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Too Huge for the Tight Brat

Page 13

by Jenna Jugzz

  I can’t help but wonder about where our relationship will go from here. After all, Mr. Peterson has just taken my virginity. Things are going to be very different from now on.

  Now that I’ll be having his child, I can forget about college and move in. He’ll have to support me in whatever decision I make because, in the end, my little virgin pussy was just too tight for him to pull out in time.

  Filled by the General and His Men

  I must look pathetic. Here I am running in this sweltering desert heat--and for what? Because I can't learn to say 'no' to my boss? Because he takes advantage of me and likes to send me out to the middle of fucking nowhere? That jerk just wants to keep my career stagnant like his.

  But I take it because I have to.

  It's true. Being a journalist means you're either sucking up or sucking cocks. If it's not your boss's dick then it's some other dick. In my field, it's usually an agent I have to get through for an interview.

  They're the gatekeepers, and I have to pay my toll. But if that's what it takes to succeed, then can put it up my ass for all I care. Lube is optional. I want it that bad.

  So long as it's furthering my career, I'll go down on just about any guy. A quick blowjob under an office desk while the douchebag bitches to his secretary.

  Or maybe just a handy if he's particularly busy--it's all part of the job description, really.

  And nothing ever stops me from getting what I want. A meaningless fuck with a big suit who never got any in high school--you'd be surprised what a girl with sexy curves can do with a little ambition

  And everything standing in my way has some sexual desire to exploit. Hell, I'll go down on women too if that's what they're into. A girl who doesn't mind a little scissor fucking is going places.

  Both men and women alike can see what I have to offer. I've pretty much got it going on in all the right places. Beautiful curves and a luscious ass just begging to be spanked. Big tits pleading to be fucked. I've got it all, baby.

  And most of the time I pride myself in having such a figure. A rubenesque slut who knows how to carry herself. I'm totally comfortable in my body. These curves could stop a man mid-stride. Hell, in any other situation I regard myself as pretty fucking hot.

  Just not when it comes to exerting myself in this ridiculous, oppressive heat.

  But here I am, running my ass off to catch an appointment like a hot mess. I certainly don't have a habit of being late, but I can't help moving slower in the desert. The heat fucks with my head and my sense of time.

  It's not all bad, though. Here at an army base in the middle of all this sand and rock, there's plenty to look at. Hot Army studs built like marble in every direction.

  The guy standing at the front gate checking my visitor pass is already making me wet.

  "General Sanders is over at tent #23. Go right on through, Ms. Dalia." The guy says, waving me through the metal gate. He raises a hand to his beret and nods toward me with a cute, boyish smile. Mmmm... He'd be a fun little fuck.

  His eyes shift sideways, toward me, when I pass him and my knees wobble a bit. With eyes fixed on my ass, he gives a cute little smirk. Enough to bring a girl to her knees just to suck his cock.

  And I know just how good I could make that boy feel. I could lick and tease that cock of his for days if I wanted. I could keep him on the edge of orgasm just to see the look on his face.

  He'd moan and beg for me to let him cum. I'd show him what it takes to be a real soldier before I let him shoot his own little soldiers into my mouth.

  I'd guzzle his load like an expert whore, groping his balls and milking the shaft clean of every last drop. And then if his bunk mates wanted to be next, I'd show each of them what sort of pleasure I could give.

  I'm more than capable of handling an entire squad.

  All these poor guys must not be getting any. Stuck here in this shithole, they must be desperate for a shapely woman like me to do them a hell of a favor. I consider myself a patriot, after all.

  If duty called, I know what my role would be--and it involves giving lots of head.

  These men are the elite. They deserve to be treated as such. If I had to be their little cum whore, then so be it.

  If I had to lie spread eagle on a shoddy bunk in a room full of soldiers while they came all over my body, in my mouth and in my hair, I'll do what my country demands of me.

  Each one of them would get equal attention. I don't play favorites when it comes to men in service. I would make sure to slurp up every ounce of their semen like a good slut should. These men are marines. They deserve the best treatment I can offer.

  Then when I am gone and they are left alone once again, without a single female within a hundred miles, I would have at least given them one hell of a memory to hold on to in desperate times. A good source for masturbation on lonely nights.


  The base looks more like a campground with all its brown and green tents set out in rows. The wind was bustling, and many of the front flaps fluttered in the wind. Living here must be totally brutal.

  But these men are tough. Rugged. True patriots. They live in a hellhole so the rest of us can live in a world of pleasure and entertainment. Soldiers like these need to feel the warmth of a busty woman like me.

  It doesn't take me long to find tent #23. Each of the rows of tents have signs like a street would have, and they're named after famous war battles. The tent where General Sanders is waiting was on 'Battle of the Bulge'.

  I wonder how big Mr. Sanders' bulge is...

  "Good morning, Ms. Dalia..." General Sanders says, standing up from this office chair to greet me. When I move into shake his hand, he glances down at his wristwatch.

