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Discarded by Fate

Page 20

by Morgan Kelley

  That had to be embarrassing. Gabe was a pro at dressing down jackassery. She’d learned from the best. He’d trained her.

  The detective raised his hand.

  “Yes? Do you need to go to the lavatory?” she asked.


  “You’re not in school. It seems like the fine employees in Boston have forgotten that.”

  The doctor ignored her.

  The detective…he looked confused, so she elaborated for him.

  “I’d like to think we’re all adults here. Well, most of us,” she said, looking at Callen.


  “Anyway, Detective, what did you want to say?” she asked him.

  “I found the other girl, or I think I did,” he offered, handing Chris Leonard the paper so he could check out the tattoo to compare it. “Her roommate called in the missing person report.”

  “Is she another student?” Callen asked.

  “No. She’s a hooker. The only reason I know that is because they attached a list of her rap sheet. They must have assumed that she had a bad end to her life.”

  Well, that happened when you hooked for a living, or stole, or did drugs.

  Elizabeth read over Chris’s shoulder, crowding him. Her chin was on his shoulder, and she was all over his personal space.

  He glanced over at her. “Inpatient much?”

  She grinned. “I’m all amped up on possibly having two victims ID’d in the first day. This is like Christmas morning in my world.”

  “That says a lot about you,” he teased. “Most ladies like jewelry.”

  “I’m not most,” she said.

  She had that right.

  “Well, is it her?” she asked, still crowding him. They’d been like this in their youth, and it was really nice to be able to be herself. Chris had a special place in her heart, and she’d used that contact in the past to help her through things.

  It was cathartic.

  It was loving.

  It was…them.

  He flipped through the paper and the photos. “Merry Investigator’s Christmas. I’ll confirm it. She has that tattoo on the back of her leg. It’s her.”

  Well, this was one hell of a gift and a conundrum.

  They had a Harvard student.

  And a hooker.

  The hard part was about to begin. They were going to have to find a way to connect them. Elizabeth was going to bet that this was, more than likely, some random thing.

  “Okay, so we have two ID’s and I can begin doing my thing.”

  Just as she was about to continue, the morgue door opened, and two very disheveled people strolled into the room.

  Ivan looked miserable.

  Blue looked tired.

  “Uh, did you two wrestle with some giant dust bunny? You’re covered in…is that webs?”

  “Uh, yes, ma’am. Like I told you in my email, we found the tunnel, and we took a little trip underground to see if we could find anything.”

  Well, that worked for her.

  “Spill it,” she said, making a cup of coffee.

  Another one.

  It had been a long day already, and it didn’t look close to being done.

  “Well, after we found tunnels under the place, we headed down.”

  “Yes, these are from ‘The Underground Railroad’, correct?” Elizabeth asked, without batting an eyelash.

  “Yes, and they only run under the carriage house that you were staying in. From researching, the slaves were brought there, loaded up in a cart, and transported—likely under the cover of night.”

  She was with them so far.

  “When we went down there, now against my better judgment, we found something.”

  She heard the tone.

  Something was up.

  Elizabeth was going to do her own investigating.

  “Did you crawl through the cobwebs for me?” she asked, checking them both out. “I’m a lucky boss.”

  Ivan didn’t say a word.

  WHICH—was odd to say the least.

  “We did, boss, and we found something.”

  Blue pulled the watch wrapped in a rubber glove out of her pocket. “We found this in the tunnel. It’s a Rolex. We don’t know if the killer left it or if it had once belonged to one of the victims.”

  “Good work, Blue,” Elizabeth stated.

  Day one, and they had IDs, and now this. It’s like her luck had really changed.

  Chris was intrigued. He loved a Rolex.

  “May I?” he asked, as Christina held the bag out for the woman.

  “It was at the bottom of a sand pit, and I had to grab it pretty fast. My DNA is going to be on it. I didn’t have a choice,” she said, clarifying that it wasn’t a screw up.

