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Too Huge for the Tight Brat

Page 16

by Jenna Jugzz



  Misty, rosey eyed and eager to serve her country bubbled with excitement at joining the army as a medic. Extra credit training at a local hospital gave her some needed previous experience not to mention the CPR training she got certified for a few months ago.

  She hurried away from the assignments board, papers in hand, in search of her new squad. Looking around at all the men she wondered how many women would be in her training class.

  Not many by the looks of it. Not that she minded being the only woman in training or on a squad but how serious would they take her? Back home she could take her brothers in almost any fight despite her size because they always underestimated her. Would an all male squad be the same?

  Confident she could handle whatever the army threw at her she made her way through the barracks to find the one she was assigned to. At the end of the row she spotted the one she was looking for.

  Lingering outside were three men all of them tall, built of muscle and sporting short cropped hair and glinting eyes. Something stirred in her stomach but she ignored it. She was there to be a medic not to get googley eyed over three hot guys.

  As she approached she hefted her duffel bag to her other shoulder and one of the men, the taller of the three, smacked the other two in the arm. They all looked up at her and she waited for the cat calls but none came.

  They followed her progress with their eyes wide, grins spreading across their faces when she stopped in front of their barracks.

  "What do we have here?" the one in the middle asked.

  "Can we help you miss?" the tall one asked.

  She handed the tall one her assignment papers. "Misty, reporting for training."

  A chuckle went through them and she frowned. "Is something funny about that?"

  "No, nothing. Sorry about that. We're a little punch drunk from the exhaustive training. I'm Jake," the tall one said.

  He offered his hand and she shook it firmly earning her a surprised raise of an eyebrow from Jake.

  "I'm Dave," the one in the middle said.

  "And I'm Rob."

  She took them all in and understood their surprise at her being there. Jake was at least six feet two all hard muscle, angled jaw, piercing blue eyes. Dave, though shorter, packed as much muscle as Jake.

  He had brown eyes and a darker, tanned complexion than Jake’s. Rob eyed her up and down with blue eyes. Nice lips in a square jaw pulled into a tight grin. He crossed muscular arms over a ripped chest.

  Not an easy audience but she'd been known to turn around tougher in the past. Her five foot four frame would surprise them if she worked hard enough.

  "So, you're a medic?" Jake asked.

  "How did you pass the physical endurance tests?" Rob asked.

  "It doesn't matter how I passed all you need to know is that I did. Better be nice to me. I could save your life one of these days."

  She left them gaping after her as she pushed through the barrack doors and found the only empty bed there. She tossed her duffel bag on top and sat on the cot wondering what she'd gotten herself into.

  All she wanted to do was serve her country. Help the men and women who serve to come back home to their loved ones. To the country they proudly fight for.

  But if her own squad doubted her ability how would she prove to them she had what it takes? True, she couldn't carry one of them over her shoulder to safety. But there were other ways to get someone out of enemy territory. She knew how to fashion a makeshift hammock that she could pull over even terrain.

  A bell sounded signaling the start of their first exercise. She hurried out of the barracks and followed the men to the training field. Even though she was a medic she still needed to know hand to hand combat. You never knew when you would need to protect yourself or your patient from someone in hostile territory.

  The instructor blew a whistle calling everyone to attention. Misty scanned the people standing in a circle and a lump settled in her stomach when she noted she was the only woman.

  "I need everyone to pair up and try to attack each other," the instructor said.

  All eyes suddenly turned to her. She stood up straighter, glaring at each man in the eye. Jake finally stepped forward to be her partner.

  "I'll take it easy on you. Wouldn't want to hurt you."

  She gritted her teeth but said nothing.

  When the instructor blew his whistle again all the pairs started circling each other. She blocked out what everyone else was doing and focused on Jake.

  Before he started circling her he whisked off his top and tossed it on the ground. He grinned at her. Was he daring her to do the same thing? Fat chance.

  She took in his sculpted pecs, his firm abs. The line of hair that disappeared into the camouflage pants and she swallowed. He flexed his muscles as he moved, his gaze never leaving her face.

  She studied his face trying not to dwell on the muscled arms, the strong hands. Suddenly she wanted him to whisk off his pants so she could see his muscular thighs.

  She forced herself to stop thinking of him like a man and start thinking of him as an opponent. It was hard because every time she looked at him her gaze drifted to his chest. Her mind wandered to picturing him naked.

  While that might work if you were nervous and giving a speech in front of a crowd of people, now it just made her panties wet. Her breathing started to increase. He raised an eyebrow at her, moved slightly forward. She backed away.

