school and had an outside life, but he still demanded to use his toy whenever he wanted. Some nights, he used me all night and then I had to spend the day in classes, but I managed okay. But, yeah, it’s different when you’re the dedicated toy and don’t have responsibilities, and when you have to be somewhere. He always gave me time to get ready so I wasn’t late, but that was the only concession he made.”

  I took a breath. I wasn’t sure how to bring this up, so I’d just say it and see where it took us. “You’re used to having a lot of sex. I think probably at least three times a day?”

  “Sometimes five times a day, sometimes once a day. It probably averages out to three times a day, but it isn’t a constant.”

  “I want to be sure I’m available so you don’t feel you have to go to someone else.” There. I said it.

  He stroked my arm. “Monogamy isn’t important to bears, but you’re important to me, and monogamy is important to you. We’ve agreed to give it a go for a week. We don’t need to talk about that yet, but if you need me to keep my dick out of other women long term, I will. No argument or bitching.”

  “I don’t know if I do. I mean, I need you to never put someone else over me, but if I’m off doing my thing and you have an opportunity, and she doesn’t mean anything to you, then...” I shrugged. “I don’t know. That’s the honest truth. Maybe I’ll be able to deal with it, and maybe I won’t.”

  He popped my butt. “One week, then we have the discussion.”

  I sighed and relaxed into him a little more. “Yes, Sir.”

  “Headache gone?”

  “Yes, Sir.”<
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  “Today you’re mine, minus your back door, but there’s still lots of you to play with. I’m gonna take a shower, and you’re going to strip naked and kneel on the bathmat while I shower, knowing you’ll be face-fucked when I finish. You’ll fold your hands behind your back and grab your elbows, and won’t let go until I’ve come down your throat. I’ll provide one of my tees for you to wear while we cook. No panties. No bra. You can wear socks or slippers if you want, but nothing else. Any questions?”

  “No, Sir.”

  Chapter Eighteen


  By the time we left for his house, he’d fucked me in every hole at least twice, including my ass, but it was okay by the time he got around to it. We’d had a nice, slow, leisurely OTK hand spanking, and then later, he used his belt on my ass when I didn’t follow orders fast enough. To be honest, I was testing him to see what would happen, and now I know. If he’d let me get away with it, I’d have lost some respect for him. He was so calm and in control though, it reminded me he’d already earned my respect, and why. There wasn’t a doubt in my mind he could handle me.

  I’d also been able to spend about thirty minutes with his bear, and he’s the most gorgeous, spectacular, magnificent grizzly bear I’ve ever seen. And okay, so maybe I haven’t seen that many, but still. He took my breath away.

  And now I wore a butt plug lubed with cinnamon oil. Well, coconut oil laced with cinnamon oil, but my asshole was on-fucking-FIRE, and my nipples hurt as well because he’d rubbed some of the oil on them too. We were at his apartment doing normal everyday stuff, but I couldn’t focus because I was certain the cinnamon was growing hotter with every passing minute.

  “Later in the week, we’ll try it with Icy Hot, but I thought we’d let you experience the heat of chemical play first,” he told me as he put our breakfast steaks in a marinating solution, sealed the lid on the bowl, and stuck them in the refrigerator. “Do you want potatoes in the morning instead of oatmeal, or is that enough of your routine that I don’t need to fuck with it on school days?”

  “Potatoes and oatmeal, maybe?” I answered from across the room. I was mixing honey and caramel into vanilla ice cream. Well, not mixing it so much as cutting slabs of ice cream from the container and then layering them into our bowls with the toppings between. My bowl was caramel and broken up peanut butter cups, and I’d drizzle chocolate on the top when I finished. His would have caramel drizzled on the top.

  “I’ll fix a tenderloin tomorrow, so it’s ready when you get home. What do you want with it?”

  “Roasted potatoes with rosemary and—” I cut myself off. “However you roast the potatoes, I’m sure they’ll be good. Rolls to sop up the juices, of course. I have this sautéed mushroom recipe that works great with tenderloin and only takes about ten minutes to cook. I can make it when I get home if you buy sliced mushrooms.”

  “If you send me the recipe, I can make it when I know you’re on your way home.”

  “I can do that.” I drizzled the final toppings on and he finished washing his hands and came to get his bowl.

  “How’s your ass?”

  “Hot. Fuck. You have to be able to smell how damned horny I am!”

  “Of course I can. It’s like I’m keeping you on the back burner until I’m ready to play with you again.” He took a bite of his ice cream and gave a moan of pleasure before adding, “When I’m ready to move you to the front burner, I’ll add some liquid fire to that adorable little clit of yours.”

  He’d motioned for me to sit on the sofa, and the plug in my ass shifted and came alive even more. The stretch, the blazing heat. My nipples burned as well, and they showed obscenely through his t-shirt, which was the only thing I had on.

  I took a bite of my ice cream to try to take my mind off the burning plug so rudely stretching my asshole open, but it didn’t work. I could only focus on how the cinnamon would feel on my clit.

  “I don’t think I’m back-burner horny, Sir. It’s more than that.”

  “Happy to hear it.”