  She told them about the sinkhole.

  “Risky,” Elizabeth said. “Oh, and stupid. Ivan, you should know better.”

  He took the dressing down.

  “It was my idea, Director,” Blue said, taking the heat. “He repeatedly told me the same thing. I wanted to retrieve it before it was lost forever.”

  Ivan glanced over.

  She defended him when she didn’t have to do it. It took him by surprise.

  “Still, he knows not to risk his life.”

  “I’m difficult to stop,” she said. “I was hellbent on it, and he followed me to keep me safe. It’s on me, boss, not him.”

  She watched the interplay.

  Yeah, Ivan was in over his head. Elizabeth could see it.

  “Duly noted,” Elizabeth stated. Truth be told, she was proud of her agent. When you worked on a team, it wasn’t everyone for themselves. You had to be able to take the heat.

  Blue could do just that.

  “I can pull your DNA,” Christina offered. “Sometimes, you have to break protocol.”

  Christina passed it off to the ME.

  Chris studied it.

  “This likely belongs to the first victim, Tajel West. It has a TW on the back, and ‘Love, Daddy’. It confirms that the ID of this victim is likely correct.”

  “What can you tell me about it?” she asked. “The women had no clothes, so why did the killer walk around with this in his pocket?”

  Chris thought about that.

  “Well, it’s a pricey piece. It probably cost about eight grand—give or take a couple hundred. It’s a modest piece.”

  “And now your ME is acting as a jeweler,” stated Doctor Julliard. “Great.”

  “Actually, he’s the owner of a Rolex,” Elizabeth stated. “You might have noticed that big watch on his wrist. It’s been there for a long time. I asked him because he’s knowledgeable. Don’t worry, Doctor, no one will be accusing you of that.”

  It shut her up.

  Chris grinned at her. “Shall I continue?” he asked.

  “Please do.”

  Callen was making notes.

  “Your killer either loves a Rolex, kept it as a trophy, or was going to pawn it. So, collector, sicko, or broke ass bitch. You choose.”

  She snorted. “Gee, where do I go first?”

  He handed it back to her.

  “So did we do good?” Ivan finally asked. “I’m asking to rationalize that dark, spider-filled tunnel—not for accolades. If it wasn’t helpful, I’m going to have nightmares.”

  Elizabeth laughed. “Yeah, it gives us a leg up on this one. Until you found the watch, there was a chance this wasn’t Tajel. Now we can notify without worrying.”

  Then she told them who the victim’s father was.

  Ivan whistled. “He is going to flip his ever-loving shit all over DC.”

  Elizabeth lifted a brow.

  “You know him?” she asked.

  “Oh, you can say that. I have personal experience with him. Dorian West is not going to take this one well. He was one of security details worst people to watch. I’ve done the duty, and it sucks.”


  “Well, he spouts whatever he wants, he doesn’t care if someone takes a shot at him
, and he expects us to be expendable. I’m glad I’m off that security detail, and that’s saying a lot since people shoot at you all the time.”

  Yeah, she totally got it.

  She didn’t blame him either.

  “He didn’t make friends,” Ivan stated. “You know how they say politicians are in the pockets of the powerful?” he stated.


  He stared at her.

  Elizabeth got it. The man might have had enemies.

  “Well, good work to both of you. I tell you what. Why don’t you head back to our new hotel and clean up? You earned it for tonight.”

  Callen stared at Ivan. “You did get us a secure location, right? Or will this waking with the dead be a habit?”

  He rolled his eyes.

  “Come on! She’s said worse to you.”

  Yeah, he was aware. Only, his mood was shitty. Ivan still felt like an asshole over what he did to Blue—now that she’d covered for him—he felt worse.

  “Her sarcasm I don’t mind. Yours…save it for your security guy.”

  Callen grinned.

  “I would appreciate getting cleaned up, Director,” Blue stated. “I can work from my room, once I’m de-webbed. I feel like things are crawling on me.”