  They could do this all day if he didn't make a move. She realized he wasn't going to try to attack her. Maybe he was waiting for her. Anger that he was treating her like a delicate flower raced through her. So she surged forward and he stepped easily out of the way.

  She almost fell but righted herself, turning around to prepare for another attack. He had turned to face her again. He looked bored. Like he had nothing to worry about. He wasn't even trying. Fresh anger simmered through her and she counted to ten like her mother had taught her.

  "What's wrong with you?" she asked when she finally reached ten.

  "What do you mean, darling?"

  "That. I'm not your darling. I'm a fellow soldier. Fight me."

  "I can't do that, soldier. I don't want to hurt you."

  "I can fight just as well as you can."

  "Really? I highly doubt that."

  Anger spurred her into action and she charged him again. He moved away at the last second sending her sprawling onto the ground. Her hands burned as they scraped over the pavement to break her fall. She squeezed her eyes closed against the pain and the sudden tears that wanted to spill down her cheeks.

  She jumped up off the ground and glared at him. She suspected if she requested another partner it would be the same thing. None of them would treat her like a soldier. They would treat her like some fragile doll to be looked at and not touched.

  How was she going to learn to be better if no one would fight her? Of course it didn't say on her assignment papers that she was captain of the women's wrestling team in high school. That she could fight off an attacker twice her size. When they finally gave her a shot she would have to show them.

  She spent the next hour in training circling Jake because the instructor didn't do anything to help her either. The other pairs were fighting, blocking blows, flipping each other over their shoulders.

  Jake eyed her like he wanted to be anywhere else. Every time they circled each other Jake’s eyes drifted up and down her body in a way that made her feel like a woman, not a soldier. She watched his hands as they flexed by his side, readying himself in case she charged again.

  She wondered what it would feel like to have those hands on her. Not in a training exercise way but in a soft caress meant to send excitement racing through her.

  When training was over she glared at all of them. Her team at least should have known better, should have helped her.

  "What is your problem?"

  "Whose problem?" Rob asked.

All of you. We're a team. A squad. How is one member of the squad supposed to get any better if the others won't help them?"

  Dave came over and touched her shoulder. A spark of awareness surged through her body. The sight of his muscled chest glistening with sweat make her knees weak.

  "Listen, we don't want to hurt you. Honestly, we doubt your ability to protect any of us in the field. "

  "And you think this too?" she looked at Jake and Rob.

  They nodded.

  "Look at you and look at us, Misty. Who would you think could better handle hand to hand combat in the field?

  "Looks can be deceiving."

  Her pussy pulsed with life as she watched them. Even the harsh looks on their faces caused a surge of awareness to course through her body. Seeing them without their shirts on wasn't enough.

  She wanted to see them completely naked, wondered if she would be able to sneak a peek at night when they all went to bed. Would any of them sleep naked? She hoped so. She cursed her body for reacting to them with lust instead of the anger she should be feeling.

  She imagined them flipping her onto her back and taking her hard. Who would fuck her first? She didn't care, she wanted to feel all three of them inside her. What the hell was wrong with her?

  She stormed off to the barracks to put her things away. It was clear she would have to find a way to prove to them that she could do anything that they could do.

  That night when they were all in their cots and lights out had been called she lay awake listening to their deep even breathing. Were they all asleep? Were they pretending?

  Secretly she wanted them to come to her bed and have their way with her. She wanted to feel their cocks filling every hole. Wanted to come hard as they came inside her. The thought of them naked, plunging into her, caused her to breathe faster.

  They wouldn't even fight with her to help with training. There was no way they would fuck her hard and fast. They were afraid they would break her. She drifted to sleep with thoughts of them racing through her mind.


  The dream was so powerful, the orgasm crashing through her body so fierce, it woke her up. She’d been having a dream that they were taking turns fucking her. Her body still pulsed with release. She sucked in breaths of air, the sound of sirens finally penetrating her dream filled haze.

  She bolted out of bed and raced to the wall to hit the lights. She scanned the room looking for her squad mates. The rest of the beds were empty. The alarm continued to blare spurring her into action.

  She needed her medical bag before she could search the surrounding area for the guys. Fear that something had happened to one of them sliced through her.

  She rummaged through her things to find her medical bag at the bottom. After this she would keep it by her bed at all times so it would be ready at a moment's notice.

  She yanked on her uniform, grabbed her bag and hurried out of the barracks. None of the other building had any activity. Lights remained out down the row of housing. Hers blazed bright in the night, a beacon for safety.