  "S--Sorry I'm late," I hear myself stutter. The man's presence has me completely flustered. Sanders is built like a rock. He is tall and broad, with fierce eyes that penetrate and see through me. "It's not like me to--"

  "We'll have to cut this short by about ten minutes. I have another appointment at O-eight-hundred. Sharp." His eyes squint a bit, putting emphasis on the last word. Fuck, if only he knew I wasn't usually like this...

  "Yes, right. Well--shall we get started?" I say, finding an uncomfortable chair with metal legs. The general's expression is unchanged.

  It is evident after only the first sixty seconds that this was a man of restraint. Of danger--of punctuality. A man who has seen and been shaped by war. A man I want to feel between my legs.

  "Ahem General Sanders, what would you say of the public opinion about your decision to--"

  "I don't give a flying fuck about that," he says, and the tone of his voice makes me jolt. His stare is cold and dismissive. I take a moment to cross my legs, showing a good bit of bare thigh, and compose myself again to ask,

  "What about the unfortunate loss of troops last week at--"

  "Those men served their country bravely," he says sharply. The man hasn't blinked once since I sat down. There's no way the interview can continue this way, or I'm going to leave with nothing.

  I'm on a mission here, just as much as any soldier in this camp.

  "Look--have I... have I offended you in some way?" I ask. He seems a bit taken aback by my sudden boldness. He raises his hands in the air, palms facing me, saying,

  "Ms. Dalia, I simply don't have time to waste with people who waste mine." I can't believe this shit. Ten minutes late and the General has lost all respect for me.

  I'm going to show this dick that just because I'm not in uniform doesn't mean I'm not ready to serve.

  "I can see that we're not going to get anywhere this way..." My fingertips of glinting red nail polish caress their way up the side of my thigh and curl beneath my short black skirt to lift it just a bit higher. "Perhaps there is... another way we could go about getting what I need from you."

  Sanders shakes his head, as if he had just heard defiance from a soldier's mouth. But at least I got him to blink.

  "Ms. Dalia?"

  My tongue darts to one corne
r of my mouth, slicking across my upper lip, leaving a wet sheen that glints in the dim light of the room.

  "What if I sucked your cock right here, right now? Would that move things along in the right direction?" His eyes go wide.

  General Sanders stands up from his chair with clenched fists, looking indignant. A thick vein bulges on his neck, pulsing in annoyance at my words.

  "Do you mean to disrespect me, here, in my own quarters?"

  I get up from my chair, taking a few bold steps toward him. I won't allow myself to be turned down by this man, powerful as he may be.

  "General--you of all people should know what battles to fight..." I get up close enough to trace an index finger across his rippling pectoral. His tight green shirt seems to burst at the seams, stretched by the taut skin beneath. "And this is one I never lose."

  His brow furrows and his fists shake at his sides. Before he has a chance to respond, my finger presses against his puffed lips as if to silence them.

  "Shhh..." I pinch the cleft of his chin, saying, "Just relax, and let me give you something you deserve."

  My hand wraps the nape of his neck to bring him in close. I press the flat of my tongue against his chin, sensually licking upward across his lips.

  Then our lips connect in a drugging kiss while a deft hand works at his belt buckle. The fire in his eyes cools and his eyelids droop shut. A woman like me knows how to tame the fury of a soldier.

  When my fingers dip past the hem of his camo pants, the General lets out a long, soft moan. Apparently, General Sanders likes to go commando.

  As my hand dives deeper, he seems to catch himself. His eyes shoot wide and he grips my forearm tight.

  "If you start this," he says with a stern, biting stare, "you'd better be prepared to finish it." Sanders reaches around my waist to pull me in against the firmness of his chest. His bulging abdomen feels like steel against my round belly.

  "Don't worry, General. I know how this ends." My fingers wrap delicately around his shaft and give it a gentle stroke. "The only thing I'm unsure of is if I'll be able to fit your whole cock down my naughty little throat..."

  And it is enormous. As his dick grows in my hand, I can tell that getting it all down will be difficult. Luckily, I'm a girl who enjoys a good challenge.

  The General grunts and his head tilts back when I cup his ball sac, tickling playfully at his scrotum.

  A tent is rising in the crotch of pants like a beast rattling the bars of its cage, waiting to be unleashed. My other hand moves in to unzip his fly, and his thick, stiff dick springs forth. It throbs in the softness of my hand, dribbling precum that drips onto the cold concrete floor.

  Getting down on my knees, I guide the head of his dick to my puckered lips. Staring up at General Sanders through long, fluttering lashes of dark mascara and deep purple eye shadow, I plant a soft kiss at the tip.

  "Mmmm..." I moan, lapping at the clear fluid dribbling off the end. For such a grizzled sort of man, General Sanders actually tastes pretty sweet.