  She could only imagine.

  “I’ll start doing searches on the victims. I can start with social media. Maybe our hooker was promoting online for dates.”

  Yeah, Blue was a good addition to the team.

  “Thank you,” she stated. “For the rest of you, see Ivan for room assignments. Callen, get ours. We are heading out. I don’t want to waste the day. We’ll hit up victim two’s roommate. While the big guys handle the congressman, we’ll deal with the other victim.”

  Ivan began giving out information to the team. While normally, this was NOT his job, he did owe them one. They’d found a body in their room. Ivan knew that Elizabeth, or worse, Ethan, could have dismissed him from the security duty.

  Elizabeth headed toward Chris. “Are you heading back to the hotel?” she asked.

  “Yeah, after I get my paperwork done. I need at least another hour or so. I have to send the report to Ethan.”

  Ivan headed over. “I have your room,” he said to Chris.

  “Oh, okay.”

  Elizabeth stopped Ivan. She heard the displeasure in Chris’s voice.

  “Did you get a double room for Ethan, Callen, and myself?” she asked.

  “Yeah, like you always request. Why?”

  “We won’t need Chris’s room. He’ll bunk with us. It’ll make it easier since I can pump him for information whenever the mood strikes.”


  “Why don’t you take the room?” she offered. “I know you security guys double up. Since you found the tunnel and watch, the least you can do is have a private room.”

  He would love that.

  It was odd to have any privacy as part of the Blackhawk security detail. While they didn’t mind bunking with others, he did. Call him crazy, but the years in the Marines made him appreciate space.

  He made an adjustment to his paper and handed Chris the information.

  “Thank you,” Chris offered, his mood improving. He preferred being near Elizabeth. There was something about having dinner as a family, having coffee as a family, and not being alone. Chris was pretty sure he couldn’t have this for the rest of his life, but for now, he’d take it.

  It wasn’t like he was going to be bringing a girl back to the room. Despite everyone telling him to get back on the horse, he wasn’t ready.

  Not even close.

  “Well, you’re welcome,” Ivan offered. “His security detail will give him space. If you give me thirty minutes, I can head to the hotel, clean up, and be back on your tail.”

  She laughed. “Uh, don’t we have Callen’s guy somewhere?” she asked.

  “Yeah, you do. He’s in the hall outside.”

  “Well, then I think that should be sufficient, don’t you?” Elizabeth asked. “Go catch some sleep. You were up all night playing guard.”

  “Well, at least with this hotel, it has ten floors, and you’re at the top. Trap doors my ass.”

  She snorted.

  “Way to find the silver lining on this one. Now we just have to look out for a killer rappelling from a helicopter with a body.”

  He stared at her.

  “I was kidding,” she teased.

  “Now I have to worry about that. You put it out in the universe.”

  She snorted.

  “Well, at least you have this one under control,” she stated. “Head out. I have Callen watching me, and his guy. Get some rest.”

  He would.

  He was having serious issues. As he looked around the room, Blue was already gone.

  “Who are you looking for?” she asked.

  “Apparently, no one.”

  He walked away grumbling.

  When Callen approached her, she was deep in thought. He could tell by the look on her face.

  “Uh oh.”

  “What?” she asked, as she grabbed her things.

  “You have that look. I haven’t seen it in a while, but I’d know it anywhere.”

  “What look?” she asked.

  “The cupid look.”

  That made her laugh.

  “Who are you setting up?” he asked. “No, wait, let me guess. I know it won’t be Johanna. She’s married. It won’t be Chrissy, she’s not only married but having Kane’s baby. All the techs are male and there aren’t enough women on the team. The only ones who are left are Chris, Ivan, and Blue. I know you won’t set Chris up because we have a bet going. So, by process of elimination, I already know who Cupid is targeting.”

  “Well, if you say so. I guess I can work my Cupid magic. I’ve been on a roll.”