  I leaned into him, happy to feel the heat of his body, and he made room so I could snuggle into him while we ate our dessert.

  “You’re ready for classes tomorrow? All homework’s finished?”

  “Yes. I’m good.”

  “And you’d like to be asleep before midnight. That’s your regular bedtime?”

  “If I wake at eight that gives me plenty of sleep. If you want me up earlier, you’ll need to put me to bed earlier.”

  “How many orgasms have you had today?”

  “I have no idea.”

  “Rough guess?”

  “Three dozen medium sized or better, but at least twice that many small ones.”

  “I haven’t decided whether to keep you from having orgasms, or whether to give you so many, you’re begging me not to make you have more.”

  My heart skipped a few beats at the idea of him doing either.

  He took another bite of his ice cream and his scent told me how much he liked it. I took a bite of mine and savored the flavors.

  “I love how sensual you are,” he told me. “And focused. Food, sex, even driving. Whatever you’re doing, you take it all in and fully enjoy it.”

  “You know how you talked about Burn’s girlfriend being a service submissive?”

  “Mmmm hmmm.”

  “I’m not one, and yet, I enjoy feeding people. It makes me happy when I can find out what someone likes and prepare it for them.”

  “I’ve noticed. You take little food treats to your teammates, too.”

  We talked and snuggled while we ate our ice cream. I didn’t know what he planned to do to me, but I trusted him.


  I needed to give her everything she needed sexually on this night, and yet, her specific kink was that she wanted to be used. If she thought I was doing what she wanted, it wouldn’t work for her.

  And if tonight was a bomb, well, that wouldn’t be good.

  But no pressure, right?

  I had absolutely no idea what to do, but it felt like I needed to go with the flow and not plan it too much. The problem with this was that I couldn’t figure out how to get started. Every scenario I ran through my head seemed awkward or artificial.

  When in doubt, go back to the basics. I finished my ice cream and then stole some of hers. She popped me on the hand with her spoon, but I ignored the pain and pilfered the bite I’d been aiming for. She got me six times, hard, but the bite with vanilla, peanut butter, and chocolate was totally worth it.

  “Do you have feeling in your hands?” she asked, incredulous.

  “A swan swatting a grizzly?” I grinned like it was nothing.

  She rolled her eyes, gathered her last bite, and seemed to thoroughly enjoy it.

  I took her bowl from her, put both spoons in it, and settled it into my bowl. “Take these to the kitchen. Remove the shirt and put it on the back of a chair. Return, walk to me without talking, and bend over my lap for a spanking.”

  Ordering someone to bend over for a spanking is a gamble. You’re asking them to accept your dominance, knowing there will be pain. They’re surrendering to you. Complete submission, even if there’s a safeword. You’re ordering them to actively submit.

  If they don’t, you have to decide whether to call it quits or enforce the order. It isn’t a command you can make lightly.

  And so, I sat forward on the sofa with my legs available to be bent over and waited to see what my beautiful little swan would do, and tried not to breathe in relief when she returned to me naked and folded her body over my legs — her fingers on the floor to my left and her toes on the floor to my right, with her ass in the perfect spot to spank.

  I rubbed her butt and the backs of her thighs. “Good girl. Can you stay still or do you need me to hold you in place?”

  “Please hold me in place, Sir.”

  I didn’t have to ask if she meant the Sir or if she’d said it out of habit. Her scent told me how much she meant it.
  As much as I wanted to give her a slow warm-up, it wasn’t what she needed on this day, so I braced her upper torso with my left arm, and used my right hand to whale on her ass right out of the gate. Hard and fast. Relentless. She fought me, but I held her in place. There was no escape from the pain. I overwhelmed her with it and didn’t stop until she was crying and screaming and desperately needed oxygen.

  And that’s when I held her like a baby, cradled to my chest, and soothed her tears.

  But only for a minute.

  I stood with her, walked to my armchair, bent her over the back of it — conveniently at the right height for me to fuck someone in this position — rolled a condom on because I didn’t want to burn the fuck out of my dick, pulled the plug from her ass, and crammed my dick in.

  I knew those muscles and nerve endings were sore, tight, and raw from the cinnamon, but I didn’t take it easy on her. She was so damned tight, and her screams were like music to my libido.

  I did, however, closely monitor her arousal levels so I could stop before she came. I had her so damned close a few times, only to pull out and gently rub her back until the orgasm passed and she had no relief.

  The third time I did it, she called me a motherfucking cunt, but somewhere around the sixth or seventh time she was begging and pleading for me to let her come.

  I brought her to the edge two more times before I gave her a choice. If this was going to work then I needed to be in control of her sexuality. I didn’t want to control her life, but I needed more control over her as a sexual being then she’d offered.

  I re-lubed the lambskin condom with the coconut-cinnamon-oil mixture while she calmed down. She smelled it, obviously, and whimpered. “Please, Sir.”

  “Is that please don’t, or please do?”

  “Please take your pleasure with me. Whatever you need. If you need to hurt me, I’m yours, but please let me come.”

  I sank in slowly, pressing harder and harder so I could sink all the way in and hold her little ass wide open while the fresh cinnamon oil did its job on her already tender little asshole.


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