  I smear his precum around my lips like a kind of chapstick. My eyes shift, lustfully gazing down at his throbbing dick.

  My eyes widen instinctively and my tongue circles around billowy lips, ready to devour.

  When the tip of him pushes past my lips, General Sanders groans and grips a clump of hair at the top of my head. Then his leg twitches when I continue lowering myself down onto his cock.

  I can tell it's been a long time since he's gotten any. His cock seems to pulse and beat with the pent up load of a decade.

  His cock slips in the warm wetness of my mouth as I push him in, deeper...

  I'm only halfway down when the impulse to gag hits me. Tears begin to well in my eyes as I begin to choke on his cock, trying desperately to shove it down my esophagus. General Sanders smirks and laughs,

  "Is that really all you got? I thought you knew how to suck cock." But I won't let this asshole get into my head.

  I am determined to get him all the down.

  The muscles of my throat spasm and burn, squeezing tight around his cock as it slides dipper into the dark, wet hole of my throat.

  Thick beads of saliva trickle from my lips while I drool all over his cock, rolling over his pulsing veins and dripping off his balls.

  "Agh!" He groans when I'm nearly all the way down, and I can't help but smirk a little.

  This hard ass thought I was an amateur...

  Then I gargle and slurp the rest of him down, connecting my nose to the hardness of his abdomen at last. Another thick spurt of saliva jets from my mouth, wetting his dark pubes.

  I stare up at General Sanders, with bloodshot eyes, dark tears rolling off my cheeks. His face is a tight grimace, like he's already holding back the urge to cum right down my slippery throat.

  Then his grip on my hair tightens and he starts pushing and pulling my head up and down along his cock. When his cock emerges from the tight suction of my lips, it seems to glow in the flickering light above us.

  Again and again, Sanders thrusts my head onto his cock as I drool and suck. My lips wrap the base of his cock and my nose scrunches against his rippling six-pack. Grunting and groaning, he face fucks me like a dirty whore.

  And it might be true--but at least this will get me what I need from him.

  "God... damn..." Sanders seems to be having trouble holding back. The gag reflex forces my throat to squeeze every inch of his cock, stroking it like a sopping wet pussy.

  I gargle and gulp down his giant dick, determined to coax his spunk deep into my esophagus.

  "Fuck! I'm gonna fuckin'... " And then I feel it--his thick, warm load colliding with the very back of my mouth. It coats the lining of my throat and I am forced to swallow, guzzling every drop as it continues to jet from his pulsating cock.

  "Mmm--mm--" I moan, choking in gargled words. His cum is viscous and endless. His cock pulses against the walls of my throat, spraying his semen down my throat.

  I gulp and swallow the gushing stream of cum, feeling the warmth flowing down into my stomach.

  But rather than feeling satisfied, something is excited within me. An overwhelming urge to explore the slut buried in my psyche. A hunger for more. More cocks to suck. More cum to swallow. I need more.


  "G--General?" A steel door in the corner of the room creaks open. A bit of the General’s cum trickles from my bottom lip while his cock is still firmly lodged in my esophagus.

  On a normal day, this might be a totally humiliating situation. But today, the sight of the man with the broad shoulders standing in the doorway with his jaw on the floor just turns me on.

  "You're just in time, private!" General Sanders says, pulling me off his cock at last. I gargle up a bubbly mixture of spit and cum that dribbles from his shaft as my lips slide off. Finally, I collapse backward onto the hard floor and gasp for air.

  Another man peeks out from behind the first, looking just as shocked.

  The General brings his attention back to me, saying, "These are Privates Tyler and Jason." He motions for them to step into the room. They immediately snap out of their daze and rush to meet their General's command.

  They move quickly and stand attentively in the center. They were obviously well trained, and knew better than to ask questions.

  "This young lady here was just demonstrating how well she can service a cock." Their eyes shift quickly, looking down at me hacking and wheezing on the floor, then back toward the General. "It would seem you're both just in time for her to show you how much of a whore she can really be."

  A rising heat builds between my legs at his words. I can feel myself getting wet. Wet and ready for two new gentlemen joining the party.

  "Privates," he says sharply, "remove your uniforms. Pronto!" And they do as instructed without hesitation.

  Tyler and Jason are real soldiers. They are tough and grizzled, with jaws carved like stone. Their rippling chests seem to tear the fibers of their thin shirts. They had loyal eyes, fierce and fearl
ess, determined to train and always prepared.

  But are they prepared to handle me?

  My tongue curls at one corner of my mouth. My eyes glint as they fall upon two well-endowed cocks growing stiffer in the moment of hopeful anticipation.

  I moan softly as my body writhes on the floor, dipping a hand beneath my panties to feel the wetness there. My hands begin to move almost on their own, slipping off my skirt and black panties off my ankles in one fluid motion.

  Almost without realizing it, my bra has slipped off to reveal my creamy breasts and my legs are already spread eagle in the air.


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