  He rolled his eyes.

  “I wasn’t giving you permission. I was pointing out a fact.”

  “How about you just drive, and you let me handle the Cupid part of my life? In fact, can you handle the ‘plan dinner for your wife’ part? I didn’t get my bacon this morning, and the day has been downhill since then.”

  Well, if she insisted.

  He could do that.

  “Pizza?” he asked. “You can have bacon on it.”

  “Works for me.”

  “Chris!” he shouted over his shoulder. “Pizza? Or do you want Chinese?”

  “Whatever! I’m easy!”

  “Pizza it is. We’ll text you when it is ordered,” he stated.

  They headed out.

  “Well, tonight should be a calm night in our room after the interview.”

  Yeah, she agreed.

  “I kind of feel bad about Ethan having to do that notify. I hope he doesn’t get upset or feel like I dumped the shit work on him. I just can’t leave Boston right now.”

  Callen dropped his arm over her shoulder.

  “He won’t. He’ll just take it out on you later when he gets you naked.”

  “Yippee. I’ll have to piss him off more.”

  Callen laughed. “Yeah, don’t do that.”

  She winked.

  Oh, Elizabeth didn’t have to try. She had one hell of a knack.

  It was a gift.

  * * * B l a c k h a w k - W h i t e f o x * * *

  Sunday Late Afternoon

  Washington DC

  Fort Whitefox-Blackhawk

  When they landed, neither Blackhawk said a word. Earlier, Ethan had already set the stage for the next part of the plan. He’d been a Fed for a long time, and he knew how to out maneuver someone.

  God knew he’d done it to Gabe for years. This was going to be easier. His father didn’t have a chance.

  As Ethan led his father out of the airport, he was pleased the man wasn’t being rowdy. He’d given him the option of being handcuffed or walking free of his own recognizance like a normal person.

  Wyler, wisely, chose the latter.

  Ethan wasn’t surprised. Since their talk, he c
ould hear the wheels in his head spinning. The man was evaluating everything he’d said about Callen, about Elizabeth, and about TJ. If anything, the Blackhawk men were consistent.

  Momentarily, they might lose their minds, but they eventually came around.


  So, he was putting his money on his father. He’d figure it out.

  In the parking area, he hopped into the limo, waiting for Wyler to join him. They were going to head home, and he was going to prep for his flight to get to his wife.

  He missed her.

  And Callen.

  Plus, he had this uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach. Something bad was coming. He could feel it.

  Once he got in the air, again, he’d feel better.

  As they were about five minutes from the fort, his phone rang.

  “Yes, Gabe?”

  “We have to take a little trip. What are you doing right now?” he asked. “I know the jet landed. I got the alert from your head of security that you were on the move.”

  “I have him.”

  Gabe knew who HIM was since he also got a report from the pilot on how many passengers left and returned.

  “What are you doing after you dump him?” he asked. There was no way he was doing this notify alone.




  Misery loved company.

  “Why?” Ethan asked.

  Gabe told him about the call from Elizabeth, what had turned up, and how they were tagged in to be diplomatic—something she was not.

  “Oh, shit!”

  “Yeah, and I’m not doing this alone. If we both go, you can play the calm one, and I’ll play the neurotic freaked out one.”

  “So basically, yourself.”

  “HAR HAR.”

  Ethan didn’t laugh.

  That told Gabe everything he needed to know about the whole situation. He was stressed, and he didn’t blame the man.

  “Is it bad?”

  “Yes. I have my doubts.”

  “He’s right there?”


  “Okay, handle your problem, and I’ll come get you. I’m guessing tomorrow you’re heading to Boston.”

  “Yeah, that’s the plan. I don’t want Callen and Elizabeth chasing this nut job without me. They need my profile and to have their backs.”

  “Agreed. I’ll be there in a bit. Trust the plan, son. It will work. I’ve known your family a long time.”


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