  But where were the rest of her squad? What had set off the alarm to begin with? Why wasn't everyone milling about waiting for instructions?

  She did a quick perimeter search of the area and spotted prints in the mud leading away from the barracks. She hurried back into the room to find a flashlight. If she was going to venture away from the camp she needed to be able to see.

  She tested the flashlight, flicking it on full then began picking her way through the grass, keeping her eye on the tracks. In the dark she couldn't tell if there were drag marks. Couldn't tell if someone was hurt.

  A chill in the night air sent a shiver through her. The remnants of her orgasm long gone now, her body now tingled with the adrenaline of danger. What would she find out there?

  The thought that any of them were hurt spurred her faster. Images of them bleeding and broken sent fear racing through her. Heart pumping faster, she sped to a jog, swinging the flashlight across her path to make sure she didn't trip on anything.

  She chanced a glance over her shoulder to see if anyone was following her. The eerie quiet of the rest of the site bothered her.

  What if everyone was somehow incapacitated and she was the only one awake and able to walk? How had something happened in such a well guarded base?

  What had happened? She still didn't know what the alarm was warning them of. Was it a drill? But if it had been a drill someone would have been outside with a stopwatch to see how well they performed.

  She pushed all thoughts except finding her squad out of her mind. She raced faster, almost falling over an old log. She righted herself before she could fall and continued through the grass until she reached the edge of the woods surrounding the base.

  The dense trees could hide any number of animals or someone trying to infiltrate the base. She swung the flashlight up and across the trees. No movement didn't mean nothing lurked in the forest.

  She shoved fear for herself aside and walked closer to the line of trees. After a deep breath she plunged through the wall of leaves and into the woods. Narrow paths shot out in all directions giving her no clue which way she should go.

  She ran the flashlight beam along the forest floor to see which path looked more trampled. She picked one on the right and followed it deeper into the trees.

  "Jake? Are you out here?" Silence greeted her. "Rob? Dave?"

  She kept walking, the crunch of the underbrush the only sound for a few minutes. As she got deeper into the woods she heard hushed whispers. She followed the sound for a minute but then the woods were silent again. She stopped, listened.

  The whispers started again and she turned slightly left and kept walking.

  Finally she burst through another group of trees to a small clearing. In the middle of the clearing sitting on an old bus seat covered with a blanket were Jake, Dave and Rob. They chugged cans of beer and shoved each other when one of them got too loud.

  Misty stormed over, glaring at each of them in turn.

  "What the hell guys!"

  They burst out laughing.

  "Man, you look hilarious standing there all avenging angel." Rob drained his beer and tossed the empty can at his feet.

  "You think this is funny?"

  "Relax, we were just playing a prank. Everything's fine." Jake smiled at her.

  Though the sight of him usually made her panties wet, anger simmered through her body so hot she didn't think she'd be having anymore orgasmic dreams about him for a while.

  "Fine? So nothing's wrong? No one is hurt or in danger?"

  "No one is hurt or in danger," Dave confirmed.

  Her shoulders slumped forward. She couldn't help but think if she was a guy they wouldn't be hanging out here drinking beer and laughing at her expense.

  "You are a bunch of assholes." She spun on her heal to go back to the barracks. "You nearly gave me a heart attack."

  "If that gives you a heart attack you aren't prepared for combat," Jake said.

  She sucked in a breath, squeezed her eyes closed to fight back the tears. A sob escaped her lips despite her efforts. She could take the teasing. The fact that no one would fight her because she was a girl.

  There were other ways to improve her combat skills. But to have them do this, make her worry about them when nothing was wrong. She shook her head and let the tears stream down her face. Her shoulders shook with her crying.

  "Oh man, don't cry." A note of regret in Rob's voice comforted her a little.

  "We care about you too. Really. We're sorry." Jake's apology tumbled out of his mouth at double speed.

  She ignored them and started to walk back through the woods.

  "Wait, please don't cry. We're sorry." Dave wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

  She stiffened at first not wanting to let them off the hook that easily but the warmth of his body seeping into hers triggered a tingle of sensation that raced through her.

  Since she first met them she'd fantasi
zed about a moment like this. Alone with all three of them, an embrace that leads to so much more.

  "Why did you do it?"

  Jake and Rob stood in front of her now in an attempt to keep her in the woods with them. The moonlight provided enough light to see them clearly. Their t-shirts hugged their chests perfectly.

  Her pulse raced picturing the muscles underneath.

  "It was stupid. We're really sorry. It won't happen again." Jake said.


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